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"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice." ~ Dr. Sidney Freedman, M*A*S*H S3 Ep5

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My Little Dashie Print Project · 9:15pm Mar 5th, 2019

This... has been a thing that has bothered me for a number of years.

I won't go into everything here and now, but after lots of thought and convincing, I'm finally deciding to go through with a print project of MLD. So this sounds like a grand, awesome idea right? Neat, maybe. Or some of you could care less.

I can't say, explain, or express what MLD has done to not just myself, but the hundres of thousands of readers. It's all so much that, quite frankly, left me devistated at times. But this isn't about any of that. This is about a story that was written almost eight years ago. That changed part of a fandom, for better or worse.

Now in honor of the final year of Bronycon, I'd like to get a print project going for it. However, this one is going to be a might different.

MLD's popularity, both good and bad, has always stemmed from the readers. The haters, the admirers. Whichever side of the scale you're on, it all amounts to what MLD means to each individual. It's about you. All of you. So, lets go over the idea for this book, before anything else.

The MLD Print Project will be a book consisting of, obviously, the current state of My Little Dashie. That, in itself is a thing, sure. It will be followed by my personal sequel (which will be finished in time for this, mind you) of My Little Dashie 2: Dash Harder. Spoof as it may be, it's my sequel damn it.

Now, here comes the big part of this project.

For years, people have mocked, ribbed, or even attacked the countless MLD spin offs, sequels, prequels, threequels, idkhowmanyquels. And yet... how many of those people were first inspired to write because of MLD? I know many in this fandom, and FimFic especially, who tell me time and time again, without MLD they wouldn't have gotten into writing, or the fandom as a whole.

I think that without MLD they would have still, but at a later time. However, the impact MLD has had on readers and writers alike cannot be ignored.

So the next section of the book I want to consist of 5 to 10 fan stories, depending on how many are submitted, or requested.

That's right. Fan fics of a fan fic.

I wish I could say that I've read them all, but in reality I've read maybe three. My distancing of MLD on a reading level handicapped me on seeing just what others thought of my fic, and wrote their own. So I want my fellow readers, and writers, to show me what ones they enjoyed. What ones left an impact. Helped deeping the story of MLD, or made a suitable parody that we can sit back and laugh at good heartedly.

One stipulation, however, is I don't want any of the character changed ones. Sorry, but this is about Rainbow Dash, not Applejack, or Fluttershy, or anypony else. This is about her, about the original work, be it the many sequels, prequels, or side stories done.

Once we get a tally of how many, I will be hosting a vote for readers to vote on what ones are their favorites, best, etc, that they'd like to see, and will promptly go from there.

*Edit* Other stipulation, keeping it Everyone or Teen rating at worst, so sorry to those M fics.

However, it wasn't just about the fics. I'm sure several of you are familiar with the MLD Visual Novel. It was a work of art, and the artist was none other than Dawnmistpony. She's a fantastic artist, and did all the art.

There have also been many artists in this fandom to show us illiterations of MLD. I want to see them, because I'm sure I've missed them. And providing artists approval, I want to include several. Be it a album part way through the book, or maybe even inserted randomly into stories to give a visual aid. That's to be discussed later. Same number as before, 5 to 10 of them, which will be voted on providing there are that many.

Now, there is one big thing I'd like to bring up about this. This book project is NOT a competition. I don't want people who see this, and sit down and write/draw something or it to be entered. This is about what MLD was to us before, when it was fresh. Basically what I'm saying, is anything submitted that is new as of this blog post date will not be accepted.

The last thing to be included in this book will remain a surprise. It is something I hope readers will enjoy.

The last thing to discuss is money.

Well, honestly, until I see what people even want in this, I can't begin to guess. I plan to do one of those gofundme's or whatever it is you kids are using. My problem as of late is my work has been spiratic, and bills are piling up. Most are my family and my own's fault, so I'm not asking to make anything, but I don't have the ability to put much, if any, of my own money into this.

As financially strained as I am, I do not want to make a profit on this. I want people to own this book to be able to look back on the fandom, the writing aspect of it anyway, and fondly remember what it was.

With any luck, this will be able to happen, and it will happen in time for Bronycon, which I'm doing my best to make. Tenetively I have a room and ride. Money wise, well that's up in the air, but worst case is come Trotcon I'll just sleep in my truck and forgo a room period.

So yeah... that's all I can really think of or say without getting either emotional, because it may seem silly (even to me), this is a big deal.

So spread the word. Even if you're not a fan of MLD, you may know people who are.

Email all submissions, of your own or ones you like, to either my fimic here, or a special email for this project. mldprintproject@gmail.com

If nothing else becomes of this, I just want to say thank you, to everyone who's stuck around with me through all my disappearances and other problems, and have enjoyed my works of yesteryear, and today.

Comments ( 42 )

You have my sword and shield, my friend.

Site Blogger

I think this is a really cool idea, Rob.

Estee #4 · Mar 5th, 2019 · · ·

Will the deluxe edition come in its very own cardboard box?

You and me both! I love this fic. It's left a highly positive impact on the world of MLP fanfiction.

It's rare to still see such enthusiasm in a dying fandom. I wish you good luck with your project. May it be a success.

For Dashie!!!

Am I understanding this right that the books will be only available at Bronycon?

Well isn't this a surprise! I got an email from a website that I haven't been to in years, from someone who read MLD and my sequel, letting me know you posted this. Life is full of fun unexpected surprises! This is a fantastic idea Rob! You are correct in your assertion that your story inspired people to write! Before I read MLD, I had always wanted to share my writings, but was too afraid.

