• Published 20th May 2024
  • 792 Views, 19 Comments

Megatron... Saviour? - The Spot

My very first time ever Cosplaying took a turn for the worst... THIS IS A DISPLACED STORY!!!!

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Episode 2: New Age

(Megatron POV)

I'd shot Discord with my fusion cannon as he screamed in pain from using his powers to send me back a few feet. I give a evil laugh that I am infamous for. I grab his head and slams him against the ground a bunch of times after I'd did what Hulk did to Loki in 2012 Avengers movie.

"Time to show you the full power of Dark Energon!" I said as I lift my arms up into the sky as I shoot dark energon lightning from my digits into the sky that went down and hit Discord right on target. Discord lies there feeling the pain from the impact as I draw my Dark Star Saber and stabs him right in his heart.

"What the buck are you?" He says as he coughs up blood as he's bleeding from his chest, desperately trying remove my chaotic blade from it.

I say with sadistic glee. "I am the one who fights for what's right, and those who worship the chaos bringer or anything like him shall face my warth! For I am the Monster! I am the Dominator! I am the fallen hero! I am MEGATRON!!!" Suddenly a portal opens as the Dark Star Saber that's in my hand and Discord’s chest flies out of it and splits into copies of itself into it as the original comes back to my hand.

I turn and see the Elements staring at me with fear, awe and shock of what happened and what I did to Discord and I saw Sunbutt coming with fear in her eyes as I put my Saber on my back. I'd grab Discord and threw him at their hooves beaten and battered.

"We'll meet again, Elements of Harmony, also Princess Sunbutt; I hope you spread the word as Megatron has returned!" I said as I backflip and transform then flew off.

I fly through the sky and into space where I reached the Trypticon Station from Fall of Cybertron game as I superhero or should say monster landing. I walk through the halls as I reached the command center and looked at the mirror. When Discord corrupted me long ago, I looked like after Show Megatron looked like got corrupted; red optics and all since then when a deep voice spoke. "Lord Megatron, you have returned...

"Ah Trypticon how I missed this." I thought as I said. "Trypticon awake the Decepticons from stasis and activate the Nemesis Protocol!" I heard Trypticon transforming like he did in the games as my throne formed as I sat in it. As I remembered when I threw Discord at the Elements, he layed there in Yamcha pose as I laughed at that.


(3rd POV)

The Elements of Harmony wonders who is Megatron and what did Discord and Celestia did to him to make them that vengeful. As Discord has already in statue form once again this time in his Yamcha pose with the label saying 'Megatron's Punching Bag'.

"I thank you my little ponies for saving imprisoning Discord again but with Megatron returning, I fear it be catastrophic." She says as she is shaking visibly with fear.

Fluttershy asked her with hers and rest of Mane 6's ears perking up at this. "Umm Princess Celestia, what happened as Megatron said he'll become the Monster you and Discord feared?"

"Well in order for you to understand we have to go to the beginning." Celestia sighs as she thinks right where to start.


Megatron is shown (before corrupted state) greeting Celestia and Luna as Celestia begins narrating. "Megatron was a Cybertronian from the Planet Cybertron, with no memory of he got here, made friends with us and became a well known hero."

The scene changes to Megatron training with metallic training dummies. "He didn't have regular Energon like rest of his kind did, but Dark Energon which represents opposite of Energon and binded his Spark to the Chaos Bringer: Unicron's Anti-Spark. Despite this; he helped us in times of great need, even introducing us to technology." Celestia continues as her voice grew with sadness.

The scene changes again as Megatron is shaking Discord's claw. "Discord tricked Megatron to becoming his servant, corrupted him into something he wasn't."

The scene changes for a final time showing Megatron as a stone statue and Luna crying next to it as Celestia finishes narrating. "Me and my sister used the Elements on him, turning him to stone but at a cost that didn't happen til eons later where Luna became Nightmare Moon."

***Flashback ends***

"So let me get this straight, Megatron was a good guy but Discord changed him, that still doesn't explain why he hates you." Rainbow says which Celestia hung her head down as she says. "It's all my fault; if I didn't shun him away and said what I said then maybe none this would have happened."

The Elements didn't know what to feel as on one hoof, Celestia is going probably deserve what Megatron has planned for her, on the other they should help heal Megatron's heart as Rarity spoke saying. "We should find a way to heal Megatron's heart, thou what's a Spark and the other stuff?"

Celestia gives a small smile. "Come, I have much to tell you about Cybertronians and their legends."

Mane 6 and Celestia heads to Canterlots castle as Celestia explains Cybertronian culture. When they arrive at the castle as Luna is pacing around worried as she saw them come.

"Where is he?" She asks as she noticed Megatron isn't among them as her fears becoming true.

The others are confused of who's she's talking about so Celestia asks her sister in confusion, "Where is who?"

"MEGATRON! Where is Megatron?!" She shouts at Celestia and she is very angry now.

Applejack says very afraid as she doesn'twant to anger the Princess of the Night anymore than she is now. "We don't know where Megatron went. He just transformed and flew off."

Luna is practically seething right now as she yells; "This is all your FAULT! If you didn't shun him away because of something I said, none of this scrap would have happened Sunbutt because of you, he has became what you and Discord feared turned him into!" Everyone is shocked even the guards that Luna used Cybertronian slang and used Megatron's nickname for the Princess of the Sun as Luna storms off to her room in mix of emotions.



Shockwave kneels in front of me as he says in his usual tone. "Lord Megatron, Project: Predacon and Project: Titan is on schedule."

I grin evily as I let off a evil chuckle, "Excellent job Shockwave, now bring me Starscream, it's his daily beatings." Shockwave nods as he walks off. I look off into space as I suddenly hear that annoying voice that keeps trying to subtlety manipulate me when I got turned to stone also the one that breached my mental defenses again, "Megatron... Megatron.... Megatron!!"

"Shut up; Unicron! I know you got in here again! Leave me alone!" I mentally shouted and blasted Unicron out of my psyche and patched up the hole he tried breaking in without me noticing.