• Published 21st May 2024
  • 303 Views, 3 Comments

Happy Birthday Scoots - Bric_A_Brac_INKSPLASH

Scootaloo is sad because of an abusive relationship, so as you could imagine that type of thing happening on the day of her 21st birthday is not that great.

  • ...

A Sandstorm of lies.

Sitting at the bar in Sugercube Corner, it was Scootaloo's 21st birthday, a day she would have been happy to celebrate if it were not for the fact that her ex boyfriend, Star Sandstorm, kept trying to text and call her, and he was not even being nice about it; he would call one day with a nice and comforting voice saying, "Hi Scoots, been a while, want to come hang?" and then it would change to "Scootaloo, you bitch, if you do not come outside your house right now, I will break in and make you wish you listened to me! not that you could protect yourself if I tried to force you into something, right? You whore!"

Scootaloo sat at the empty bar, she would sigh. In an attempt to elude her former partner's vigilant gaze, Scootaloo arrived at Sugercube Corner early. But as she sat there, missed call after missed call, hang up after hang up, he refused to leave Scootaloo alone. Practically spamming her with texts and missed calls left and right until it got to the point that the phone was practically break dancing on the table.

The texts would go something like this:

"Where are you?"

"Stop texting me. I have already blocked you like seven times in the last three days."

"Come on, Scoots! I know you miss me. Just tell me where you are so we can talk."

"Ok, my location is go fuck with sompony else street, in the town of fuck you, you fucking dick head!"

"Oh, for fucks sake, Scoots, we have been through this a million times, Stop listening to what that Rainbow bitch say's, Without me to guide you, your mind is so easy to lie too. Don't you see that I am trying to help you?"

"Deep down, you know you love me."

"Don't act like you are anything without me."

"Answer me!"

"Fine, go ahead and drown yourself in the sound of white noise, while you cry yourself to sleep with no pony to comfort you like I did when you needed it bitch!"

"Why are you not answering me? WTF are you doing that's so fucking important that you don't want to speak to me?"

"I will fucking find you. You know that bitch? I know you are at the Surgercube Corner."


Scootaloo would sigh angrily and turn off her phone completely after sending that last text. She would put her phone in her saddle bag and decide to trot outside. She got up from her chair and left through the back door of Sugercube Corner. She could hear the door slowly closing behind her as she trotted into the alleyway behind Sugercube Corner. She shivered, feeling the crisp taste of winter on her lips, and as she began to hyperventilate, small amounts of snow would fall from the sky and land on her coat. After standing there for a while, she decided to sit by the alleyway wall, hidden behind a small pile of trash. As she sat by the pile of trash, her thoughts would go wild within her head, and she would close her eyes, trying to hide from the insults thrown her way.

"You are a failure."

"Why can't you just tell somepony?"

"Why can't you fix your own mess?"

"You are broken, and there is no fixing you or your broken wings."

"But hey, that could be a good thing; if you're broken, he won't want you anymore."

"Not that many ponies do."

Thought after thought, each one produced a heavier tear as time passed. Soon Scoots found herself curling into a ball, much like she did whenever Diamond Tiara would bully her, but this time it wasen't just sadness or even shame that she felt; this time she also felt fear. A fear that things would end much worse than they ever did when she was a filly.

Rainbow Dash and her friends had arrived at Sugercube Corner and were chatting as they entered.

"I am so going to give Scoots the best day of her life!" Rainbow Dash spoke as she opened the door for the others.

"Sigh" Applejack responded, "Ah bet you are Dash, just remember not to get the poor filly wasted, alright Dash." Applejack said, putting her hoof on Rainbow Dash's shoulder.

Rainbow Dash would sigh and roll her eyes, saying, "Cool it, AJ. I am just going to give her a fun time, okay? I am not about to get Scoots wasted. Also, when were you so focused on following the rules? Scoots is of drinking age, you know?"

"Dash." Applejack would say now facing Rainbow. "You forget who we are talking about, Scootaloo is friends with my sister, if something happens to Scoots, it would hurt Apple bloom, so forgive me if I am concerned about Scoots getting drunk."

"Girls." Fluttershy would speak up. "Can we please stop talking about getting Scootaloo wasted like somthing bad is going to happen. it's starting to worry me sense I don't see Scootaloo anywhere."

"Yes, I agree, darling." Rarity would turn to Pinkie, who had just emerged from the back, holding some glasses and cleaning them with a rag. "My dear pinkie, do you know where Scootaloo went?"

