Jade, the Savior of Canterlot

by AjitaniShirasu

First published

A pegasus' journey to find where he belongs.

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caeli desuper

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Transmission # 16 21 18 5 16 5 19 20 9 12 5 14 3 5. Designate: ALPHA

Subject: Jade overseen by his father, post-school.

Unknown location, likely to be above Equestria.

1500 hours January 18, 2015

A blinding light shined from above the clouds, sat atop a vastly open realm, which could be mistaken for the pearly gates of the heavens. Atop what seemed to be a small slab of marble sat a blue filly, playing with an assortment of building bricks. He was busy at play, focusing on building a cathedral of sorts. He was incredibly intelligent, given his age. A while passed before a bright-cloaked figure hovered over to the filly and looked down at him. "Enough play for today, my child. We must prepare for our supper." The filly gave the figure a puppy face before sighing lightly. "Yes, Father."

The little filly was named Jaden Mist, who liked being called Jade. He had grown up in a sort of utopia, much of the area being colored varying types of white and gold accents. There was color here and there, but was mostly reserved for public spaces, homes, or buildings such as schools. As for his guardian, he was a humanoid-shaped figure with a bright-white cloak, like that of a priest. Its face was blacked out, and so were its limbs. He could perform a variety of tasks, despite having no visible limbs. He had no name but had adapted to Jade referring to him as "Father."

He had gotten up from a light slumber after teaching Jade all day. It was a Thursday, so he knew his filly could be let loose a bit the following day. Dinner today was a simple box of organic macaroni and cheese with a salad. Funny enough, the salad was Jade's favorite. He had grown up and always ate the vegetable first, which is what he oversaw that afternoon. He happily mixed the lettuce and tomatoes in a bowl, humming a tune they both shared. His paternal figure glanced over at him as Jade giggled, looking up. "Am I mixing the salad up well, Father? Am I doing an excellent job?" His father seemingly smiled under his cloak and chuckled. "You're doing an excellent job, my child. After you are finished, we will have supper." Jade jumped gleefully before putting the salad and checking a chore off his weekly list.

Jade always enjoyed spending time with Father, whenever or whatever it might be. They talked over dinner and cleaned up, making another checkmark on the list done. But at that moment, he counted his checkmarks and his eyes widened. He pulled his list off the billboard and showed it to Father. He subsequently leaned down and nodded as though he was incredibly pleased. "It seems you've completed your chore list, my child. After supper tomorrow, we will go out for frozen custard." Jade gently put the list on the counter and flew to his room, barely able to contain his own excitement.

Jaden grabbed his crayons and kept working on a card for Father. Somehow, the holidays arrived sooner than he thought. With that in mind, he took it upon himself to make him a gift of Jade's own. He had heard around his hometown that the fillies would be getting lots of expensive gifts from Stallion Claus. He heard it yet brushed it off. 'Father does not need to get me any gifts.' Jade thought to himself. 'He does not know that I saved up my change for a small gift for him. I do hope he likes it.' Father, on the other hand, sat down to watch local events on TV. He had already shopped for Jade and got him a few small gifts. He knew his child would be thankful, no matter the gesture. His faith in his child as his Father was more than anyone else he knew or heard of.

Without another thought, Jade flew downstairs and looked up at Father. "I'm ready for bed, Father." He spoke as Father nodded. "Have you brushed your teeth as well?" Jade nodded with absolute confidence. "Then it's time for slumber, my child. I will see you at dawn for breakfast." Father replied, as Jade clapped his hooves and flew back. He let out an exhausted sigh, entered his bedroom and lay in bed.

The next morning, Jade bolted out of his room, landing his nose straight on a cabinet corner. Father quickly turned out to Jade, whimpering on the floor with a bit of a bloody nose. Father moved towards Jade and looked down upon him in what felt like disapproval. Jade felt the room become eerily tense, his small bloody nose slowly increasing its flow. After looking back up at Father, the room filled with red smoke as he quivered. "F-Father...?" He asked, his heart racing. Father spoke over his child, talking in a lower voice. "You will know true fear soon... Jaden Mist." Jade's eyes widened in horror, and kept yelling, "You're not Father! You are not Father! You are not Father!" in any hope of salvation. Father spoke over his child once more, much louder this time. "You are a disgrace; do you not understand? You are not my child, nor was Mother part of our so-called family!" Jade backed into a corner of the house, a trail of blood following him as he moved. "You will soon be erased from this, and all other timelines!!!"