If it's all the same, I would love to submit my sequel to your composite works. If I do, I need to go and proof-read and edit the crap out of it, because whew was I an amateur. You'll be hearing from me soon, I promise.

5023449 With a Rainbow Dash plush?


No go away Shakes. Your dirty smut isn't welcome here.


That's a great idea!

Author Interviewer

One stipulation, however, is I don't want any of the character changed ones. Sorry, but this is about Rainbow Dash, not Applejack, or Fluttershy, or anypony else. This is about her, about the original work, be it the many sequels, prequels, or side stories done.

>tfw no Full-Sized Goddess Horse :C


If you're talking about the fic that I think you are, I know, because it's one of my favorite, but it's also rated M I think, or it's really close.

This sounds like a rad idea, good luck! I actually only had one fic that fit this bill, and I doubt it would win in any votes, but at any rate your thoughts on it would be cool.


Author Interviewer

I'm talking about the one I wrote. c.c Which is not.

Heck to the yes, man.

Will you sign the print run of them?

I will definitely throw in some cash for this project, Rob. I don't know if you remember (I sure do), but you were probably the first person I interacted with on this site back in like 2012. I still have this little crap group for fans of My Little Dashie that literally has like three people in it. I haven't touched it, or altered it, because 1. I don't see the point, and 2. you're one of the three members.

I literally cried over that story, and I still don't know why to this day. I don't think any other story has made me literally, full on, cry.

I just started writing for the first time about half a year ago, and I think that, to an extent, you're one of the biggest reasons I even got into the fandom in the first place. It wasn't necessarily you, I think that at the time it was more the story, but I've always had the appreciation that it came from you and it was because of you that the story even reached me in the first place. Just reading this blog, had me emotional and I can't honestly say, that it was nostalgia. I believe that it was the fact that you were there at around my start of this fandom, and although this is FAR from the end of the fandom, it's a milestone that I'm glad to say I interacted with you at.

I'd also like to add, that I hope that donors can receive a copy of the printed version, because there is just no plausible way that I will be able to make it to the Con. <3

Interesting. You know, my first fic was a MLD sequel.

I never published it because it was a piece of shit, but hey, ya gotta start somewhere.


That's my plan. If nothing else, the con versions for sure. I'm looking at other options so right now things are still in the infant stage.


Depending on which way I go with this, yeah that's also a plan I have. I'm not sure if I can promise autographed copies, because it all depends on the shipping and company, but I'm going to try what I can.

Autographed, I wouldn't even care about- I have the memories of this as is. Thank you for your part in this site, and this community.
Much love, - PewDashiePie :rainbowkiss:

I would buy this! I loved the MLD live action version, so I would love a physical copy.

Now, this is interesting. I fashion myself as something of a brony-fandom historian. You see, I was in eigth-grade back in 2012. I was twelve. I just turned twenty, the verge of "real" adulthood. I kept wishing, kept wanting to be older when all the things that happened in the fandom happened, namely things like people's first reaction's to My Little Dashie. Only now do I understand the feelings that I've never felt before in regards to the way older people look back versus the way I do.

I was just watching your video, Rob, when you wished PixelKitties a happy birthday, posted in 2012. The funny thing is, I realize how much older you were in comparison to me than I was back when that video was posted. And, watching that video is what lead me to check-up on your blog, hence discovering this wonderful post. It was like... the past and the present connecting. It was neat. Whenever the printing occurs, I'm excited to buy a copy.


I can't claim that MLD got me into writing, since I've been into writing long before MLP. Nor can I say MLD got me into the fandom, since technically I was part of it before this site even existed...I think. I got in about mid-season 1. But MLD was one of the first MLP fanfics I've read. But not THE first (I was able to determine this from my favorites list).

I don't have any sequels or spin-offs or anything like that, though I've considered it. I've also considered making my own video project that, unlike the mini movie, would not be a direct copy, but an alternate interpretation, making it a series rather than just a one-shot. But I don't have the video editing software to do such a project, nor do I have the artistic skills to be an animator. And even then, I don't have a good place to do something like that. My point is that my creative imagination is bigger than my actual abilities. But I digress.

In any case, MLD may not have gotten me into the fandom or writing. But it was impactful. I was crying at the end, and I must point out how hard it is to get me to cry. I mean, I'm like Applejack, where I cry on the inside (I'm not heartless after all). But I have strong control over my emotions, at least when it comes to the outside. So getting me to cry is an accomplishment.

As much as I'd love to submit my own work, I don't have anything to submit. But I look forward to seeing the book at Bronycon.

Thank you so much for giving fans an opportunity to take part in this project. I'll never forget the time where I first discovered and read MLD. It feels like eons ago, back when the fandom was really starting to take hold. But your story was the first real MLP fanfic I stumbled across and it's what introduced me to the world of MLP fanfiction. While I no longer write fanfiction, I thank you for that.

Good idea Rob! And I'd buy one.

I'm up for this.

This sounds great! I'd definitely want to pick up a copy when it's ready.


There was a print recently for project stardust. You could do something similar with indiegogo and have the books get shipped.

Have you asked help from the Past Sins or Fallout Equestria people?


I have not, although I know a couple people from the last FoE print project.

You did good, writing one of the best works for the fandom. Fallout: Equestria will be remembered by many.

I would love to get this book as well.

Any news about this


Sadly no, I've had a lot of life problems come about so I've had to push this, as well as many other things, back until I can get my shit together.

Out of curiosity is this still happening? MLD was the first fic I ever read, it open my eyes to the world of fanfic. I would love to own a physical copy. Specially if signed by you


I want to still do this, I just have a lot going on so I've had the project on the backburner. Hopefully this summer I can start working on this again.


Thx for answering. I will keep an eye out for it

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