• Published 21st May 2024
  • 202 Views, 4 Comments

We are sentimental beings - ghost994

Good? Evil? that depend on who you do the question.

  • ...

The trial

╔═══════ ▓▓ ࿇ ▓▓ ═══════╗

Good? Evil? that alone

Depends on who you ask that.

╚═══════ ▓▓ ࿇ ▓▓ ═══════╝


This story contains scenes or descriptions that may not be pleasant for everyone, so read with discretion.

Second, I didn't do any of this with deep meanings in mind, so don't take it too seriously either. This material was made for entertainment purposes only.

۩۞۩ ───── ✧ ───── ۩۞۩

We are sentimental beings.

Hahahaha You've got to be kidding me Dude!! Did that really happen??


Snif... I- I still can't believe it! I- If Our Lives Were Going So Well!! Just why does she do this to me man!?

Agg... now Mike, things will get better, you'll see that...



Agg... just a bunch of morons I guess...” I couldn't help but take my jug of cider and take a sip. To be honest, the nonsense that you heard in the bars of the city… A case of a guy who was taken away by urban grooming, a guy who drank to try to drown the pain of his wife who left him... and the most idiotic, a celebration for a really stupid mare if it took more than 10 years getting out of primary school... my God, it's not like you see quantum physics in them.

I was... under certain circumstances that night, so to relax a little I decided to go to that seedy bar that was so recommended to me to clear my head a little. Honestly, I don't understand how I come to consider such stupidity as a good idea to relax.

The noise of all the ponies around me, the very stupid music that the bartender had playing, the disgusting smell of macerated sweat, combined with stupid amounts of alcohol that many of the bar had on them, the annoying stallions who were disgusting who were trying to have a fun night with me...

Agg...” Ready... I sighed and ended up crashing my head on the table “I don't know how the hell you came up with such stupid idea would be relaxing Last Fate... it's really the stupidest thing you've thought in aaaall the week.

I raised my head looking at my reflection in the glass jar in my hoove and saw my own image. This one showed me a unicorn mare with light blue fur. My mane, although at that time it was a little disheveled, used to be of a short size by mare standards, this being one of several shades of green, the lightest area being the ones that closer to my scalp and the darkest part of the ends. My beautiful amber eyes were adorned with small darkened bags...

In short? I was cute, but I was a mess at the time. I didn't even know how so many studs had tried something with me that night, after all I could assure that from my smell it couldn't be.

“BANGG!!!” The door to the bar opened suddenly, so all sound except for the music from the bar stopped while everyone looked at the door, the truth is… I didn't even bother to look, I just put on the hood of the cloak I had on, and lay on the table looking at the jar of cider in my hoof.

The silence remained long enough that I could hear the footsteps sounding against the floorboards approaching me... they stopped right behind me “Last Fate?” I could see who was behind me through the reflection of the jar. It was a Thestral which was wearing the armor of Princess Luna's guard “I must ask you to accompany us.

Agg... disgusting day...” To hell. I only got up a little to take a good sip of my cider and put it back on the table, before leaning back on the chair without even looking at that guy “I'm sorry my dear stallion, but the pony you're looking for is in another castle.

I doubt it, you fit perfectly with the profile of the one we are looking for.

Aggg… If it's because of the colors...” I pointed to another table where another pony shared colors similar to mine “Over there you have another light blue unicorn with a green mane

Yes, but this one is missing something...” The guard's hoof approached me, removing the poorly placed cape and brought his hoof closer to my flanks, but he did not touch them. he just pointing out my cutie mark, a spear stuck in front of a tombstone in the shape of a stone cross used for graves “After all, a cutie mark like yours Fate, is unmistakable. Now get up and come with us.

Tch... let me...” I didn't finish speaking, when the guard placed a bag on the table that from the sound it made, must have had a few bits in it. “Forget it.

All I can do is take a deep breath, before releasing my breath and standing up, facing not only this guard... but the group of 5 that had come for me. All from Princess Luna's guard, 3 Thestrals being a unicorn, and a earth pony wearing the typical bluish armor.

When I got up, I just walked to the exit and after leaving, those five surrounded me, two in front, two behind and one next to me. The one on my side, which was a Thestral, looked at me somewhat disappointed.

Never in my entire life did I think that I would have to witness something like this... you of all the ponies having to be carried like this.

