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AU Kaiju Profiles: Gojira (Legendary Godzilla) · 11:41pm Oct 29th, 2018

Title: the Alpha Predator
Alias: The Ancient, King of the Monsters, Savior of San Francisco
Theme Song: Link!
"Nature is out of balance..."

Species: Proto-Archosaur
Height: 108 meters
Weight: 90,000 tons
Length: 168 meters
”Adam” - Maternal nephew
Multiple offspring, nieces, and nephews - Likely dormant or deceased
T1961 (“Titanus Mosura”) - Ally
Faction: His own kind, T1961, nominally humanity
Morality: Largely a neutral force of nature, Gojira is a surprisingly gentle entity. His main focus of aggression are towards rival species getting out of control and invading destroyers such as Ghidorah. Those he does deem allies and none threats he will make pains to avoid harming to various degrees, such as guarding Mothra’s egg with his life out of respect to a comrade to at least attempting to not topple any ‘human nests’ when confronting the MUTO pair.
Traits: Underwater breathing, very sharp claws and fangs, fast swimmer, extreme physical strength, heavy tail, ability to track location of himself and others across the globe

Physical Prowess:
Gojira is an absolute juggernaut in terms of physical brawling and is easily the physically strongest Godzilla in the 100 meter class. While he lacks some technique and agility younger kaiju might have, he is skilled enough to land devastating power blows with his limbs and tail. One strong swing from his tail was enough to crush the male MUTO’s body and snap a skyscraper over twice as tall as Gojira was. He’s also easily overpowered other kaiju from both a standing and charging motion, even if at a disadvantageous angle.

Gojira can sprint at around 170 kilometers per hour in a burst and swim at an even faster rate. His reaction speed and reflexes are about average for a kaiju his size, but he can be deceptively quicker than one might think.

Gojira exhibits absolutely monstrous levels of durability, exceeding most other ‘Godzilla’. The Casto Bravo nuclear test, a 15 megaton warhead, blew up directly next to him and while it did knock him out for a time it left no lasting damage. And this isn’t counting all the other nuclear strikes he survived prior or since. He’s also shrugged off heavy missile strikes and point blank tank fire into the skin between his scales without issue. The only materials that can puncture his hide are sufficiently strong teeth and claws of other kaiju. The MUTO are specially designed to puncture his species’ hide and even they took a long time to leave more than temporary damage.

His gills however, while not a vital area per say as he can shut off blood flow to them, have a lot of nerves and can give painful injuries if strike with a precise enough blow to jostle Gojira and make him lose focus. A human suddenly getting jabbed with a large needle is a comparable sensation. Not dangerous, but is quite painful.

Gojira has limits, but those limits are far above what most are capable of. With very little pause he managed to engage the male MUTO in Hawaii, swim across the Pacific, engage the male and then female MUTO at the same time in San Francisco, fight all night, and only then collapse from exhaustion. He also doggedly chased the Shinomura across the Pacific for weeks on end with brief skirmishes throughout. That said, it is not without a breaking point and his advancing age and lack of nuclear energy can cause him to tire out after extended combat with a physical equal.

Gojira has an extremely strong ability to sense electromagnetic pulses and other signals at extreme distances. He can also sense sources of radiation.

Thermonuclear Breath - After a charge up period indicated by a trail of glowing, blue light traveling up his tail spines, across his dorsal plates, and then eyes, Gojira can expel a powerful stream of blue plasma resembling a flamethrower. If not in an EMP range or with a fuller charge, the beam becomes significantly larger.

Regeneration - Just like his counterparts, Gojira can heal himself at a rapid rate. This usually requires a brief hibernation period to recuperate from dire wounds. He can also mend more minor injuries in the middle of combat. The more radiation he has stored away, the faster and more potent this ability is.

Energy Absorption - Gojira is completely immune to the harmful effects of radiation, drawing power from it. This can range from being able to consume the energy of radiation bearing flesh in other natural kaiju, to ambient sources like magma and volcanic vents, and man-made sources. In the detonation of a nuclear device in San Francisco bay, his mere presence siphoned off all the resulting fallout.


EMP Disadvantage - EMPs given off by the MUTO, especially the female, cancel out or dampen his ability to use his atomic breath. This causes him to take longer to charge it, the resulting stream is weaker, and it winds him quicker by using it.

Advanced Age - Gojira is over 250 million years old and past his prime even if he is functionally immortal. If he hasn’t gotten a jolt of radiation to re-energize him, he can eventually tire and slow down in combat.

