• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 4th, 2022

Darth Link 22

I'm a mysterious man with a large Viewer list, despite being very self critical of my work. Looking to write professionally someday.

More Blog Posts521

  • 119 weeks
    Where I've Been

    Wow... it's been a while.

    So... yeah. Where have I been? I've been at home. And I didn't realize it until this weekend, but I've been pretty unhappy since this whole mess with the pandemic began.

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    17 comments · 3,478 views
  • 140 weeks
    My Little Pony: A New Generation

    Well, the last month has been a nightmare of overtime and fixing up my house, but today I managed to see the premiere of G5.

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    7 comments · 1,007 views
  • 151 weeks
    Look Before Your Sleep

    Well, here we are. Another inevitable episode about these different ponies who had little in common now having to put up with each other after having a mutual friend in Twilight. I can picture this already having happened between Rarity and Rainbow Dash, having learned to live with each other after having a mutual friend in Fluttershy.

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  • 152 weeks
    Dragonshy review!

    ...Wasn't I doing something? Oh yeah, I was.

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  • 156 weeks
    Where I've Been

    Yeah... I'll bet you're wondering about my absence lately. I swear I didn't mean to take one.

    Until the pandemic actually ends (and I mean ends, not just when everything opens back up) I'm going to be working overtime. I'm hoping it's coming to an end, but there is still mandatory hours for June.

    I have a lot in the pipes, and I will still rereview the series. Just... please be patient.

    9 comments · 381 views

Q&A Answers · 9:40pm May 4th, 2013

How did you get interested in the show itself?
I was a fan of a show called Jimmy Two-Shoes. On that show, Tabitha St. Germain plays a character called Heloise, who was a small, cute girl who also happened to be a sadistic mad scientist. When I found out that the same woman played Rarity, I laughed. The thought of a pony having Heloise's voice was hilarious. So I dug up A Dog and Pony Show on YouTube.
Two things surprised me: Germain's vocal rage (seriously, Heloise and Rarity sound nothing alike) and just how funny the show was on its own merits. I Archive Binged the show a few weeks later.

Who's your favorite pony and why?
Twilight Sparkle, hands down. I like her because, quite bluntly, I've been her. I was that kid who liked being alone instead of being social. I was bullied as a kid and became withdrawn. I'm socially awkward quite a bit. I really relate to her in a lot of episodes.

What about least favorite?
Shining Armor and Cadance. I have several of the usual complaints: they were shoehorned in awkwardly, they have little personality, they proceed to steal the show blatantly without anything worth seeing in them, Cadance makes Celestia and Luna less special, etc.
And, this is just my personal beef: if it were up to me, Twilight would have been an orphan. No Shining Armor, no parents. I think giving her a family makes her relationships with Celestia and Spike less special. Her obsession with pleasing the princess loses some sense when she has parents to love her as well. And as an added bonus: according to one of the spin-off books, Cadance was a pegasus that Celestia adopted an ascended. That not only makes the relationship between Celestia and Twilight less special, it makes Twilight's ascension less of a spectacular accomplishment.

Favorite episode?
Ooh...Tough call, but I'm going to say The Return of Harmony two parter. Discord was an effective villain, menacing and quite a bit frighting, the limits of the Elements is tested. Even in the other two-parters, there was some sort of internal conflict along with the villain. Here, it was just straight hero vs. villain, and sometimes that's enough.

Favorite Fanfic?
...Too hard. I've enjoyed Past Sins, Faith and Doubt, The Pony POV Series, and the works of The Descendant and Skywriter.

Your thoughts on Alicorn Twilight? What about Equestria Girls?
I like Alicorn Twilight. I think it fits with the theme of the show: growing and learning. This is what Celestia's been grooming Twilight for, and it's a delight to see it pay off. The only thing that could make me hate it would be if they undid it in season four, because it would be going against the above message.
And Equestria Girls sounds like a bad idea. There are a lot of red flags, like making Spike a dog or giving Twilight a love interest. But then again, so did reviving a merchandise driven girls show from the 80's that everyone remembers as being terrible. I'll wait and see.

What do you want to see the most in Season 4?
An episode about where Spike's egg came from, or about how it was like for him and Twilight growing up in Canterlot.