I admit it, I didn't care much about his previous words, so I looked at him a little tired “Are you new boy?” He just nodded in response “That explains it. Fairy tales do not exist, get off that cloud and pay attention to reality. We are all ponies boy, and achievements or legends don't matter... as such, we are all susceptible to falling and getting up if possible.

At that moment it must have been close to 12 at night, so the Moon was high, illuminating the streets of Canterlot along with the lanterns on the sidewalks. The city at that time tended to be little traveled, after all, the majority of the nobles here made their living in high-ranking parties during the day. In comparison, few ponies really had nightlife and went out to bars, clubs or other nightlife establishments in the city.

The guards did not say any more words and only limited themselves to guiding me right to the place I had thought of... the castle where both of the royal sisters resided. The most majestic and pleasant mares that I had ever had the pleasure of knowing and serving.

They guided me to the entrance of the castle and then, through the hallways to what was the throne room. I felt a certain nostalgia as I walked the entire journey, but I kept it to myself and followed them until we reached the door to the throne room.

Once we reached it, two more guards who were at the doors opened them for us and gave us access to it. We walked through the middle of the enormous red carpet until we reached a few meters from where the thrones were... and on one of them, Princess Luna was sitting.

The princess at that moment transmitted such an aura of greatness and solemnity, that even with everything, it was born from my heart to bow before her like the other guards who were my escorts.

Princess...” I told her with the most sincere respect that I felt for that mare, like the other guards.

You can get up...” At the command of his royal voice, then we all got up and saluted her “Last Fate... I would be happy to see you again, if it weren't for the circumstances of this meeting.

Agg…” All I can do is sigh and look at her, I admit, a little downcast “Even in these circumstances, it is still an honor to have the opportunity to be in front of you, your highness.

Guards...” The princess's eyes turned away from me, and instead I looked at them “Thank you for bringing her to me, you can leave now.

But princess...

The one who always stayed by my side started, but didn't finish to talk when I myself was the one who gave him a good elbow right in the neck, sending him to the ground and looking at him not at all pretty “Be very careful with that tongue rookie, because it's very easy to lose it. Our princess has given you an order, not a suggestion, and yet, you dare to question it?”

Fate, stop...” The princess got up from her throne and walked to where the guard was coughing while having a little difficulty speaking. She took his head with her hoof and lifted it to examine him... even if I sent him to the ground with it, that time i have no intention of killing him, so even though he was coughing, he was still fine “Don't worry, you'll be fine in a while…” She looked at me a little angry “Fate, there are better ways than these to give warnings.

There are, but if this guy really wants to be more than just an ordinary guy, then soft words are useless here. Besides, for questioning a direct order from one of our princesses that is the slightest punishment I can think of... and I say that from experience.

Agg...” She helped lift that guy who was still having a hard time breathing, and then if she looked at him quite seriously “Fate's action was not entirely right, but I have to tell you my beloved subject that in part, she has reason. I gave you a fairly simple order and it is your duty as a soldier to obey it. Now I have to ask you again to leave.

This time at her command, all the other guards in the room saluted and left so the princess returned to her throne. She sat there and her eyes fell on me... she let out a long sigh before covering her face with one of her hooves.

I don't even know where to start Fate... Do you have any idea of the position you're in?

I am aware of it my princess. I'm 28 years old, I haven't been a girl for a long time.

Don't say it with that confidence Fate...” Now she lowered her hoof and looked at me annoyed “You are, for the love of my sister, one of the captains of our guard, you are a pony in whom we have placed all our trust. And yet, you are before me... but not as one of my most faithful soldiers and even a friend, but as a pony who crossed the line and dared to commit murder without a trace of soul. The charges you are accused of are not a game Fate, your neck will literally be on the line in the next few hours...

The princess stood up from the throne, still looking at me severely as she approached me “I am aware that as one of the captains of our guard, you have certain privileges, as such murder is in fact one of these privileges, since in an assignment it is quite It is possible that said pony or any other being that is your target will resist, and therefore in a confrontation it is a very viable possibility that you end up taking their life. But not only did you not act on one of our orders on this occasion, nor did you just take their lives, but you went so far as to commit murders as ruthless as you did...

The princess stood right in front of me and I admit it, my entire soul trembled at the pressure that that mare was exerting on me at that moment “Your actions Last Fate, this time go far beyond what can be considered as something even decent.

Celestia... I had to swallow very deeply before I could even open my mouth “According to whom, my princess?” That was an answer that made her loosen that gaze she kept on me and made it easier for me to take a breath “Who is the one who determines whether or not what I did was something good or bad?