Gojira is an extremely ancient individual. Exactly how old he is isn’t known but he was alive at least as far back as 250 million years ago during the end of the Permian period. He was a member of an entire species of naturally occuring kaiju and testing on the remains of a smaller individual of his species found in 1999 suggests it was Gojira’s nephew through a sister, indicating a breeding population. As radiation levels subsided however, Gojira’s kind went underground and under the sea to become dormant.

Since then he has sporadically gone in and out of hibernation cycles, awakening during brief times of mass radioactivity or when another species of kaiju starts to risk propagating. It is known ancient humanity witnessed him multiple times in both recent and ancient history, and evidence suggests it was the same individual each time so he is likely the last of his kind or any other of his species are still dormant.

Several lost civilizations venerated Gojira as a living god or titan, building large artworks of him. A recently discovered cavern attached to a sunken city, over ten thousand years old, seems especially dedicated to him. The hollow, dug into the underground itself, might have started as Gojira’s burrow but it was either abandoned by him or he permitted humans to begin inhabiting it. Dedications to him appear similar to how one would honor a deity or ruler, spurring Dr. Ishiro Serizawa to colloquially refer to the large temple mound at the center of the underground city as Gojira’s “throne”.

It is also known from their depictions that Gojira has had a long and violent history with a monster later discovered frozen in Antarctica (T1964 a.k.a “MONSTER ZERO”) called “Ghidorah”, which was recorded in times long forgotten but left descendent stories across the Old and New World which suggest it occured before 20,000 years ago.  Many paintings or etchings depict a battle between the two with other pieces for context. In several, the image of a giant moth-like entity is shown in line with Gojira in facing Ghidorah. Suggests have been made that this individual, of a species synonymous to and likely an ancestor of specimen T1961 a.k.a “TITANUS MOSURA”, was an ally of Gojira; possibly as a synbiotic species. Ghidorah’s depicton amongst human skulls and numerous humans shown alongside Gojira and T1961 suggest they saw the two as their saviors.

In 1945, the detonation of the atomic bombs at the end of WW2 awakened a colonial organism called the Shinomura. Also roused by the radiation, Gojira took notice and began chasing the Shinomura across the Pacific. Taijo Serizawa was recruited by the United States Military and helped found MONARCH as a joint venture between various NATO forces to study and deal with the MUTO (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism) threats. MONARCH documented Gojira’s pursuit of the Shinomura over several years, the colonial organism was able to reform itself every time Gojira caught up to it and destroyed most of it. Fearing what might happen if the Shinomura ever grew larger or spread, MONARCH worked with the US military to destroy it and potentially Gojira as well.

Multiple atomic bombs were dropped on the two under the guise of nuclear testing, but to little effect. However in 1954 the two were lured to the Bikini Atoll. After Gojira defeated and badly damaged the Shinomura, the Castle Bravo bomb was detonated. The resulting blast seemed to kill the Shinomura and Gojira disappeared; but the lack of body indicated to MONARCH he wasn’t dead. In reality while the blast had hurt him, the resulting radiation allowed Gojira to gorge himself. And with the Shinomura taken care of, there was no need to remain at the surface so he merely went back to sleeping in his cavern.

Gojira was awakened yet again in 2014 when a male and female of species T1999 awakened. Apex predators in their own right, Species T1999 were rivals to Gojira’s kind in a similar vein to lions and hyenas; killing each other and their other’s young when they could. The nephew specimen a.k.a “Adam” was a victim of this species, who used his body to incubate a pair of eggs. With the females of the species already pregnant on maturing via parthenogenesis and the males being highly mobile to secure food to incubate the eggs, they posed a dire threat of overrunning the planet. Gojira confronted the male in Hawaii and was able to wound it, but it managed to evade him at Honolulu. Chasing it across the Pacific, Gojira soon confronted it and the female in San Francisco.

After a long and arduous battle, not helped by the pair’s EMP’s weakening his beam and making it more exhausting to use as well as lack of stored energy to begin with, Gojira managed to kill the male after Lt. Ford Brody and his comrades distracted the female by blowing up the nest and taking the seized nuclear device the female T1999 was using as an incubator. Temporarily winded when a skyscraper fell upon him, Gojira found himself at eye level with Lt. Brody and seemed to acknowledge him.

Recovering his strength, Gojira broke free of the building that had fallen on top of him and ambushed the female at the harbor just as she was about to kill Lt. Brody, who was in the process of evacuating the still-primed warhead out of the city. Slaying his foe by firing his beam down her throat, Gojira roared in victory before collapsing to go into a healing coma.

