• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 8,067 Views, 181 Comments

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Invincible! - shallow15

Twilight Sparkle discovers Spike's secret hobby: writing stories about the amazing Captain Invincible, and the characters bear a striking resemblance to ponies she knows.

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Trapped in the Turbo-Powered Unicorn Magic Extractor!


A “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” fanfic
by Erin Mills

“My Little Pony” ©2013 Hasbro/DHX Media

Twilight Sparkle had a dilemma. It wasn't a large dilemma, exactly. The fate of Equestria wasn't at stake, nor did the lives of innocent ponies hang in the balance. It wasn't that kind of dilemma. It was a dilemma much worse than that.

It had begun when she decided to hold an impromptu re-shelving day after she had found one of the books on agriculture shuffled in with the books on zoology on the shelves of the lower level of the library. A trivial error, to be sure, but as Twilight continued making her way through the books Princess Celestia had sent as another homework assignment, she felt the inconsistency in her well-ordered library itching at the back of her mind.

Spike, as before, had been given the day off, this time with explicit instructions to not get himself into any situation where his dragon code would cause more issues for Applejack or any other pony. As such, he was out of the library and unavailable to check for any other misplaced books on the shelves. Finally, she couldn't stand the thought of some other books not being where they were supposed to be any longer, and decided to re-shelve.

It was while she was doing so that she found the book causing the dilemma.

It wasn't one of the books that belonged to the library. This was a journal that Twilight remembered giving to Spike on his last birthday before they had come to Ponyville. She had figured he could use it to jot down his thoughts, hopes, and dreams, much like she did with her own journal. To the best of her knowledge, he had never used it.

When she opened the cover, wanting to make sure that it was, in fact, Spike's journal, she found that the title page did not indicate that this was a diary. As she read the title again, she felt a small smile come to her lips as she read the words scrawled across the page in bright red ink with a bombastic flourish:


By Spike

Directly under the title was the source of Twilight's current dilemma:


Twilight knew she should just close the book and make sure it was put back on the shelf designated for Spike's things, but then she thought about it. Spike clearly didn't want anyone to see these stories, even her, to the point that he had hidden the journal in the best place anyone could hide any book; among the other volumes in the library. So, naturally, if he found the book among the things on his shelf, he'd know she'd found it, and possibly assume that she had read the contents. Clearly, the best thing to do was to put the journal back on the shelf where she found it and go back to her studies.

On the other hoof, the fact that Spike was pursuing a creative outlet of any kind was giving her both a sense of pride and curiosity. Clearly, all the time spent around Twilight and the library was rubbing off on him.

Maybe I could just take a quick little peek... no! What am I thinking? This is Spike's private project. If I was meant to read it, he would have showed it to me long before now. This is going right back on the shelf, where it belongs.

Her moral convictions satisfied, Twilight levitated the journal, put it back on the shelf, and returned to her studies. She lasted ten minutes before she realized she had been reading the same paragraph over and over again. Her gaze kept shifting to the staircase leading to the lower level. She would chastise herself, then look firmly at the page of the book she was reading, and silently curse when she caught herself looking at the staircase again. The itch in the back of her mind had returned with a vengance. Finally, after almost an hour of self-chastisement, she gave in and went downstairs.

“I will read exactly one page,” she told herself sternly, levitating the journal back off the shelf. “One page, at random, and that is it.”

She floated the book in front of her and rustled the pages, not looking directly at them. When the rustling stopped, she looked back at the book and began to read.

“And now, my dear Miss Scoop,” chortled the diabolical Dr. Spectra, her tangled multicolored mane blowing in the exhaust of her Turbo-Powered Unicorn Magic Extractor. “You will have the honor of being the first to experience my latest work of genius at... um... work!”

Hot Scoop, the dynamic, plucky, always well dressed, and amazingly beautiful reporter for the Ponytopolis Times tossed her perfectly coiffed violet mane (which contrasted spectacularly with her ivory coat) and fixed the mad pegasus mare with a haughty glare, which was impressive since she was tied to a chair underneath the Turbo Powered Unicorn Magic Extractor.

“For all you claim to be a genius, Dr. Spectra, you certainly have a problem with vocabulary, don't you?” she said with a smirk. “I can point you in the direction of a good bookstore with a marvelous discount on thesauruses and dictionaries.”