Pinkie would shrug and say, "If it helps, I heard the back door open. Do you think she is okay? I mean, I set this whole thing up, so it would be really bad if she missed it! That would be really, really bad! I really hope she comes ba-" Pinkie's tangent came to an end when Rainbow Dash stuffed her hoof into Pinkie's mouth.

"Ok, Pinkie, we get it; she left out the back door. I will find her, and we will have a good time just as we planned." Dash would say with a sigh. Trotting over to the back door, she would look back one more time before opening it and trotting right into the alleyway, snow slowly falling down trash piles everywhere but still smelling pretty good, which makes sense given that the trash is just old cupcakes and sweets of various types.

Rainbow would look down and see hoof prints in the snow. Following the prints, she could see that they led behind one of the piles of discarded cupcakes and candy, which had been forgotten along with the rest of the candy and trash piles. Rainbow was brought to her hooves by the sight of Scoots curled up into a little ball. Rainbow ran over to Scoots and wrapped her hooves around her. Rainbow could feel Scootaloo shiver and cry in her hold.

"Hey, what's wrong Squirt?" The sound of Rainbow's voice seemed to break Scoots out of her trance, as she looked up and pushed away from Rainbow Dash, fear filling her eyes as if she did not know who Rainbow was at the moment.

"No! Stop! Leave me alone!" Scootaloo would scream.

"Hey!" Rainbow would say loudly, capturing Scoot's attention as she held her close. Rainbow would begin to speak again. "Scoots, it's me, Dash, tell me what is wrong. Please Squirt?"

Scootaloo would glance down, avoiding eye contact, her mouth slightly open as if the thing she wanted to say was right on the tip of her tongue, her eyes flickering back and forth as if she were thinking of how to put her thoughts into words. She would eventually decide to say, "I do not want you to think I am weak if I tell you. ok?" She would say, giving Dash a pleading look.

"Squirt," Dash would say, nuzzling Scootaloo's neck. "I could never think of you as weak, you know why?"

"Why?" Scoot would say, looking Dash back in the eye.

"Because you are my sister, and sisters support one another. So come on, spit it out, and I will help you with whatever is bothering you." Rainbow would see her shivering when she looked at Scoots after saying this. "And also get you out of this cruddy alley." Rainbow would say finally.

"Sigh, I'm scared, Dash, more scared than you could ever imagine," said Scootaloo after taking a deep breath. To soothe Scoots and protect her from the light snowfall, Rainbow Dash would cover her with a wing, nodding to her to encourage her to keep going.

"Alright, so it all began around six months ago. At the time, I was looking for a partner and had discovered Sompony. His name was Star Sandstorm, and he was a pegasus, surprisingly, he was a Wonderbolt, and at first, he was chill, and we would go to Wonderbolt shows and everything; it was great." Scootaloo would pause her story for a moment to sob, tears slowly falling down her cheeks.

"Scoots, we can stop for a second and talk about it later if you don't want to talk right now, we can just go inside and-"

"NO!" Scootaloo would snap, "Sorry Dash, I just cant go inside right now, not with what I am feeling, I need to tell you this now with no pony around."

"Ok." Dash would say waiting for Scootaloo to continue. And so she did.

"Soon after that, he began to act differently. He began hitting me, but no pony noticed because he hit me in places where the bruises were hard to see." As Scootaloo said this, Dash's grip on her tightened. Rainbow tightened her jaw in barely hidden rage. Scootaloo continued on. "He kept doing it, coming over to my apartment drunk, breaking in and forcing me to do things... and hitting me when I refused, claiming that because he was a wonderbolt, he could do whatever he wanted and that no pony would believe me if I told on him. I remember one time when I was sleeping and he broke in; I was so scared that I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep even though he had already woken me up. I am pretty sure he knew what I was doing because he kept saying, "I know your up, don't lie to me." and stuff like that. He hit me, and that day I had enough courage to fight back and get him out of my apartment. I remember crying in my bathroom, and I remember how painful it was to rub the blood off my nose until it was raw.

"Ok Scoots, I think I know what's going on her-" Rainbow dash would start but would immediately be interrupted by Scootaloo.

"Let me finish, please, Dash!" With that dash, it would promptly shut up. Scootaloo would take a deep breath, "After that day, when I forced him to leave, he kept calling and texting me, threatening me. It came to the point where I had to literally run away from him because he knew where I was!" Scootaloo would start sobbing, "That is why I am out here. Dash, I am hiding from him; he knows I am here, at Sugercube Corner. I was hoping that if I were in the alley next to this place, I could maybe hide from him. I can't go home because he would just go there next in search of me. I feel stuck in this sort of limbo where I cant do anything in fear of being found and stuck with him again, I don't know what to do Dash." When all was said and done, Scootaloo sobbed and snuggled into Rainbow Dash's chest while Rainbow stroked Scootaloo's head.

