• Member Since 6th Nov, 2011
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Pen Stroke

A fan-fiction author and game programmer that lives in Glendale, CA.

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  • 43 weeks
    EFNW 2023

    Realize I haven't breathed a word about this, and that I'm generally silent on the blog side of Fimfiction as it is, but I'm attending Everfree Northwest this year!

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  • 80 weeks
    Jinglemas 2022

    It's that time of year again, and sign ups are closing soon. If you have any interest, and haven't yet, sign up for Jinglemas 2022!

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    2021 Movie Thoughts + 1 Question

    Super Short Answer: I really enjoyed it!

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  • 143 weeks
    Glimpses 2 - Now Complete

    Though it was a day late, hopefully, it's not a dollar short. I've posted the final chapter of Glimpses 2! I hope everyone enjoys the last chapter and enjoyed the story as I whole. I would also like to thank everyone that submitted suggestions to my blog about a month ago. The anthology would not have been nearly as interesting without your input!

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  • 143 weeks
    Last Chapter of "Glimpses 2" slightly delayed

    Just what it says on the tin. Need 1 more day for the "Core" chapter of Glimpses 2. Should be up tomorrow. After that, the story will be complete!

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Season 5 Finale & a Hardback Book Announcement · 1:28am Nov 29th, 2015

Lots of folks doing this, but I promise I won't be too long winded. I stand amongst those that enjoyed the finally. Yes, perhaps interpretation of the time travel was simplified, but it gave us wonderful glimpses into the consequences of the adventures failed if our favorite ponies never became friends. My only criticism was related to the revelation Starlight's motivation, but I've never been too critical of the show. Everything has its ups and downs, its good moments and bad, and so far My Little Pony is continuing to give us more good moments than bad, in my opinion.

That and rebel leader Zecora for the win.

Still, another hiatus is upon us, and we are left to wonder what My Little Pony has in store for the future. As someone that's been around since almost the start, the fervor around the show may have calmed, but I still see something that is entertaining and enjoyable, as long as you don't take it too seriously.

Finally, I have a bit of Past Sins related news. Back during the original hard back printing, Illustrious Q, one of the members of the Equestria Publications group, purchased 15 copies of Past Sins for himself. His intent was to give them away to friends, family, and specific famous people. Unfortunately, a small financial situation has arisen.

Now don't worry. It's not anything life threatening, but it has forced him to make a hard decision. He's going to be selling some of the copies of Past Sins he purchased for himself. Now, I normally wouldn't advertise something like this, but Illustrious Q was pivotal to the Past Sins Printing Projects completing. He was the one that took the time to ship out all the books for the first printing. That and I know some people new to the fandom would love the chance to get a hold of a copy.

These books are from the first printing. That means they include, of course, the story, but it also includes the fan art section and the short story "First Hours."

I'll try to update this blog post when I'm alerted the books have sold out.

UPDATE: I've removed the links because all the books sold. I'm sure Illustrious Q appreciates that greatly, and I hope those who were able to snag one of the copies enjoy their purchase.

Report Pen Stroke · 2,708 views · Story: Past Sins · #Season 5 #Past Sins #Hardcover #Printing #Nyx
Comments ( 64 )

What's wrong with her motivation?

to me this season was full of bad or wasted potential episodes with a handful of REALLY good ones.

3576029 simple. She never tried making new friends after that. If she had multiple fails tied to cutie marks then it would be believable. She nearly ruined the lives of many ponies twice and Equestria once all for the fact her friend got sent to Canterlot.

150 dollars for Past Sins hard cover!!!!!

3576038 No. Her friends was taken from her due to his CM and it scared her, a then little filly, away from trying to making friends again, for fear that it would just happen again. In the village, she was not ruining ponies' lives. She thought they would be better that way and she tried to fix what had ruined her life, but then Twilight showed up and ruined her plans. The whole reason she tried to cancel the Rainboom here was to make Twilight feel the same pain she did and to get revenge. She didn't know it was going to harm the future.

3576071 no she nearly ruined the lives of the Pleasantville ponies. She may think she was doing a good thing but in truth she was doing something evil. Then she assaulted Twilight and the others. Normally I bet this is a treason level offense in real life.

Then with this last episode she nearly ruined Equestria multiple times. All for a simple fear. This was weak motivation. needs to be fleshed out a lot more.

3576137 It wasn't for fear, it was for revenge, and whether it was better or worse didn't matter. What matters is what she thought she was doing.

3576187 Her intent doesn't negate what she did. She assulted royalty and harmed ponies. not to mention nearly destroying Equestria.

I have been wanting my own copy of Past Sins for the longest time now, I joined the fandom after the original release, I'm so happy I'm finely getting a copy. Not so happy about the price though :fluttercry:

That's upsetting...i really want a copy of it but i cant afford the $150:fluttercry:

3576232 She actually didn't really harm anyone, but either way, we're talking about her motives here which make perfect sense.

3576341 harm anyone. Look at what she put Pleasantville through and if Twilight hadn't convinced her to stop how many ponies would be harmed by her next interference. Finally assaulting royalty. She took the Mane 6's cutie marks against their will. This could be along the lines of rape normally and treason in this case.

3576382 Again, we're talking about motives.

3576399 yeah and the motive is squat. Let's look at the nearest comparison. NMM/Luna. Luna let her jealousy and hatred get control of her for no pony loved her or her night. I bet this was a long process and NMM being the last and most desperate thing she could do.

