• Member Since 8th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Frayed Peaches

"All things that on any other night would have annoyed me. But that night, because it was you, I knew then and there that I never wanted to be without you."

About me!

I write things but never post them : D Mainly cause I have anxiety and hate myself uwu You know, the normal things. Though If I somehow actually post a story then it's probably cause the frens I have encouraged me to write something!

Also I have taken up reading stories! I love reading stories to my friends

What's your name?

Where are you from?
Alaska! But I'm not there anymore q w q

When did you first start watching the show?
At the beginning! I also enjoyed watching the older series as well c:

What music do you listen to?
I'm kind of quirky(death to me) and I listen to older rock and some Frank Sinatra and stuff! I'm kinda bad at this not gonna lie z.z

What's your favorite type of story to read?
Definitely stories involving humans who become ponies uwu

What will you not read?
Hardcore Apple fics :(

What's your favorite character from the show?
Photo finish! Cause I LOVE taking pics of things! :heart:

What's your least favorite character from the show?
Shining Armor, cause like, he totes tossed his wife lmao

Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
Comment posted by Frayed Peaches deleted May 19th

Birthday! Birthday!!! Your birthday!!!

I had my 21st 3 days ago, perfect timing lol

Birthdays are the bestest, except for when they are not then they’re not the bestest

wow the follow up was real

  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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