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Ponyfeather Publishing Releases: Everfree Northwest 2023 · 2:20am Jul 25th, 2023

I've had a busy year preparing for Twilight's Book Nook at Everfree Northwest, and a big part of that has been finalizing new Ponyfeather titles to debut there. The Book Nook's inventory is winding its way through Fedex's network as we speak, and with just a couple weeks to go it seemed like an appropriate time to announce what you can look forward to in August.

As always, all titles are available in both paperback and hardback.


To begin with, I have two new editions of books that had previously been self-published by their authors, but I offered to step in and take over their publication. Both titles have received a sanity copyediting pass to try and ensure no lingering typos have made their way through successive publishing runs and have been laid out from scratch in Ponyfeather's interior templating.

First we have Oroboro's 2015 classic Fractured Sunlight, which features a number of interior illustrations, some in color. Oro originally offered their self-published edition in both B&W and a (much) more expensive color version; since she first published it, Lulu has revamped their offerings and now features a cheaper color interior option, which allowed me to offer it in color as standard for just a a few dollars more than a B&W interior would have been. It also includes a lightly revised foreword.

Second we go even further back for my fellow "old guard" kits' 2012 novel Twilight's List. This has been out of print entirely for a number of years, so I'm glad to help make it available to anyone who missed out on the original runs -- or anyone who insists on paperback, as it was only available in hardback previously. As with the original edition, each chapter includes a full-bleed grayscale illustration.

New Releases

In alphabetical order, here are brand-new titles coming out next month.

Compati by Corejo is an unusual release for Ponyfeather because it will be available before the story is actually completely uploaded here on FIMFic! Corejo is one of the folks behind the Book Nook and we wanted to make sure the print was ready for the store, so I've worked closely with him over the past month or two to finalize the text and do a much more in-depth back-and-forth editing process than is usual for me. He's posting a couple chapters a week but this is a doorstopper, so if you can't wait until the fall to see how it ends, you can pick up a print!

device heretic's Eternal has been on my shortlist to publish since I first started Ponyfeather Publishing, amongst other Vault entries, but I had it filed away under "white whale" and never expected I'd actually be able to -- so I was beyond thrilled when a mutual friend got me in contact with device and we made it happen! Eternal has been thoroughly edited and cleaned up by both device and myself, and he has written a brief foreword for the print. He also requested a cover design that emulated the Everyman's Library no-nonsense sensibilities, and I had fun creating a ponified take on that style.

For the Love of Faust is an anthology project I first announced back in 2019, and for a variety of reasons it's been sitting on the back burner ever since. A few things fell into place over the past year and I used the Book Nook as a deadline for myself to finally get it done. This book collects 53 one-shots from 53 authors that take direct inspiration from FIM's S1/S2 era and is meant to serve as a sort of love letter to Lauren Faust for what she created. Every story features chapter header art drawn by mellodillo, who also drew the cover art in an emulation of Faust's concept art style. I'm really happy with the end result of this project, if not with how long it took to get here.

Gods of Old and New collects Daetrin's complete works: "Off the Edge of the Map", Apotheosis, Triptych, Cartography of War, and "Chiaroscuro." I think this is a really cool collection, not just because of the grand scope of his take on Equestria, but because his complete works also form a single continuity, so this is a really neat omnibus edition of the Apotheosisverse -- stories I go way back with, having put "Off the Edge of the Map" in the Pony Fiction Vault and helped Daetrin format Apotheosis in BBCode to get in on FIMFic over ten years ago.

Mendacity by Dromicosuchus is another Vault alum that I'm happy to bring to print. I'm finding I don't have a ton to say about it in this moment except it's great and you should read it!

The Enchanted Kingdom continues Monochromatic's Enchanted storyline, following on from The Enchanted Library. This is also available from Ministry of Image, but as with TEL, the PFP edition retains the FIMFic edition's styling and chapter header art (in B&W), features a foreword by a friend of Monochromatic and an afterword by her, and will just generally fit right in on your shelf next to the PFP edition of TEL.

Yours Truly and Other Stories collects almost all of Thanqol's pony works, omitting only "The Faceless Pony" because this was compiled with Everfree Northwest (i.e. a kid-friendly con) in mind and it gave me the heebie jeebies. Yes, another Vault alum! This is a great little collection of some fantastic early-fandom short stories.