Besides FiM what other shows do you like?
Phineas and Ferb, Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, Invader Zim, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Teen Titans, Danny Phantom, The Simpsons, Futurama, One Piece, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Future Diary, Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagaan, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dollhouse, 24, The Twilight Zone, The Big Bang Theory, and How I Met Your Mother. I'm currently on my first watch through of Star Trek and Doctor Who. Firefly is on my "To Watch" list.

Where in Texas are you from?
I'm declining this question because I like to keep my private life out of my internet life as much as possible.

What are your thoughts on the idea that Shining Armor wasn't actually under Chrysalis's spell at the end of A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1?
You mean, that he meant everything he said? Honestly, I think I could forgive him for it. Twilight had just insulted his wife, and I'd like to think if that were the case he'd cool off and go looking for Twilight to patch things up.

Are you a fan of Zelda and/or Star Wars?
Yes. For Zelda, I haven't played all the games yet, though. I got midway through Majora's Mask then my short attention span took over, and I still need to start Oracle of Ages. My favorite game is Wind Waker.
For Star Wars, mostly the films. I haven't read any of the Expanded Universe novels except Shadows of the Empire and Tales of the Bounty Hunters... yet.

From where you take inspiration for your original characters, besides the ones you've already explained?
For Speedy Delivery and Quick Delivery, it was looking at all the Scootabuse fics and noting how over-the-top they were. I was working on getting it down to a more realistic tone. I went off of what I learned in college about domestic abuse and how it works. Speedy has some of Mother Gothel from Tangled in him, while Quick's more aligned with Miriam Pataki from Hey Arnold!
Spoilers for Families ahead!
Olive Branch came from reading The Pony POV Series while thinking of the aftermath of A Canterlot Wedding. It first came up with the idea of the "Death Eater" fics of Celestia being tabloids, and I got to thinking how, after a security breach as big as the one at the wedding, just how persuasive they would be to the common pony at that time. Coupled with all the complaints I was hearing about the two-parter at the time, the idea just fell into place. For Olive Branch himself, I thought about how to do him, and then it hit me: what if someone like a James Bond villain tried to tangle with Celestia? Someone who tried to outsmart an immortal sun goddess would lose... badly. I hate fics stating Celestia is incompatent. She's flawed, so this was partially to restore her cred while allowing me to continue writing her as a flawed character.

Why do you taste like bacon and why are you one of the most awesome authors on this site?
I don't know about bacon, but I'm a good writer because I wrote long enough to get good.

If you could write in any of the other alt universes on this site (Fallout Equestria, Lunaverse, Past Sins, or the Dashverse) which one would you want to write for most and why?
Well, I've only ever read Past Sins, so that one. Really, I prefer my own universes, since I can make my own back stories and interpretations.

How do you think your stories compare to some of the other more epic and great fics out there?
I'm one step below them. I don't think I'm as good at emotional stories as The Descendant, as funny as Skywriter, or as good with epics as Pen Stroke. I'm going to get there, I'm just not there yet.

If you could do a collab with any one author from the MLP fandom, which one would it be?
Besides my projects with TheMyth? Just about anyone I'm watching. I especially think me and Rated PonyStar, defender2222, Magic Man, or The Descendant could come up with something fun.

Who is cuter: Filly Luna, Filly Twilight, or Sweetie Belle holding a teddy bear while asleep in Rarity's hooves?
The last one.

If you could use a lullaby for Scootaloo as sung by Dashie, what would it be?
Voltaire's Goodnight, Demon Slayer.

Which fandom has the worst fics- Sailor Moon or Sonic the Hedgehog?
No clue.

Have you read any of the big fanfics out there (Fallout Equestria, Past Sins, or Immortal Game) and which one do you enjoy?
I've read Past Sins and enjoyed it. The other two are on my very long "To Read" list. I'm saving Fallout: Equestria for when I play New Vegas.

What do you think of the Fix Fic genre, specifically the Accusation Fic?
It's something you have to be very careful with. Morality is a tricky, tricky business when there's shades of grey. Just look at the debates on A Canterlot Wedding. I didn't write Post Nuptials to call out anyone. I wrote it because I thought it was absolute idiocy that the biggest falling out that Twilight has ever had with her friends and family got glossed over in favor of two new characters. I wanted them to reconcile, not attack each other. Yes, there was some of the more morally dubious moments of the show fixed, but I wasn't fully accusing anyone. You just have to be careful not to be %100 against whoever you're accusing.