What do you mean by that, Fate? Explain yourself.

Princess, for society in general my actions could be seen as something ruthless, they could be seen as something so unpleasant, that it would be material to become even the mare that mothers mention to the foals that they will go for them at bedtime so that they are good and obey... But what about the other side? What about those directly affected by this incident? Would they say the same as the rest of society?

I backed away from the princess a little, before closing my eyes to concentrate and cast a simple spell. Four photos appeared in front of me the moment I opened my eyes again, and of the four, three of them I left on the ground in front of the princess. I took the last remaining one in my hoof and pressed it against my chest.

The three photos only showed the corpses of the ponies I had killed “These were photographs I took after finishing each one of them.

Tch…” Princess Luna clicked in annoyance as she looked at each photograph “You better have a good reason to have something like that with you Fate.

I have it my princess, but I will tell you in a while if you allow me...” I looked at her and she made a gesture for me to continue “Each one of those shown here, princess, are in fact criminals. According to records, they are nothing more than neighborhood hooligans who only carry out minor crimes...

One more reason why you would do these things...” She said it, pointing to the photos “It seems as unjustified as it is.

My princess, I have an explanation for that, and if you allow me, I will be happy to give it to you...” The princess just remained silent and sat in front of me and the photos on the floor “Yes, according to the records they did not deserve any of this... but that is owes everything to this guy...” I took one of the photos, it showed a earth pony with orange fur, and yellow mane and tails. If there was something to highlight in the image, it was the fact that he appeared hanging from the ceiling of the warehouse where he was murdered on a hook which went through one of his hoof, and the lack of at least two limbs plus his jaw and several pieces of skin and fur all over its body.

Broken Piece... publicly he was a renowned lawyer who won a lot of cases in which he was involved, so there are many who would assure him that he is a guardian angel at the very least... but the reality could not be further from it. This guy is no angel, there are few who know how things move behind the scene that is painted in the court when he is in session. Bought judges, falsified evidence, blackmail, threats... there have been many methods that he used to achieve the verdict he wanted, leaving free ponies who really committed the crimes of which they were accused.

I put the photo back on the floor For ponies like this princess, it's nothing out of this world to make others who are really trash, manage to have the history of a saving angel if he wanted in that way. It was because of this guy that many families cried bitterly when our judicial system did not give a fair verdict, and the souls of those who left could not rest in peace. The case of the rest of those who appear in the images is just that, he was their lawyer and as he usually does, Broken Piece used all his tricks to have them declared innocent.”

How do you know all these things? Being as you say, and being someone so calculating to be able to commit these things and no one else know.

Because I've been following him for years. That is why I always kept an eye on him and that is why I know many of the methods he used to win his trials. I witnessed beatings given by him and some small-time thugs, or times when he paid others to create the fakes he used.

“If you know these things Fate...” Celestia! I almost ended up jumping scared when the princess stomped her foot quite hard on the ground, while she stood up looking at me and even her wings opened because of the fury that she had to feel at that moment “What reason in the world could there be for you to have silenced this? Your duty to the people of Equestria was to immediately inform me and my sister of these things and we would both take the appropriate action in the matter!!

P- Princess...” I admit it, I couldn't help but tremble in front of her. As much of a guard unicorn as I was, I knew I had no chance against her if she decided to just vaporize me where I was “I- I have my reasons, b- but I would like to finish my case before revealing these things to you.

Princess Luna closed her eyes, took a moment to breathe and then she let out a breath and sat down again, but even so she didn't look at me happy “Continue Fate.

A- As I told you before, my actions would be seen as something evil only depending on who I am asking this question to. I followed the cases of each of them princess and can attest, and even prove if you wish, that each of them committed murder that would rival those you see in these photographs. If you were to ask those left behind, the family of those they murdered, I can assure you that they would only thank me for what I did. In fact, I took these photos with the intention of sending them to the families who were affected by them. I had two reasons for doing it...

I admit, I took a moment to breathe and couldn't help but look at the photo I still held on my chest “As an apology for not being able to arrive in time and save his loved ones. And to give peace to those families knowing that the person who took their loved one from them, is no longer breathing, to let them know that he paid for what he dared to do. The photographs were sent to each family with a letter of apology from me, in which I also related these things. The least I wanted was for them to take a path like the one I took, guided by resentment, thinking that justice does not exist in this world, unless you carry it out.