“Silence, you ink-spattered floozy!” Dr. Spectra snarled as she flew up to make adjustments to the device, pulling levers and pushing buttons seemingly at random.

“Ink-spattered!?” Hot Scoop spat with indignation. “I may work at the newspaper, madam, but I am always well-groomed. Which is much more than I can say for you! Grease stains on your lab coat and those goggles... ugh! Black and green are not your colors, and I—mmmph!”

The “mmmph” was because a large suction cup attached to a long glowing tube had just clamped itself to Hot Scoop's muzzle, silencing her protests, and making her eyes widen in terror. Dr. Spectra lowered her black goggles with the green lenses over her eyes and snorted at her captive.

“Not so mouthy now, are ya?” The mad scientist let out another evil snicker, then turned her head towards another part of the lair. “Buttermint!”

The villain's yell brought forth a butter yellow pegasus with a long pink mane and tail. She was dressed in a black jumpsuit, a utility belt around her waist. She glanced up at her mistress.

“Um, you called, Dr. Spectra, ma'am?” Buttermint asked meekly.

“About time!” Dr. Spectra snorted. “Start the Extractor, and turn it up to ten... no!” The evil blue pegasus' mouth widened in a diabolical grin as she looked back down at the helpless Hot Scoop. “Make it eleven.”

Hot Scoop's muffled screams came from within the giant suction cup on her face, and she swung her head around to get Buttermint's attention. The yellow pegasus cringed at the sight of the tears forming in the reporters eyes.

“Um, Dr. Spectra... maybe we could turn the Extractor down a notch? I mean, it's not like it needs to be turned up that high.”

Buttermint let out a squeak of fear as the supervillain scourge of Ponytopolis swooped down from the Extractor controls and stopped mere inches from her face.

“What have I told you about questioning me!?” Dr. Spectra shouted, causing her minion to cower before her. “Now, get on those controls and do as you're told!”

“Yes, Dr. Spectra.” Buttermint gave Hot Scoop an apologetic look and glumly returned to her assigned post. Soon, the Turbo Powered Unicorn Magic Extractor began humming with an ominous whine, and Hot Scoop shrieked as her horn began glowing on its own, meaning her magic was beginning to flow without the unicorn deciding to use it. Dr. Spectra hovered next to her helpless captive and cackled maniacally.

“Yes, yesssssss,” she gloated. “Soon, the Extractor will have pumped every last drop of magic from you. Then, I will capture every unicorn in Ponytopolis and take their magic for my own. And after that, heheheh, I will inject that magic into myself and become the most powerful pegasus ever to walk the land, and from there, I shall destroy Princess Celestia and all of Equestria shall be mine! And there is nothing and nopony who will be able to stop me! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!”

“Not so fast, Dr. Spectra!”

Hot Scoop looked up sharply to see where the deep, booming, ultra-manly voice was coming from. Dr. Spectra and Buttermint did the same and all three goggled at the tall, muscular, ruggedly handsome figure that stood at the top of the Turbo-Powered Unicorn Magic Extractor.

The harsh lights of the lab glistened off his scales, the radiant purple and vibrant green almost blinding in their intensity. A flowing red cape blew in the unseen wind behind him, attached to a dark blue, almost black bodysuit which allowed his muscular tail to swing freely. Silver bracers covered his forearms, leaving his sharpened claws free for combat, while a matching silver belt circled his waist. His piercing intelligent green eyes peered out through a red mask that matched the color of his cape.

Hot Scoop's heart began to pound frantically as she recognized the love of her life, and her personal hero. Despite the large suction cup, she shouted out his name at the same time Dr. Spectra did.

“Captain Invincible!”

Captain Invincible let out a short, confident laugh. “That's right! And I'm going to shut your evil plans down for good, Dr. Spectra!”

With that, the Protector of Ponytopolis clenched his right claw into a fist and smashed it through the top of the Extractor. He let out a mighty grunt of exertion and dragged several tubes and wires from the hole he'd made. Dr. Spectra's jaw dropped and she swiftly flew up to meet her nemesis, preparing a savage right cross to the mighty dragon hero's jaw.

The mad scientist took her swing only to let out a gasp as her hoof was stopped in Captain Invincible's left claw.

“Haha!” laughed the hero. “After the last six times, you still think that will work? You're getting predictable, Doctor.”

Captain Invincible blinked as an evil smirk crossed Dr. Spectra's face.