How much planning goes into your fics? When do you decide to stay rigid in your plans and when do you deviate?
Usually for fics I have a basic outline of what I want to happen and fill in the blanks as I go. For Families, I had Twilight and Spike's lullaby scene down from the beginning, as I did Speedy's reveal, and a few upcoming scenes in the next few chapters. I sometimes sway for fan demand. Shining Armor's chapter in Post Nuptials and Honeymoon were written because people asked me and they didn't interfere with my overall vision.

What parts of writing do you find most challenging and which least?
Most challenging is getting across what I mean. A lot of times, after I post a chapter, people will complain about something that I already addressed in the story, and it frustrates me because I know what I meant, but I failed to convey it properly. Least challenging is character interaction, I'd say.

Finally, just for kicks, if what three qualities would you decide no good story can do without, which three qualities are overplayed in importance, and why do you believe these to be so?
Wow, this should be interesting...

The three most important:
1. Likable characters. I think Ted is currently the best thing Seth MacFarlane has put out, because I actually cared what happened to the characters in it. Even in Wedding Bell Blues, I hope you want Twilight and Shining Armor to be okay. One noted he was impressed that Shining Armor didn't just throw Twilight under a bus to save himself, and I thought, Of course he didn't, he's her brother. Even in that fic, where everythings played for laughs, they had to be likeable.
2. A clear aim. Know whether you want your audience to take the story seriously or not, and where you want to go with it.
3. A new idea or presentation. Project: Ascension was pitched to me as a typical orphan Scootaloo story, I added the twist.

The three overrated:
1. Prose. Sometimes, when writing, less is more. Don't hit your reader over the head with everything.
2. Strict adherence to canon. Okay, this one's more fan fiction than general writing, but seriously: don't scrap ideas because they get jossed.
3. The villains to be complex. Yes, this can be good, great in fact, but not every villain has to be an anti-villain or a well-intentioned extremist. There really are some messed up people in the world.

Did you write before you started watching the show? If so, what did you write?
Yes, I did. And I'd rather not say.

Who is the most difficult character from the show to write in your stories?
Pinkie. Her brand of humor is hard to get right while still making her three-dimensional.

Do you have any advice for writers having trouble keeping their writing style intact?
Forgive me if I misunderstood your question. If you're asking how to keep your writing style the same over time... don't. Your writing should be growing and changing as you learn more. Don't try to force yourself to write in a style that isn't suited for you. Write as you feel comfortable.

So overall what do you think of this show?
I like it for the same reason I like Phineas and Ferb: it's a show that's funny without being mean. Sadist comedies like Invader Zim are good for a laugh, but overall I'd prefer a good feelings show. I also enjoy the characterizations and the villains. The downsides? I think, in the third season, it gets a bit too saccharine, with the two villains reforming. Some plots are wasted (Dragon Quest is the major offender here), and when the morals miss, they really miss. Oh, and Hasbro's meddling can lead to disaster (coughACanterlotWeddingcough).

Who's your favorite villain and why? (It can be any villain from any media)
...Darn, this is hard. I'd say The Joker is a good candidate... specifically the Mark Hamill version, with Heath Ledger and John Dimaggio as runners up. No other villain can both terrify me and make me laugh like he can. Invader Zim is good for sheer humor value, and Nny from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac is a fascinating protagonist. Oh, and Discord, naturally.

Read any good books lately?
I'm currently reading The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. At an average of 800 pages a book, I should be done by April 2014. Then I have a whole list of books to read: the Star Wars Expanded Universe, The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Pydain (the basis for the Disney movie The Black Cauldron), The Chronicles of Narnia, and Ender's Game.

What do you think of the Teen Titans reboot?
I've seen the first episode and... it has potential. I really don't mind a more comedic approach, even though I prefer the action version.

Have you watched the fan-made shorts Double Rainboom and Snowdrop, and if so, what are your thoughts?
I've seen Double Rainboom... it was good, but dragged down by the filler. Really, I'd have liked more of the sequence with the PPGs.
For Snowdrop, it was moving, but in hindsight, maybe a bit saccherine (I know, kettle, black).