Jade threw himself out of bed, letting out a blood-curdling scream followed by a loud thump. Father came rushing into the room, quickly picking his child up and caressing him. Jade could not see Father's arms, nor did he ever know he had them to begin. Father quietly soothed his child with soft winds to his ears. Jade knew it always helped him calm down, even in the most stressful situations. His child quickly fell asleep as Father got the last ointment they had to help with Jade's bruise.

When Jade woke up, he hesitantly walked out of his room, then into the main hall, then into the kitchen. Jade looked left, then right, then left again. It was very unlike Father to be out of the kitchen. Not the smell of his smelly drink, let alone a plate of breakfast and a note. Jade got a bit worried and searched around the house for him, but to no avail. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Jade could hear a faint sound, like an extra annoying alarm clock. After a bit of quietness, a tornado siren echoed across the town. Jade looked at the front window to see it barricaded. He peeked outside to see what his neighborhood was once covered in various debris; sand barricades, other houses with forms of plywood, and hundreds, no, thousands of flyers were flying. Jade had to shut the door and take a few breaths, as he was not used to such speeds. As if Jade's odds could not be bleaker, the roof of his home was almost instantaneously ripped off. He attempted to hold his ground and consider his next course of action. But before anything, a sudden force grabbed and suspended him into the air.

Jade, completely distraught, screamed at the top of his lungs "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" A deep, familiar voice echoed from a distance. "Find the figure of Lunae Lumen and Sol Luminaria and bring them back to me! Only then you will receive your salvation!" It echoed as Jade felt a sudden thrust downward, knocking the breath out of him. He rolled over during his fall to find himself being forced straight into a pit of lava. At that moment, he knew it was all over. His heart only beat of desolation, firmly believing that there was no way out of this situation. But a moment before he would meet his demise, he felt something had changed. Maybe he grew taller, or perhaps bigger wings? It did not matter though, for the moment he hit the lava... it was cold?

curat filius

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Transmission # 16 18 9 14 3 5 19 19 12 21 14 1 Designate: BRAVO

Subject: Jade rapidly plummeting to an unknown location.

Canterlot Royal Garden, Equestria.

0300 hours January 19, 2025

Jade felt as if he had fallen through several natural elements. First came water, then came wind, stone, and lastly, lightning. He could barely open his eyes again from all the pain he had felt over the course of the past few minutes. But when he did open them a bit, he managed to see himself plummeting towards a surface that looked nothing like marble or remarkably posh; like he was used to. He wanted to scream, but felt like his mouth was shut, his lips felt glued together. 'If I make it out alive, that would be an absolute miracle.' And after that thought, he felt a sudden cracking noise followed by immediate darkness.

Meanwhile, there stood ten Lunar Guardians in front of the castle. After rumors spread about one of the princess' assassinations, the castle was set to CT-DEFCON 1. What would normally be two guards had drastically increased to ten at that moment, and more than fifty on the way. As much as they would like to have idle chat given the deafening silence, they forced themselves to stand guard from early sunset to late sunrise. Sure, it would mess with their sleeping schedule a bit, but they all knew it was to secure the safety of their homeland.

It had only been about a few hours into their shift when a few of them heard a bush rustling rather loudly. Guard 179 looked over at 263, with a confused face. “Did you hear that? I suspect that might be a potential threat.” His partner looked back at him with a more serious tone, almost pestered to a degree. “Probably just a wild animal looking for snacks or something. Don't act so nervous, will you?” Commanding Officer 263 ordered five guards to investigate the noise, to which they flew off with great haste. “You know, it might be an animal of sorts. But not one that small…”

