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Lyraversary · 4:31am Apr 5th, 2022

ELyra Logs On
Welcome to Ponyville, Population One.
shortskirtsandexplosions · 4.3k words  ·  371  9 · 4.7k views

Ten years ago, I started a story.

TBackground Pony
"My name's Lyra Heartstrings, but you won't remember anything. Listen to my symphony, for it
shortskirtsandexplosions · 432k words  ·  6,819  244 · 118k views

Ten years later, I am alive.


Comments ( 20 )

Background pony was awesome but I hated it XD

background pony is legitimately the only piece of fiction to leave me feeling empty after i finished it

Dude, background pony left me feeling so fuckin bittersweet and just like hollow. But I loved it.

Background pony is one of my favorite pieces of fiction ever. The empty feeling in the end was very unique, it's also what hot me into FIM in general.

Welcome back to the top of the feature box, with a tale that’s soul crushing and yet hopeful :heart:

Ten years later, I am alive.

And that's something worth celebrating.

Wanderer D

And I for one am glad you're still here.

Background Pony is one of the best things I've ever read, probably my second favorite piece of fiction! But I need large gaps of time between re-readings, I've gotta recharge my brain before diving in again

Ten years later, I am alive

Something we are all very happy for.

That's one of the stories I've always meant to read but never got around to.

Also when'd you lose the crazy Chun-Li?

Ten years later, I am alive.

Are you sure about that? You could be just be three lemurs in a blast-damaged skirt who thinks they're a horseword author of some repute.

Alfred Lord Tennyson quotes came to my mind while reading this new story. I think you successfully captured the agony one experiences when something they love has gone.

Glad you’re still here.

Ngl, for a sec, when I read "Ten years ago, I started a story", I thought this was gonna be something about Ofolrodi ^^"

Happy anniversary! I have a Nonexistent Publications print of Background Pony, came with two CD's of music! It is one of my favorite Fantasy Horse Punk stories. I love that the anterograde and retrograde amnesia in the story does not affect Lyra, but everypony else!. And the subtext on the nature of cats! And so much else again. Very much worth getting in print. I hope the Boston University faculty enjoyed Background Pony, although if they tried to acquire it via the Amazon link, they were out of luck.

Ten years ago, I started a story.

When you gonna finish it?

yay alive

Hey Skirts. It’s nice to see you again.

Ten years ago, you started a story...

...and it's still one of the best stories I've ever read, even among professional publications. I just wish you'd finish The End of Ponies. That is easily another of the best I've read, even though it's only half-finished and has been cancelled.

Ten years ago, I was there when you posted your first chapters, that were later on featured.
I've read them, and re-read them again, until the very end.
Only a few of us remain.
Those are the loyal, and sometimes dedicated readers of this small fandom.
Be proud that this story is still being appreciated, even to your aged fans on this platform.

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