• Published 5th May 2024
  • 117 Views, 0 Comments

Tales of a Boot Noble - Sir Merrick

A Thestral Knight roams the lands, in search of wealth, glory, and maybe something greater...

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Verdant Fields

The bounce of the saddle as the Friller moved along, its limbs that stuck out from its body moving in the motion typical of lizards. Night Raid had always found Frillers to be interesting creatures, having read many a book on their origin, known fully as Luna’s Frilled Lizard, these creatures had been domesticated in the Jungles of Stabletide for riding purposes, and had a helpful diet of mostly greens and insects. Night was always amused at their abbreviated name of Friller, as there was much more to these creatures than their iconic frills along their limbs and head.

Night Raid reached out and stroked Wilhelmina, petting along the pattern of the scales, as to not irritate her. Wilhelmina was a fairly standard Friller, bearing light green scales, however she carried a rare trait, as her frills were a deep purple, and her eyes were a deep purple as well. Night had occasionally taken money when he was staying somewhere awhile to have Wilhelmina have a clutch for the gentry that were interested. However, Night never intended Wilhelmina to be a full time breeding lizard, and did so only a few times early on in his career. She was going to live a good life if Night had any say about it.

They steadily continued southward along the Pegasus Road, a road leading to the city of Las Pegasus, to which Night headed towards to partake in a tournament. Night carried a great sword on his back, with his packs sitting nicely along Wilhelmina’s torso behind him, a war lance, and his helmet was secured to her side as well. Night was well equipped for a seemingly hedge knight, having sturdy mail, and padding beneath. That was of course because Night was of a more prestigious lineage than most of his breed, whatever that was worth to him.

Night hummed along, a tune in his head, he’d heard in a tavern some time ago, as Wilhelmina steadily tramped along, enjoying the stroking of Night’s hand, seeming to motivate her onwards. Night gazed out at the passing countryside, enjoying the greenery of late spring, soon it would be summer though, and the heat would pick up, all good for Wilhelmina, but nay for Night. He was more a creature comfortable in the colder lands. Still he traveled along, and thus this season was a time for Wilhelmina not Night.

Rolling green plains, interrupted by a few hills here and there, as the mountains loomed in the distance, were about the most Night could expect to see, that wasn’t a small farming community, a lone hovel, or somesuch. As he came upon a hill, Night viewed a village, and prompted Wilhelmina to continue forwards, after she paused, having crested the hill.
They soon entered the village, the foals amusedly looking at him and staring in awe at this wealthy knight riding through their town, Night always enjoyed the company of youths over country stallions and mares. The stallions and mares of the village soon took note of him, and he could feel their eyes upon him, annoyance mostly, and a touch of xenophobia. The parents began carting their foals away, and whispering hushed warnings to stay away from him. Night did not find his home among the common folk though as most Hedge Knights did. His heraldry marked him as an actual noble though, and thus they rarely were fond of him.

Night would continue through the village though, taking note of the time of day, about noon he estimated, and would continue riding along, about to prompt Wilhelmina to quicken the pace, when he would take note of a young mare riding upon a Friller of his own, riding towards Night, a blue mare, with seemingly amber eyes. The mare would bring her Friller to a stop in a manner that befit formal training. She would spread her wings in a manner that pegasi tended to do to look a bit tougher, and look Night in the eye. “Ser, I’m Amber Steel, I was a squire with a knight named Orange Friz, however he died a few weeks ago, a drunken mess, and died drowning on his own vomit. I know how to ride, maintain gear, and can do most anything a squire needs to. Take me as your squire, you seem to need one.”

Night looked at the pegasus pausing a few times as he went to respond before eventually sighing and deciding to take pity. “You want to serve as my squire? If you are so qualified then I would be willing.” He looked her over, noting that she had gambeson, and padding, a sword at her hip, likely her master’s. Everything looked maintained though. At that moment he made his decision. “Ride to my side then. If you are as qualified as you say, a knight you shall be.”

Amber looked somewhat surprised at how suddenly he’d agreed, but had not a chance to really ask why, as Night began riding along again, Amber after recovering from her shock taking up at the side of his Friller with her own. “Why’d you agree so quickly? You aren’t a pervert are you?” She started eying him a few moments later.

Night snorted in amusement as he looked at her, she was pretty but that hadn’t been what he’d been taking note of. “Word of the wise, I wouldn’t go calling scions of great house perverts. Tends to be offensive, and nobles tend to be vengeful. Now then, I am not, nor am I seeking companionship of the primal nature as it stands. Anyways before you ask, we’re headed to Las Pegaus for the Grand Tourney there.”