Recovered by the next day, Gojira calmly made his way out of the city and back into the Pacific to rest. MONARCH however has found he didn’t return to his hibernation immediately this time though. Appearing throughout the oceans, Gojira has been sighted off of Mexico, Skull Island, China, Japan, and Antarctica; seemingly keeping tabs on the dormant or active kaiju present there.  

-Unlike other versions of ‘Godzilla’, Gojira is not a dinosaur or lizard. Hailing from the Permian, the best guess is that this naturally occurring mutant species is derived from some variety of Archosaur ancestor. This puts him as a predating relative of the last common ancestor between crocodilians, pterosaurs, dinosaurs, and relation; which existed in the following Triassic period.

-A very similar, alternate incarnation of Gojira does exist in the Amalgam’verse and is the origin of the original Odo island myth. Later on, occasional ventures to Odo Island by Godzillasaurs from Lagos island continued on the legend into the present day. Back in the Permian period, the Amalgam’verse Gojira helped lead the natural kaiju of both his own kind and others in aiding Reijuu against the demonic hordes and possessed kaiju.

This version of Gojira also fought Godzilla Junior and Zilla Junior in the early 2000s after being awakened and trying to eat Zilla. After battling both of the newbloods, Gojira considered Godzilla Junior a worthy successor and noted the world’s balance was in good hands with his and his allies around. Zilla remarked he talked funny, speaking in an archaic way a one could compare an American listening to early Middle English.

-While the world was understandably shocked at the reveal of giant monsters, review of the San Francisco battle has lead to a reasonably positive, if mixed, reception to Gojira. The fact the kaiju took pains to not damage human structures, only smashing through the Golden Gate Bridge when hit in the gills by several missiles, showed while Gojira was more focused on fighting the T1999 couple he had nothing against the humans and was trying to avoid them. While overstating his intent, it did lead to the title of “Savior of Our City (San Francisco)” by city residents.

-The placement of T1961’s egg currently located in Yunnan Rainforest of China as well as artwork showing an adult specimen fighting alongside Gojira suggests the depicted individual fell in battle and the egg is her offspring. It’s presence in a cave as well as grooves in the cave ceiling matching the alignment of Gojira’s dorsal plates suggests he might have been the one to put it there for safe keeping.

Comments ( 39 )

Nicely done as always! From Showa/Hesei, to Millenium, to Legendary... Godzilla has truly come full circle...

Nice to see you're incorporating the info from KoTM. But yeah, I love this guy. He's big, he's mean, and he's got the most kickass roar out of all the Godzillas.

Would the Millenium Godzillas get some mention in future profiles?

Wow, THIS Godzilla makes both Juniors seem tame. It really doesn't help that all members of the Godzilla family have a heavy family resemblance.

Nice Bio, by the way I might have missed it but where is this Gojira currently?

I Agree on that I sometimes think of that roar when I read the story. You get a thumbs up for that.

What made you decide to give your own answer to the question as to why Amalgamverse Gojira wouldn't be a beam spammer when fighting against the MUTO?

Aside from Junior, this is still my current favorite depiction of Godzilla to date. Maybe it’s because he’s a more benign Godzilla in comparison to his past versions parring Showa. Or maybe it’s because I like the concept of him being an ancient guardian of earth who has been protecting it for eons from threats we didn’t even know exist. Also love the idea of him being a comrade to his universe’s Mothra: I honestly hope this IS the case in KOTM. Still, i’m alot more invested in seeing them face off against the NEW King Ghidorah. Because, like Monsterverse Godzilla......I have a feeling this is gonna be the best version of the King of Terror produced since the Grand King.:D

Novelization and early script mentioned the EMP dampening ability so even if it's not canon there was a source drew from. In the prequel comic the beam looked much larger and he was less winded after using it, so it made sense to me. After all the MUTO were a rival species so it is logical they'd try to adapt some sort of defense for it.


Call it a guess, but I think we will find out on Halloween.

I'm getting a "Four Champions are summoned to save our world, and they all have been called Godzilla" vibe here... Not that this would be a bad thing; such an event would be epic.

In under two days, we will know....

Have you considered doing a bio for Junior's adoptive father?

This isn't the Amalgam'verse's version of Gojira, though. But, your question is still reasonable, albeit it's referencing the wrong Gojira

Love it! Love it! Love it! LOVE IT!!! Sorry about that, but, wow! you did an amazing job with this.

Awesome seeing this guy here.

He is hibernating again, this time near the underwater volcano near the Hawaiian islands. I know this because that's where I wrote him to be. He will show up again in the future. Eventually.

