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Equestrian Profile: The Gumiho, "Jeog" · 11:28pm Jan 30th, 2017

적 / Jeog

Theme Motif

Name: Unknown, if she has one. Can be called Jeog (So-g) meaning "Adversary"
Alias: A beautiful terror
"I've been looking for you for a long, long time~..."

Species: Gumiho
Height: 1.5 meters
Weight: Unknown, higher than an average kirin
Length: 6 meters
Ki Seong - Pursuing
Name Unknown - ??????, deceased
Place of Origin: Western Continent, Carrea
Morality: Has a morality center completely unlike Equestrian or Kirin. Most of the time she can come off as playful, even charming or seductive; but extreme values dissonance, sadistic nature that she revels in, and disregard for life inevitably makes her deadly. This creature sees no problem with talking too and then playfully flirting with someone before tearing their liver out before she was bored or hungry. Once set upon a target, she is unrelenting, only pausing to have fun with her prey.
Description: A spirit-like monster resembling a beautiful, kirin sized, white vixen with multiple tails and blue eyes. Most of the time she doesn't look threatening at all, but a smile and gesture of the paw will reveal unnaturally long claws and a fang filled maw that is too wide for a vulpine.
Traits: Incredibly sharp fangs and claws, powerful senses that seem supernatural, cannot be killed or harmed by normal means

Physical Prowess:
Deceptively strong despite leanness, but only marginally more so than an average earth pony. Claws and fangs however mean fighting her up close is very dangerous even without the powers.

Can travel overland at up to 65 kmph. Build however means she can quickly scale trees, buildings, rough terrain; and snowy terrain quickly. Notably slower in the water, but can keep a steady pace.

Much more durable than she seams and can only be actually hurt by a select type of weapon or attack. Physical attacks can knock her around with enough force, but leave no lasting damage and she can shrug off surprising wounds. In theory a mass amount of weight could hold her down, but not crush her.

Indicative of what she resembles to an even greater extent, this gumiho has ludicrous stamina. She's been known to track down what she's after for weeks, if not years at a time with little pause.

Will-O-Wisp: - Resembling fire, this is nothing of the sort. It's much, much worse. She has enough control over it to inflict purely psychological sensations of pain rather than actual pain but it is impossible to distinguish between the actual wisps and the mental ones. They are charged and launched out of her mouth or extremities. Because it is not fire, it cannot ignite flammable sources and spread the flames, only coating what it initially hits; and beings who are immune to fire can be harmed by it. The flames can be distinguished from most actual fires by the fact they are icy blue no matter what they hit.

Illusions:- Simply put, this creature can cast illusions to both make herself look like something else or distort how the immediate area around her looks. While she can't change her texture like a changeling, this does mean the gumiho can effectively make herself look like someone else or even turn invisible if she's standing still or moving slowly. She could also conjure up illusions of someone else with her, either to create duplicates of herself or make it appear she's with someone. Illusions only work on sight and sound, they can't replicate smells, textures, or presumably tastes.

Telepathy:- What many perceive as the gumiho speaking is actually a form of this, as her fang filled mouth can't actually form intelligible words even if she understands them. This is often kept secret by her moving her lips in tandem with words, but this masking can falter slightly and be imperfect. It can also be used to frighten or toy with a target by "whispering" to them even when Jeog is a much further distance from them, or making her sound distant when she's very close. She can also somewhat heart another's thoughts if they are close by and the thought is clear enough.

Phasing Claw:- Her most dangerous ability and one that has to be avoided at all costs. Able to coat her entire forearm in the same spirit fire and mists in her will-o-wisp, Jeog can effectively burn her arm through someone if she's got them standing still. Being of great durability or regenerative powers can survive the assault, but one she reaches for the liver or heart it is almost always lethal to anyone else.

Weakness: - Dogs. While she is more than capable of killing one, she simply can't stand to get near one as even a small dog barking at her can sound like a gong being rung inside her sensitive ears. All dogs also instinctively perceive her as evil despite her disguises (they can still smell her) and will bark madly as soon as they do. However wolves, coyotes, and other wild canines or vulpines do not do this, nor do they affect her. She also cannot pass through specially made wards put around a town or building. Iron needles along with an incantation can function as such a ward if stabbed into a door or window. And despite her will-o-wisp's appearance, the gumiho is afraid of fire and can be hurt by it.