Your ongoing stories are all quite different styles - is there one style/genre in particular that you enjoy writing the most, or is it fairly even?
I enjoy writing things like Families more. Comedy is hard... it's very subjective, and fan reaction gets varied. And honestly, I submit every chapter of them worried that everyone's going to hate it. So yes, drama/slice-of-life is my thing.

What are you general opinions on OC's?
Stick to canon characters if you can. An OC should only be introduced if no one in canon can fit in the role. And if you have one, try and keep the canon characters in the forefront.

What are your general opinions on Alicorn OC's?
Depends on how they're used, really. I treat them like any other OC, though I doubt I'll ever use one outside the Keeper.

What do you think are the three most important and three most overplayed qualities of a good character in general?
Well, finally answered.

Three most important:
1. A goal. Every character needs to have a drive. (eg, in Families, Twilight wants to help Spike, Spike wants a mother, Rainbow Dash wants to help Scootaloo)
2. Failings. Every character needs weaknesses. (eg, Twilight's powerful, but socially awkward, tightly wound, and unconfident; Rainbow Dash is fast, but is impulsive, hot headed, and lacks control)
3. Relationships. They need to play off the other characters well.

Three overrated:
1. A dark history. They don't all need to have a dark trauma in their life. (In regards to Families, this is a "do as I say, not as I do" moment.)
2. Gimmicks/Quirks. They don't necessarily have to have a special ability/important power or a quirky personality to be interesting.
3. ... I'm going to just say, a boyfriend/girlfriend. Not every character needs romance.

If you could spend a day with any of the mane six, who would it be and why?
Probably Fluttershy. I'd like a slow quiet day, and I like animals...

What are your thoughts on the PONY.MOV series?
...Eh. I think, overall, they're meant to be in the vein of a John K. cartoon, and I'm sorry to say I never found him all that funny. I think a lot of the humor relies too much on gross-out shock value than anything of substance. There's some potential (Twilight as a Know-Nothing Know-It-All, Spike as the sanest member of the cast) but I think it's wasted. I sat through each episode once, and that was enough.

What do you think of the possibility that the closest thing Season 2 had to a story arc was Twilight's paranoia tendencies being akin to The Boy Who Cried Wolf?
If that was what they were going for, they did it poorly. The two major episodes everyone points to is Lesson Zero and It's About Time. The former was a hilarious episode, but in terms of characterization I hated it. Every character is devalued to their base self. That's why I write it off as post-Discord PTSD. The latter had a somewhat broken aesop given that what Twilight was worrying about was her future self appearing before her, looking battle damaged, and trying to warn her of something. Now, that's never happened to me, but I think that's something anyone would worry about. In closing, they pulled this off poorly.

Who is the easiest character from the show to write in your stories?
Twilight. I just get in her mindset easy.

Which MLP fanfic authors write certain characters the best in your opinion?
...Another toughie. I really don't follow many writers so much as different fics. I like Alex Warlorn's Discord, The Descendant writes the best Twilight and Spike, and Magic Man's written the only Chrysalis-centric fic I've ever read, so he wins by default.

What is your opinion on OC Only stories?
I think if you want to write OCs, you should just write an original novel and hopefully get paid for it.

What is your opinion on stories where OC's are major characters, Past Sins?
It's a fine line. Rule of Thumb: if you could easily rewrite your story and sell it as an original, you're not writing good fanfiction. Past Sins gets away with it because Nyx technically is born from the show itself, and they manage to use enough of the show's canon characters (though more of the rest of the Mane Six would have been nice).

1) Which character or characters get the worst treatment by the fandom and in fanfiction?
This might seem weird given my feelings for the character, but Shining Armor. I never got why everyone blames him for his blow up in A Canterlot Wedding when he was being brainwashed. No one seems to be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

What do you think is the most overused, cliched concept when it comes to MLP fanfiction?
[x] Character turns out to be a changeling.

Stories that includes the whole mane cast vs character centered stories. Which ones do you enjoy the most? Which one is better?
This never has any effect on how much I enjoy the story, really.

