• Member Since 14th Nov, 2014
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Fictional Fanatic

Fiction reader. Now, also a writer.


Not dead, coming back and hello again! · 11:19pm Apr 18th, 2020

So... let me begin with saying that I'm not dead. To those of you who still wish for me to write and update stories, I say thank you for still following me. Now, I have good and bad news.

Good news: I finally have found the motivation, energy and most importantly time to take up writing again!

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Would you look at that? · 6:10pm Aug 30th, 2019

So, I suppose many would think I'm dead. Nope. I just finished editing all the chapters for my story "Hooves of ice". Hopefully, this improves reading quality and ensures that I feel like I can keep writing without worrying about past chapters.

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Kinda owe you lot. · 6:14pm Mar 30th, 2017

So, to all you wonderful people following me, keeping an eye on me and lurking around enjoying my content. I've not been dishing out anything new for quite a while. Reasons? Well, the adequate content I dish out is a product of productivity born from inspiration, will and pure emotions. Lets just say not all of those things have been 100% for me for a long while. And no, I'm not going through anything like depression or anything, I just simply lack the motivation and inspiration to work on MLP

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How about it? · 11:23pm Nov 18th, 2016

So. I have found it really hard to write anything lately and have decided to take my thought of trying to continue writing my stories for a while and write something new.

How would you people feel about a dark and evil Displaced story?

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Hiatus · 7:55pm Aug 8th, 2016

Right. I hate to do this, but I think it's necessary, I'll be putting all my stories on hiatus until I can find it within myself to start writing on them again. It's not that I don't want to stop writing, it's just that I can't bring myself to doing it. I've tried forcing it and could only manage to write one single sentence before began hating myself for writing it and for forcing myself to do it.

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Unfortunate break. · 5:41pm Aug 2nd, 2016

Now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but due to certain unfortunate events I might e loosing internet access for for an undetermined amount of time (most likely a long time). This of course means I won't be able to upload anything new in the meantime. Thankfully, this won't stop me from writing otherwise and I'll hopefully be able to upload a lot more content once I get back access to internet.

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Current progress. · 9:01am Jun 8th, 2016

Hey, guess what. I have about 4,792 words already written on the next chapter. Woo hoo! I'll just have to re-write it somewhat, maybe add more to it and then have someone pre-read it for me, edit it and it should be able to upload. Most of the core content is already there, it just needs a polishing now.

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Progress! · 9:24pm May 31st, 2016

Hah, I knew I could do it! After such a long time I managed to sit down and force myself out of that stupid writer's block I had. Now things should progress much more smoothly and we can all... No... Don't tell me-

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Terrible time of the year · 7:47pm May 3rd, 2016

So, summer is just about here and my allergies are acting up again. I was hoping for an off year, but it seems I'm not that fortunate. This also means there most likely will be a lot less time for me to be active, even though I'm going to have more free time. Allergies suck. Not even in my own room can I escape.

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You won't read this, will you? · 2:27pm Apr 17th, 2016

So, I know I at most have somewhere around 80 people who decide to read my blogs. I've got to say, it's not really encouraging since that means stuff I write gets overlooked. But to those of you who do read the blogs I write, I'm thankful.

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