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So many fics allow Twilight and company get away with murder (usually figuratively..) and Celestia just gives a disappointed scowl. No matter how badly they seem to screw up she always seems to give them a slap on the hoof rather then let them face the consequences. So what happens when they badly injure a human and are finally held accountable not in Equestrian courts but in a human one. Celestia getting a notice to send a lawyer to represent them, and a warning that trying to stage a rescue would only be admission of guilt and likely an act of war.

Many think she would go in guns blazing but she has had to choose between someone she cares deeply about and Equestria and she chose Equestria. She will always chooses Equestria. So when the Elements see her come and expect her to wave her horn and make it all go away. She simply says...... "Your not worth it..." but that's only part of the problem seeing that the elements expect her to save them after nearly starting a war? It would be an eye opener and make her realize maybe she should have been tougher on them... maybe even held them to a higher standard. She would likely shelter much of the blame on herself.

No humans coming in guns blazing just a trial that will make an example of them, the Equestrians torn to shreds by lawyers. All infront of other representatives from other country's on Equis. We don't need war to show we are better, we just need to show our "Rule of Law". I would like to hear thoughts on this.

Comment posted by Kyuubi325 deleted Sep 25th, 2017

I'd read a fic like that. But it does make sense. If Earth and Equestria were allies, and in some random event one or multiple people were harmed by the elements, they go to court and face a legit trial and try to defend themselves. Get slapped with the 'untrained' group of civilians accusation, they would get in a heap of trouble.

Which fiction!?
Sounds like something I wanna read!:pinkiehappy:

I would so wanna read a story like that!!!:pinkiehappy:
I totally agree.


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one that’s both sick of seeing this and think it’d be a hell of an interesting story to read, so long as someone does it right. Because this idea is something that I wish the show would touch on; that the Mane Six aren’t above consequences for their actions and that Celestia, with her position of ruler, cannot always bail them out of whatever trouble they get themselves into.

This could also be a good “Deconstruction Fic”; let’s face it, the other sole thing responsible for the six getting away with so much, besides Celestia, is their protagonist-centered morality. “Oh, these are the Elements of Harmony; it’s okay that they did something mean, rude or horrible, they’re heroes and shouldn’t be punished for one mistake!” Them being heroes wouldn’t abdicate them from their crime in our world and it would, no doubt, lead to confusion and probably anger from other ponies at first. Why? Because everypony is used to them doing this shit. It’s only once the human lawyers start tearing into them about their conduct, it’d be that “wait a minute” moment for those they interact with on a daily basis. I think it’d give everypony a chance to really think and remember all the shit they’ve pulled and how there were no repercussions at all for it.

This would be their “oh shit” realization that the Mane Six have and do get away with a lot. And that it isn’t okay nor has it ever been okay.

I would also not want it to end with a slap on the hoof like so many other fics. I'm tired of "Sowwy mr human we treated you like an animal/science experient. Can still be friends?" No I want Twilight to see what it's like for the other 99% of ponys and other races who don't have the luxury of a princess to bail them out.

Imagine that look of defeat that comes with the realization the jury has already desided you guilty and your attempts to explain what you learned from this weeks "Friendship Lesson" doesn't save you from a room of concrete and bars. Celestia would likely try to negotiate her return knowing the other elements are a lost cause. But depending on the severity she might have to disown her to begin the long process of repairing the damage.

It would be sad but it would be refreshing to see a fic that doesn't end with Twilight and company not facing the ramifications of their actions.


Exactly. It’d be a slap of reality to the face for the Mane Six but a necessary one, not just for their own sake’s but Equestria’s.

They are important figures in Equestria and with that, comes certain responsibilities and restrictions to how they can act. Not only that, but they represent the “Elements of Harmony”; the very fundamentals that their country was founded and still lives by. If they fuck up in a reprehensible manner, what does that tell other countries about Equestria? Their actions aren’t just their own anymore in diplomatic situations, which we got a glimpse of in “Party Pooped” when the Yaks almost declared war on Equestria because of Twilight’s actions. They are at the risk of putting Equestria’s good name under fire with every interaction they have with other civilizations, but never seem to understand the gravity of this burden.

A trial and a guilty verdict are not ideal circumstances for them to learn this, but a harsh enough one for the lesson to stick. Celestia disowning Twilight from being a princess would be the cherry on top for her learning that she is not above consequences, in fact, making her realize she’s more susceptible to them than anything. As a ruler, her every action is scrutinized and judged; Twilight rarely uses her princess power to achieve much of anything in the show, so much so, that she acts just like how she was when she was just Celestia’s student. Which is bad. Like it or not, she now has an image to keep up for the sake of her country. By causing deliberate harm to a another member of a race for the pursuit of “Friendship”, Twilight would be painting how ponies see friendship in such a negative and evil light. Something Celestia cannot disprove and still let her keep her power.

This site really does need more works with the Mane Six being held accountable for whatever hurtful thing they may do and not just have it be “water under the bridge”.

So many people allow America and company get away with murder (usually literally) and the UN just gives a disappointed scowl. No matter how badly they seem to screw up it always seems to give them a slap on the hand rather then let them face the consequences. So what happens when they badly injure a human and are finally held accountable not in international courts but in an African or Arab one. The president getting a notice to send a lawyer to represent them, and a warning that trying to stage a rescue would only be admission of guilt and likely an act of war.

No humans coming in guns blazing just a trial that will make an example of them, the Americans torn to shreds by lawyers. All infront of other representatives from other country's on Earth. We don't need war to show we are better, we just need to show their "Rule of Law". I would like to hear thoughts on this.


sorry, had to put that in. But yeah, seems interesting. She would definitely have to shoulder a lot of the blame herself, if not right off the bat, then have it pointed out to her. After all, she was the one who chose to throw a bunch of untrained teenaged girls against these terrible threats that put the entire world in danger.

6129353 There's a fiction called "How Many Friends Have You Made Today?" by Sarcastic Brony that has Anon being basically bullied, hurt, and/or pushed around by the mane six. Fortunately, Anon's more close to the princesses than any pony. Most of them gets a decent punishment (except Pinkie because she was the only cool one)

It's not a Human allied with Equestria story, but I thought of it when I read the OP

It's nice to finally see some justice dished out.

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