You contradict yourself Fate, cause your actions demonstrate just that... they demonstrate that you do not believe that justice even exists.

No my princess. I firmly believe that she always comes, but I had my own reasons for doing what I did.

Agg... and you still don't want to reveal it... Am I wrong?” I could only shake my head “Tell me Fate... How did you do all these things?

Are you referring to the modus operandi of the crimes?” She just nodded “If you want to know... then I have no problem with it. As you imagine, I had followed each of them as well as Broken for a long time, which is why I knew more than I should about each one. I knew their frequent meeting places, the tastes of each one and knew a little about all of their agendas.

I took another of the photographs and showed it to her. In it appeared the corpse of a unicorn with purple fur and black mane. He was in the living room of his home at the time he was murdered, which is why he appeared in it with the upper half hanging from several spears that pierced his chest, while the rest of the body did not appear in the photo.

This one here, I have to assume you know him, princess. His name is Striker, he was an active member of the guard who failed in the nomination for captain of the guard... thanks to Celestia.

I've heard about him. He failed some of the tests to achieve promotion, so he was rejected as one of our captains. I think I heard that the family behind him was trying to pull strings with my sister to allow him to ascend, but Celestia isn't a pony who can be blackmailed, so he stayed right where he belonged.

Exactly, it's the same pony we talked about then. His ego was certainly not something that can be measured, so it was a piece of cake for me to find him due to my position as a guard captain. I only needed to send him a formal letter giving him reasons that would inflate his chest with arrogance and he gladly opened the doors of his home to me. When I arrived, he greeted me in a big way trying to buy my favor for him, so you can imagine the show he put on to impress me. Fireworks, a line of servants, a mega fancy dinner, shoulder massages in the middle of dinner and so on. He did more than necessary to rub it in my face that he had enough money to make a pool of money if he wanted to..."

Agg...” Okay, I sighed heavily as I remembered it “If I'm honest, he was a damn idiot without equal but anyway, I played along and stuck to my initial idea. I let him do everything he wanted until the moment we both sat in this room and I confronted him directly..." I looked at the princess swallowing my nerves and looked at her as seriously as I could “Before, I told you that I had evidence of the murders which each one of them committed and I did not lie. I use these same ones to confront him and guess what? The bastard, just as I wanted, did not hesitate for a single second to take a gun and try to kill me to silence me...

Ah, damn... I put a hoof on my head, tiered while I remembered it "You will say that there were a lot of cold-blooded murders, but I assure you that I gave everyone the opportunity to defend their lives. In this case it was a duel between him and a fucking saber that he always had on him, and I could only use one of the knives that I planned to give him in case he was unarmed at that moment. We both fight..."

I removed a bit of the cloak I was wearing and showed the princess my shoulder where, due to an oversight on my part, he managed to bury the tip of his saber. Luckily, the saber didn't touch anything I have to assume, because otherwise it would have been my end in more ways than one.

And it was in that fight that I won this one. I have to admit that even if he failed the strategy and planning tests, the son of a bitch did have a certain skill with weapons. I managed to defeat him thanks to his stupid ego and overrated confidence. The moron thought that we were in a fair competition or something, but nothing could be further from the truth. He supposedly managed to disarm me, but he didn't notice that he did it just when he had one of his collections of weapons behind him, so more than disarming me, it was just that I dropped the knife at the right moment and took one of the spears that he had hanging on the wall. I pierced him from the belly with it and he ended up retreating, but he didn't let go of his weapon. That's why even with a spear in his belly he tried to cut me again, but this time it was me who cut him by avoiding his cut and taking a sword from the wall and in addition to cutting the sword he was using in two, I ended up dividing it in two parts due to the force I put into the cut.

I put the photograph on the floor again and looked at the princess who seemed to analyze me with her gaze “After he took him last breath, I left it just as he was in charge of leaving one of his victims. An unfortunate mare who met her end hung on spears."

Agg...” the princess sighed, massaging the sides of her head with the tips of her wings “A simple plan, but if I take into account the stupidity of some of the nobles, I have no doubt that something that simple would work with guys like It was Striker..." Leaving her forehead, then the princess was the one who took another of the photographs and showed it to me “What about this one?

