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This insanity has been going on since 2010

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Author Update Round 2 - Magisight 2 + BRAIN SURGERY · 1:50am Jul 25th, 2023


*checks calendar*

Good lord. Time really got away from me, huh? First thing's first and why you probably clicked on this: Magisight 2 is still happening, it's just been very slow to come to fruition with rewrites and various real life matters getting in the way. I honestly can't say for certain when I'll publish it. Roughly 90% of it is written out, I just need someone to edit, or at minimum, proofread for me. I have a few people in mind already, so I'll bother them when the time is right.

But as to why this has taken so long? Well, COVID derailed a ton of creativity for both myself and my husband. Not only was the general stress of the pandemic a stressor, but we would almost always go to Buffalo Wild Wings on Sundays for lunch, bring our laptops, and mooch off their wifi for a while and work; me on fanfics, him on his music. Not being able to do that really threw off our grooves, but then the insane things started about 18 months ago. This could go on for several pages, but I'll keep things short.

First, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in late 2021/early 2022. It explained my chronic tirendess and evermounting fatigue. My exhaustion levels got so bad that I went on partial disability with my previous employer for much of 2022. I had to wait almost seven months for my CPAP machine to arrive, but once it did, it 180'd my sleep quality and my overall health sharply improved. The flipside to all this though, I actually ended up quitting my job for a variety of reasons, but it ultimately amounted to an ever-increasing workload without adequate pay raises or realistic expectations of how much they wanted us to do. They also screwed things up during my disability, and that made things worse. So, in late 2022 I got a new job with some furniture store owners with whom I've worked with in the past.

This is where things get wild. In November/December of 2022, I went to the eye doctor because my vision was steadily getting worse. Things at a distance were blurry and it was even becoming difficult to read things on the living room TV. I got glasses, which wasn't the end of the world, but the eye doctor had concerns. Something about the photos of my eyes didn't look right to him, so he ordered an MRI. A few weeks later, I get the MRI, get the results back, and then starts a crazy chain reaction that ultimately ends in me getting brain surgery.

The MRI had located a benign, lime-sized tumor in the back of my head. At the behest of my sister's neurologist friend, she pushed extremely hard to initiate emergency surgery to have it removed. Given the size and what it was doing, it was basically a ticking time bomb in my head, even though the tumor itself was non-cancerous. Thankfully, we were able to have the surgery performed after a few days, and the tumor was 99% successfully removed. Recovery was going extremely well for a month, but then I got sick with a viral infection that just completely kicked me down for the entirety of February up until about late June. The viral infection left me severely dehydrated, and despite recovering from the illness, it has triggered a persistent dizziness issue based on how I lay down/sit up/bend my head/etc. Up until a month ago, this would frequently trigger nausea and vomiting. Thankfully, I'm finally at a point where I can drive again and safely return to work.

It's been stressful. But, the scariest part is over. The worst things we have to deal with now are tackling some debt that's been accrued due to me not working, but we've been receiving and continue to receive a lot of help from my parents, without whom I'd probably be utterly screwed. Aside from the general dizziness that has persisted, there have not been any other side effects. No motor function impairment, no weird mental issues, I'm still all me, just maybe physically slower.

There's still further details I could elaborate on, but I just wanted to let people know what's been going on with me lately, that I am OK, and that Magisight 2 is still happening. I just honestly don't know when, but at least I'm in a much better position to resume writing again. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 5 )

yikes! I hope Murphy stops kicking you in the gut and lays off you for preferably a long time. I know what it is like to have to have brain surgery as I had to have it when I was a kid. So I REALLLLY hope you manage to recover from that

Dangum, that's a heck of a thing. I'm glad you were able to come back to us. Welcome back!

Oh, that's difficult to hear, but I'm glad that you're here once again and, more importantly, that you're getting better from the surgery and getting out of your job, PsychicKid. At this point, I really should get to reading the first Magisight; have been following you for a long time but haven't read anything from you, so it's about time.

I'll pray for you and your family through this, Psychic! Stay safe, and may your writing endeavors go well.

Sheesh, you've been through the wringer! Glad to hear you are on the mend though.
I'm glad to hear you have a sequel planned too. Magisight has been on my favourites list forever!
I hope your recovery continues :)

Wow! What a terrifying experience! So glad to hear your health is relatively OK now.

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