Jade had awoken, sitting in branches and leaves, his fur riddled with rashes and thorns. Unfortunately, he could only see his nose and part of his body. He felt himself unable to move any of his limbs, even though he knew they felt perfectly fine. He suddenly heard hoofsteps quickly approaching, as he felt a chill go down his spine. As he glanced up at the guards, they all gazed down upon him. They all whispered about him before hearing a very thunderous voice behind them. “Stand down, Sergeant 574. This pegasus needs to be treated.” The sergeant wanted to question his superior but gulped and backed away. As all the other guards followed suit, she looked down upon Jade, who looked like his body had been mangled to an extent. There were several fresh scars, some blood staining his blue fur, and a tibia sticking out of his left-hand back leg. “Return to the front, report your findings, then stand guard. He is to come with me.” The soldiers flew back from their outpost as the larger pony crouched down next to Jade, his eyes filled with pain and fear. She took him, gently put him upon his back, and flew off to a smaller hospital.

She had burst through the front door, which startled Nurse Redheart at the very least. Quick details were exchanged as Jade was being hoisted onto a flat stretcher. Redheart bid farewell before pushing Jade to a room with blinding lights. They felt familiar, except they hurt his eyes. He then snapped back when realizing what happened, remembering what kind of light he knew. He was pushed in as strange looking ponies in lab coats and face masks scurrying around the room. Then a clear mask with a tube of sorts was placed over his muzzle, his eyes still stricken with fear. But it did not take long for him to slowly fall asleep; something he did not think would ever happen.

It had been almost 9 hours as his savior continued to sit in Jade's room. She had been drifting off; after all, it was almost sunrise. As she continued to stay awake, there was a knock on the door. She opened it to find Jade on a clean stretcher, wheeled in and locked into place. Nurse Redheart came back and kindly instructed to not disturb him until he has woken up. The nurse then closed the door as the mare noticed the time. She swapped out the moon, so Celestia could raise the sun, just in time. She ended up lying on the guest couch on her side, closing her eyes and letting herself get some well-needed rest.

After a few more hours had passed, she woke up to a lot of rattling and noise. She opened her eyes to see Jade shaking in his bed; like he was having a nightmare. The mare entered his dream to find what was once a utopia of some sort but demolished beyond recognition. The only real detail was Jade standing in the street, staring the princess down with a blank, creepy expression. He stood there for what felt like an eternity before slowly walking forward, as if he were a robot of sorts. As he approached, his face began to disintegrate. At first, it was his fur, then his muscles, until he eventually looked like a husk of what he once was. She took a few steps back before Jade spoke in an incredibly raspy voice, “I killed them all, princess. All of this bloodshed, all the corpses you see, they are all of my own doing.”

Those were his last words before she was kicked from his dream, now seeing him trying to undo his restraints to break free. The alicorn ran up to him as a few nurses rushed in and attempted to hold the pegasus down. To their dismay, he was violently thrashing and assaulting medical personnel without intention. “Get the sedation!” One nurse yelled as another one held a syringe and a vial, preparing to give Jade an injection to calm him down. It was at that moment that the mare had a better idea. “Move!” The princess echoed, the entire floor being able to hear her. The staff immediately stood back as she put both of her hooves against his chest, using her magic to return him to being quiet and sleeping normally. “We will take care of him however I can, but we also request your aid in healing him.” The staff looked at her and quickly dispersed, looking over Jade with a small smile. “If nopony will take care of you, look after you, love you unconditionally… I'll take you in as my kin.” She gave Jade a light kiss on the cheek, making her feel a bit calmer. “We, Princess Luna, will watch over you and protect you, no matter the cost.”

novi custodes

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Transmission # 16 18 9 14 3 5 19 19 3 5 12 5 19 20 9 1 Designate: CHARLIE

Subject: Jade going under treatment as an inpatient.

Concord Clinic, Canterlot, Equestria.

1310 hours January 19, 2025

Jade had almost been woken up for lunch when Princess Luna shushed the nurse. "We want a bland palette for this one." The nurse nodded and trotted out of the room. 'Poor colt's been sleeping all day.' The princess thought to herself. He appeared to be on death's front door, but somehow made an almost full recovery.' Still curious, she took a sip of coffee from her paper cup as the nurse walked in, putting Jade's meal aside and Luna's meal aside to her on a small meal tray. "Please enjoy, princess. Call if either of you need anything." Luna waved as the "server" left the room. She was about to pick her fork up when she noticed Jade rumbling in bed again. He slowly woke up, stretching his body; including his injured leg. He opened his eyes and turned to Luna. She saw no fear nor terror. Rather, it was tranquil, with glittering brighter than some of the stars in the sky.

