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Kaiju Profile: Destroyah · 10:40pm Aug 19th, 2014

(I'll be putting these up to help people less acquainted with the Godzilla movies to understand who's what in the story)


True form
Equestrian form

Title: The Serizawan Legacy
Alias: Destroyer, Destoroyah
"I was born in death, do you really think you can kill me?!"

Species: Heavily mutated & evolved Precambian lifeform (True form), Enormous Pegasus mare (Equestrian form)
Gender: Female
Height: 120 meters (True form), largest equine known, half a head taller than Celestia (Equestrian form)
Weight: 80,000 tons (True form), 1.7x Princess Celestia's (Equestrian form)
Length: 230 meters (True form), Roughly equal to Celestia (Equestrian form)
Wingspan: 210 meters (True form), 1.3x Princess Celestia's (Equestrian form)
Morality: Destroyah often solves her problems with violence as it's the only thing she's known. She has next to no allegiance or acquaintances other than being on decent terms with Xenilla. When attacked or attacking she will almost never stop until she kills her target or is near killed herself. Since arriving in Equestria however, this bloodlust has been tempered, but she is by no means good. At best, she cares you not annoy her, and stay out of her way or else...
Traits: Dense carapace, physical features are a mix of a reptile and crustacean, underwater breathing, flight, immense physical strength, sharp claws and spines, pincer on tail, magically inert but sharp horn

Powers (still present in Equine form, but diminished):

Horn Katana - By funneling energy into her sharp horn, Destroyah greatly increases its cutting power after giving it a fiery glow. When swung down, the slashes left by the blade can easily cut through all but the densest defenses and can leave wounds that can dampen another kaiju's healing factor

Micro-Oxygen Mine- Using the same power that gave her life, Destroyah's frill lights up briefly before she exhales a glowing, purple orb of energy. This energy, micro-sized oxygen molecules rapidly split apart and detonate upon hitting a target. The size of the explosion scales with the scale of the orb. She can fire a rapid stream of small detonators, or charge up for a period and fire a large burst akin to a mortar shell

Oxygen-Destroyer Ray- Tapping into the same powers behind her mines but to a greater extent, Destroyah can fire a continuous ray of plasma out of her mouth. Resembles a ray of violet lightning and has explosive properties when impacting flesh or other energy attacks.

Form shift- By splitting herself with energy briefly, Destroyah can reduce herself down into a swarm of her smaller forms controlled by her conscious. In numbers she can exist as a single individual in her adult form, a dozen individual 'Aggregate' forms; and one thousand 'Juvenile' forms. 'Aggregate' forms can also individual change into the 'Aerial' stage and back

Wave Motion Burst- Flipping open the exoskeletal panels on her chest, exposing a biological cannon, Destroyah takes a moment to gather energy before firing out a massive ray of explosive energy. This is easily her strongest attack, but requires a large amount of energy to pull off. In equine form, the ray shoots out of the white patch of fur on her chest.

Weakness: - While able to fly and swim, Destroyah is one of the slowest kaiju overland and is not very agile. She is also specifically vulnerable to large amounts of low temperatures, which weaken her quickly and can kill her with extended influence. The firing mechanism for her Wave Motion cannon is also a noticeable weak point on her body, hence why it's covered by dense panels when not firing. She also cannot change down into her microbial form safely outside of freak accidents


Destroyah's origins is a tale of death, dragons, super weapons, and rapid evolution. During the Precambrian era, many different varieties of primitive life forms existed. Many used different nutrients to grow, two of which steadily became more complex into the advanced cellular stage. One group which metabolized oxygen rapidly swelled in numbers, with almost all modern life forms being their decedents. Another however, which utilized other chemicals, survived in much smaller numbers on the sea floor. Eventually, the latter's numbers whittled down to a single population at the bottom of Tokyo bay in the 1950s. In 1954, the first Godzilla lashed out at humanity for his pain caused by the H-bomb tests. He leveled Tokyo and turned the city into a fireball before resting at the bottom of the bay.

A recluse scientists named Daisuke Serizawa came forward with a solution. In his attempts to find a method of oxygen therapy for medical use, had discovered a compound that caused all oxygen bearing tissue and life forms to be rapidly vaporized. Horrified by this 'Oxygen Destroyer', he kept it secret until an old friend named Emiko urged him to use the device on the first Godzilla to save any other city from falling under Tokyo's fate. Serizawa burned all of his research and took the prototype device with him on a dive to the bottom of the bay. Never wanting anyone to use the device again and risk the creation of a weapon potentially worse than the nuclear bomb, Serizawa cut his diving line and activated the destroyer. Serizawa, Godzilla, and all marine life in Tokyo bay died near instantly. All life except the Precambrian colony however.

Feeding off the energy of the Oxygen Destroyer and absorbing its properties into their chemical makeup, the simple cells underwent a rapid evolution over the decades. Converging together, they formed a swarm of tiny, crustacean-like life forms. By the 1990s, the near microscopic creatures invaded the Tokyo aquarium and devoured everything in it. Their grow was rapidly exaggerated due to devouring fish that had been treated with an experiment medical treatment called 'Micro-Oxygen'. Unbeknownst to its inventor, 'Micro-Oxygen' was actually a weaker version of the same energy responsible for the Oxygen 'Destroyer'. Using the energy of the huge feast, the creatures rapidly grew into bear sized monstrosities that barely resembled any traditional animal on the planet. These 'Juvenile' forms began attacking people, battled the JSDF inside a warehouse. After absorbing more energy from the skirmishes with the humans, the 'Juvenile' forms congregated together. Fusing together their energy and matter, the swarm turned into a 60 meter tall 'Aggregate' form that ravaged the military convoys sent to stop it. Feeding off more matter and energy, Destroyah's evolution advanced and it gained the power of shape shifting. Remolding it's body in a flash of light, it turned into the equally large 'Aerial' form; taking to the air. It was between these two forms that the young Destroyah encountered and fought the teenage Godzilla Junior, who had arrived to save the city. Despite mauling the young kaiju, Destroyah was blasted back by the young dinosaur's nuclear beam and was blown into a power plant what went up in flames. Destroyah was knocked out and presumed dead, but had survived and fed off of the energy around her before regaining consciousness.