Do you honestly believe that Shining Armor's outburst towards Twilight at the end of "A Canterlot Wedding pt. 1" was part of Chrysalis' brainwashing? If so, what is your reason for why?
Yes. When we see him in Part 2, he's not responding to anything at all. That implies a good deal of altering to his personality.

Do you think lately pinkie's has become very fanderized? i know you made her asexual in your universe and i can see why.

Not really. I just think it's hard for writers to do anything with her in episodes where she's not a big focus without making her come across that way.

Since Twilight Sparkle is your favorite pony, what would be your argument against people who think she is a Mary Sue? BTW, I'm not one of those people. Twilight is my favorite pony too.

Twilight hasn't had an episode to herself in season 4. She's powerful and a Princess, but she's still socially awkward, unsure, and high strung. She has a duty she feels obligated to carry but doesn't necessarily want (at least, not the parts that keep her away from her friends). So yes, she has power, but doesn't know what to do with it.

Is there anything you dislike or even hate about the Pony POV Series?

The Dark World/Shining Armor arc went on for far too long. The fic can over analyze morality a bit. And after several instances of characters acting better than they did in canon, it was painful to see Twilight just up and blow up exactly the same in the Wedding Arc.

Are there any pony fanfics that you think are better then the Pony POV Series?

Yes. It's good, but it's not perfect.

In this blog post, how do you feel about the suggestions made by Kurseofkings?

Uh... wow. Okay...

First off, ignore him saying you need to one hundred percent describe a character's look. If I tell you Olive Branch is a lean unicorn with a red coat and white mane, you've got him, you don't need a full analysis.

I have to admit, I need to reread the Dark World Arc to really analyze this, but I agree it dragged out. I really need to reread to comment more.

Who do you ship Pinkie with?

I don't really have a preference on Pinkie. It would all depend on the story I'm writing.

I know Twilight is your favorite so I wonder how do you rank the other five?

Oh dear.Never really thought about it, but if I have to pick... Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash. Note that I don't think any of them are bad, that's just the order I like them in.

I'm still taking questions, if you still want to submit!

Report Darth Link 22 · 2,104 views ·
Comments ( 49 )

Did you write before you started watching the show? If so, what did you write?

I don't think I'm as good at emotional stories as The Descendant,

If not yet, then you soon will be, my friend!:twilightsmile:

I'm still saying that Olive Branch has this despicable mustache on his face like Jonah J. Jameson (I hate that guy:ajbemused:), but seems that this story is reaching a helluva chapter, I can't wait:pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:.
Another question to add on the Q&As: Who is the most difficult character from the show to write in your stories?:trixieshiftright:
Also, I thought you'd answer my joke question, just for the laughs:trollestia:.

1. Likable characters. I think Ted is currently the best thing Seth MacFarlane has put out, because I actually cared what happened to the characters in it. Even in Wedding Bell Blues, I hope you want Twilight and Shining Armor to be okay.

I disagree with this, on the principle that characters don't need to be likeable to be fascinating or interesting.

But I'll also so say that you're right, it's gonna be damn hard to fill a whole story without even one likeable character. But still, I'm sticking to my guns that it is possible, and potential greatness does lie there somewhere.

Do you dislike the fact that Cadance was a pegasus or that she ascended? I liked the idea that Cadence was a pegasus. It means that anypony has the potential for greatness. Maybe even earth ponies.

Regarding Cadence being a Pegasus that Celestia ascended: Not only to I completely agree with you, but I heard that Lauren Faust herself intended Cadence to be a unicorn. No, not a unicorn that became an Alicorn, just a unicorn

Regarding Twilight and Celestia's relationship: I would like to point out that Twilight's obsession with Celestia probably stems not only from genuine admiration, but also from the fact that Celestia is responsible for nearly everything good in Twilight's life. Spike, the rest of the Mane Six, her job and life in Ponyville, discovering her special talent, stuff like that

3. The villains to be complex. Yes, this can be good, great in fact, but not every villain has to be an anti-villain or a well-intentioned extremist. There really are some messed up people in the world.

I agree! Having complex villains is great, but some of the best villains have no redeeming qualities. The Red Skull, for example.

