• Published 10th May 2024
  • 218 Views, 7 Comments

Monster Hunter in Equestria - The Byzantine Knight

Princess Luna recruits Gabriel Van Helsing to help save their world from the dark powers.

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The Long Night Begins

Canterlot, Present Time

Princess Luna raised the moon as her sister Princess Celestia lowered the sun. The night had begun in Equestria...

...and it could not be a brighter or happier night!

It was cause for great celebration. The invading Storm King had finally been defeated, Canterlot had been saved, old friendships were strengthened, and new friendships from Equestria and beyond had been made.

The conquering heroes came together in celebration; the long delayed Festival of Friendship was in full swing!

The friendship of Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy had grown stronger than ever over the course of their latest adventure.

The Hippogriffs finally came out of hiding after years of living under the sea as seaponies, and started to reestablish themselves as a people thanks to the bravery of Princess Skystar fighting against the Storm King's forces with the ponies.

The scoundrel Capper, a smooth con-cat, and been touched by Rarity's generosity and overcame his selfishness to fight for something larger than himself.

Captain Celaeno and her parrot pirate crew regained their fire, thanks to Rainbow Dash, and lead the charge to liberating Canterlot defeating the Storm King's army.

The Storm King's second in command, Shadow Tempest, had turned on her former master and chose to embrace friendship thanks to Twilight Sparkle's example. She opened up her eyes and embraced the pony way again. She even was okay with trusting them with her real name: Fizzlepop Berrytwist

Twilight encouraged her to not let her broken horn be an impediment, so Tempest provided fireworks to accompany the celebration.

I can see a rainbow

In your tears as they fall on down

I can see your soul grow

Through the pain as they hit the ground

I can see a rainbow

In your tears as the sun comes out

As the sun comes out

Sang the popstar pony Songbird Serenade as the fireworks lit up the night sky, while ponies played games, danced, ate, drank, and made merry.

The Festival of Friendship was the party of year and it brought about a great peace through the city and it's citizens.

But little did they know that their peace was not to last.

This was about to become a night that would threaten to destroy their world. The Beginning of The End.

After defeating one great evil, none of them were not prepared for a much worse one to come.

Later on that night, as the party finally began to die down, everypony went to their homes and hotels to finally lay down for sleep.

All the citizens of Canterlot and across Equestria settled in for the night, and everything was at peace.


The Mane 6 including their new friend Starlight Glimmer; formerly an enemy, but now Twilight's second student in the magic of friendship (the first being Sunset Shimmer who currently lived in the human world) all settled down in their suites in the Canterlot Castle for the night.

She had even managed to get a room reserved for Tempest Shadow and Grubber who were both granted suites in the castle for the night. They, actually just Tempest, protested against such charity believing that they didn't deserve it after everything they did.

The royals and the main six would not take no for an answer, and Grubber giving her puppy dog eyes, finally pushed her to accept their generosity.

When everypony laid down to sleep, that is when the enemy decided to make her first move.

All was calm and still until a mysterious shadow slid it's way through the dark and pristine halls of the Canterlot Castle. Quickly and silently, Guards went down one by one, dead, as the shadow moved across the walls. A trail of blood seeping from the corpses necks began to collect on the floor.

The shadow stopped for a brief moment to become corporeal and licked it's lips and fangs clean of the guards' blood. Delicious, but not the blood she was out for.

The shadow turned into mist and proceeded towards it's intended prey.

After peeking through several bedrooms, the mist found it's intended prey: Starlight Glimmer.

The mist entered effortlessly into the room of Starlight Glimmer. The pastel purple pony slept peacefully, unaware of the bloodthristy intruder in her room. The mist transformed into its corporeal form...Chrysalis the former Queen of the changelings! Her elongated fangs bared and ready to bite!

I will finally have my revenge for you taking my hive away from me. I have finally conceived a revenge terrible enough to exact on you. I will feast on your blood, and then all of Equestria will soon follow. Everything that happens from this point on is all you fault! Chrysalis monologued internally before striking.

Her fangs were about to sink into the unicorn's neck until...

"CHRYSALIS!" A voice shouted out loud accompanied by an intense magic blast interrupted Chrysalis's attempted feasting.

