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Kaiju Profile: Reijuu · 7:32pm Jul 26th, 2015

[Picture Pending...]

"I roamed this world for over ten thousand ten thousand years. I tread amongst earthquakes, flown as a hurricane, breathed the fires mightier than the greatest volcano. I have walked across this world's core and stood upon its moon. If you wish to make this world your feast, I shall make it your grave. Leave."
-Addressing King Ghidorah and DesGhidorah in the Cretaceous

Title: the Aspect of Life, The Morning Star
Alias: Enjin, Mizu, Doragon (Aspects, base forms)

Age: Immortal, at least 1 billion but likely much, much older. Easily the most ancient entity in the universe.
Species: Unclassifiable, Mystical Chimera with dragon-like features
Coloration: Burned bronze with gold hued horns, spines, and claws, red eyes; numerous ruby-like orbs on torso and shoulder spikes
Gender: None, but uses masculine pronouns
Height: 165 meters, 525 feet
Weight: 300,000 tons
Length: 350 meters, 1,148 feet

Power Category: Incalculable

Morality: A paragon of wisdom and power, Reijuu carries himself with as much nobility as his gilded form implies. A steadfast protector of a life bearing world, Reijuu and his original forms have been dutiful to their job for over a billion years. Always striving for the greater good, he will do whatever it takes to ensure precious life is preserved. Knowledge scaling with age, he mentored dozens of generations of pupils with his knowledge of life and magic, kaiju and mortals alike; including almost every Battra or Mothra there has ever been until around 77,000 BCE.

Traits: Large horns, bladed claws and fangs, extendable claw sword on right index finger, reinforced armor plating across body, extendable wings from shoulder spikes, great healing factor, able to draw energy from a variety of sources, flight at mach 6 when out of atmosphere with ease, can survive in a vacuum, glows with a radiant luster, and has vast magical knowledge.


Aspect Summoning - Tapping into his own astronomical mana reserves, Reijuu can summon a semi-astral version of one of his aspects, Doragon, Enjin, or Mizu to fight alongside him. It is possible for him to have all three out, effectively turning any duel into a 1 vs. 4 fight. The Aspects can be destroyed and take a long time to regenerate, but as still quite strong on their own so this is quite difficult fight for all but very powerful kaiju. As non-living forms, the Aspects are immune to any form of mind control or mental attack. How strong the Aspects are scales with how much power Reijuu has at the time.

Diamond Storm - After a brief charge up period, Reijuu fires out a barrage of diamond or rhombus shaped energy blasts that arc up and then rain down on a target or area. Having a homing ability, the charges explode on contact with a target.

Mana Sword - Coursing energy through the sword-like, enlarged claw on his right arm; Reijuu can greatly increase its cutting power. In addition, the blade can create a powerful shock on contact or be swung to create a wave of energy.

Mana Reserves - Reijuu isn't just a clever brawler in terms of direct attack. Being the most powerful kaiju in history means his mana reserves are astronomical and magnitudes higher than any runner up. This near limitless power source as well as thousands of millennia worth of experience means he is also the strongest magic user Terra has ever seen. Virtually all spells the Guardian Moths and ancients know came from his teachings. With life magic being a specialty, it was his actions that helped the planet regrow after the first global conflict at the end of the Permian era; which had cost the world 96% of all marine species and 70% of all terrestrial species. He also has experience in portal, sealing, and telepathy spells.

Plasma Torrent - After a brief charge indicated by blue and gold electrical build up arcing off his shoulder spikes, horns, and eyespots; Reijuu unleashes a massive stream of energy from his mouth. Can be fired either as a singular beam or as an expanding fan of energy to hit multiple targets. The sheer power of this attack, especially when focused; is immense and could very easily kill many weaker kaiju in one hit.

Energy Barrier - Fueled by both his mana reserves and magic, Reijuu is able to easily absorb and deflect many energy based attacks. When fighting the Ghidorah brothers in the Cretaceous era, Reijuu actually caught a super charged energy ball from the future Grand King Ghidorah and easily threw it back at him.

Weakness: - None Known

Reijuu was once a trio of noble and protective guardians. Eons old, these Aspects once tended to the well being of the planet Terra. Doragon patrolled the air, Mizu scoured the deepest oceans, and Enjin tread across all stretches of land. A task that wasn't always easy given the frequent meteor strikes they had to shoot down or rebuild after, and emergence of radiovore kaiju before the end of the Permian such as the 'M.U.T.O.s' and their rival species. It was during one of these challenges the three combine their might and power to form a single being. Reijuu was born and ended the conflict personally despite being vastly outnumbered. It wasn't until the Cretaceous that the world saw fit to give him helpers in the form of the first Mothra and Battra. When the two moths attempts to fend off the invading King and DesGhidorah, Reijuu stepped in to save his students and let out his full power for the first time in eons; easily overpowering the duo despite the older Ghidorah receiving a super charge.

