• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2015
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Perfectly Insane

I've been writing for, like, 8 years, and I still don't know what I'm doing. https://ko-fi.com/perfectlyinsane

More Blog Posts27

  • 5 weeks
    ADSC fan chapters :D

    Yahallo! So, recently I deleted my side stories for adsc. Not because I wanted to stop them, but actually because I didn't write as many side stories as I thought I would and couldn't justify having one. Instead, I've decided to open up the fic for fan made side stories! What this means is that fans can submit chapters that will be marked as side stories, and they can be pretty much anything!

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  • 16 weeks
    dedicated illustrator.

    Hello! So, for my main fic, I have a few goals for it in mind, that being to have a reading of it, to reach 1m words, and to have 1k upvotes. All of which I am fairly confident I can reach at some point if I keep writing the way I am. I also currently have three dedicated prereaders/editors who have done invaluable help and work in making the fic what it is. One of the last things I'd like for

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  • 17 weeks

    Hello! I wanted to say that I got more than enough to pay my tuition and be able to feed myself, and I've thanked each and every individual I could whos been generous enough to provide. Once again, thank all of you for getting me through these hard times. I'll actually afford to graduate now. It means so much to me. :)

    4 comments · 112 views
  • 42 weeks
    ADSC art archive.

    Yahallo! This blog will serve the purpose of archiving every piece of art I have/get for my main fic, whether fanart or paid for. Some will be spoilers, others are just cute. As art tends to be.

    Piece one: The current cover art, done by the lovely Zettai

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  • 69 weeks
    300 updoots! :D

    Hello! Main fic just hit 300 upvotes, which makes me really happy considering it only has 16 downvotes along with making it my second most upvoted fic. It'll take roughly another hundred to become my most upvoted, but even so that's still much more than I expected it'd ever get. In celebration, I threw some shekels at someone to illustrate one of my favorite scenes (so far).

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Anthro vs non-Antrho. · 3:28am Jun 18th, 2022

Yahallo! Been quite a while since I've made a blog, mostly because I just assume people don't really read them anymore unless it's drama related or somebody's bashing a flaw fimfic has as a website or something like that. I don't expect this one to get any attention at all, and would be surprised if it got more than a handful of comments. But it's 11:01 pm where I am, I have run out of games to play and burned through my watchlist once again, and this topic has been on my mind for the better part of two or three months despite my best attempts at distraction.

For the purpose of making this clear, this is not a discussion on the nasfoo (nsfw) factors when it comes to anthro. I understand why some people may have that preference and may not quite well. For the purpose of this discussion, the question I will be asking will refer to anthro as a whole or stories where sex is not the focus of the fanfic. I will also clarify that by "anthro" I mean ponies that are humanized physically in any sense. I'm aware that anthro itself is a very broad term and there are a variety of charts with levels of anthro on them. Lets just use anthro as its umbrella term and any humanization of ponies in a physical way, whether extremely so or only slight.

How do you feel about anthro ponies and non anthro ponies? I ask this because I have recently, (and by recently I mean a year or so), written an hie anthro fic that's, believe it not, sfw in terms of sexual content. When I wrote it, I was under the impression the majority of people don't really care if the ponies have humanized characteristics, unless its a clop fic of course. However, I've had a conversation or two with some people who have been extremely unsettled by anthro. They believe it to be disturbing and some refuse to read anything that has anthro ponies at all. I understood much of their reasoning, being mostly that they like mlp because its ponies, not humans. And if a fic is going to have anthro ponies, why not just make them humans then?

For me, I sit in the center. I understand both perspectives, but am curious to hear more reasoning. Because I feel that if how they visually look is an issue, than what about fics that are written in such a way you often forget they are anthro? I have read a few that, while reading them, I have genuinely forgotten once or twice that they're more humanized ponies until some gesture or description reminds me of this aspect. Since I don't read fics where the purpose is sexual, very rarely do I find them being anthro or not having a significant impact on the story at all. I decided to write my fic anthro ponies because I found it significantly easier to write human body language and gestures rather than pony. This was prior to my rewatch of the show where I paid more attention to details like that, and also with a few discussions in the fimfic server, began to become much more aware of the unique body language and gestures that ponies themselves have. I feel that maybe it would have been better off to make my fic ponies in the first place and try my best to replicate pony body language rather than coping out and making it easier by doing anthro. However, I just don't feel that anthro or not anthro has any impact on a fic that's more story or character focused.

Regardless, I'm simply interested in a discussion and hearing the reasoning of both sides. On the off chance the maybe the dozen or so people read this decide to comment, I look forward to whatever your opinion ultimately is.

Comments ( 8 )

Surprise, I love blogs

Now, on the issue of Anthro ponies, why not make them fully humanized? Two reasons, firstly, keeping some semblance of them being still equine in some form ties them closer to the world of FiM instead of EqG. If you want a fully human mlp experience, that's already an option in that sense.

Secondly, its wholly utilitarian and it eases up a writer to use human expressions and anatomy to do things that are easier understood in Anthro than in Pony, the main one is having hands with opposing thumbs and how that opens a whole specter of things in regards to just holding tools and weapons. Keeping the animalistic aspect still lets unicorns be unicorns with their magical horn and allows pegasi to fly around. And as you say, Anthro heavily facilitates imagining sex, it is not necessarily tied to it.

Personally, I find clop to be very distasteful, particularly anon with the whole pony since it is basically bordering around, if not completely diving into a fantasy about bestiality. Anthro seems like the lesser more palatable alternative to it.

What matters more to me is if I can suspend my disbelief, whether the ponies are bipedal or quadrupedal is a secondary factor for me.

I kinda try an make them just Human with magic and wings, I did do anthro stories before but I think I just found it easier for me to make them human, easy to write imo

I like both when done well. Even if there is sex as a payoff, I'm usually fine with either as long as it's not crossing that bestiality barrier. For me, I grew up with Star Trek. Lots of humanoid non-humans in that show kissing between species. No problem there. Also, since someone showed me RedxBacon's art, every anthro MLP fic I've read has defaulted to their designs in my head.

Just lookit dat Pinkie's gay panic at that ikemen Rarity! Honestly, I much prefer these over Equestria Girls.

Anthro is not only fine, but valid and lovely when done right. Some folks don't like anthro/furry/whatever, but they are on a horse words site. If you don't like it, just move on. Don't bring others down if it's not hurting anyone.

I prefer non-anthro. Reason being, I came here for PONY stories. That being said I will still read stories with anthros in them but they generally have to be of higher quality, or crossover with things that I really like ( undertale, minecraft that kind of thing). I have nothing against people who prefer anthros as everyone has different tastes and at the end of the day we are all here to read mlp stories.😁

I honestly have no preference. I do know one thing; I tend to shun EG down the hole. But Recently I've been adding more and more EG to my watch later lists. The only thing that makes a watch later playlist annoying is the NSFW. It tends to sometimes fill a lot of pages.

I am rarely seen here and still read your blog.

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