Despite some popularized tales from Neighpon regarding a similar species, the kitsune, and a very alluring appearance in or out of illusions; nothing describes a gumiho and this one in particular better than "deadly". While appearances can be deceiving in a good way, showing many monstrous looking species and individuals to be no more good or evil than your average pony, this is most definitely a case of appearances being deceiving in the worst ways possible. Do not listen to mythic tales of "fox wives" or alluring popular culture showing girlfriends of a magical persuasion and vulpine nature. A kitsune may cause one grievous harm, a gumiho will cause one and their family grievous harm. Many hopeful but foolishly misinformed youths across the centuries have made the mistake of trying to win over something so deadly. There is a very good reason Carrean legend warned kirins to stay out of the forest at night.

This particular gumiho, "Jeog" has been tracking down Ki Seong for a very long time. In her mind, Seong has something that should belong to her and she's literally crossed oceans to take it. Jeog is directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of at least a dozen persons before Seong thought she was killed; only to have recently been proven wrong when it managed to find her all the way in Ponyville.

"Found yoooou.~"

Comments ( 92 )

This is one intresting and creepy creature.
I'm looking forward for the ass kicking that Jeog will hopefuly get.

Managed to post my review of your chapter and gave my opinion of Faith's pics in her gallery. Gotta say, the Gumiho sounds like a very messed up character given her love for livers, stalkerish obsession, and seductive cruelty. I hope she appears more in the next chapter as I feel she'd be an excellent enemy for Anguirus due to his connection to Ki Seong and his status as the beast of fire. Have to ask, the next chapter is hinted to be about Godzilla and/or Xen moving to some new place full of available girls.. Does that mean Jeog won't appear until that chapter is finished.

Saw the review, you never cease to impress with your insight and thoughtfulness Moongaze! I'm sure Faithy is gonna adore all you had to say once she returns!
Jeog is definitely a prominent feature in the next chapter. Junior's outing is tied to another plot and to give some much needed levity.

Why are these monstrosities such Bi-polar maniacs? :applejackconfused:

At this point, I'd feel safer around a HELLHOUND than be in the same room with her. Makes me wonder if she's heard the likes of Cerberus, Anubis, Fenrir, and (of course) Okami Amaterasu?

That being said, I'm really looking for the next chapter if Ki Seong and Anguirus are gonna be the focus.

4403201 Looks like you got a huge fan with fun inputs. It's always great to get readers like that.

You should make a monster with this theme (For lulz)

Thinking of a very festive Hopa!

Yep, sure is a blessing and it's an honor to entertain such great folks :twilightsmile:

Also I'm going to write in the first section of our collab later tonight and tomorrow, got work load cleared.

4403273 Alrighty then. Remember; You do the intro for your characters' arrival and I'll do the describing afterwards, as we planned. (I'm reminding you, just in-case you forgot then get lost afterwards, unless you had a different plan)

Hello new Arc Villain.

4403273 what collaboration?

Is it wrong this thing makes me think of the baddie from It Follows? Mainly in the Implacable Man and shapeshifting ways.

4403415 Nice, I liked that movie. At least Jeog talks.

Were this story set earlier, I'd ask how the, as some have called it, "Orbital Friendship Laser" would affect this demon fox. Instead, I'll ask, can sufficiently powerful magic be used to seal her away for a time? Jeog would be a bit less terrifying turned to stone for a millennium or sealed in the eye of a needle inside an egg within a duck trapped in a hare locked in an iron box buried amongst the roots of an ancient oak tree upon a mystical island that appears once per century in the middle of the Celestial Sea...

Sorry, when an irredeemable evil is described with the phrase "Can Not Be Killed," I tend to become nervous.

Blame mythology. Gumiho are either bipolar and murderous or just straight up murderous. The one or two exceptions are mostly just from importing of other nine-tails myths from China and Japan. Since we already had one murderous lusty villainess with Chrysalis, so I went with the extreme values dissonance.