That photograph showed the corpse of a brown-furred pegasus with its mane and tails a wine color. He appeared in the photo in the middle of an alley hanging from his neck by a rope tied to a ring nailed to the wall. He had cuts all over his body of different sizes and depths, but the most notable wounds were the fact that both eyes were missing and his abdomen was open without the inside of it inside.

His name is Eraser... publicly he was a respected doctor, but on the other hand he was an illegal organ smuggler... agg...” I couldn't do anything but sigh when remembering the families I visited “I imagine you knows how much we are willing to do for the lives of our loved ones, princess… and just as you and I know it, Eraser knew it too. Due to his work as a surgeon, he had access to the list of donors and used it to select those who were possible candidates for his other business. Once he made contact with his clients, then the selection process began. He would search among the hospital records for a pony who was compatible with the person requested by his clients and once selected, he would then proceed to kidnap this target to extract the requested organ."

Now the princess really looked at me surprised “Tell me for the love of my sister that you are joking Fate. That could never have been happening here in Equestria under our guard. My sister and I are especially careful with issues of this nature."

You do it and it works my princess... tch...” I made an annoyed click “But your protection does not extend to the entire world princess... How difficult is it to trick someone from outside of Equestria into entering and getting rid of it once they do it? I only realized this when it was too late, so I was never able to save any of his victims. It wasn't a big problem for him to have the opportunity to murder him either... the guy was addicted to games and seedy places, he spent a large part of his winnings on stupid bets and he took out his frustrations after losing in brothels...

It was just a matter of waiting for the opportunity and once given, then I took it. After losing a nice amount of money in a casino, then as usual the guy went to get rid of his stupidity by having fun times with mares. Approaching him was just a matter of being in said club, tempting him and then taking the opportunity. I took him to the alley of said place when I left through the back door under the promise of going home for things much more intense than what was possible to do in that club, and the fish took the bait...

I admit, what I did this time didn't quite leave a good taste in my mouth “Once there, that's when I confronted him, told him face to face everything he had done and the guy panicked. Unlike Striker, although he was a murderer, he wasn't a warrior or anything like that, so when I made my intentions clear and gave him the knife to defend his life, the guy didn't measure up at all. It was very easy for me to hurt and knock him down again and again, I always attacked with the intention of hurting him and causing him to accumulate wounds, so I avoided hitting vitally important points at all times.

You don't seem very comfortable with something Fate...” My eyes fell on Princess Luna and I could tell at a glance that I was under one of her analyzes “With the others you had no problem showing anger and even hatred... but I see that you have a small mix of feelings on this occasion.

Tch… I don't pass up disdain for you, huh?” I admit it, with my hooves I clung even more to the photo on my chest while biting one of my lips “You’re right. I hated that guy… I hated him from the bottom of my soul… that's why I did what I did. B- But that doesn't erase the fact that I didn't like it at all when he began to beg me for mercy and at the time, blinded by the anger that his words provoked in me, I just ignored him and again and again forced him to take a weapon that He didn't want to take it and come for me, until he bled to death after even cutting out one of his eyes in a fit of anger at his pleas. It was then that I prepared everything just as in the image, to demonstrate that he paid for the crimes he committed to the affected families.

You regret it, don't you?” Princess Luna looked at me really angry “That feeling will be your punishment until the end of your days Last Fate, so you better get used to it for the duration of your life... the last one, Broken Piece.

Once I finished Eraser and Striker, then I was only missing one. Broken Piece… for him I had to prepare a sufficiently convincing scam before today. I had to devise an effective way to blackmail him, without him suspecting my true intentions, and I did it through money. I revealed to him through a letter my knowledge of his actions and also sent him evidence that managed to get on his nerves, and by asking for an amount of money, although high by normal standards, low for the pocket of that piece of shit. So he did not hesitate to go with the money to the warehouse where the team must now be investigating the facts...

With this bastard, as with Striker, I did not feel the slightest regret or remorse my princess... he was trash beyond what is possible to describe. He was so stupidly arrogant to think that everyone in the world should be under his hoof just because he had money. Like Eraser, I give a knife to this piece of shit, but the difference was that he came for me. Heh...” I admit it, just remembering it made me laugh for that guy. “He stunk even more than the doctor in combat, but unlike the doctor, this one didn't beg but only insulted the more I hurt him. That's why I didn't give a shit about ripping off his limbs even though he was alive... and even though he was about to die, the bastard thought that lightning would fall from the sky and kill me to save him just because he wanted it that way or something like that...

