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Kaiju Profile: Xenilla/SpaceGodzilla · 1:39am Jul 13th, 2014


True Form (when in Equestria)
Equestrian Form

Alias: Spacegodzilla, Usurper to the Throne
"Did you really take me as a fool Icka'brod?"

Species: Mutant Dinosaur with crystalline properties (True form), Very Odd looking Unicorn (Equestrian form)
Height: 110 meters (True form), Slightly taller than Princess Luna (Equestrian form)
Weight: 70,000 tons (True form), Roughly equal to Princess Celestia (Equestrian form)
Length: 235 meters (True form), 1.8 times longer than the average unicorn stallion, tail discounted (Equestrian form)
Godzilla sr. - Cell donor/ 'father'
Godzilla jr. - 'Little brother'
Morality: Dark, but to the extent of which is unknown. While he cares little for what he considers lesser beings, he respects power. Can be highly destructive but rarely goes out to do so without a reason. He is not a complete monster, as he did not harm the toddler age Junior despite having every chance too; only harassing and imprisoning the little kaiju to force Godzilla Sr. to fight him.
Traits: Doesn't need to breath, highly durable hide, sharp teeth and claws, regenerative healing factor allows him to recover from all, but drastic injuries quickly

Powers (still present in Equine form, but diminished):
Nuclear Pulse - This attack is identical to Godzilla's aside from it being red in color. After flashing energy across his backspines and red energy crackling over his body, Xenilla can release this attack in an empowered blow such as a tail strike. While he can match Godzilla's power in this attack however, he is not as skilled in using it and thus has a harder time pulling off the full body shockwave without wasting energy

Corona Ray - Xenilla's answer to the Nuclear Beam. Despite having the same charge method of gathering nuclear and thermal energy into his throat as his backspines glow, Xenilla's Corona Ray is very different in appearance and properties. Instead of blue, the attack is bright red with a white tip. And instead of a straight beam, the ray instead resembles a whip or solar flare with a chaotic pattern. This can be useful, as Xenilla can use his telekinesis to arc the ray around obstacles with pin-point accuracy to hit hidden foes or strike at a weak point. While the Corona Ray is weaker overall compared to Godzilla's Nuclear Fire in force, it's spear-head like tip means it can equal it's twin in destructive force by focusing it's energy into a smaller area
*There is no reason judging from Xenilla's biology suggesting he can't fire out the traditional nuclear fire, but he has never been seen doing so

Telekinesis - Xenilla is able to channel his power into lifting both other large objects and even himself. This ranges from hurling objects at foes, to psychically grabbing and throwing opponents, or even lifting and pushing himself to fly at a decent speed

Telepathic Tracking- Xenilla can sense others of his species or similar species at a long distance

Crystal Generation - Xenilla's unique ability that is arguably his trademark. Using his energy reserves, Xenilla can create dozens of building-sized crystals. While most crystals have no special properties beyond being used as blunt force weapons or telekinetically hurled missiles, Xenilla is also capable of creating species 'surge' crystals. These crystals take much more of Xenilla's energy to make, but have the added benefit of having added affects on those who use them. Some include healing, energy restoration, immunities to certain kinds of energies.

Weakness - Xenilla's abilities may quickly drain his power reserves at a faster rate than other kaiju such as Godzilla. Unless he has an outside force to siphon energy off or is able to set up a field of crystals, prolonged fights can drain his energy banks.


Xenilla's origins started in 1992. A climactic battle that pit two of Terra's Guardians, Mothra and Battra, against a raging and possessed Godzilla (later dubbed Godzilla sr.) was ongoing. In the end, Battra was killed but not before he and Mothra successfully carried Godzilla far out to sea and freed him of the dark influence that had overtook him. Before the dark guardian expired however, he warned Mothra of an incoming asteroid that would strike the planet in a few years. If the impact wasn't averted, mass devastation would ensue. Battra was going to fly out and divert the asteroid's course, but was unable due to dying in battle. To save the planet, Mothra took up Battra's mission and flew off to intercept the asteroid in deep space.

However, Godzilla's cells were still stuck to her claws, and broke off during flight. The cells flew into a black hole, transporting them across the galaxy. There they intercepted an unknown variant of energized, possibly magical crystals. The crystal's revived the dead cells, and the energy of a nearby star going supernova jump started their regeneration. In the matter of seconds a skeleton, muscle, tissue, skin, and organs formed into an entirely new being.