Amber looks at him for the second time today with shock. “The Grand Tourney? You’re bluer than I expected. Well I mean, well not your blue coat, I uhh…”

Night chuckled. “Yes I’m a bit richer than most, however not by much. Let’s get a move on though, I want to get to Las Pegasus in the next day or two. Let’s pick up the pace.” Amber would sigh and nod, and the pair would begin and reach a riding pace, the two Friller’s reaching sync fairly swiftly, as they rode along. The day would eventually start coming to a close, Night taking note of their surroundings, as he got settled, and put up a post for the Frillers to be tied to, as Amber, upon her own initiative, started setting up a pair of tents. Night would finish staking the post, and get the Friller’s tied up, Amber through half the first tent, as Night decided to get a fire going, before getting some rations out. Amber would join him after setting up the second tent, taking the food he offered from him, and the pair would begin eating.

Amber would be the first to break the silence as they started drinking from their flasks. “So what’s your name anyways Ser?” Amber would finish eating and take another swig, likely of water, as Night looked to her. “Night Raid, House Moonfang scion of House Goldmantle.”

Amber would whistle and shake her head, as she began laughing. After she calmed down a bit. “Well damn, I didn’t realize I was traveling with a Magnates son. Why don’t you just say House Gold mantle though? What’s the whole scion thing? Never heard of House Moonfang. Guess you are wandering though.”

Night sighed and shook his head, as he took out his shield, and pointed to the bend sinister. “This here, what do you think it means?”

Amber would look at the shield shrugging. “Dunno. It’s a very precise stripe though. Purple so Lunarist?”

Night would nod but seem displeased. “Obviously your master didn’t bother teaching you heraldry. This is called a Bend Sinister. The purple is for Lunarist. The Bend is a type of designation upon heraldry, we’ll go into that later, but mine, a bend Sinister, represents I am a bastard. Recognized by my father but a bastard nonetheless. Therefore I can’t have the family name. So my father gave me the household name of Moonfang for if I should ever sire children.”

Amber blinks but listens, even if a little bored, seeming at least to take note of the lesson. She responds after. “Ah, I see, lucky I guess, he could’ve just let you go along, with nothing. Still unfortunate for you, social thingy. Even in the village bastards aren’t too proudly looked upon. I was the result of a cuckolding. Anyways… Sorry for bringing it up.” She would take another swig.
Night would shake his head, and sigh again, taking a swig of his wine flask, before offering it to Amber. Amber would blink surprised but take a swig herself before handing it back to Night. “Sweet. I’m used to wine being pretty bitter.”

Night would flash a fang amused, and nod. “Yes, a sweet mango infused wine. My father had imported it from Stabletide, the Mango Valley to be precise.” He would take one more swig before putting it away, the warmth of the wine being enough for him now.

Amber would be quiet for a while before saying anything more, though she seemed to be gathering herself. “Well thanks Night. I thought my chances of being a knight were dashed when Ser Drinks-a-lot boozed himself to the grave. I am grateful. Sorry I don’t speak too fancy like you.”

Night shook his head. “That hardly matters, at least to me. I liked your boldness, and you looked the part, as well as claimed the part, so I took you on. Don’t worry too much about it. There is nothing to apologize for anyways. Take pride, you’re walking a noble path.”

Amber chuckles and smiles. “That I am, I suppose? It’s a rare thing for a peasant to get this chance. Funny, I got two shots instead of just one. Lucky me I suppose. Life might be turning up for me.”

Night Raid would smile again and rise, going to grab a pair of training blades he kept on Wilhelmina, and tossed one to Amber. “Let’s see how well your master did at teaching the blade.”

Amber looked at him, seeming fired up by that. “Not poorly to say nothing else!” The pair would begin circling each other, before Night went in to strike, Amber weaving, but not quickly enough for Night to not correct it, and go in to impact, her Amber only barely managing to keep the blade from hitting her, though unfortunately for her, Night struck with a great deal of force, and Amber would lose her grip on the blade, wincing a little in pain. Night would pause, as he sighed. “Apologies, I think I went a bit rough there, it has been awhile since I’ve trained anyone, I might have been going too hard too fast…”

Amber Steel steeled herself, and shook her head, rising. “I think it’s fine, you’re a strong fighter! I think I’ll learn a lot from you!” Amber had a sort of fire in her eyes, as she seemed happy about the exchange. “Come on, I can keep going!”

Night and Amber would train, until the sunlight had just about run out, Amber seeming tired and out of breath, as Night gave her another swig of wine before laying down, Amber retreating to her own tent shortly after. Knight chuckled as he dozed off, amused that he’d gotten a squire he didn’t ask for in his entourage. Either way, Night would lull off to sleep, dreaming of glory and fame as most knights did, and maybe a bit of recognition, and love from his family. A false hope likely but… it had always been his dream.

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