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I'm an old-school MLP fan, glad the new show is doing great.

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    Update and apologies

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    Chaos Runs Rampant: Finished!

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Hasbroverse Worldbuilding post seven: the Doctor · 8:40pm Aug 19th, 2013

And welcome back! *Insert music from the Tonight Show, starring Johnny Carson* ;) Today we'll examine Doctor Whooves, his place in the Hasbroverse and just where he came from.

For any specific questions about any characters I name-drop you're not familiar with, please go to the TARDIS Wiki. It's very informative.

Also, I have seen every episode from Robot, the Fourth Doctor's premiere, to In the Name of the Doctor, the latest episode. Along with numerous serials from the First, Second and Third Doctor. However, my knowledge of non-television product is practically nonexistent. I have read one standalone novel I don't even remember the title of and a novelization of Ark in Space back in the mid-80's. I am somewhat interested in getting into the Sixth Doctor audio dramas, but that's mostly because Colin Baker got SCREWED during his tenure.

I am not saying they're good. I am not saying they're bad. I am simply saying that I don't know about them. On Spacebattles, several posters there whose opinions I hold to be valid like them, so there's that at least. Anyway...

The Doctor
This Doctor is the final incarnation of the Doctor, his thirteenth body. He landed in Equestria about 850 years before the series premiere, his TARDIS horrifically damaged after sealing a Dalek fleet back into void space. He landed outside of Canterlot and regenerated into an earth pony right in front of Celestia. She was... a bit surprised.

Over the years the Doctor's helped out a bit, as much as he can, but age has finally begun to catch up with him. Also, the plot armor he had back in his home reality... didn't travel with him.

"Oh, I've been shot, punched, tossed about like clothes in a washing machine... It's kind of embarrassing in its own way!"

The Equestrians have also been able to handle most of their problems on their own.

The Doctor and Hasbro Earth
in the episode 'Robot', the Fourth Doctor takes off in the TARDIS near the end, but almost immediately reappears to let Sarah Jane back on board for more adventures across time and space. A prevailing theory, that has some facts, is that inbetween he actually went on several adventures, backed up by the serial 'Face of Evil'.

One such adventure ;) was to Hasbro Earth, where he crossed realities-it was easier when the Time Lords were around-and landed there in the late 1980's. He quickly met up with the Autobots, befriending Perceptor. Unfortunately for him... his plot armor didn't make the trip there, either.

"Well, I tried to help, but for some reason I could only make the minutest of difference to the conflict. I had to be rescued more often than not and couldn't even stop those punks Frenzy or Rumble! Do you have ANY idea how embarrassing it is to need help with those two miscreants?!"

The Doctor eventually returned to his own reality, living out his incarnations as in the show and finally landing in Equestria.

His life and family
The Doctor currently owns a clock and general repair shop in Ponyville, his TARDIS in the backyard. He has been happily married to Ditzy Doo for some time and is the biological father of Dinky and Sparkler. Princess Celestia attended the wedding. ;) Since the events of Time Enough For All he and Perceptor have been able to get most of the damage to the TARDIS repaired, and as of the latest side-story a stable path to Sarah Jane's attic has been 'tunneled' through the void, so he may once more see his old friends and family, including Susan Foreman and Romana, whose fate is unknown and was stuck in E-space last TV episode she was in, respectively. :D

The Doctor's role in the Hasbroverse
The Doctor's role will be somewhat... minimal, all things considered. Personally, I find sometimes he overshadows the MLP characters in crossovers. I love the series, but sometimes I feel the Doctor's too 'big', even in the show. And sometimes... I'd love to hit him with a Mick Foley-class baseball bat. He's not the focus and beyond side-stories, he won't be in the future. But... I do like him and love the show.

So... would you like a jelly baby?

Report RK_Striker_JK_5 · 670 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

So he's the Doctor after the one we get to meet this Fall?

1295677 He's the one after Peter Capaldi, yes.

Just making sure. Personally, and I know many will disagree, I think you are making a good choice in not making the Doctor a major character, you're right we would easily overshadow everyone else.

1295696 There are many Whovian Bronies. I may be among one of them, though not to the extreme.:raritywink:

Part of me wants to know...Did he deal with the Valeyard?

1295696 Agreed, someone that big tends to overshadow main characters.

1295696 Thank you. :pinkiesmile: Besides, he's got his family to take care of. He can't go rushing off and about like old times. ;)

1295733 I am, too. :twilightsmile:

1295734 I suppose he did, yes.

1295754 And thank you, too. :)

Dying at least 12 times would put a damper on the need to go out adventuring. And having two foals and a wife... Ok this might be ignorance on my part since I haven't watched DW religiously, doesn't the Doctor already have a wife?... *checks the wiki* well ok she's dead but death doesn't always seem to be permanent in Whoverse... What would River think of Ditzy?

I think one of the reasons The Doctor overshadows other characters, is because he is a larger than life character with everything he does.
Steven Moffat said "The remark I always make is that the Doctor is like an angel aspiring to be human, and Sherlock is a man aspiring to be a god." in an interview when asked about the similarities between the two. Link. (Really wanted to share that quote :twilightblush:)

Butbutbut Doctor Who isn't a Hasbro property, what is the Doctor doing in the Hasbroverse :raritydespair:

Also, one argument I've seen made about the Doctor is that he's an instance of the 'trickster' archetype, and the Trickster usually ends up fighting against the status quo; thus, the Doctor works better in a situation where things have Gone Horribly Wrong And Need To Be Fixed than he does in a more utopian setting.

I don't understand why the Doctor is even here. He's not a Hasbro property. :twilightoops:

Dan Vs. is a Hasbro property. You ever watch that? If so, any chance of seeing Dan show up here?

Anyway, you ever read Doctor Perseus' Doctor Whooves stories? They are by far some of the best Doctor Who/MLP crossovers I've ever read! :pinkiehappy:

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