Several hours later and the dying Godzilla Sr. arrived to spend his last hours with his adoptive son. However, erupting from the power plant like a volcano, the gigantic, adult Destroyah cried out to the world to announce she'd met the apex of her evolution. Quickly grabbing her former attacker, Destroyah repeatedly blasted the now dwarfed Junior before dropping him hundreds of feet into an airport, seemingly killing him. Now under attack by the hyper charged Senior, Destroyah fought with everything she had. After a prolonged struggle however, Godzilla's ever increasing, rage fueled might was beginning to overpower Destroyah. Cryo-weapons brought in by the military to deal with both monsters were doing her no favors either. Between the freezing cold of chilled plasma and the burning wrath of Godzilla, Destroyah was rapidly beginning to falter under mass thermal shock. She surely would have been killed had a fragment of her body not been blown off previously in the fight, the rest of the body being enveloped in a massive explosion. Having sufficient energy reserves to survive, the fragment broke down into a single microbial form before entering a coma.

She surely would have died eventually in that form via energy starvation had the returning Xenilla not found her years later. Forming a large battery of energy charged crystals, the hybrid re-energized and fed Destroyah, effectively nursing her back to health until she could return to her full form. Having been evolved enough to be sentient, a begrudging sense of gratitude formed to her aid giver. While the two were never friendly towards each other, a mutual respect did arise between them and their alliance paved the wave for a new faction to rival all others formed.

Comments ( 16 )

Very nice work, but I don't know why but reading that last part made me picture Destroyah as a Tsundere

Dear Tarb.

Oh goody goody more bio :pinkiehappy:. Glad to hear your still alive my friend, and can't wait for what's next.

Sincerely Yours, The Cake Devil.

An enormous Pegasus mare

I thought she was an Alicorn

I forget where he explained it, but Des' horn is just carried over from her kaiju form and not a unicorn horn.

As North Wind said, her horn is a hold over from her true form. She can't use any magic with it however, so she's not an alicorn

When attacked or attacking she will almost never stop until she kills her target or is near killed herself.

She's angry, aggressive, uncouth, and monstrous...


Yet somehow my equine eyes find her beautiful

(It should be noted: I'm a changeling)


Bit of design irony there. If she broke a more placid expression and managed her mane a bit, she probably wouldn't look half bad

So in Destroyah's pony form, her bloodlust has supposedly "decreased" a bit. Its still there, but not like in her true form. So, don't piss her off and stay out of her way or you'll end up dead.


Basically. Probably best to leave her alone... least unless Xen starts some plans of his...

Shes's weak against both extreme high and low tempatures.


Debatable. Movie only specifically stated freezing temperatures slowed her down and messed with her body structure. Godzilla's spiral fire certainly did the number on her but she definitely tanked it pretty well compared to other kaiju/mechs who went down in a few shots. Both in the comics and movie it seems like freezing weapons did the biggest number on her. Still, not saying you're wrong at all, it's just all sources I found only specified freezing.

If you can find me one on high temperatures I'll gladly add it =)

This is about as far as I've gotten into the first chapter so far. I'm noticing some mildly distracting grammar hiccups, but I did temper my expectations to my requisite Godzilla levels, so I know I can power through it.

Gotta say, I'm liking the pony designs for the monsters so far, even if they're not in Equestria where I am yet. And I'm very pleased that my absolute favorite monster's in the ring right off the bat (the Death Crab, obviously, s'why I'm commenting over here).

Is Destoroyah (used to that spelling, I think I'll keep it for myself) canonically female, though, or did you take some creative liberties to balance the gender ratios a little? I always heard male referrals myself.

3816820 Yah sorry about that. First chapters was before I got were before I got dedicated proof readers and were written over 2 (nearly 3) years ago, so my grammar was rough back then.

As for Destroyah/Destoroyah/Destroyer's (Jesus Christ Toho enough with the names!) canonical biological sex, we got no clarification. Most people just refer to it as "he" out of habit because most movies automatically assume the monsters, namely the big creepy looking ones, are male unless they start laying eggs. As I covered in a brief Q/A in the story, the reason I assumed Bridge's Destroyah as female is because it makes more biological sense for it to be. This was based off both its appearance and method that it multiplied and grew lining up far more with a female animal than a male. And since Toho didn't give us a straight answer, I figured I wasn't stepping on canon by doing so. Besides sine Destroyah is so huge and brawny while having very similar traits to an arthropod, makes sense for it to be female. After all in most arthopods the female is the larger and deadlier of the sexes.

Besides, animal genders are weird. Many types of animals don't have the XX-XY system mammals do to define male and female, and the two types of animals Destroyah most resembles (A Merostomata arthropod and a Squamata reptile) are to big offenders.

And thanks for the compliment on the artwork, Faithy never failed out outdo herself. She and I worked for a long while trying to make the Equestrian kaiju designs look solid.

Why is she afraid of Senior? I read that as a comment before.

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