Human in Equestria 16,887 members · 17,082 stories
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I've read a hundred fanfictions about it, and it got me thinking. Who would really win in a fight? Personally, I think ponies would win because horses are bigger than humans and also stronger and they have magic. Celestia could just kill everyone with lasers if she really wanted to so humans can't win no matter what and also she controls the sun so nukes wouldn't work on her because the sun is powered by fusion just like nukes. Ponies can also fly and are stronger than humans because of magic and also they have unicorn magic and can control lightning. Also every species on Equestria would team up and humans would never team up because they're ALWAYS fighting. Ponies: 1 Humans: 0

Um okay, first of all, they're ponies not horses you foolish fool. And Celestia couldn't even do that cuz she'd be dead from a sniper bullet in the brain plus Celestia was already beaten by lazers which the US military has on boats, and the US military is also the best and would win.

Ponies can't fly faster than jets except Rainbow Dash who would also be dead from a sniper bullet in the brain. Magic is weaker then bullets and humans are always fighting meaning they're betta at it than stupid old horses, plus, ponies eat tree stars, which are nothing compared to eggs.

5144157 Oh boy, this is going to be one of those threads, isn't it? :unsuresweetie:

I know right, what a fool

5144163 It's probably just a troll post, so don't take it seriously. :trixieshiftright:

Stop shit posting.

Ponies in Equestria are as big, if not bigger than real life horses and also that means Celestia is even bigger and she definitely wouldn't get killed by a sniper bullet because she'd just dodge it or use magic to block it then the sniper would be dead because she'd crush his head and Rainbow dash too. Also boats are bad because the ponies can just sink them with storms which THEY control. Plus the US military isn't even as good as the Imperial japanese Army and they would have won WW2 if the US didn't cheat and use german bombs. Besides, ponies CAN eat eggs and meat, they just don't because they know it's bad for you.

Shut your mouth, you dumb idiot.

5144168 and a good day to you too! :pinkiesmile:


Righteous nuclear fire cleanses all.

Bait bate baet bait bate

Arxsys #11 · Mar 31st, 2016 · · 1 ·

So, what color are your favorite paint chips?:facehoof:

You leaf-loving, Bush-burping, Stem-smelling, Garden-gorging, Plant-popping, tree-tasting,
Dirt-devouring beast!

Uh no, didn't you see this?
horses already got compared to ponies.

I already said bullets are stronger than magic, idiot, and she can't dodge what she can't see. The ponies can't make storms if there getting shot by boat lasers, idiot. The US would've won still but they were merciful and just decided to bimb the shit out of them. And ponies cannot eat eggs because they're exactly what I called you at the beginning of this comment

I already explained that Celestia can control nuclear explosions, so the only things it would cleanse is dirty humans

5144188 Celestia controls the movement of a celestial body made up mainly of plasma, she does not control the nuclear reactions inside of it.

Ponies CAN eat eggs and they probbaly do it all the time, so shut up about tghat already. Also that picture isn't accurate at all they could be giant like this.
And lasers can't shoot through clouds because the light would be refracted away so the ponies would win that fight hooves down. And the US would have lost against Japan but Japan wasn't even trying, US just took it too seriously. and bullets stronger than magic? SERIOUSLY! Magic is called magic because it's the strongest. Why do you think it always is the strongest in every movie/show/and game because it's OP! Basically humans wouldn't stand a chance. Also, Equestria is bigger than the US so their army would be bigger as well.

Clearly you haven't done your research. Do you even know how the sun works? Didn't think so. I bet you still think Equestria's flat.


You, stop talking, and you 5144161 should feel bad for entertaining him.

If you're just gonna shit post, don't bother. This is a serious thread.

5144195 I just told you how the sun works you feg, and Equestria don't real so Eff Yu.

(That's my cop-out since I din't really have the patience for these things.)

The picture is from the show idiot, and they can't cuz they're dumb herbyvores. Clouds don't do that idiot, lazers>clouds and also the US said they would win and America is number one. No, magic is magical, not strong, if I was fighting a bad guy, ID rather have a gun than horse magic. Plus, the US is waaaaaaaaaay bigger than Equestria you dolt.

No need to be so rude, man. If you don't have a good argument, get out of MY thread.

5144157 leave them gluten-free cookies at home, ain't nobody gonna eat that shit.

