• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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Skeeter The Lurker

All my favorite colors, my sisters and my brothers... Hate the sig? Report me. Bullies get ignored, no exceptions. You know who you are.

More Blog Posts271

  • 14 weeks
    Thank you (again)

    Gonna be honest, $2185 is far more than I expected to get from that GoFundMe.

    And frankly, typing out the words "thank you" feels just way too... Simple? Condescending... ish? Just plain not enough?

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    13 comments · 284 views
  • 14 weeks

    I'll just lay it all out.

    I do not have a car.

    I cannot get to and from work.

    I am more or less broke due to low paying job and so many bills.

    Due to credit issues, I do not qualify for any emergency loans.

    My car was uninsured due to the company I had deciding not to tell me there was an issue with payment and just... cancelled it. Cause why not at this point.

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    9 comments · 930 views
  • 15 weeks
    I can't win

    Got in an accident.

    Car's completely fucked.

    I'm fine, I think. Hospital right now. But I seem ok by EMS standards.

    Woulda been better if I had bit it, frankly. Cause now not only am I broke, I now have no car.

    ...I just want it to end. Please?

    I can't take much more. I can't.

    7 comments · 212 views
  • 22 weeks
    2024, about as good as 2023. Which was sh!t.

    Screw 2023.

    Miserable year for me.

    Started with an asshole walmart employee getting me fired, to me being exhausted with two jobs, which didn't last so back to one job, to me barely being able to get by on my meager paychecks.

    And on top of that, my severe eczema was persistent and I was unable to find a solution because... No money and so on.

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    20 comments · 1,146 views
  • 120 weeks
    Spare a dime for your Lurker

    Hello Legion, it's been awhile, hasn't it?

    I've never been good at this kinda thing, and while I could go on about my antics as of late, I won't and will just come out and say it.

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    19 comments · 1,947 views

The (Awesome) Madness of Twifight · 4:55pm Oct 10th, 2016

There is a person who resides on FimFic. Shocking, I know.

This person... They're quite mad. This is something the casual observer can pick out as well as something said by this very person.

A person I could never actually hope to accurately describe at all because of just how mad they are.

But... There is another person, one who is quite well known as well who put it best:

"Dense and vague, yet unimaginably interesting."

And you wanna know something? They are completely, totally, undeniably correct.

I speak, of course, of the downright madly magnificent Twifight Sparkill.

Anyway. Sometime late last night I was welcomed with a simple PM message, which held but a single thing.

An image. Of Aku. Done, of course, by this mad and awesome individual:

I responded in the only way I could even think of:

"Oh my."

In a mere blink of an eye, Twifight began to completely decimate my inbox in the way one would if they should have, say, witnessed a really good game by their favorite football team. American or Soccer, your pick.

Adding things, altering the face... It was like being in a picarto stream, to be frank. And I loved every second of it. I soon went to work, and when I came home I found the following:

As well as two "final", one could say, images of the Aku Twifight worked so hard on.




...Actually, looking now, I can't help but wonder... Was the picture I have under "Who is Skeeter?" used as the base, or am I... Mad?

ANYWAY (part 2), these are just begging to be used as avatars... But I simply can't decide which to use first. Make no mistake, both will get used and also placed on my profile page, but... For now I shall ask you...

And while you're at it... Go and give some love to this amazingly mad person, yeah? You won't regret it at all.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Report Skeeter The Lurker · 576 views ·
Comments ( 28 )


I fucked up the StrawPoll. I thought it could do URLs...

~Skeeter The Lurker


Twilight sparkill full of grace
They will draw you a new face

totally B. totally.


...Ooo. I like that. You should show him/her that!

~Skeeter The Lurker

B for sure. It looks like a slightly ponified Aku, which is perfect for this sight. :pinkiehappy:

Author Interviewer

deffo B

Also, Twifight Sparkill is bizarro short skirts, yes/no

Twifight Sparkill! Been following them forever. They're great.
4249779 Twifight Sparkill is dark mirror world short skirts. Short Skirts is already bizarro short skirts.

B for the poniness and best view of glassicals. Also yes the unholy mother is best being.


So it was said, so it shall be!

B it is.

~Skeeter The Lurker

4250293 curses. But it is of no matter. The B-loving schismatics will be defeated at a later time

4250299 Ha well you know what they say. B will always win... get it? it's a play on 'we'


I don't... even understand what I'm looking at.


Aku with a slight equine face.

A bit odd, sure, but otherwise not too shabby.

~Skeeter The Lurker


4251343 ... That didn't help.

Good for you, though.


Ack. Probably misunderstood the question.

And hey, this was done without any prompting from me. Seemed fitting to blog and promote them.

~Skeeter The Lurker


4251559 That's pretty awesome that someone was thinking of you.

I have no idea what they were thinking, but it's nice nonetheless.


"...Ooo. I like that. You should show him/her that!"

Her. Just to be specific.


"Also, Twifight Sparkill is bizarro short skirts, yes/no"

... the most amazing compliment I've ever had, although that's comparing apples to ... well, I don't know what fruit I adequately represent. Are rat droppings a fruit? Thank you though, PP. Also, hello!


"Twifight Sparkill! Been following them forever. They're great. >> PresentPerfect: Twifight Sparkill is dark mirror world short skirts. Short Skirts is already bizarro short skirts."

Propmaster! HEY! Where have you been hiding?? :heart:


"Also yes the unholy mother is best being."