Starlight. She lost one friend and never tried again and came to the thinking all cutie marks are bad leading to here. That's bull. She needs to have multiple failures for this to be believeable.

In agreement with Q here. She was causing serious psychological harm to her 'Equalists', and her actions nearly caused the fall of Equestria. The law does not require you to know you are doing something wrong, only that you did so of your own volition. Glimmer caused significant harm, of her own volition.

That said, ponies. Love & Tolerate 'personified'.

3576427 We were talking about whether she had good motivation from a critique view.

3576464 and she doesn't with what she just has. if she had multiple failures then I could by it.

3576418 She was a little filly. Do you know how traumatizing that is?

3576482 One word. Traumatizing.

3576487 but to go from there to World ending for spite. No, there needs to be more.

3576515 She didn't know she was ruining everything. She just thought she was hurting Twilight. And she was doing that for revenge for Twi ruining Pleasantville, which in her eyes, was the solution to what ruined her life.

3576524 still think this episode was badly written. you know what. this should have been a movie. not FG.

I think it would have been much better if they had simple cut the backstory entirely.

Take 1 lesson away from that. A backstory isn't neccecery. If Starlight didn't have a backstory and just did it out of anger and then learned her lesson.

Past Sins is my favorite mlp fanfiction, and I've wanted the book for so long. Right now, there's four left! My last chance! ...But I don't have $150 at the moment.

I'm dying inside. Someone help me. Everything is lost. :'(

3576658 How does "not FG" work then?

Part of me REALLY wants to get this. The online version was decent, but I'm a sucker for physical printings. Still wouldn't be right to spend a week's paycheck on a single book.

3576700 "this should have been a movie. not FG"
Should've been a comma, not a period. Meaning "they should have spent their time on this, not FG"

(Note: this is all hearsay on my part)

3576779 That would make sense. Thanks.

3576700 frankly Fg should have been the first season of a spin off series and this episode be a movie.

3576838 There's no way that FG could be shrunk down to the length of a tv show episode, and if this episode was made into a movie, what would the finale have been?

3576846 I said a season. as in a season long arc.

3576888 There's not enough in EG for that. It only has enough story for 2-3 episodes, but the plot can't be separated like that.

3576924 actually it can. have them deal with Human Twilight as an enemy and try to prevent her from studying magic with the FG being the season ender.

No no no no sweet Faust NO!!! FIRST EDITION PAST SINS SOLD OUT! The first time I've seen it available in years and it slips through my fingers.:applecry::fluttercry::raritycry:
Please tell me there's a way to get a...normal copy, and dull the pain....

Will agree that at first i felt the same about her motivation. They seemed rather shallow and childish.
Then it hit me.
She let this mindset stew into something unhealthy for years, all of her life, terrified of being hurt and keeping it to herself. It twisted into something unhealthy.
Though we also have to note that this wasn't her motivation in trying to torment twilight. Her motivation of hurting twilight is that twilight destroyed everything she had created. Starlight created a place where she felt safe, where she had friends whom she did not have to fear conflicting with. And in only a few days, it was utterly destroyed.
She ain't a very healthy pony i think. Though when she saw the repercussions, it shook her resolve.

The episode was pretty great, cause it can make you think and find hidden depth, as any good pony stuff should.
One thing i would like to note. Zecora stated that she, and i prseume her world, should not exist. And often times there is no logical reasoning for the futures; flim and flam, nuff said. My guess is that they were all in a sense false, corrupted and unstable timelines that did not have a proper start off point.
Least that is one way of seeing it. Certainly would clean up some confusion XP

We pony fans might have simmered down but we are still strong i think. Still wanting to create, still wanting more ponies and more inspiration.

Looks like they're all sold out. That was fast. :rainbowderp:

3576970 She's not a villain though. If you want her to be a villain, write a fanfic about it. Otherwise, you need to see what really happened and what the creators had in mind.

3577979 I plan to. However she's not a true villain. it would much like in FG they are does trying to prevent her from magic. The longer time gives more creditbility for her to make the amulet then in FG.

3576569 Every villain needs motivation.

3578028 come on. after one scan and alot of long distance readings she is able to make a device that finds and contains the magic. That's a stretch. Canon reason I give is because she bears magic. More study attempts would make it more believable.

3578039 She's also extremely smart and spent what, a year or so investigating? She already built a device to home in on its unique signature, and it didn't seem like she knew the new device would capture magic. Besides, if the main cast were given more time, they would have solved the problem right away, not to mention that without the device, there wouldn't be any reason to stop her in the first place.

yes she's smart but being able to do that and note she did say she made it to contain the 'energy' as well as locate it. And their attempts to stop her could cause frustration leaning to a lesson zero moment which gives greater credence to Midnight Sparkle.

3578125 Credence about what?

3578163 why she goes Midnight in the first place.

I stand amongst those that enjoyed the finally. Yes, perhaps interpretation of the time travel was simplified, but it gave us wonderful glimpses into the consequences of the adventures failed if our favorite ponies never became friends. My only criticism was related to the revelation Starlight's motivation, but I've never been too critical of the show. Everything has its ups and downs, its good moments and bad, and so far My Little Pony is continuing to give us more good moments than bad, in my opinion.

Y'know, that's my attitude toward this show most of the time, including with yesterday's episode. It's nice to see that other people feel similarly.

3578206 She goes Midnight because all she cared about was knowledge. She didn't think she needed friends.

3578242 is it wrong to expand on it?

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