• Member Since 17th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen June 9th


"Burninating the countryside... burninating the peasants... burninating all the peoples... and their thatched-roof COTTAGES! THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGES!! And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIGHT!!!"

  • EA Little Space
    The morning after Bright Mac and Pear Butter’s wedding, Granny Smith sits alone in a cafe, trying to process everything that's changed. When Mayor Mare comes looking to talk with her, Granny isn't sure if she's quite ready to face her old friend.
    CoffeeMinion · 1.2k words  ·  167  1 · 2.8k views

More Blog Posts199

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    The Knife’s Edge

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Writeoff and FimFic stories · 2:11pm Mar 10th, 2018

At the time I first wrote this, I was celebrating A Little Space getting featured. That's always a great feeling, and I appreciate everyone who helped make it happen.

A Little Space started out as a story on Writeoff.me, an informal companion site to FimFiction that focuses on MLP fic-writing contests. I've written a bunch of Writeoff stories since joining the fandom, and have occasionally made art related to them as well. I try to get them cleaned-up & ported to FimFiction or DeviantArt before long, but a few are still waiting their turn. Here's where I keep track of which works have made the jump so far.

(Special note for Writeoff people: I've got a broader/more comprehensive guide to my stories over here.)

But speaking again of the Writeoff Association, you should check it out if you haven't already! It's a regularly recurring timed writing competition that draws some very strong writing talent from within the fandom. During a Writeoff, everyone submits their stories anonymously at first, and a number of days are given to read, review, and vote on stories. Again, the authorship is anonymous until results are revealed, so it gives you the chance to get turned on to writers you might enjoy reading in a kind of blind-taste-test sort of way. Then of course other people will review your story as well, which gives you a way to get feedback from a very high calibur of writers without having to track them down and ask individually.

Plus, it's fun. And you get to compete for sweet, sweet Horse Points(TM)

Comments ( 6 )

Dude. I've got old write-off entries from 2012 that I still haven't revised and published.

Yeah, but then you've been prolific, man. At some point it's gotta just be a crap-ton of stories to think about doing something with. It's also hard trying to keep up with the every-6-week cadence of the Writeoffs these days. I mean, that's 6 weeks to conceive, draft, edit, find art, and post the story. Some stories are NBD but others need time to germinate.

As a rule, though, I hate having much of a backlog. I can tolerate a small number of works-in-progress but what I have now drives me bonkers. Naturally, To Serve In Hell sits smack in the middle of that bonkersness. I'm sure OnionPie wasn't just aiming at me in his RCL interview where he decries publishing stories a chapter-at-a-time, but what can I say--the shoe fits and I'm wearing it.

I'm looking to get into a new pair of shoes this year. :derpytongue2:

I think publishing chaptered stories all at once is a dumb idea for many reasons, but different strokes for different folks. But I do believe strongly in having the whole thing written before publishing any of it, which heads off several potential problems.

Apologies; it's late here and I should've phrased that more clearly. I was thinking more about having things written in advance rather than the specific release schedule. :facehoof: The key is that I understand now that the way I tried to tackle the story at first--fully writing/editing/publishing one chapter at a time--was not the happy path.

Congratulations on getting featured! :yay: Oh and also being like the only other person on this site to write about the Mayor. :raritywink:

I understand now that the way I tried to tackle the story at first--fully writing/editing/publishing one chapter at a time--was not the happy path.

Quoted for truth. Only one of my multi-chapter stories was intentionally created that way and, with the exception of its final chapter, I think it's my worst work on this site. Everything else (save for a bonus chapter here or there) I wrote in its entirety even if I didn't publish all at once.

Do not get me started on backlogs. You've only seen a portion of mine. BTW, sorry for being slow -- in addition to IRL stuff, I have two stories I must publish before I can tackle any of your suggested revisions and send you followup drafts, and I haven't finished either of them, though I'm chipping away at them, I swear.

What!? There are other good stories about the mayor out there. I even have a couple.

I already know you're not publishing that story all at once, but there are people who do. There'll be stories over 100k words where the publication date of all the chapters is the same. That's a good way to avoid getting any readers. Related but not quite the same are people who wait until they've got 100k+ words or even until they've completed such a long story before submitting it to EqD. Then it takes us forever to get to it, and we could have headed off lots of problems in later chapters just by noting them in the early ones. The only real advantage to doing it that way is that they get feedback on the whole thing, but most times, the costs outweigh the benefits.

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