I believe it's because she was a pegasus, since in DL other one-shot he stated that Cadence used to be a unicorn until she ascended/went through the trials, which btw:
1054677 I'm not sure if you already say it, but how do you incorporate the whole "Crystal Princess" thing with your Cadence's backstory?:unsuresweetie: Just curious.

Neither. I hated that Celestia adopted her, because after building up her motherly relationship with Twilight, making this character out-of-nowhere be Celestia's child just demeans that. And from what I understand, she was ascended for saving a kingdom once... something Twilight did on a regular basis before being ascended.

I haven't decided.

Afternoon or day or night or...something.

My question is this: Writing cheerful happy stories works for many people, but not for me, my stories are very realistic and dark but sometimes I have doubts....do you have any advice for writers having trouble keeping their writing style intact?:unsuresweetie:

So, you're watching Star Trek now? Which one? If it's The Next Generation, I hope the character Q is to your liking. After all, he's the template Lauren Faust used for Discord, right down to the actor, as I'm sure you've heard. In fact, I'd dare say he's the reason I decided to watch the show, being my favorite recurring character next to Data.

P.S., We have deliberated that previewing the Post Nuptials adaptation script might not be best thing to do right now. It's still far too early.

So overall what do you think of this show?

Who's your favorite villan and why? (It can be any villan from any media)

Read any good books lately?

Ah. I see. Although, it would be pretty interesting if Twilight's need to impress Celestia stemmed from being jealous of Cadance. At least sub-consciously

What do you think of the Teen Titans reboot?

1054989, 1055042, 1055305
Answered. 1054989, If I misunderstood yours, please clarify.

The Original Series first.

1) Have you watched the fan-made shorts Double Rainboom and Snowdrop, and if so, what are your thoughts?

2) Your ongoing stories are all quite different styles - is there one style/genre in particular that you enjoy writing the most, or is it fairly even?

1056289 Ah. The movies too? Might as well give some brief impressions of the Original Series movies:

Motion Picture - Boring.
Wrath of Khan - Epic.
Search for Spock - Semi-epic.
Voyage Home - Funny (for the right reasons).
Final Frontier - Funny (for the wrong reasons).
Undiscovered Country - Satisfying.

That's... a lot of questions and answers. Here are my three:

1) What are you general opinions on OC's?

2) What are your general opinions on Alicorn OC's?

4) What do you think are the three most important and three most overplayed qualities of a good character in general? As an OC is just another character.

In pertinence to the incomprehensible amount of Quantitative Easing by the Federal Reserve, in order initially to subsidize and recapitalize the "too big to fail" banks and avoid the full economic impact of the housing bubble melt down of 2008, what are your opinions on how such financial irresponsibility will inevitably affect the United States?


If you could spend a day with any of the mane six, who would it be and why?

What are your thoughts on the PONY.MOV series?

What do you think of the possibility that the closest thing Season 2 had to a story arc was Twilight's paranoia tendencies being akin to The Boy Who Cried Wolf? What I mean is what if the writers planned to have Twilight get worked up over nothing several times over the season that during the finale, when she believes something is wrong with Cadance, no one believes her?

Some really good answers here and I'm honored you like the idea of you and I, along with others, doing a collab.

Addressing some of the questions you answered:

1. Likable characters. I think Ted is currently the best thing Seth MacFarlane has put out, because I actually cared what happened to the characters in it. Even in Wedding Bell Blues, I hope you want Twilight and Shining Armor to be okay.

So overall what do you think of this show?
I like it for the same reason I like Phineas and Ferb: it's a show that's funny without being mean. Sadist comedies like Invader Zim are good for a laugh, but overall I'd prefer a good feelings show. I also enjoy the characterizations and the villains.

I think I can safely say this is one of the many reasons why Family Guy has begun to suck, because I don’t really like any of the characters or care if they come out okay. American Dad is managing to hold on just about with that, hence why I like it more, that and better jokes. To be honest, I do like sadist comedy shows and douchebag characters to an extent, but even then, you need SOME redeeming qualities at least, because after a while, just seeing them act like jerks all the time kinda gets boring.

And regarding MLP, not only is good non-mean spirited humor, but I also like the overall upbeat feeling of the show. A lot of kids shows are tongue-in-cheek and cynical, and most of them are okay, but it’s good to have a show that’s positive and just makes you feel good.