Gaining consciousness, the new life form rapidly flew into another black hole and rocketed towards Terra with a specific goal in mind. After two long years, the being arrived the Solar System. Flying past a Satellite, he was first dubbed 'SpaceGodzilla', before later being christened 'Xenilla' (Xeno [meaning alien or foreign] + Godzilla).
Homing in on others of his kind, Xenilla arrived on an isolated island in 1994 and encountered the toddler aged Godzilla Jr. Not interested in harming the little one, but wishing to battle the youngling's adoptive father, Xenilla fired his energy beams around Jr. until the little one's calls drew out Godzilla Sr.

Xen battled his 'father' with everything he had, and was having some success until his energy reserves began running low. Knowing Sr. would have a second wind soon, Xen made a plan to goad the kaiju into fighting him where Xen had the home field advantage. Telekinetically grabbing Jr., Xenilla imprisoned the little kaiju in a crystal prison before flying away. Unable to free his son without defeating Xenilla, Godzilla Sr. took off after his modified clone.

On the Japanese mainland, Xenilla set up his fortress. Draining energy from the nearby city, he set up a massive field of crystal spires to siphon energy off from. Content he was ready to fight Godzilla, he was surprised when the human built mecha, M.O.G.U.E.R.A. joined the fray. Working off an 'Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend' concept, M.O.G.U.E.R.A.'s pilots teamed up with Godzilla and fought Xenilla together. Though Xenilla put an incredible fight that lasted several hours, the two managed to overwhelm and nearly kill him. Just before he could be destroyed however, Xenilla managed to cause a massive explosion and flee back into space under its cover. It is still unknown why Xenilla was so dead set on specifically killing Godzilla Senior.

Xenilla spent several years in deep space, absorbing the energy of the sun to heal and recover. When he returned to Terra in 2004, Godzilla Sr. had died and Godzilla Jr. was the new 'King of the Monsters'. Not having as much hatred for his 'little brother' as he did his 'father', Xenilla still found himself in conflict with Godzilla Jr. over both conflicting interests, random attacks; and Jr.'s hatred for Xen over nearly killing his only family. While the two had fought multiple times over the next 9 years, there never had been a conclusive winner to the contests. Matching the numerous Terran kaiju following behind Jr. as their leader, Xenilla has gone on to recruit a loose alliance consisting of over half a dozen other kaiju, mostly mutations like himself, and leading them into battle. While caring absolutely nothing for humanity, Xenilla does have a method to his actions, leaving the GDF and other kaiju to question. Which is more dangerous? A random, mass destruction maniac like King Ghidorah? Or a methodical, planning, tactical kaiju who does his destruction for a reason like Xenilla?

Comments ( 11 )

Iv yet to see that movie, bin going on a movie binge of zilla movies.:pinkiehappy:

While he changes the story some to fit with The Bridge story, most of it is true. The simularitys stop at the hour long fight and explosion (from what I understand anyway)

You should see the movie its good it also explains another theory on how Xen was formed. I think you'll find it interesting

Both of the ways I can think of to pronounce Xenilla sound ridiculous. It's either "Z-Nilla" which sounds like Godzilla's rapper name or "Xanilla" which sounds like a new, edgier version of vanilla.


The "X" is pronounced like "Xeno". Thus it's pronounced closer to "Zen-illa"

I've heard Xeno being pronounced both ways, whether we be talking about Xenomorphs or Xenoblades. But thank you for letting me know how it's supposed to be pronounced. I will now proceed to call him "Vanilla Xenilla."

Interesting read, though I thought that the movie said something about being attached to a crystal organism?

I know that it was your decision, whatever the reason, I do not judge you at all, but seriously, changing the name to "xenilla" as it detracts from the character, if Toho and Minoru Yoshida, who designed the character, gave him that name, it was because something and that's why he has gained a great fanatic, in short the name or rather nickname you gave him is horrible with all due respect, that's just my humble opinion.

Something else happening SpaceGodzilla in this particular story has interesting aspects that remind me of several anti-heroic or redeemable characters at the beginning his personality is like Vergil from Devil May Cry, but later he seems to adopt aspects of other characters like Vegeta from dragon ball or Burai/ Dragon Ranger from Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger (Zyuranger Dinosaur Squad).

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