She got up and happily looked at him, doing her best to be positive despite recent events. "Good morning! We are Princess Luna, and what is your name?" Jade just sat still, cocking his head to the side a bit. Luna was confused, so she asked the same question again. "What is your name?" Once again, Jade cocked his head to the other side, unresponsive. She tried asking from where he came from, if he had family, did he know who he was or where he was. Every question Luna asked got no response, which baffled her even more. 'He can't talk? But he was screaming and writhing in agony. Now, it appears at this point that he does not speak our language. Surely there must be something else we can do.'

Princess Luna sat in the chair next to Jade and couldn't help but frown. "I can only hope 'Tia has any ideas..." she thought aloud.

Despite the nice weather, Princess Celestia had to unfortunately remain indoors. As is par for the course, there was a knock on her chamber doors, and a very familiar voice called out to see Celestia. The royal doors opened to see Princess Cadence. She looked at her visitor with a bright smile and welcomed her back. "It certainly has been a long time, hasn't it, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?" Cadence was embarrassed and called 'Tia out on it. Celestia of course chuckled a bit from the teasing. "So Cadence, what brings you here all the way from home? I'm sure you're well aware of the royal lockdown in effect?" Cadence nodded. "I just wanted to talk to you about Luna." Celestia put her hoof up to her mouth in concern. "Is she ok? Did she get hurt? Is she missing-?"

"Celestia, please, she's perfectly fine. Shining and I noticed the moon was lowered much later than other days. Are you not concerned?" Celestia sighed a breath of relief. "Perhaps my sister almost forgot. she does that once in a blue moon." Cadence shook her head. "That's the problem; she's not in her room. But the only sign of her being there was a quickly scribbled note on the floor." Celestia asked if Cadence still had it, to which she nodded and gave it to the superior princess.

Dearest sister,

I'd hate to lie, so I'll do my best to be quick. There's something going on and I need to go see what happened.

Yours Truly,

Celestia and Cadence looked back and forth at the note a few times before a new one popped in front of them. It bore pieces of small blue ashes and blue wrapper; clearly a note from Princess Luna. Princess Celestia quickly grabbed it and ripped it open, hoping and hoping her sister was alright.

Dearest sister,

It turned out to be a pegasus who fell from the sky and greatly injured himself to the brink of death. I'm in the hospital on Concord Ct. if you need me, which you will.

Yours Truly,

Luna was in the process of feeling the feathers atop Jade's head when there was a sudden poof of magic at the door. 'It appears she got the letter very quickly.' Celestia came into the room, looking at Luna, then Jade, then back to Luna. "Is this the pegasus in question, sister?" Luna nodded confidently. "He can move perfectly fine, but is absolutely non-verbal. It seems he cannot speak a single word of our language." Celestia looked down at Jade, who also stared back at her with those same glistening eyes. Celestia blushed a bit at his eyes. "My oh my, how beautiful your eyes are!" She exclaimed, Jade's cheeks turning red, almost as if he was embarrassed. Celestia looked down at Luna, who was clearly embarrassed. "Sometimes you need to see things from a different perspective, Luna." Luna pouted, crossing her hooves. "Aw, now don't be so grumpy about it." Celestia gently patting Luna's head. "I'll just be a moment to check on my royal duties today. In the meantime, please keep..." she paused as Luna interjected "Jade." Nodding, Celestia continued her sentence. "Please watch out for Jade." Then in the blink of an eye, Celestia was gone. Luna looked back at Jade, giving her the same look before Celestia visited.