"Scoots, we are going inside where it is warm, and before you start arguing, I want you to know that this guy, Sandstorm, is going to wish he were dead by the time I am done with him; if he even shows up at your party... I will end him. And if he doesn't, I will get him kicked off the Wonderbolts, I mean, throughout this entire conversation, you never once thought that I could just fire him? Well, Squirt, I can and will, whether he shows his ugly face here or not. Just know that me, the rest of mine, and your friends are here to help you if you need any help... kicking his behind, if you know what I mean." Rainbow would turn her head away from Scootaloo whispering, "But I get the first beating." Then Rainbow would quickly force Scoots up and onto her hooves.

"You, my dear Scoots, are going to have a good time in there, and if there is something stopping that, then Celestia be damned, I am going to commit a murder."

"What...What do you mean by that?"

"Um, What I mean is if I see him, I won't kill him I will just...uh...beat him until he begs for mercy, which, by how you described him, Scoot, I bet that wouldn't take long." Rainbow would kinda softly nudge Scootaloo until she finally got the message and decided it was indeed time to go inside. Scootaloo would giggle from hearing what Dash had said as she got up. But just as Scootaloo and Dash were about to go inside, they heard a can roll as if it had been kicked, and with it came a voice and a face Scootaloo did not want to see.

"So, this is where you were. I had looked in the window and saw you nowhere, but here you are here in this alleyway." As he walked into the light of the alleyway, he stumbled a little as he tried to get closer, placing one hoof on the alleyway's right wall.

"Scoots, get inside." Rainbow would say gritting her teeth, Scootaloo eyes small like pinpricks decided to just listen to Dash and run inside.

"What? no! I didn't just walk all the way here just to-GAH." Sandstorm would shut up as a hoof would be smashed into his face, knocking him into the wall, and after that, Rainbow would pin him to the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing? Do you know who I am?" Sandstorm would say trying to break free from her hold unsucessfully.

"I don't give a fuck who you are and I don't care, but I do know one thing for sure you will leave Scoots alone or I will fucking end you!" Rainbow dash would say fire filling her soul.

"If you ever, and I mean ever come near Scootaloo again, I will fucking find you and break your neck in your sleep, do you understand?"

At first, Sandstorm just stood there, but finally, after some thinking, he would say, "Fine, Fuck her who needs her anyway!" and then he would trot off out of the alleyway.

Trotting back up the few steps leading to the door Rainbo dash would open it and walk back inside. and Rainbow and Scootaloo had fun, like a lot of fun, and after a couple hours, Rainbow had a chance to just sit and talk to Scoots.

"So." Rainbow would say sitting next to Scootaloo. It had been about the time every pony else had left, leaving Scootaloo, Rainbow, and a tired pinkie, all left in the bakery.

"What up, Dash?"

"I want you to tell me if that guy ever comes near you again, I mean it."

"Yeah, of course, but...um, what did you even do with him when I had gone inside?"

"I took care of him, which is really all you need to know, and yeah, it was pretty easy to convince him to leave you alone, the fucking coward." Rainbow would say taking a sip of cider. They both would sit in silence looking out the window at the snow fall, looking at the way the snow hit the window and slid down it.

"What now?" Scootaloo would ask.

"What you mean squirt?"

"I don't know; it just feels like this whole thing has become such a big part of my life, and now its just nothing, gone in an instant, or well I hope its gone at least."

Rainbow Dash would put a wing around Scootaloo and say,"We move forward, never looking back." taking another sip of cider.

With a yawn, Dash would stretch and say, "Ok Scoot, I think its time for me to go home, see ya around, and remember your totally awesome sister is always there to help you." Then she gets up from her chair and places her empty cup on the bar's counter. Before leaving, Dash would yell, "Bye Pinkie!" to which the pink mare would respond, "Bye Dashie, see you later!" while waving her goodbye from behind the wall, with only her hoof sticking out of the doorway.

"Bye Dash." Scootaloo would say right before Dash left out of the door,"Thank you, I love you Dash"

"Heh" Dash would grin,"Same here Squirt." Then Dash would leave. Scootaloo would watch Dash as she trotted into the endless snowfall outside, before zipping up into the crying sky.

After a while Scootaloo would get up from her chair, walk out of the building and trot home, all the while thinking the same thought over and over, as long as Dash is around everything will be fine.

The End.

Comments ( 3 )

Poor Scoots! I'm so glad she opened up to Rainbow and RD was able to help her!

Great story! It was a super fun read!

Abusive relationships are toxic

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