Ghidorah’s depicton amongst human skulls and numerous humans shown alongside Gojira and T1961 suggest they saw the two as their saviors.

I think it should also be noted that there are some paintings that depict other humans standing by Ghidorah's side aiming their weapons at Gojira. Which implies that there was a human civil war occurring amongst the Kaiju battles between people who viewed the Big G & Mosura as saviors, and fought to protect the earth alongside them versus those who apparently sided with Ghidorah, and tried to kill Gojira.

Comment posted by kaiju and pony fan deleted Oct 30th, 2018

No. Wasn't aware of any leaks so I'm not even reading all of that comment. Please put the part mentioning leaks outside of the spoiler tag next time, that was a close one -___-

Mainly my own observations of the cave paintings shown in Skull Island. Particularly the one that depicts Gojira & Ghidorah fighting. And I think it also shows in the leaked cave paintings that have been talked about recently.

Given the people are unarmed, scattering away from Ghidorah, and there's skulls around them, whereas the most recent painting shows humans riding on Godzilla's back, I think the one you're talking about is actually people running from Ghidorah who's killing them.

Nah, I'm pretty sure there were a couple of guys carrying bows, and aiming them at Godzilla. It should be lower center right. Beneath Ghidorah.

I think Tarb is mostly sticking to the ones who are appearing in the Halloween chapter.

They're holding their arms out. Notice the lack of perpendicular lines to indicate a bow, which are present on the latest inage showing some riding on Godzilla. Also notice the lack of skulls on Godzilla's side of the picture, indications he's the one who equals less human death.

I believe I do remember seeing what you described in the cave painting, but I think those might be different individuals in the painting. Not saying you're completely wrong, but I gotta check the paintings again for myself to see if I am right, or it's just Crazy Talk doing its thing again.

Was looking forward to the bit of bio where The Ancient faces Zilla and Junior... Nice touch with the bit about Zilla thinking he talked funny.

Is there any potential that his emergence into Equestria be brought up?

Comment posted by Vman-0 deleted Oct 30th, 2018

So the bio isn't necessarily for the amalgamverse? Well either way, he is one of my favorite Godziilla incarnations!

Yay, thank you.
When he comes up I will be so hyped!
For some reason, I feel like the moment he awakens it's gonna be a cliff hanger...
Now I am thinking about Jojo memes...

Alright, Tarb. I'm looking at the painting right now. It's faint, and a little hard to see, but I do see guys on the ground carrying bows, and aiming them at Gojira. you'll see them left to the bottom pair of skulls in the painting. I also see other humans standing under Gojira aiming their bows at Ghidorah. And what appears to be corpses colored red right below the bottom neck of Ghidorah.

Gojira can sprint at around 170 kilometers per hour in a burst and swim at an even faster rate. His reaction speed and reflexes are about average for a kaiju his size, but he can be deceptively quicker than one might think.

Appropriate since the new trailer showed him f:yay:cking sprinting at Ghidorah.

With the new Godzilla vs Kong movie, Gojira can surpass Juinor in the Thermonuclear Breath department now.

Depends on calculations or charge time. A lot of incarnations obey the 'longer charge time = bigger blast' rule.

It can be argued that the Titanus Gojira species most likely has better control on how radiation is used like say, going through a meltdown and using the excess radiation into a nuclear pulse or like in the Godzilla Awakening comic where Gojira pulled a Shin but more so in a straight direction in a large blast.
But then of course we would first also have to consider the whole concept of the Hollow Earth Energy which apparently is connected to the Titanus Gojira species, and apparently is an unlimited source of energy if the description of the Novelization of Godzilla vs Kong is to be believed.
Not saying that either is stronger than the other in terms of the atomic breath, but Junior could learn a thing or two from the Ancient Predator, in how to do more tricks then just blast a beam forward from mouth. Plus, could be very handy when it comes to group fights.

Will you do a Kaiju Profile on Godzilla Earth?

Only if relevant.

I wouldn't say "advanced age" is a weakness, "nuclear starvation" would be a name that fits his case. His "prime" is ultimately decided by how much radiation he has collected and stored for prolonged use, as we see after the 2014 mass MUTO awakening. Absorbing energy from two MUTOs, Jinshin Mushi, and a megaton nuke allowed him to grow back into what you would call a youthful state.

And in GVK/Dominion he reaches his true prime, fighting and traveling non-stop for two years after KOTM with absolutely no rest, shooting a hole into the outer core of the Earth, fist-fighting Mechagodzilla who's punches can hurt internal organs etc.

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