• Member Since 21st Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen January 22nd

Keragon Sharp

I'm most likely good at this.

Some Stories and Crap


Just An Update #5: ...Hi. · 1:48am Feb 18th, 2014

So, once the new year passed, on of my resolutions was to be more active with my hobbies.

So here I am now, 48 days later!
Sorry about that.
So, anyway, I'm back! And, well, I've been having quite a few good ideas for stories, so expect more stuff from me soon!

~~~Keragon Sharp

Report Keragon Sharp · 297 views ·

Just An Update #5: ...Hi. · 1:48am Feb 18th, 2014

So, once the new year passed, on of my resolutions was to be more active with my hobbies.

So here I am now, 48 days later!
Sorry about that.
So, anyway, I'm back! And, well, I've been having quite a few good ideas for stories, so expect more stuff from me soon!

~~~Keragon Sharp

Report Keragon Sharp · 297 views ·

Q&A/ AMA · 10:33pm Oct 28th, 2013

So, it's basic. Ask me whatever the heck you want, as long as it's not really inappropriate. Go, go ahead. Ask whatever, whether it be story requests or questions about my favorite movie, I'l be happy to answer. I'm not kidding when I say this will be up forever.

Report Keragon Sharp · 315 views ·
Comments ( 22 )
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Oh its not a insult and you are welcome as I had figured you might be busy with your own projects. Its good to here there are no hard feelings.

888029 Actually, and I don't mean to insult you here, but I'm kind of glad you made that decision. I'm really busy with other stories and my own projects, so I was afraid that you were going to ask me to edit that. So, in a way, thank you. :pinkiehappy:

I hope you don't mind but someone else volunteered to edit my new story. Its no hard feelings as I just did not want bother you with another story If you had others to work with. I really hope you don't see my decision to have someone else edit my new story as some form of sign that I am mad or did not appreciate you editing Return of Chaos. When ever I get to the point in which I am ready to do a new story if you are still willing to edit I will be sure to inform you first but only if you wish so. Besides this story I am working on is going to wind up being longer than Return of Chaos so I don't want to appose any form of stress especially if you have your own stories as well as others stories to edit. So hopefully this will give you a bit of a break and will allow you more time to work on you projects. Again I hope you don't see this as me having a issue with you because that was not what I intended.

Thank you for watching!

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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