Ferrets are best. Better than the rest - DON'T QUESTION ME!


"That's pretty awesome that someone was thinking of you."

Skeeter deserved some love. I could've posted a :heart: on his page again, but... I just needed to make his top hat Aku a real thing. I HAD TO!

Author Interviewer

4256609 Hey lady. Not hiding, just quieter.


I just LOVE your facehoof avatar! It's brilliant! How long have you had that, and who did it for you? I'll have to start stalking them in Deviantart!


Everything is okay though, yes? I find I'm rarely around here anymore myself, that is until I recently got a hold of my BELOVED CorelDRAW12 after nearly thirteen years! It's like falling in love all over again, except without the awkward sex.


I'm delighted that you liked my gift, Skeeter! You've been a good friend to me all these years, and I haven't been around enough lately to let you know that you mean a lot to me.

"...Actually, looking now, I can't help but wonder... Was the picture I have under "Who is Skeeter?" used as the base, or am I... Mad?"

You're not mad. Cynewulf, Themaskedferret ... you're both next.

:raritywink: - Be afraid, darlings!

Author Interviewer

I actually don't remember. I've had it since this video:

(Okay, actually, that provides all my answers: a little over a year now, and TertonDA. Link in the video description.)


"Okay, actually, that provides all my answers: a little over a year now, and TertonDA. Link in the video description."

Awesome, thank you! I'm a HUGE fan of Scribbler, so imma gonna go watch that vid. Cheers for that!


4257550 I am actually doing really great. Some slightly crazy life stuff going down, and I'm getting married soon, and I'm working as a teacher. So I'm busy! But it's all pretty decent. How's tricks?


"I am actually doing really great. Some slightly crazy life stuff going down, and I'm getting married soon, and I'm working as a teacher. So I'm busy! But it's all pretty decent. How's tricks?"

I'm exactly as you, apparently! ... wait, you're not me, are you? I'm doing well, life is a constant chaos, so busy with work and chores and everything else etc. - seems to be the way of it for everyone, yeh?

Congratulations for the teaching gig! NICE! So, what grade are you teaching? Are you at a good school? Tolerating the kids?


:pinkiehappy: - Made any of them run laps until they puked for being disruptive little buggers? Nyeh-heh-heh!

:twilightsheepish: - Um, they don't do that anymore in human schools, Pinkie. Abusive diciplines in classrooms are strictly forbidden.

:pinkiesmile: - Oh. So why the heck would anyone want to be a teacher if they can't mistreat and torture little kids?

:facehoof: - Oh dear. Pinkie, the role of a teacher is to—

:pinkiegasp: - ACCORDING TO URBAN DICTIONARY, "A teacher is a person who cares enough to suffer abusive and ungrateful children, to work for crappy pay and long hours, praying that someday a student might realize how lucky they were that someone actually gave a shit about their future and led them into adulthood selflessly."

:twilightblush: - Wow. That's... well, if a bit pessimistic, fairly accurate.

:trollestia: - On the topic of teachers, my faithful student, I happened by to remind you that you'll always be in my debt. Forever, Twilight Sparkle. Even after death, you will remain my property and doting slave. Remember that no matter what happens, you belong to me.

:twilightoops: - ... what? Why are you... Princess Celestia? What did I do wrong!? Why are you saying such horrible things?? WHAT'S GOING ON!? Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh...

:pinkiehappy: - LOLOLOLOL! Wow, Celly! You are the best troll ever! She freaked out SO HARD! She nearly POOPED! LOVE IT!

:trollestia: - Ah yes, I still have the mad skills, as they say. I must be careful to keep Twilight in check, you know? I can't let her ever get confident enough to dare threaten the throne - as a leader, it becomes a matter of securing and manipulating the naive beliefs of your most useful tools so they remain trustworthy.

:pinkiesmile: - You are SO my hero, yannow? So, I wonder how long Twilight willl stay curled up in the fetal position and constantly farting?

:trollestia: - Shh... that's the sound of victory.

:moustache: - Victory smells like rotten hay.

4257795 I teach High School at a continuation school. Great school, if poor, and great staff. I really like the kids I work with, even when they can be pains in the butt. I run the detention program, too, so it's funny you mention punishment.

And I make them write reflective essays on their wrongdoings. They hate it. It's great! And then they study, study, study. I am taking pointers from Twilight's schooling regimen. Did you know that, for normal kids, studying... isn't fun?! I know, right?


"I teach High School at a continuation school. Great school, if poor, and great staff. I really like the kids I work with, even when they can be pains in the butt. I run the detention program, too, so it's funny you mention punishment."

I'm relieved that you're at a school with good people and likeable students. Seriously? You actually run the detention program?? Wow. Yeah, total coincidence AND totally weird! Nice, nice.

"I make them write reflective essays on their wrongdoings. They hate it. It's great! And then they study, study, study."


... *cough cough* anyway.

" I am taking pointers from Twilight's schooling regimen. Did you know that, for normal kids, studying... isn't fun?! I know, right?"

I still think you should beat them. I know you can't, but still. Glad you're doing what you love, and I hope it continues to be fun and rewarding! Try and make more time for us in the future, would you? Some of us actually like you, yannow.

:twilightoops: - Normal kids don't like studying? Really? I... I don't know what to say. I'm speechless!

:pinkiehappy: - Oh, if only you were, Princess.

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