• Published 3rd Apr 2013
  • 22,878 Views, 354 Comments

The Monster We Made - Corah Il Cappo

We trained her. We taught her. We raised her to godhood. She brought us down to earth.

  • ...

(Bonus Chapter) Chaos

I stared at the sky as the sun rose. The moon soon blotted it out, snuffing out its light as if it were no more than a candle.

This seemed like the sort of mischief I would cause. Yet, this time I was not responsible. The thousands of disjointed gears in my mind began to churn. Something had caused this chaos, and I was determined to find the party responsible.

With minimal effort, I teleported myself up and into the Canterlot throne room. I stood amid a veritable sea of blood, entrails, and other such ichor. It reminded me of the days of old, when I had been master over ponykind. The days in which my talons had slain countless equines, for nothing more than my own pleasure. Those days were long gone. I had reformed since then. Back then, I would have gazed upon this scene with joy. Now, it just made me feel sick.

I began to walk the length of the room, picking out faces I recognized among the dead. There was Princess Celestia, one half of the royal duo that had first overthrown me. What she had done to me was unjust. She should have killed me, and yet her mercy stilled her hoof when she had the chance. There was Cadence, who had overthrown the Changeling Queen with her husband. Now both she and her aunt lay upon the floor, their bodies still warm on the cold stone.

I saw Rainbow Dash, the self proclaimed fastest flyer in Equestria, and Rarity, the finest seamstress in all the land. There was Pinkie Pie, who's cupcakes I had sampled on many an occasion. There was Applejack, one of the strongest earthponies I had ever encountered. There was Fluttershy... I could hardly stomach the sight. She had been the first to believe in me. The one who's kindness had touched my heart of ice, and melted it with the heat of compassion. Now she lay before me, her body still smoldering. Her flesh had been blackened to a crisp, her soft mane incinerated.

Who could do such a thing?

Besides myself of course.

What sort of devil had slain so many, without cause or provocation?

I assumed it was the same being who had smote the sun with the moon.

At the end of the hall, standing upon the balcony, was a single figure. She stood with her face away from me. A pure black form silhouetted against the piercing white corona of the sun. Based on outline alone, I knew it to be an alicorn. As she turned her head, I caught a glimpse of her eyes. Those were the same eyes I had looked into as my flesh became stone. In a moment, I stood face to face with Twilight Sparkle.

She was beautiful. Her form was tall, slender, and elegant. Her mane flowed like a waterfall of pinks and purples, all rippling in a nonexistent breeze. She looked much older now, so different from the child I had faced off with in my past.

She was terrible. Flecks of dried blood splattered against her hooves and coat. Her eyes now seemed vastly different. They were the eyes of a twisted mind, perhaps one to rival my own. Yet, whereas my chaos sprang from a lust for pleasure, hers seemed to stem from cold, calculated logic. Those were the eyes that I had seen before on Celestia, when she had battled against my rule.

I looked into those eyes, and said the only thing I could.

"Why did you do it?"

She didn't reply to me, at least not with words. Her voice entered my mind directly.


"It was what needed to be done. They were sloppy and inefficient, filled with bureaucracy and disharmony. Now that I've ended them, Harmony can rule once more."

"You're a monster."

She decided that our talk was over at this point. She blitzed across the room, and swung for my jaw. That might have worked on others, but not on me. By the time she struck, I was at the end of the hall.

"They won't submit to you."

She swung again, and this time, I caught her hoof in my claw.

"They'll never accept you as a goddess."

Twilight imbued her hoof with more force. It was enough to push me a few paces back.

"They won't have a choice."

She tore down one of the pillars and cast it at me. I touched it, and it exploded into a million multicolored marbles.

"You've lost your marbles Twi."

She didn't take too kindly to my pun, and proceeded to hammer me with a torrent of blows. She was stronger than she looked. I felt my bones shatter, then reform, then shatter again. So this was the true power of magic. With a wave of her hoof, she hurled me across the room. I landed on my feet with ease.

