• Member Since 28th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Do not let perfection be the enemy of good.


Rated teen for the language.

Vinyl is killed at a concert. In her death, she tries to make amends with a pony she'd never quite seen eye to eye with, Octavia.

What happens when your best friend dies, and comes back as a ghost?
This shorter story is based around that idea, along with a brief look into a ghost's existence.

While this story does revolve around Vinyl's death, I'm aiming for a bittersweet ending, so bear with me.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 13 )

This sounds interesting, thumbed up for now, and added to my read later list! Will add an actual opinion of it once I've got round to reading it! :twilightblush:

Hey thanks!

I had this idea early on to make one shots related to Dynamic Entry; kind of a spin-off or something like that.
Hallowed Beats gave me a couple of ideas I wanted to try, so I expanded on it.
There is a scene in DE that's very similar to the way HB started, but I promise they're not going to tie in like that.
It's more an alternate-universe/what-if kind of story in relation to DE, if that makes any sense.

There's a whole argument of greentext vs prose; suffice it to say I'll make both versions available.

Good to know you're reading!

I hate to repost, but please!!! More!!!

Dear god thank you.:rainbowkiss:

Edit: now that I've actually read it, DANG IT! I saw so. Much. Potential! Once again, DANG IT!

Oh there was plenty of potential and much more that I wanted to do with this, but I felt that this particular story should end.
It has more than a few errors and mistakes made by me, and I'm deeply disappointed with how it turned out. I can do much better, and my readers deserve that. That being said, I did learn quite a bit from writing this, and I hope that my next ghost fic doesn't turn out so bad.
I have another fic similar to this one in the idea phase, but I hope to plan it out so much more than this one.

This story was originally supposed to be a one-shot spin-off of my main story, but I made the stupid decision to keep going with it.
There were quite a few plans and ideas that would've gone into this fic, but it feels like it's too tied to my main story, if that makes any sense. That, along with being one of probably too many stories I was working on at one time led me to decide to end it how I did. The next ghost story will be its own story, hopefully I can give it some justice and make it actually enjoyable to read.
Again, I apologize for the lackluster quality and ending that I gave here, and I hope that my next ghost fic is better when I write it, and that you're still around to read it. I know I can do better, and I hope to show it sometime soon.

Well, I've been waiting a very long time for you to finish this story. It was good. Two mustaches for you.:moustache::moustache:

Hey, don't worry Nether. I did like it, and I know exactly what you mean. I'm have in similar issues with several of my own stories recently too.

This story hit me hard. It was good. This story ended just a little abrubtly or suddenly ,but apart from that I loved it.

Wow, this is amazing! Dang... The feels, man, the feels...
This could have easily been solved if she'd taken the place of somepony about to commit suicide. (in other words, a quick trip to Manehattan)

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