• Member Since 4th Oct, 2016
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Nerd and Proud


In My Opinion: Fallout Equestria · 12:49am Feb 7th, 2019

Hey guys, here’s the first of what I hope to be a long series of review and opinion pieces. This format and title and so on will be work in progress as I gain some experience. So for now, IMO is the title of the series and the format is a bit of an unorganized ramble. Still, it might be best to start off with how I started off: by taking a look at Fallout: Equestria (Fo:E). Please note it's been two years since I last read the story which may influence my thoughts, but perhaps that a sign of a

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Introductions are in Order · 5:34pm Feb 4th, 2019

Hey guys, my name is gmoyes, though GM or G works just as well. I'm a young man from Nova Scotia, Canada who is a massive nerd. I've studied science quite a bit, but never mad it far in post secondary as calculus completely kicked my ass. I've been around Fimfiction for a while now, but I have always been mostly a lurker. I've read a lot of great stories and I figured I might as well break out of my shell and share some of my own ideas and stories.

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