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Lucky Seven

The only man to get a 2015 fanfiction into the 2024 feature box | Join my Discord and come chat!


Kishin is no ordinary changeling. He can only change into mares, and can make his own disguise instead of having to steal a pony's identity. He also lacks a pair of wings, which makes him unable to mimic alicorns or pegasi. But this lack of wings boosts his magic to levels far beyond any changeling, except for his queen of course.

Long ago, he settled on his false identity. He had named himself Summer Breeze in his transformed state. One day, after having been blown out of Canterlot, he wakes up in a mysterious forest. With no idea of where he is, or how to get home, will he be able to survive?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

Heh. This will be interesting....

Comment posted by Lucky Seven deleted Dec 22nd, 2012

geze that's a fast post...

story seems interesting, tracking now

1838258 Yours wasn't even a minute after his :rainbowlaugh:

1838254 I hope you'll enjoy it, seeing as the character is named after you


P3rro should hurry up with all those people he's going to recommend this story to...

well I originally wasn't going to comment (figured it was the author, aka you) until I saw it was indeed someone else. If this was a western showdown, it would be like he killed everyone in the blink of an eye:rainbowlaugh:

1838294 Yeah, but he's offline on here and the Xbox, so I'll have to wait till tomorrow for him to do it. I didn't even have to ask, it's great!


I did what now? :rainbowderp:

you never seen a "old west" movie before?


What was that now? Me hurry??? I'm a goddamn stoner and you expect me to be fast?

Naw, just kidding. It's up now, just I'm being damn sleepy.:pinkiecrazy:

This should be an interesting read.:twilightsmile: Tracking now.

Wait a second. If Fluttershy is going to fix him up, going toward the town is counterproductive -- unless at that moment they're on the opposite side of town. Or did she finally get an office in town?

But pay no attention to me. I'm too intrigued by the idea of a changeling with severe limitations on changing. (Why can't I think up stuff like that?)

1838473 Hehe, well she's not at her house right now, she's at someone elses

1838461 Thank you, good sir! :pinkiehappy:

1838498 NP, your idea of a changeling that has issues changing is an uncommon one. And from what I've seen they tend to become decently popular. And the character is named after one of my favorite authors.

1838513 Well him and I are friends, so I asked and he said it was fine :pinkiehappy:

1838517 Ah, that explains that. Well I look forward to the next chapter. And I greatly hope that you get featured.

1838254 Agreed. That it will, Epic Santa hat-Wearing Changeling...That it will.

short, but i see promise in this.
also, stick with the short chapters, it means more frequent updates :pinkiehappy:

1838571 Heh, well the max any chapter of mine has ever been was 3000 words. Only reason I hit higher was by combining chapters

I knew there had to be a logical explanation.

Wow.....normally I really hate OC fics because they are done very, very bad but this was really very impressive and I always had a lot of respect for changlings so I will follow this and stalk (cough, cough) I mean Watch you, though remember that it's always a capatial (spelled that wrong) e and m in Element of Magic or even other of the five even more so for Elements of Harmony.

I like this, though even though I don't mind Twi being with an OC as opossted (DAMN IT!) to Rarity or Rainbow Dash, I'm really hoping for a new romance, maybe Fluttershy this time if you will?

Long as this does not have any Spike/Rarity in it (DESPISE THAT PAIRING) sorry but it's true, then I'll stick around, I enjoy where this is going:twilightsmile:

1838744 Hehe, your comment was amazing! Also, for some reason, I go in and out with capitalizing Element of Magic. Dunno why, I just do. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the pairing I pick

1838411 A smoking Rarity, Ham? I hate Rarity personally but I approve of the smoking on your pic:rainbowlaugh:

1838753 You... hate her? :raritycry:

She's so misunderstood... :raritydespair:

1838750 I'm just a fan bro, nothing special :pinkiehappy:

And it happens, no worries:rainbowlaugh: I'm really hoping I do as well, let me know if you need any help, ideas or advice, I got your back:ajsmug:

1838756 She used her little sister and her friend as slaves to carry her shit around the woods, granted Trixie did the same to Snips and Snails but she's a villian so that's understandable.