Starlight quickly awoke from the sudden noise, with hazy eyes she took in the scene before her.

Against the wall was a transformed Chrysalis. She now looks paler and almost sickly. The parts of her body were green and dark cerulean were now varying shades of red and crimson, roughly the color of blood. Her fangs longer and more deadly than before. She was not the same changeling as she was before. She was now a vampire.

Princess Luna was in the doorway, angry and ready for battle. Her horn smoking from the blast.

Chrysalis hissed and fled out the window...

...and then quickly reappeared behind Princess Luna!

The vampire changeling threw the lunar princess and herself out the window. Luna wrestled herself free from the monster's grip in midair, and retaliated with more magic blasts.

Princess Celestia joined in on the fight, using her magic to create daylight for a few minutes, banishing the vampire changeling away from the air.

"Thank you sister. I couldn't have beaten Chrysalis by myself." Luna spoke in sincere gratitude, after shielding her eyes from the intense light.

"Of course sister. I wouldn't leave you alone to defend yourself like that." Celestia responded. Love and truth spoken in every word.

Not realizing that their enemy transformed into a shadow among the buildings, Chrysalis looked on as the royal sisters congratulated each other on beating the rogue changeling.

Adorable. They think they've actually beaten me. Not this time. Never again.

Chrysalis re-emerged, attacked Celestia from behind and the battle was on again.

The battle was intense, taking the three fighting monarchs to the skies and down to the Earth, zooming through the city, and back into the castle breaking into a room that was hidden by a wall, now demolished and open for all to see.

The battle came to a stand still, when all three opponents stood in a room that was unknown to the vampire changeling and the lunar princess. The solar princess knew this room very well, which is why it was kept hidden from everypony.

The room itself was bare save for the numerous cobwebs and the magic mirror in the corner which was similar to the one that Twilight Sparkle and Spike used to travel to the human world and the "Reflections" universe; one that was home to Princess Celestia's lover, the good King Sombra.

This mirror was unknown to Luna, but very much known to Celestia, who hoped to keep that mirror a secret from everypony.

Chrysalis could clearly see the look of worry on Celestia's face, quickly deducing that it wasn't for Luna's safety or her own, it was finding that magic mirror. An evil grin crossed her face, figuring that what lay on the other side of that mirror must a dangerous secret that the solar princess must want hidden away from the world.

Chrysalis slowly backed away, feigning defeat. Only to suddenly grab Princess Celestia and jumped straight into the mirror with the solar princess as her prisoner, regardless of what lay on the other side or what danger there was in doing so.

"No!" Celestia and Luna cried out simultaneously.

Princess Luna charged after the Changeling Queen through the Magic Mirror. Running through the mirror to an unknown destination that laid on the other end the safety of her sister was her only concern.

Twilight, Tempest, and Princess Cadence found the three monarchs in that mysterious room, but weren't there in time to stop them. They witnessed all three of them go through the mirror.

Tempest and Twilight were about to pursue the two sisters on the other side of the mirror, but were held back by the glow of Cadence's magic.

"Cadence, let us go! We must save Luna and Celestia!" Twilight yelled in protest, trying in vain to free herself from her sister-in law's magical grip.

It was Cadence's turn to yell some sense into her sister-in-law "Twilight, stop! We don't know what lays on the other side of that mirror. What good will we do just charging in without a plan? Even you know better than to go charging into trouble headfirst!"

"I hate to admit it, but the Love Princess is correct. It would be more imperative for us to have a plan before charging into battle unprepared." Tempest interjected, trying be the voice of reason to the friendship princess.

As much as Twilight wanted to argue with her friends, she knew that they were both right. Feeling defeated and helpless for a brief moment, Twilight prayed to whatever deities that might be listening out there to protect Luna and Celestia and bring them home safely.

The long night had begun in Equestria...

...and it couldn't have been a bleaker or darker night.

Author's Note:

If there was a theme song to be interested here I think it would be combination of remixed My Little Pony theme from the first Equestria Girls film and the the first 2:04 minutes of the End Credits music from Van Helsing

Please check out this blog for all the behind the scenes info as the story progresses.