I realized this was not my battle. When I had rejected the law and order of the world, and plunged it into chaos, it was Harmony that mended the wounds I had dealt. So it had been in every generation. Harmony always triumphed over her usurper. So it had been, so it would be.

"They will never love you as they once did."

The student struck at me again. She struck only air.

"You can't force them to love you Twi."

She glared at me with dead eyes.

"You cannot force them to love you, not with all the power you wield. They do not love you for your power, they fear it. They see you the same way I do. They see you as a monster incapable of understanding the truth of magic."

At this she spread her wings, as brilliant shafts of purple lightning cracked through the throne room.

She was beautiful, yet terrible.

"I do not use magic. I am magic!"

With a smirk, I gave her my reply.

"No. You're not."

I managed to issue one final phrase before I vanished from her sight.

"Friendship is magic."

Author's Note:

Hello. This chapter was rather unplanned, but has been rattling around in my mind for days now. So, I added it as a bonus for all my amazing readers out there. There are two people out there who have given me a lot of feedback on these chapters, and a lot of encouragement. No names will be given, but you know who you are GV and DH.

I also would like to take this time to announce that there is a sequel in the works for this story. So for those of you who enjoyed the strange style of writing, the grim atmosphere, and the idea of a world now ruled by a crazy, broken Twilight Sparkle with the strength of a god, you'll probably get a kick out of this one too.

While it obviously won't be the same as this one (especially since I'm practically out of characters to slaughter) it will have many of the quirks and ideas that this one used. The sequel story will be called, "Memoirs in Ink and Blood" and will focus on the world as a whole after Twilight has become ponykinds only goddess.

Please, comment and tell me what you think. I would love to hear some feedback on these things.
-Corah Il Cappo

Comments ( 94 )

This needs a sequel and it needs it yesterday

10/10 would read sequel

The word count isn't exactly 1000 words.

Chaos has won.


I was thinking wouldn't this be amazing if it had a sequel the new chapter could be used to set up a discord gathers followers and X happens type story. Then I read the note.

um... wow decided i better comment so yeah
read funny story then "oh look one of my favs is updated" and then an oh shit moment happend
i love this story it's so bad and dark... I love it
Yay sequel as well so i hope to see the PAIN (and other thingys of 'bad')

Don't kid yourself. That was very well written and is one of the most epic FiMfics I have ever read. I get the feeling that Discord was not putting his all into the battle, but he will be back. For what Twilight did to Fluttershy, Discord will not be able to forgive her. Events will come full circle; when Discord first faced off against Celestia and Luna he was the rebel, and now he will be the redeemer and Champion of Equestria. Only Discord now has the power and resolve to defeat Twilight Sparkle.

Luna is still around right? There is a chance she and Discord could reform new element bearers and strike down Twilight.

Oh my god, that was epic.

Dunno if I've written a comment on this fic yet, but I dunevencare. This story is wonderfully atmospheric; the writing is pitch perfect and is technically sound. I can forgive the slight OOCness of Twilight, because the whole concept is just so goddamn well-handled. This chapter was especially excellent.

If you need help with any stories in future, gimme a call. :raritywink:


She tore down one of the pillars and cast it at me. I touched it, and it exploded into a million multicolored marbles.

"You've lost your marbles Twi."

This music seems appropriate.

It was amazing!:pinkiehappy:

You made a fatal error though.

You forgot to write the chapter in an interval of 1,000 words.:trollestia:


Discord doesn't abide by any forms of logic. My puny word count is nothing to him.

Yes, please, sequel!
May I make a request that you consider making Twilight win in the end and make her stay all super evil?

Looking forward to the sequel then. :twilightsmile:

Oh my, I can't wait to read that sequel!:heart:

Twilight just made the wrong enemy:twilightoops:

I look forward to the sequel.:twilightsmile:

I demand a sequel!

That's an amazing Shut Up Hannibal.