This is actually be doing a bit of a take-that to the very frequent "Cute Monster Girl Magical Sexy Girlfriend" trope. A reminder that, just because something is a hottie in mythology does not make it "Waifu" material.

And can run fast.

Didn't see the movie though I was aware of it. That wasn't in my head during making of this or the similarly tracker Enjin however.

Considering the number of beautiful killers spread throughout the world's mythology. I'd almost say, when the supernatural is involved, beauty equals deadly.

Don't believe me? Then try to snuggle up with a Yuki-onna to conserve body heat, or hit on a Naiad, or be in any context rude to any sort of Fae. If you are lucky, your death will come quickly. If not, you will wish you had the luxury of death available.

The number of the day is 953 i see.
good to see another person who appreciates the classics, and the finer aspects of horror

I have something of a passing knowledge of the Gumiho. I know that one myth says that if it doesn't taste flesh for 1000 days then it can become a benevolent being. So, hintity, hint, hint.

While she is more than capable of killing one, she simply can't stand to get near one as even a small dog barking at her can sound like a gong being run inside her sensitive ears.

Never have I been more happy to own 2 hyperactive Cocker Spaniels.

I'd love to see you use even an 'inspired by' version of the Korean kumiho as a villain. Given what they're capable of in legend, I have to wonder why they haven't showed up more often in horror fiction and film.

4403580 It works for the ladies too. Miss, if you're visiting a cemetery because a friend just died, and a magnificently handsome young man asks you to 'Come to me with the first flower of Spring', just say no. It's a Ganconer, the Love-Talker, and you'll meet him by dying.

To be fair, a lot of Asian mythology is pretty obscure.

4404159 Then there's the Japanese mythos...so many oni...

4404380 i think it's a holiday special:trixieshiftright:

4404645 How dare you. *slaps you with glove*

4404663 i must be right if it got that reaction out of you. :trollestia:

Fuck me!:pinkiegasp:

How does she hold up against Kaijus of the Flame based variety?

4404665 I don't do holiday specials, sir. You have dishonored my honor.

4404689 well why didn't you say so right at the start? :rainbowhuh:

What are you gonna do about it now? :moustache:

Ohh i know, mortal kombat! :yay:

Or is it technically immortal kombat? :applejackunsure:

I can't wait to see Anguirus give her a massive asswhooping, especially while protecting Ki Seong and Gentle Leaf

4405181 but I'm just messing around, i can't wait to see the end result of this secret collaboration! :rainbowlaugh:

4405186 That was a secret. WHO TOLD YOU?!

4405248 YOU!


It's supposed to be top secret but you, who hath shamelessly revealed to me that you are a deceiver and as such is untrustworthy.

You will answer for your most grievous crime with an execution of the most grandiose degree...

Any final words traitor?

4405254 Lies and deceit! The work of a foul spawn of chaos.

4405263 That somehow has more honor and credit to his words than someone who's called the psychopath...

4405525 Pfff. That's Psycho's play on his name, as it literally is 'Psycho'.

4405630 point still stands that you are psychotic, and therefore your word is of questionable accuracy.

4405905 Pfff. Illogic is not psychotic.

4405949 at this point, our conversation is meaningless so have a good day.

4405953 B-but...I was having fun:fluttercry:

4405954 but I'm bored of our current topic, what do you think will happen next chapter?

4405955 [youtube=MZdOMlWAKTs]

Oh, I don't know. Haven't gotten through chapter 34 yet.

4405965 i only played along because it amused me and now you're being illogical, preparing Vulcan nerve pinch.

4406020 Silly dragon. You can't put a being from the Illogic to sleep.

4406053 hmm well i gotta put up the big guns...


4406057 I throw my own card: Vesuvius Vulcan!

4406090 my barbarous barber needs back up, i know just the individual.

(I'm too lazy so imagine We're all to blame by Sum 41 playing as i summon Zilla Jr.)

4406095 Oh, you mean the Zilla the original creator of Godzilla recognized as being worthy of the moniker 'God'?

4406100 maybe, it depends if Tristar took the Lord's name in vain.

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