Finally, we have another somewhat unusual print, foreshadowed perhaps by all these Vault alums I'm publishing this year: The Vault Interviews is Ponyfeather's first non-fiction book. 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the Pony Fiction Vault ceasing operations, so I thought it seemed like an appropriate occasion to gather them all into print. The collection includes a brief foreword and afterword by me, but it also includes a never-before-released incomplete Charlotte Fullerton interview. (If you don't remember, I closed out the Vault's run by interviewing FIM writers instead of the usual fanfic authors; Charlotte responded to my initial requests but never quite got around to finishing it, so I've just been sitting on it. Figured this seemed like a good place to include it!)

All of these titles, plus 67(!) more, will be available for purchase at Twilight's Book Nook, booth 9, at Everfree Northwest this August. A number of other authors are making titles available for the first time there as well. For a full catalog, click here (PDF link). All the Ponyfeather titles (and, I presume, the other authors' titles) will also be available online after the con, so keep an eye out for announcements there in the second half of August.

Hope to see you there!

Comments ( 22 )

Ooh, shiny! I see a couple of titles there I might have to grab!

Alas, I'm not going to the con, but looking over the catalog, I'll be hopefully adding some works that I read back in the day and had completely forgotten about until now. And has it really been a decade since the vault's end? I honestly don't believe it.

Oh... my... :pinkiecrazy:

I may have to up my book budget for this trip lol.

I still have my copy of Gardezs book in immaculate care! I love it so much that I've considered ordering other copies to leave at neighborhood library boxes. And I'm not sure if I was just in the perfect mental state at the time but Lost in Time devastated me when I first read it. Even thinking about it grips my heart slightly. I'd love to add that to my collection. There are several good stories in here! Definitely something for everyone.

Already building my list to add to my collection! Though no con for me this year so it'll have to be orders after the fact n_n

Here I am finding out that most of my favorite stories are getting published. I don’t know how I’ll make bookshelf space for these.

:raritystarry: Some of these look like they're not romance novels! I need to get back into the saddle and test read them in prep for when I'll be able to order them. I only have a one-book-buffer between what I'm reading now and a bookless void!

aaaaaaaaa than one problem is I won't have enough space to take all these hoooome.

space and money.

Eee! So glad to see Eternal on here. In a very real sense, it's the story that made me want to write ponyfic in the first place!

If anyone wants to mail a copy of list to me for a signature, I can do that. No clue what postage runs these days. But book-rate with tracking was the cheap way back in 2013.

Ffffffff the PFP releases alone are absolutely killing it. The PFV was what got me into ponyfic in the first place (has it really been that long already?) but I never expected authors like Daetrin or Thanqol to ever be available in print.

There's also a lot of self-published titles in the catalog that I've never been aware of before... Well, at least I can reserve the budget for it.

Do you have a list of every title in "The Love of Faust"?

Site Blogger

I will get that up when the purchase links are live!

For us horses at home, Corejo has a picture of Book Nook, or what it was before the crowds: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1020206/top-left-horsefest-2023-and-book-nook (image: here). Sold out yet? :rainbowderp:

Site Blogger

We did not sell out but I do consider the Book Nook a success -- will be writing a long blog post about it all as soon as possible!


I'm looking forward to that report! :twilightsmile:

I took a look at ponyfic because a few very smart people said it was good.
I was hooked by ponyfic because I began by looking at RBDash47's ponyfiction website, ponyfictionarchive.net (link no longer works); and 3 of the 4 works RBDash47 recommended on the front page were Eternal, Somewhere Only We Know, and Fallout: Equestria. Those were the first 3 ponyfics I read.

The only other time I had luck that good was when I was drinking a latte in a Borders Bookstore, sitting next to a rack of graphic novels. I thought, "Huh, I wonder what a graphic novel is?" The first one I grabbed was called Watchmen, and I sat there and read the whole thing. Then I put it back and started the book next to it. It was called Sandman.

If I'd gone to fimfiction first, I would've read stuff off the Featured Box, & probably never come back.

And we're all happy you stayed! Best timeline.

Will links for the other titles that might not be on Ponyfeather, also be posted in a blog here? I wanna know where to follow because I just now discovered the catalog has way more books than what's listed in the blog o.o

Site Blogger

Yeah, this blog was just to announce new PFP releases (i.e. the ones I published), not all new releases by everybody.

I will also post a blog with everyone's purchase links when I have them!

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