I admit it, now I looked with disgust and anger at the princess “I enjoyed every damn second of murdering him and teaching him that he was even worse trash than those he called inferior or that nonsense. That would be it for these bastards, princess... that's all I did.

So, there's only one thing left for me to know Last Fate to be able to have my judgment... your motive...” The princess took the photos from the floor, picking them all up and showing them to me “What was it that led a pony like you to do such things? What was it that led a pony that my sister and I considered a friend to do such things?

For a long time I didn't respond... but then my own feelings won the fight when I ended up whimpering a little while a few tears escaped “A- Although a guard, although one close to you... I- I'm afraid that ponies are beings who let our feelings influence us, princess... and... and that makes us easy beings to corrupt.

Damn... I didn't want to do it... Never in the world I wanted to cry in front of one of my princesses. But I couldn't just keep what was inside me, the more I held onto the photo in my chest.

U- Under the right circumstances... snif... w- we stop caring about things like morality, good, evil, sympathy, love or anything my princess... snif... d- day after day for 10 years now, I have been constantly tormented by nightmares. You have helped me with many of them, but you know little about the reason why they are so constant. A- After all... l- little do you know what my past was like before entering the guard 7 years ago...

In fact, my entry to the guard was never for pure purposes, my princess. T- The razon behind I tried as hard as I did in my training, t- the one who practiced as much as I did in handling weapons and strategies. I never had such pure intentions as just protecting the other ponies... sniff... i- it was one of my goals, after all, seeing others smile and having them thank you for having saved them is not something you can put a price on it… b- but my main reason was always just my thirst for revenge against these three. I- I'm really sorry my princess.

As expected from my royal lady, the tears, even if they were sincere, were not able to move her, and from the severe look she gave me, she had no problem showing it to me “You have thought about it many times, but you have not answered my question Fate.

Snif... t- there was a reason why I knew those three, there was a reason why I knew that they were not good ponies like they wanted to appear to be. I had a reason, for 10 years, to search tirelessly for the carelessness of those three... t- they all have something in common... and- and if you search their houses and rooms, I can bet that somewhere you will find something like this...

From under my cloak, from one of the bags in my paws for the knives which were still stained with blood, I took with my magic a certain necklace... this was a huge ring which in the middle of it was a star of Inverted 5-pointer made of a rather unique material… after all, it was made of crystallized blood.

Just by taking out the necklace and showing it to the princess, I was able to truly impress her and that was evident even in her tone of voice “Y- You… have to be kidding for the love of my sister Last Fate.

How I wish that all this was just a joke princess, how I wish that none of this had had to happen... but reality is reality and it is useless to deny it. What they all have in common, the reason for my thirst for revenge against them and the manner of their deaths... e- everything has a connection princess... and that was that they were practitioners of the dark arts. Whether or not they were successful with the rituals they performed is something I do not know, but it is a fact that they carried them out.

After recovering from the shock of this, the princess looked at me and it was obvious where her eyes were going... at the photo that I never let go of in all this time. She took a moment before extending her hoof towards me.

Fate… please show me that last photo.

As much as she asked me, I really didn't want to show it to anyone... but it was an order from the princess who had helped me the most since all this happened, so in due time, I loosened my grip on it and left the photo on her hoof. Just seeing it, her reaction was as expected, her eyes widened as she alternated her view between the photo and me.

This... no... C- Celestia.

There was a very simple reason for their surprise, after all, the photo was of the corpse of a unicorn pony with light blue fur and a mane of various shades of green, the lightest being those closest to the scalp and the darkest area the points. The pony's only eye that was visible was also an amber color.

The princess's confusion could be perfectly understood if I only rejuvenated myself by about 10 years and let my hair grow, since the corpse that was at that moment nailed head-first to a huge piece of wood in the middle of what was once the living room of our home on a lot of magic circles. The corpse which had whiplash wounds and lacerations all over its body creating patterns used for forbidden arts, and even its chest was open and empty... that was the corpse of who was once my twin sister.

Sinf... h- her name was... Fallen Fate... she was... sinf... she was my twin sister. It’s say that twins share a very special bond princess, and I can attest to that. My sister and I, even at the age of 18, were really very close, even when we decided to separate from our parents a few years ago to make our lives within the territory of Equestria, we still decided to stay together and support each other in everything we did. it was possible for us. Our idea, like that of every pony, was just to find work, settle down and in time create our own family...

