• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago



Time · 1:49am Sep 21st, 2023

It is everyone’s enemy and I hate it with every fiber of my being.

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When the time is right.

Hey yo my dude do you think you could put taming a tempest on this site that would be pretty cool if you could


I made that comment 5 months ago?

Please don’t be a grammar Nazi, especially online. Even I routinely use the wrong there/ir/‘re. It’s not an intentional misspelling. It’s a reflex that goes unnoticed too often until after the fact.

They're, not there. There and they're (short fo they are) have completely different meanings.

You know what? I don't get why people get it wrong so often. English is my secondary language and we learned this stuff in elementary school (not that we have elementary school, but we have equivalent). Do people from English speaking countries just not learn this when learning how to write or something? I just really don't get it.

Edit: Okay that sounded a little bit, a lot rude. Just want you to know that I don't mean bad, I just don't get why so many people do such basic mistakes. I am sure you're not stupid or something like that, it's just something I personally don't understand. But just so you know, I don't mean it against you, or anyone for that matter.

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