Science! in Equestria 510 members · 546 stories
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Group Admin

I know I should have made this thread a while ago, but it always slipped my mind. For far too long. However, the rules are short and simple:
1) Don't call out people or groups.
If you have a problem with person <x> or group <y>, deal with them in your blog. It matters not if the subjects concerns science or not. This is not a shoutboard nor a battleground. If you feel like the subject is important to be shared with as many participants as possible, then you're posting in the wrong group. You will only get one single warning before admins execute ban.

2) Main focus of this group is Science in Equestria
As the title says... Other topics are allowed here, of course, but keep in mind, that the main focus of this how things work in Equestria; scientific methods, magic, and usage of magic in scientific methods. And others.

3) Don't be a jerk.
Seriously, don't.

If you have question, ask in this thread, or PM any admin for clarification.

Current admins:
Elric of Melnipony


Incidentally, worth noting:

Attacking other users on FIMFiction is against the site rules and may result in a site-wide ban.

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