• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Comma Typer

Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?

Comma Typer's Online Tip Jar

"If my current and/or upcoming stories interest you, then you can show your support by buying me a coffee—or, rather, a cold ice cream. I am somewhat stingy, so rest easy knowing I'll put much of it towards savings and important expenses."

Do You Think You're Going to Heaven When You Die?

Are you concerned about going to Heaven? Doubtful about your afterlife? Afraid of dying because you don't know where you're going?

No matter what your answer is, go here to find out the truth.

No matter how much good you've done, your righteousness is but a filthy rag. God is infinitely holy, and even a single white lie is enough to merit eternal punishment for an offense against an infinite God. How can one be saved, then?

You need God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ—the only Way, Truth, and Life—to forgive you of your sins, to obtain salvation and eternal life freely as a gift. You don't have to go to Hell and suffer for your sins forever; believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you shall be saved; trust in Him fully, to give up yourself to His good will.

Know Jesus, and you shall be saved.

(Any questions about it? The Got Questions site has answers for almost every question about Jesus, the Bible, and more!)

Christian Resources

Here's a list of websites you'll likely find useful:

Sermon Audio: a repository of over a million Christian sermons.
Stand to Reason: another Christian apologetics organization, this one with a more general scope.
Theocast: A Christian podcast... well, it's more than a podcast, but it's usually the podcast that counts the most. It is about finding rest in Jesus as a Christian.

Horse words is a realm that has been explored, whose depths have been plumbed and its heights have been conquered. From staggering sagas to mercurial novellas, the visitor may harbor the notion that everything has been said and that there's nothing new anymore.

But he's wrong. There are gaps and holes left alone in the world, waiting for someone to jump in and see the treasures underneath. There are stars and planets yet untouched, waiting for someone to get on a spaceship and plant a flag on them. There are narratives, storylines, and novel threads unknown, sitting on the same old paths everyone takes: all they need is someone ambitious, bold, and crazy enough to chase after them.

But what will drive such a person to pursue such things?

  • Perhaps he likes the narratives he's read, but there's none from this path or that road or this one particular what-if scenario: so he makes his own narrative.
  • Perhaps he's been amazed by the storylines that the realm has to offer, amazed enough that he himself wants to spread that amazement, inspiration, and thought-provoking emotion or emotion-provoking thought to others: so he makes his own storylines.
  • Perhaps the popular novel threads written by his fellow religious/Christian peers outside the horse-worlds realm worry him for they know of the creative God but don't quite churn out world-stopping works of art: so he makes his own novel threads, to imitate a creative Creator God.

Perhaps all three.

And I'd like to think I'm that someone ambitious, bold, and crazy enough to chase after those unknown stories. To write them into existence.


Late May (and a bit of June) 2023 Update · 2:44pm Last Tuesday

Writing continues to be slow but at least consistent. I've charted out all the scenes for the Trixie-focused [MANTUA], and what's left before the first draft can be finished is to actually flesh out everything. There are still gaps but that's where... slightly less story-important stuff is.

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Future Projects

The following titles are under working titles/codenames unless specified. Arranged in descending order of when they'll most likely be released. Descriptions are intentionally vague and may or may not be misleading to avoid spoilers.

  • [BAY BRIDGE] - a very short distant follow-up to Magical Curiosity, tentatively featuring Sci-Twi.
  • [MANTUA] - a Trixie-focused fic in the Season 5 alternate timeline where Tirek was seen victorious.

Comma Typer's Author Existence Failure

I go on this site daily. I may be away for a while, but you'll never see me offline for a week. Usually.

In unusual circumstances (and if I haven't shared any news that might explain my being away), assume the following depending on how long I've been offline:

  • One week: a trip that's gone longer than expected. May or may not involve an emergency.
  • Two to three weeks: disaster, natural or not, most likely happened. In such a case, I will do my best to post an I'm-not-dead blog post as soon as possible.
  • Four weeks or one month: I'm dead.
Comments ( 42 )
  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42

Sola Scriptura

Solus Christus

Sola Fida

Sola Gratia

Soli Deo Gloria!

Awesome to stumble across another Christian here. :heart:

My sincere thanks for your eloquent, sober, compassionate, and backed up by chapter and verse comment. (I'm sure you know which and where.)
Thank you for reminding everyone what Jesus would do, and what we should do in His emulation.

I just wanted to say I appreciate your response to that situation. Very level headed and mature. Kudos.

Thanks for the watch! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42
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