Celestia had arrived a few hours later, much to Luna's dismay. Luna was teleported right back to her bed, once again being thankful for her sister. Outside the royal grounds, Celestia sat next to Jade, looking him over. She only sat on a few pillows as to not tower over him and possibly startle him. The first thing she noticed was the very distinct three phoenix feathers sticking out from his mane. Celestia asked Jade if she could look at his feathers. He first tilted his head, then something akin to a lightbulb went off and put his hoof up to his head. He tilted his head as if to say "is this what you want?" which Celestia giggled a bit. "Yes, please Jade." She replied, reaching for his feathers. "I won't hurt you, nor will I let anypony lay a hoof on you. I hope you understand." After her words, they glowed a bit, and rather decided to make an observation.

She somehow felt Jade wasn't any normal pony, nor pegasus, nor creature from this realm. He felt particularly abnormal, but in a positive manner. Not a threatening anomaly, but rather held mythical qualities. There was a sudden knock on the door, which interrupted the alicorn's train of thought. Just then, Nurse Redheart trotted into the room, but was a bit startled that Celestia was there as well. "P-Princess Celestia! I-I'm grateful to be in your presence!" She bowed before Celestia waved her hoof a bit. "No need for formalities, Nurse Redheart. I heard you were in charge of Jade's case?"

The nurse nodded happily. "He's recovered quickly, your highness. More so than any other patient I've attended to." For a moment, Celestia looked back and forth at the both of them before Jade's handler spoke up. "If I may, Princess. He's only been here overnight, but the lead doctor told me that he's ready to be discharged. Does he have anypony to return home to?" Jade looked over and frowned a bit. It seemed that since Celestia showed up, he had begun to get a better grasp on how emotions work. "Unfortunately, not to my knowledge." Celestia replied, sighing. "I'll take him under my own wing for the moment until we can find his family." She took the clipboard, filled it out, then finished what was Luna's cold lunch. After she took her last bite, she asked Jade if he had family in Equestria. He tilted his head again, Celestia forgetting that he's mute; for now.

puer stellarum

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Transmission # 3 8 9 12 4 15 6 20 8 5 14 9 7 8 20 Designate: DELTA

Subject: Jade starting a so-called new life.

Royal Quarters, Canterlot, Equestria.

0805 hours January 21, 2025

Jade had woken back up from what felt like a much improved sleep compared to being in a hospital bed. As a matter of fact, he didn't even remember how he ended up on a such a nice bed. He squinted at the window, the soft sunlight lighting up the stained-glass he resided behind. After regaining his composure, he sat up and looked around his room. There was a polished dark oak bookshelf, a desk and chair with the same colors and gold accents, a nightstand with an old-fashioned candleholder, and a plate with snacks alongside a note. He cocked his head to the side, getting up and observing what seemed to be some sort of housewarming gift. Besides the note, it was a simple tray of fruit consisting of sliced apples, halved oranges, a branch of grapes, and wheat crackers. He painstakingly opened the postage, as if he was relearning a bit of his motor functions. He took a few apple slices and read the note as he munched on them.

My faithful guest,

I'll be inside the dining quarters whenever you awake and would like breakfast. I happily await your arrival.

Princess Celestia.

He was confused what the letter meant, but remembered the word breakfast; it would excite him no matter the case. He yawned heavily and gently stretched his legs, slowly getting up. Jade stared at the door, noticing it had a round oval-shaped piece on it. He looked at it from one side, then the other, still as confused as ever. He then decided to tap the doorknob with his hoof, and much to his surprised, it opened a bit. Right after, he staggered back a bit, startled about what just happened. Jade gently opened the door, peeking out for any danger or harm beyond the reinforced wood between him and the outside world. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice outside the door and out of fear quickly shut the door. He heard her many times before, but she scared him. He didn't know why, and nothing more.

"He's in this residence, princess, Suite 1." the princess in question replied "thank you, you are dismissed." With that, there were a few soft knocks on the door. As soon as he heard them, Jade dashed under the covers, like a rabbit hiding from a wolf. There were a few more soft knocks before another set of footsteps approached the door. "Tia, are you sure this will work? You know the poor thing's afraid of me." There was a brief moment of silence before the door opened again. "Jade?" A distinct voice called out for him, this time in a much softer tone. "Jade, this is Luna. I'd like to apologize, please." There were a few more taps followed by another voice. "You need not apologize, sister. We know that he's probably scared to even come out, despite what we left him and where we let him sleep." Another moment of silence filled the room as Luna popped her head in the door, followed by somepony else. "Oh, Jade? This is Princess Celestia. You can come out from under the covers sweetheart, ok?"

