[TRIGGER WARNING : Premeditated Murder. This is written from the perspective of a psychotic pony. I, the author CXCD, do not think nor behave like this.]

Cadence, for the longest time, has had a dream of ruling over Equestria. Unfortunately, when her husband Shining Armor started getting in her way, she decides the only way to get him out of the way was permanently.

Everything went to plan. As far as the Crystal Empire knew, Shining Armor vanished overnight without a trace. Search parties were launched, investigations started, and nopony thought poor old Princess Cadence could ever.

It's just such a shame that Shining Armor came back.

Youtube Channel - @Cxcd

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

[TRIGGER WARNING : Premeditated Murder. This is written from the perspective of a psychotic pony. I, the author CXCD, do not think nor behave like this.]

Cadance is psychotic? (in your AU)

"I've lost all form and unity.
Where has my life gone?
I'll bring you doom that you can see.
And bring you down to see you bleed."
~Elena Siegman, 115

~Excellent work!~

I casually mentioned. Despite not looking at him, I could see him physically straighen up, at attention and listening.

I think you mean "straighten"

Oh, sheesh. That was genuinely chilling. I think the worst (best? Most well-written) part of the whole thing has to be the way Cadence behaves. Her narration, it gives no hint of her deteriorating sanity--at least, not in any way I've seen before. She sounds--feels--so put together, so stable. That's the most terrifying part by far.

Poor Shining. He deserved better.

Though, the description seems to indicate that he won't be long out of this world. I find myself very curious as to how he may manage to return, given he no longer has a head.

I'll be tracking with interest! Good work!

I might have read this mystery, if the first sentence of the description didn't tell me who did it.

womp womp, its still good

The mystery isn’t who murdered Shining Armor. It’s how he came back. If you’d actually read the description, you’d know that.

Son, I read the description, and it didn't tell me of any resurrection.

I don't know why but this story gives me the feeling that it will be like the story of "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe....but in this story the raven will be Shining Armor

This is quite dark, but equally interesting, i am really looking foward to the next chapter.

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