“Oh, you thought that was meant to hit you? So sorry, that was a distraction. Now, Buttermint!”

Captain Invincible swung his eyes down to the floor of the laboratory, to see Dr. Spectra's minion holding a comically over-sized crossbow on her shoulder. Buttermint pulled the trigger and an arrow briefly took flight before opening up with a “whoomph” noise, transforming into a giant net that continued towards the hero. Dr. Spectra let out her trademark laugh once again.

“Mwahahahaaaa! Laugh that one off, Captain Incompetent!” She quickly pulled her hoof from the distracted hero's grip and made to fly out of the range of the net, but found herself stopped in mid flight. She looked back and stared in shock. Captain Invincible had grabbed one of her rear legs and was holding her in place!

Captain Invincible grinned once again. “Ha. Ha.”

With that, he threw the diabolical villain directly into the oncoming net with such force that it wrapped itself around her and began traveling back the way it had come, straight toward Buttermint. The henchpony looked up in fear, and uttered an obscure Germane expression of disappointment.

“Oh, viessen doodles.”

Mastermind and minion collided and rolled across the floor before the wall stopped them. Both were hopelessly entangled to the point that their wings could not aid them, and Dr. Spectra's goggles had come askew and wrapped comically around one of her ears.

“I haven't decided just how, yet,” Dr. Spectra snarled, “But I'm certain this is all your fault, Buttermint!”

Buttermint sighed. “Yes, Dr. Spectra.”

The villains taken care of, Captain Invincible made short work of destroying the Turbo-Powered Unicorn Magic Extractor before leaping down to the captive Hot Scoop. With one mighty tug, he pulled the suction cup free of her face, and quickly undid her bonds. The reporter swooned dramatically into the Captain's muscular arms.

“Oh, thank you, Captain Invincible. Celestia knows what damage that horrid device could have done to my complexion. Not to mention what it could have done if that tacky-maned mental case had managed to extract my magic.”

“I heard that!” Dr. Spectra snapped from the far side of the room.

“Well, not to worry, you're safe now, Miss Scoop,” Captain Invincible said, ignoring his archenemy. He reached down, placed a claw under the beautiful mare's chin and titled her head up so they were looking deeply into each others eyes. “Your wonderful, beautiful face is just as exquisite as ever.”

“Oh, Captain.” Hot Scoop leaned forward and closed her eyes, moving her muzzle closer to the Captain's face. Captain Invincible smiled and leaned forward, bringing his lips ever closer to that of the mare he knew he would do anything to--

“Twilight!” The yell broke Twilight's concentration, causing her to snap her head up, looking for the source of the voice. She quickly glanced down at the journal and inwardly groaned when she realized she had read almost ten pages instead of the one she had told herself she was going to read.

“Hey, Twilight? Are you here? I'm home!” Spike's voice came from the staircase leading to the main entrance of the library. Twilight inhaled sharply and quickly shoved the book back on the shelf where she had found it, just as her assistant appeared a the bottom of the stairs.

“Hi, Spike!” Twilight said, hoping she didn't sound half as phony as she sounded to herself. “You're home early.”

“Early?” Spike blinked. “It's almost sunset.”

“Is it?” Twilight felt her heart begin to race, as Spike began to frown. I knew I should have left his book alone. I should have put it back and left it there! Look at his expression! He knows I did something I shouldn't have. He's going to hate me for reading his story. He'll never forgive me for this! Never!

Spike looked at Twilight for a long moment, then snapped his claws. “You've been down here all day studying, haven't you?”

“Well, um, yes?” Twilight said, her voice echoing the confusion she felt when she realized Spike had no idea she had been reading his stories.

Spike's frown turned to a cheerful grin. “You probably haven't eaten anything all day, then. I'll get started on dinner. Pinkie Pie even gave me a nice triple chocolate cake for dessert.”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, then closed it as she felt her stomach growling. She hadn't eaten all day, and the chocolate cake did sound really good. She gave a sheepish grin to her assistant.

“Now that you mention it, I could definitely use some food. You always take good care of me, Spike.”

“Hey, what's an assistant for?” Spike turned to go up the stairs. “You coming?”

“I'll be up in a minute. I want to straighten a couple of things down here first.”

Spike nodded, then went back up the stairs. As soon as he was gone, Twilight sighed in relief. She quickly straightened a couple of books as a token effort, and made sure the journal was back where she had found it.

“Never again,” she said solemnly.