• Member Since 21st Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen June 8th


Eyy, I'm writin 'ere!


Open for Business · 5:10pm Jun 4th, 2023

Comms Open!

Details Inside!

Hey loyal readers and potential new clients, I'm writing this blog up today to officially open up commissions for my writing! I've got a lot of larger projects in the works, but I don't want to keep my account barren for another year, so I've decided to open up comms to any interested party.

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Ruby Lied and a Project Died. Many People are Saying This. · 5:44pm Jun 30th, 2022

As the title implies, I'm a liar. A fibber of sorts. A little miscreant and dealer of mistruths. Around three years ago I promised you dear readers of the Rubydubious show that I would write a masterpiece about Starlight Glimmer leading an uprising against Princess Celestia in an epic to be titled: War Against the Sun. It was meant to be an extremely realistically written piece, and to accomplish that, I would read over two hundred books or so to fill my mind with the knowledge needed to

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Coming Soon! · 6:59pm Jun 2nd, 2021

Oh shit, how do I work these things again? I think I just type in them and people read that, hopefully.

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The Big One, or, A Mishmashed Treatise and Updates to my Idleness · 6:29pm Feb 10th, 2021

Woah! Is that Ruby with a blog? It's been like forever since she's done anything on the site, I thought she forgot about it and stopped reading. That was my impression of you, how'd I do? Anyway, bad jokes aside, to answer the burning question likely none of you had, yes I still remain, and indeed I do still read. In fact, since my last blog, I've read 4 books, and I'm halfway through number 5. So, let's get into it then, I've got no time to waste and there's a lot to cover!

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A Blog From Beyond The Social Grave · 4:30am Nov 2nd, 2020

Yes! It is I! Ruby the Great and Soon-To-Be-Well-Read, and also Not Dead. It's been far too long since we've last spoken, but it's also been far too busy and stressful lately to be able to tack anything down here, as I'd have next to nothing to report. But for now, I do have something to report: A completed book, and a soon to be completed book. That is, Rosseau's The Social Contract (complete) and Martin Van Creveld's A History of Strategy: From Sun Tzu to William S. Lind

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Three Books, And General Updatery · 1:31am Aug 18th, 2020

So I've been gone for a while, huh? Seems par for the course that I should be completely radio silent and then come back all at once. Well, I tell you that you shouldn't expect that for much longer. That stick bug story was the start of a few stories I want to post weekly, that I've made a backlog of to post weekly. This is to be more regular, of course. Though, before you get up in arms, they will not be porn. None of them will, in fact. There's a romance, but that's as close as it

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On War: The Big One · 9:03pm Jul 18th, 2020

Greetings small ponies! It is I, Ziltoid the Omniscient and writer of War Against the Sun, broadcasting telepathically into your minds once again about an update as to my readings from the mile-long list of books. This time, it was Clausewitz's On War, a very solid book, if but very long and very dense in its language. Apologies for the radio silence, I've been very busy and also trying to read this 200-year-old book. I recently got a job at a local factory and will continue to work there for

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Update: More Readings · 3:51pm Jun 27th, 2020

So the reading list marches on, left, 2, 3. Left, 2, 3. And this time it's the ever classic Sun Tzu's Art of War, a very short book that amounted to 6 pages of military theory notes from the oldest treatise. And the other was From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy by Hans Hermann-Hoppe. I quit reading this book about 30 pages in because it was drivel.

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Updates: On WAtS, Readings, Event Horizon, and Stories. · 9:55pm May 27th, 2020

So as of today, I've finished The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli, and The Dictator's Handbook: Why Good Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics. I've been taking careful notes of the three books I've read total (of which there is 61 pages and almost 20k words of), and of future events in War Against the Sun as well. Rest assured, it will come, but probably not as soon as you expect.

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Readings for War Against The Sun · 10:32pm Apr 20th, 2020

Lovely readers, followers, and fans of every stripe, I come to you today to report that I have finished one of the many books that I assigned myself to read before starting my next big project. One of the most influential books in the Monarchist and Authoritarian genre: The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, written in 1651.

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