A tireless caretaker, Reijuu did is best to ensure the course of life to continue. The wisest being on the planet, he mentored and fostered the first Mothra and Battra, and their successors. He was also present during the rise of the first civilizations in ages past; keeping the peace between the states, lending his vast magical and physical knowledge to any who'd listen. He was respected, loved, and revered by all as both the world's greatest hero and teacher. While he did roam the entire world, his frequent residence in eastern Asia caused many grateful civilizations to associate his likeness with authority and nobility. This association of the reptilian with high power survived his time and spurred the idea in countries like China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan that dragons were holy creatures.

TVTrope: Physical God, Big Good, Fallen Hero

Comments ( 43 )

Well, you took Reijuu and replaced its name with Bagan in Aspect Summoning. I'd just like to know what happened that turned Reijuu into Bagan. It's like Luna into Nightmaremoon, except it would be like that if that happened to Harmony. Rather scary if I do say so myself.


Was hoping someone would catch that :P

3271482 Nope, that's actually a nod to the names of Enjin, Doragon and Mizu all having Reijuu come after them.

Wait! Wait Wait! NO WEAKNESS!?!?!?! :pinkiegasp:

This guy sure sounds powerful. I can't wait to see a full image of what this kaiju is. Plus, he was a sensei to the Battra's and Mothra's?!?! Awesome!!! :pinkiehappy:

And one more thing. Bagan's original name was Reijuu? I wondered why he changed his name. :rainbowhuh:

3271486 Do you think its possible that Reijuu could be still there in Bagan somewhere?

3271488 I kind of like how the history works out, time-line wise. Yes, I know its a nod, but it makes sense.

And this is what the whole good side is up against. A literal kaiju god who has power enough to annihilate the planet if he wanted to. :applejackconfused: Welp we're fucked. Excuse me while I go fire up the Dimension Tide and find myself a nice little planet on the other side of the MULTIVERSE from this guy.

I can honestly say that Reijuu/Bagan seems like an interesting guy. Given his past, I wonder how such a magnanimous being morally devolved into Bagan. There's also one factor that caught my attention...I get that Category 6 means godlike in this context (Did you get that from Toaru Majutsu no Index/A Certain Magical Index), but how much power do the other categories have and in which category do the Kaiju from the story fall into? Also, I'm curious as to how Guidorah would react when he finds out about Bagan's original form. Thanks for the interesting character Tarbtano and thanks to Faith-Wolff for the future pic of the Kaiju (the moment the pic appears, I'll edit the future out)

So, that's how Bagan used to be? A trio of benevolent protectors that merged into an equally benevolent being, only to be corrupted into a death harbinger? That's some history.

3271523 Not necessarily, he's been drained at the moment he doesn't have the power to do all that. It's why he used Dimensional Tide to bring others to do its handy work. The fact is, his best artifact hunters are only a bit aways away from turning on him. So theres still a chance to take him down.

3271537 You misspelled his name, it's not Guidorah, its Ghidorah.

Weakness: - None

He might be all powerful...but can he see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch? amirightboys?!

This guys 165 meters!? Jesus he could give Legendary Godzilla a run for his money!

3271523 So THIS guy is the one Leviathan went Toe to Toe with? No wonder she got knocked down from a Cat 6 to a Cat 4... She's lucky to not be in PIECES fighting this guy.


yaaah that's 57 meters taller than LP!Godzilla and 10 meters taller than Grand King Ghidorah standing up completely straight, and this is without a long neck boosting his height.


I hear this place called Equestria is lovely this time of ye-...ooooooh waaait um... Here how about a calmer, more stable universe... Like Halo, Mass Effect, or Gears of War :rainbowlaugh:

The Kaiju scale is detailed in Chapter 8 of the sister fic "The Bridge: Humanity's Stand" by BlazingPhoenix17. It's not on this site, it's on fanfiction.net.

I hear Mass Effect is lovely this time of year. It's a nice little space opera with no current wars going on. What could go wrong?

3271989 Well, to be fair there ARE different versions of Equestria, if you really want to go there, I'm sure you could find at least one universe with a stable Equestria....till you show up anyway.

3271555 And a possible reference to Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem.

So, does that mean that, if Bagan were present at Tirak's defeat or if Harmony gave the main six a way to re-access the Rainbow Power they used on Tirak, that they might be able to restore Bagan to Reijuu the way they restored Nightmare Moon to Princess Luna? The most recent epp (Do Princesses Dream of Magicle Sheep) implies that at least Luna suspects that the Main Six in Rainbow Power Mode would be as effective as the Elements of Harmony were.