Jade took a peek out from the blankets to see Celestia and Luna standing near his doorway. He first looked at Luna, then Celestia, then back to Luna. "I'd like to show you what a hug is Jade. You may not know at first, but I'm sure you'll learn." As usual, he tilted his head to the side. Luna demonstrated by gently hugging her sister, then looking back at Jade. "This is a hug." She slowly explained, making it better to understand. "It shows that we love somepony, family or friend." She then turned to him and asked if she could have a hug. Jade put his head down, appearing as though he was thinking. Luna gulped nervously; she'd absolutely hate to scare him more after the past few minutes. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, Jade leaped into Luna, almost knocking her over. He gripped her tightly; such a tight hug she hadn't felt in ages. Luna began caressing him when she felt her fur getting wet. She looked up at Celestia, and nodded. He suddenly held Luna closer and yelled in some kind of horrible agony. Luna looked down, feeling like she could cry too. There had been many a time that she could've cried, fallen back, had rest; but she had to put on a brave face to ensure that everypony was safe during the night.

"His heartstrings are practically plucked." Celestia observed, looking down at the both of them. Luna gently touched his mane, Jade seemingly not caring a single bit. As a matter of fact, it seemed to calm him a bit. "Please bring him back to his suite, sister. I'll let the kitchen know to keep the breakfast warm. Honestly, Luna lacked any interest in breakfast, as she had a higher priority as she sat with Jade. Luna gently carried him back to his room, and sat him back in bed. She saw a guard passing by on patrol and asked him softly for some water. Even though he was confused by the tone of his majesty's voice, he nodded and ran off. Luna then shut the door and began the back of Jade's neck in an attempt to comfort him. 'He's so emotionally unstable. Tia was right about his "heartstrings," but what does this mean? Where are we going from here?' After a minute, Jade ruffled his wings and gently tapped them against Luna. "You would like me to rub your wings?" He gave no response, and all she felt was just more tears. She began rubbing his wings, which once more seemed to calm him down more. At this point, he had practically fallen asleep from how hard he was crying.

Just at that time, Celestia walked into the room. She put some water on the desk and sat next to them both. "How has he been?" Celestia asked as Luna nodded. "It's almost as if he's regained almost all of his motor functions and emotions in the blink of an eye. It's... a miracle, sister. As long as we've ruled over Equestria, I'd never see such an act, such a miracle." Celestia smiled widely in response. "So, do you know if he has family?" Luna, holding an almost asleep Jade, looked up and shook her head. "I requested Nurse Redheart run a DNA test. To my surprise, nopony in Canterlot, nor Equestria was biologically related to Jade. It appears he's the only one in his family; a sole survivor, if I may." Celestia then looked down at Jade, fully asleep. "Well what about us?" Celestia proposed as Luna had to do a double take on Celestia's words. "Us? I'm sorry, sister. I believe I do not follow." Celestia stood back up, still looking at Luna. "Why don't we make him apart of us?" Luna's pupils dilated, baffled at her sister's outrageous response. "Sister, surely you jest." Celestia put her hoof up to her chest as a sign of assurance. "He has nowhere to go, Luna. No food, no friends, no family, no home... tell me Luna, should anypony suffer through such a life?" Luna remained silent, as she knew the answer.

"I knew you understood the question... now lies the verdict." Luna tilted her head, just as Jade had been since they first met. "As you know we both have many duties to attend to, many things to do and many things to say. However, one of us needs to take him-"

"I'll do it." Luna stated firmly, looking up at her much taller sister. "I care not what others may think. I care not what others may feel." Celestia stepped back a bit as Luna continued. "He's seen abandonment. He's seen hopelessness, felt lost in his mind and through his eyes..." Luna took a deep breath and spoke her last. "If anypony will be responsible for Jade, he will be my own kin. He will be a Child of the Night, but he will be my own. I will protect him till my last breath, sister. I declare that Jade..."

"...will be my son."