Oh, and Hasbro's meddling can lead to disaster (coughACanterlotWeddingcough).

Ehhh, I dunno, that episode was by no means perfect, but regarding Hasbro, given what they gave the writers to work with, the latter did at least turn out something that was at least decent, especially considering the title alone should have been enough to give someone diabetes.

3. The villains to be complex. Yes, this can be good, great in fact, but not every villain has to be an anti-villain or a well-intentioned extremist. There really are some messed up people in the world.

That I definitely must agree with, because yeah, those kinds of villains have their place, like your character Speedy, sure, but after it started it off as a good idea, now EVERYONE wants to write the villain that way, to the point I actually kinda miss the old moustache twirling villains.

Now for my questions. (If that’s okay)

Who is the easiest character from the show to write in your stories? (as opposed to most difficult as you’ve already answered)

Which MLP fanfic authors write certain characters the best in your opinion? (e.g. Who writes Twilight, Chrysalis, Pinkie, Discord, Celestia, etc, the best)

Thank you! Can't wait to see an a full answer to my 3rd question. Through your reply does bring up another two questions... well, more like reminded me off two.

4. What is your opinion on OC Only stories?

5. What is your opinion on stories where OC's are major characters, Past Sins?

1) Which character or characters get the worst treatment by the fandom and in fanfiction? (Celestia is agiven, but of course, you can well go into her, considering the hate she gets)

But me personally? I think the Royal Guards do. I'm telling you, next to Celestia, these guys get some of the worst treatment in fanon. When they're not a bunch of corrupt, sadistic bullies out to get the main characters in every other fic, when it comes to Changeling fics, forget it, they're pretty much the Gestapo of Equestria and gleefully undertaking the persecution and/or genocide. Seriously, I've seen very few fics, Changeling-focuses or not, where these guys are treated as anything besides complete bastards. Is it because of our anti-authority/police stance or what?

But that's just me.

2) What do you think is the most overused, cliched concept when it comes to MLP fanfiction?

(Like Rainbow Dash gets injured and is hospitalized, lost injured Changeling, etc)

What are your thoughts on the idea that Shining Armor wasn't actually under Chrysalis's spell at the end of A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1?

Wait, people were thinking that he was mind-controlled when he was bitching at Twilight? :facehoof:

If he was brainwashed, he'd have those derp eyes!

Stories that includes the whole mane cast vs character centered stories. Which ones do you enjoy the most? Which one is better?
Personally, I like the whole cast in a story. I can hardly enjoy one whith the half of them missing.

1060113, 1060442, 1060618, 1071667

I haven't started them yet, I'm going to after Wheel of Time.

Welcome back.

Wheel of time? Good luck

1089557 In response to your answer being Shining Armor, I agree, though not exactly for the same reason. Personally, for me, it doesn't matter whether he was brainwashed or not, because his dismissal of Twilight was completely justified, given her actions. And really, when you think about it, why WOULD he still invite her to the wedding when she just very vocally made herself opposed to it even happening, let alone have her be the Best Mare?

But yeah, very few fans like to see it from SA’s POV and instead just like to go down the “Poor Twilight, Hiss everybody else” route especially in certain fanfictions. Your defiance of that in Post-Nuptials is what truly makes it stand out.

Do you honestly believe that Shining Armor's outburst towards Twilight at the end of "A Canterlot Wedding pt. 1" was part of Chrysalis' brainwashing? If so, what is your reason for why?

Finally answered that third question.

Glad to know you hadn't forgotten this, and its good answers as well.

Since Scootaloo's episode, Flight to the Finish, is scheduled to air on December 14th, do you think it would be a good idea if the writers dedicated the episode to the memory of the children who died in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootout last year?

... Not really. I really don't see what the episode could have to do with it.

Do you think lately pinkie's has become very fanderized? i know you made her asexual in your universe and i can see why.

Since Twilight Sparkle is your favorite pony, what would be your argument against people who think she is a Mary Sue? BTW, I'm not one of those people. Twilight is my favorite pony too.

Is there anything you dislike or even hate about the Pony POV Series?

Are there any pony fanfics that you think are better then the Pony POV Series?

In this blog post, how do you feel about the suggestions made by Kurseofkings?

2087436 At the bottom of the blog.

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