I think Bagan is too far gone, even for Rainbow Power.

3273326 I agree, Bagan has been trapped for over 30,000 years, unlike Luna's 1,000. Giving the "evil" more time to fester and grow.

Also the Mane 6 fought against tyrants and conquerors, not mass murderers.


This is assuming there is something inherently different between Bagan and Reijuu other than a name change. Often the most dangerous monsters of all time are ones who don't consider themselves monsters or see no fault in their actions to begin with.


Now I can't wait for Bagan to his grand appearance.

... So if the Rainbow Power couldn't restore Reijuu, could it at least petrify Bagan like the Elements did to Discord? Or strip away his power and imprisin him like it did Tirak

Was the mentioning of earthquakes and volcanoes a slight reference to Deathwing (whom you said was one of the villains who gave inspiration for Bagan's personality)?

I think it would take more than that, Bagan is essentially a god. Besides, the Mane 6 don't even have access to the Rainbow Power, not yet.

True enough; this was mostly idle speculation, plus a bit of fishing as to why such a massive change in character occured. That said, we don't know what will hapen in the near future or if the keys will stay the same. In the words of Shakespear: "There is much vertue in an if."

Also, just how godlike would Bagan be right now? What (fraction of a) percent of his power does he retain? Between taking Zenith, banishing it's former ruler, and making it his own, how much power does he have left? Enough to shrug off the Kaiju that made it to Equestria as if they were gnats, or so little that the Sons of the Former Kaiju King could bring him down on their own?

3273404 I expected that to be honest. After all he rambled about how the soul is immortal, and it's imprissoned in flesh and such. He actually believes he's saving there soul by killing them.

And how much more power will he attain if he succeeds in acquiring more artifacts and drains them?

My first thought seeing that line was that it was a very loose and expanded upon reference to the most recent episode of Death Battle (Goku vs Superman 2), in which Superman mentions "With everystep, and earthquake, with every breath I could create a hurricane. This is my burden. Be thankfull it is not yours." (I apologize if I messed up the quote a bit; there is a lot of background sound during it, and I'm not trained in shorthand or otherwise as a transcriptonist.)

3273736 The mark of true insanity. The ultimate kind of evil.

And thus the true reason the heros of the story must act quickly. Pity they haven't a clue as to what needs to be done or even that the threat exists yet.

It should be a fun ride finding out how this all works out.


I believe at some point, Rarity should talk to mothra about her nightmare about Bagan and what would happen if he comes to equestria.

3273779 You know I took a look at your previous post about how much Power Bagan has left, it reminded me about the chapter when he first called the other Kiaju to him to fight for him. He stopped an argument by stating something along the lines that he could crush them all like gnats. Irys had felt something off about the statement, as if he was bluffing. I think he's much more drained than he lets on. After all, he used a machine to bring his "angels" to him and needs them in order to restore his strength. However, he's still a force to be reckoned with.

Exactly. At full power he's unstopable, beyond any mortal being in every way, and a means for otherwise unkillable Kaiju to commit suicide.

But he's not at full power.

He is, at the moment, vunerable.

Forgive the DC comics and Dungeons and Dragons reference, but the question is, is he "Superman just used his new Super Flare power and is effectivly human for the next day" vunerable, or is it closer to "A D&D first level fighter with a +1 sword is trying to kill Superman" vunerable?

Goodness gracious Tarb, if you've set out to headcannon one of the most OP characters in fiction, I think you've certainly achieved it.

The only versions of Bagan I was familiar with before were the Matt Frank Neo version, and the character from the epic Fan-fic: "The Coming of Bagan (as Tarb well knows from our correspondence.) As Tarb has previously explained, his version is basically an über-Bagan, molded from various previous interpretations. And his is without question, a force to be feared, not just here, but in any fictional franchise.

I've said it before, and I'll say it once more, for all his fannon, Bagan is still an strange element to me, and I am still not a customer of what this nearly mythical status Kaiju is selling.

Now I hope Tarb doesn't take all that as me huckin' rocks at his creation. I hope he takes it as a challenge to win over a customer. Tarb has done a lot of hyping for Bagan, and I want to see him deliver on that hype. I want Tarb to convince me that I should think Bagan is as awesome as he thinks he is.

Check it out, FiMFiction got me using the tab button.


Actually it was based off a mix of the Gravemind (Halo 2 and 3) and Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)'s quotes. But I suppose the Superman boast works too.

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