5144203 It's either trolling or GD; both are funny to watch.

5144196 I'm half wondering if there are two browser windows open with different logins. That or I need to upgrade this from the OP eating paint chips, and into child of thalidomide territory. :ajbemused:

Equestria is as big as an entire North and South America and one pony is probably like as storng as 100 US soldiers so they outclass humans in every way, and that picture was photoshopped you imbicile! Magic is MAGIC. It's basically all powerful. I ought to shoot you with a magic missile to prove my point, but, sadly, I'm a human too. Lasers don't even work on clouds because the water in the clouds would disort the light molecules. Guns don't work against magic shields and they could just use telekensis to kill the person with the gun so it's easy for the ponies to win.

I would be ashamed to be that guy.

Wow, Lolcats, is it 1980 still? ROFL

Don't compare me to that dumb idiot.


nto child of thalidomide territory.

Now THAT is a vintage reference, well picked.

Fools always resort to petty insults in the face of real arguments.

5144214 see

Equestria is as big as an entire North and South America and one pony is probably like as storng as 100 US soldiers so they outclass humans in every way,

that makes me think trolling but

Fools always resort to petty insults in the face of real arguments.

Has taken me back to GD.

ring ring, 1970 called, it wants you to send it's memes back.

No it isn't and no they aren't retard. Plus it wasn't Photoshop I saw it on the show so ha. Magic isn't all powerful at all, there have been very clear limitations set upon the average Pony, in fact the only ponies we've seen show legitimately threatening magical capabilities outside of the mane six are Starlight Glimmer, Shining Armor, and the princesses. Lazers > clouds idiot. Guns could totally pentrate a magical shield since Changelings could just by bumping into it. Telekinesis is also weaker than guns.

Now, normally I would recommend you go with the cutting hangulations that you know, the heat of the meat being directly proportional to the angle of the dangle and the mass of the ass; however, in this case, we just don't know.

Damn, time flies fast backwards doesn't it?

5144217 :twilightsmile: *old man voice* back in my day, it was included in history lessons in high school. Funny that I can remember the context but not the goal of that lesson. 15 years later I still have Billy Idol's "We didn't start the fire" memorized since it was part of the lesson. Probably something about compressing history in a way that is hard to forget.

Changelingas are as big as ponies, IE flying horses. Those would do WAY more damage than puny guns. Ponies could just sue lasers at the boat idiot and don't call me retarded because I'm not. I've watched the show a dozen times and never scene that part so clearly you're making it up or smoking something, which makes me think you're probably a worthless druggy. Also, ponies would probably eat humans if there was a war because horses CAN eat meat but they don't because grass is easier. And they only limit themselves in the show to make earth ponies feel better about themselves for not having real magic but unicorns still the strongest so HA!!

You're not funny with you're old memes, pal!

Except guns produce more force than lame old ponies. Idiot, if you were paying attention in season 2 you'd have seen the horses. Plus, we'd just battle their lazers with our better stronger lazers, haven't you ever seen Dragon Ball Z? But meat comes naturally to humans and horses would lose in a fight. And that last part isn't even true IDIOT.

It is true, you're the idiot, not me. YOU! I don't watch Dragon Ball Z because I only watch good anime like Code Lyoko, not that lame seasonal baby's first anime. Besides horses in equestria have been around for thousands of years, while humans have only been around for 2 thousand years so they've probably eaten meat for much longer. Little pee shooters couldn't break a force field and probably wouldn't even kill a pony in one shot and also Rainbow Dash and all ponies can probably break the sound barrier so they can beat airplanes but most ponies don't train all the time but if there was a war they'd kill jets because they're more agile and can hide in the clouds.

You're too old for this website, so bugger off.


Bazookas > ponies. End of story. Plus you're stupid.

I bet you're the kind of idiot who writes land before time fanfics


15 years later I still have Billy Idol's "We didn't start the fire" memorized since it was part of the lesson.

Yeah I think that goes for nearly everyone, that's where I know from anyway.


I bet you're the kind of idiot who writes land before time fanficsI

Yeah, so.
I bet you write stupid stories about depressed ponies like a tryhard edgelord. And Dragon Ball Z is trash much like most of your argument so far. Bazookas can just get psychicly grabbed from the air. and the Earth is only 2000 years old. The year is 2016, not 6016, you moron.

Now there's something we can agree on.

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