You should continue continuing it

That's it. I'm not waiting any longer.

Can I write a sequel to this?

3383393 Hell yeah. Or even if she doesn't win in the main story, make an alternate/bonus ending where she does, just for us darker fans.

At this she spread her wings, as brilliant shafts of purple lightning cracked through the throne room.
She was beautiful, yet terrible.

Ok, who is the idiot who gave Twilight the One Ring?

Discord is best Cord. Wow, that chapter was amazing.


And I quote, "I was forced to flee for my life."
Luna ain't dead yo.


Haven't read it yet.

You know what would be the best end to this? A Spike chapter. :moustache: I know, just listen.

Spike would have never left Twilight's side, while all her friends hadnt' seen her much past her accension. He would be the perfect person to give an outside look at Twilight's slow corruption of power. At how the little busybody could rationalize her actions.

You don't have to. Just an idea, if you have the time.:fluttershysad:


Actually, the sequel begins with a chapter on Spike. Spike fans rejoice!

That makes it even more impossible for RD to do a sonic rainboom :rainbowhuh:
But if she did, hell yeah!:pinkiehappy::rainbowwild:


My deer reader.

Nothing is impossible for Rainbow Pony.


Good point.:rainbowderp:
NOTHING CAN BEAT RAINBOW DASH!!! :rainbowwild::rainbowdetermined2::twilightsmile::pinkiehappy:

3459316 There one thing that can be a Rainbow pony. Its just something kids shouldn't know about though.:rainbowderp:

Excellent job.

I only have 1 minor gripe: where is Spike in all this?


Actually, as I've stated before, Spike is in the sequel.

3585971 Ah, I see. I'm very excited!

I am thouroughly pleased to see that I am the 1001st viewer of this chapter. How delightfully chaotic to break the perfect 1000 views!

Nonsense aside, this was an absolutely amazing story. I am in awe of your ability to make (almost) every chapter exactly 1000 words without it seeming like you were deliberately rushing, and the atmosphere was just perfect for each chapter. TBH, it was losing its charm for me after several chapters due to the severely OOC Twi, but when you got to her chapter, I was amazed how you made sense of the madness.

I look forward to reading the sequel sometime...sometime soon...actually, now seems like a good time...


Not that I'm arguing with you (though I am cause I'm not all that good of an author) but just to let you know. I'm not a girl. :P

Wow. Oh, Twilight, haven't you ever heard the old adage about power corrupting?
Now to head to the sequel to see how Discord and Luna deal with crazy Twilight.

She truly holds true power.
If me and my council had existed in Equestria, she would be the only being we would recognize as our Living Master.
And in doing so she would then have power for commanding both Magic and the very fundamental primordial powers of the Elements of the world.

If Discord's still there, Twilight will fall. It's bound to happen.

I felt my bones shatter, then reform, then shatter again

Well crap.
I must say, I was hoping for a Discord chapter, and look what we find.
This is gonna end badly for one purple Alicorn, we have the previous Nightmare Moon and the Spirit of Chaos pitted up against her, we just saw that Twi can do very little to permanently harm Discord, or even harm him long enough for it to matter, and although Luna was curb stomped as she attempted to attack if she did so with Nightmare Moon's power, while Discord was actively attacking?
Purple and red smears in the walls.

Hard thing. Very intresting. :rainbowkiss:

Thank you for breaking my heart. I really liked your writing style, telling the same story from different point of views. The amount of deaths, though

Well played discord, well played


Wow. Props for this! It was dark. Kinda depressing. But this was very clever. It's a risky move playing the same scene through all the points of view but I think you pulled it off brilliantly. Needless to say, I'll be reading the sequel.

Those word counts. Was the author channeling Twilight's CDO?

That last line from Discord was great. I also love how most of the chapters had 1000 words, but Twilight's had 2000 to show her power, and Discord had 1050 to break the mold and prove he is chaos.

This story scared me, but in a good way. I will read the sequel.

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