Everything was wonderful the year we had both spent within the borders of Equestria. The ponies of the place proved to be as friendly as the stories we had heard in our hometown suggested, we had the joy of meeting one of the legendary saviors of Equestria and we were simply amazed after just a chat with her. Everything was truly going smoothly, until that day 10 years ago.

I closed my eyes and just took a breath while I navigated through my memory “That day, even though we both had had a very bad feeling since the beginning of the day, due to our jobs here we both had to separate. My sister, being free and feeling a little bad, had stayed at home resting, while I had to go to work. As the day progressed, this feeling got worse until out of nowhere terror invaded me...

I was so desperate that I asked my boss for the day and he granted it to me and I ran home... only to find that from the beginning, the feeling we had been having turned out to be true. When I returned home I saw three ponies wearing robes, only without their hoods and my sister's body just like you see in that photograph.

I had to take a moment to breathe because of my difficulty in doing so due to the pain of the memories, but once I recovered, then I continued “I- I don't know why it happened, but when they saw me enter they just got scared and ran away for no reason apparent, but just as I have never been able to forget the end of my sister, I have also never been able to forget the three faces that I saw that day inside what was our home. As time passed, the guilt and pain for not having been with her when she needed me most meant that every day after that, I constantly suffered nightmares due to the regret that ate me alive...

And of course, this pain little by little accumulated until it became a deep hatred for those three who took away one of the ponies whom I loved the most in such way, until that hatred became a thirst for uncontrollable revenge.

Fate... now that you have consumed your revenge, now that your soul is stained... Do you think it was worth it? What do you have inside you now that you have carried it out? Do you feel at peace?

I looked at her... I just looked at my princess who didn't look at me happy at all while I put down the photo and put it away along with the rest. I meditated very well on her words, searched every corner of my being, and the answer could only be one.

My princess... was worth it, even if I will have to bear the weight of my actions for the rest of my life, it was worth it. Now that I've done it and confessed it to a pony I love as much as you, I feel a lot more peace inside of me than I ever did in these 10 long years.

Do you think your sister would be happy about what your hooves has done?

I don't think so... my sister was a pony incapable of holding a grudge like I am, or at least, she never proved to be one in life like me until that day. But whatever my princess is, if she didn't like me doing it, then in the next life I will have to beg her endlessly for her forgiveness, I will have to beg her to forgive the stupid pony she has as a sister.

That's all I needed to know about you Last Fate...” The princess turned and walked back to her throne “Your verdict will be given to you tomorrow morning after discussing things with my sister, in the meantime you will be taken to a cell of the castle.

Understood my princess...

You can retire Fate, and I hope you maintain at least some of your dignity and don't try anything that will leave you in an even worse position.

I won't, my princess...” I was about to turn around and walk out to the guards, but I didn't take more than two steps before turning around and looking at Princess Luna “My princess... if it's within my means... I'd like to just ask you a question. And begin for you to answer it for me."

Agg...” The princess still sitting on her throne sighed and looked at me a little tired “Say it Fate.

I could only smile at her, truly sad, as I wiped away my tears “If you had been in my place, if the one in the photo had been your sister Princess Celestia and not my sister Fallen, if you had known like me who was responsible for such an act... What had you done?



Comments ( 4 )

I loved this story! This was great depiction of going beyond good and evil. It’s ironic that her name is Last Fate as she was the end fate of those three ponies. As for whether or not she did was good or evil, as Last continually pointed out, depends. Because quite frankly , depending on certain fictional characters you ask, you’ll get different answers. Some will agree, others won’t, and then there are those who not only see both sides like she does but have colder logic and reasoning.

As for her question to Luna, well it could’ve been towards either of them and the answer would’ve been the same. All hell would’ve broke lose, and there would’ve been no force on Equestria that could’ve stopped them.

Haha, I'm glad you liked it! xD The name actually came about because I was just playing around with words and that's what came out, just like with her sister's name. I wanted them to be similar and all.

And... yeah, with my way of portraying the princesses in every fic or roleplay I do, you can bet that hell would have broken loose if Luna were in Fate's place... personally, I like to make them count for something and not just leave them as a simple and neglected background character.

I dig it! I'm always a sucker for the big questions over relative morality, and even if it was a little on the nose here, I think you made it work. I also usually haven't enjoyed colored text and character dialogue, but I feel it enhanced the experience here, especially considering the setting of a trial making for more dialogue than usual in some other fics.

"Good? Evil? I reject both" Garou

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