1838828 If you had people willing to carry a fuckload of stuff for you, wouldn't you let them?

1838832 Sweetie did not have much of a choice though, it was forced on her and Scoots just wanted something to keep her away from the nightmares for a while, and not if I was treated as a slave bro, also awesome pic of Sweets (my personal favorite of the CMC:pinkiehappy:)

And I'm hoping you'll like my stories if you ever have the chance to look over them:twilightsmile:

1838841 Look at the blog I just posted :twilightsmile:

I am waiting for this story to be great………
…because it's going to be awesome…
…I lied… it's already super-ultra-extreme-awesomazing. :rainbowwild:

You don't like Rarity huh? MFW:applejack.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/135616544638.jpg

I hate Rarity also but if she came to me with a fat, pregnant blunt...I'll probably love her in multiple ways.

On another note:25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m708lhQkhK1rxd3zso1_1280.jpg

1839553 Really great pic of Spike, though what does MFW stand for? And eh, I guess I understand that. Nope, I don't clop:pinkiehappy:

And Hay Weed seems like a great name for the good stuff as Dieased Stallion seems like a great name for cigarettes, don't you think for the land of Equestria?


You make sure to immediately establish, both in the summary and the story, that the protagonist has three peculiar qualities: He has no wings, his magic is strong, and he can only turn into females. However, we learn very little of what the protagonist is like as a person. Why has he decided on a specific transformed identity? You've given no hint of a reason for it. What does he like to do? We have no idea. Why does he hate Twilight Sparkle? He describes her as "the pony he had despised for so long", implying that this hate has existed since before the apparently-recent wedding invasion.

Why can't the protagonist transform into males? Will it be important to the story that he can't? It seems like the disability only exists to make him unique. Will there be a ton of stallions that he'll want to transform into? Is it just a way to have him take female disguises instead of male ones? Then you could just have the character be female. Will gender or the crossing of gender lines be important to the story?

Holy fuck, I just realized that Kishin is in the story!:rainbowhuh:

Dammit P3rro! Why! First of all the last thing you ask me over X-box is, "If Luna just appeared in your room, would you fuck her?" The answer by the way is maybe. Second, that picture of Applejack just made my day!:rainbowlaugh:

1842556 Well his kind hate harmony. Also, all will be explained, it's called patience.

So... I gather the Ursa Minor isn't going to keep coming out of that cave and stomp a magic-shooting changeling into paste? (Guess the bear is really tired to keep being annoyed for very long?) The seemingly limitless compassion, or at least forgiveness, for all beings was a bit of a shocker coming from Twilight; most authors put her squarely in the "squash ;em like the bugs they are" camp. I mean, she was in Canterlot not too long ago, beating up dozens of drones, then helping Cadenza/Shining Armor set off the Love Nuke. Still, if anyone would be offering the olive branch of friendship, it would be her although Rarity would be my second choice however, the rest of the mane 6 would try to curbstomp our new changeling, flee and call the guards, or do something else equally unpleasant (Pinkey Pie is random so she doesn't count). Twilight should probably not show the strange changeling to her brother and sister-in-law, they might have a far worse reaction... To. The. MOON!
Actually, now that I think about it. The changelings didn't really do anything to Ponyville, did they? It was all in Canterlot-- until the Love Bomb blew them all to hell and shot a few drones over the town like bad fireworks. Should be interesting to see how the town ponies react to the news if all they know are here-say, rumors, and whatever propaganda is in the local newspaper (lies, bigger lies, and damned lies). Ahhhh yes, the famous Official Ponyville Welcoming Ceremony. Ponies flee for their life, slamming doors, shuttering windows, welcome mats hastily hidden, and perhaps a token tumbleweed blowing across the suddenly abandoned streets with a lone falcon screech in the distance. Makes you feel right at home, doesn't it? Heh heh.

I also could not help but notice that the story seemed to speed up faster at the end. Maybe it's just me? You started out with plenty of narrative and descriptions but when we get to the running away from Twilight, it felt so... rushed? I really don't want to tell you how to write because I'm certainly no author and the one I did write is juvenile mental masturbation to describe it in any sort of a favoring light (It was a long time ago, don't judge me! Heh)

DAMN IT how did you find out!!!!!!!!
Time for a new damn name.......:eeyup:
Oh and nice first chapter I really was stupid to not change my tail........:eeyup:

1928276 Haha, as soon as I saw you had this favorited, I laughed my ass off!

Summer Breeze Comedic genius
Buh bum Tiss:rainbowlaugh:

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