• Published 6th May 2024
  • 1,680 Views, 35 Comments

Records From A Magic Student - Arcanum -Phantasy

In light of the "Human Incident", the audio records of the the pony responsible comes to light.

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A Magic Student's Recorded Studies

Audio Log 1

Greetings. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Today, I am going to attempt to cast one of Starswirl the Bearded's most complex spells. According to his own notes, if cast correctly, this spell will allow the caster to pull a small object from another world into this one. While a rather large pill to swallow, even coming from a unicorn as brilliant as Starswirl, there is evidence to, at least, suggest that this has led to several technological advancements in the past. I am hoping to put any doubts to this claim to rest, be it in favor or against them. Now....is everything ready Spike?


Alright. Beginning the first test in 3.....2......1..... (audio cut)

Audio Log 2

Testing. Testing. Let's see....Yes! It works! (clears throat) My apologies for the informal language. In the last test, my recording equipment reacted poorly to the spell. As such, I was forced to replace all of it and then reinforce them with specialized runes. With these in place, I should be able to perform the spell and reliably gather data.
(Faint shuffling sounds) (The hum of magic being used)

It has been three days sense I last cast the summoning spell. From it, a small portal approximately the size of the average pony's hoof opened and a brown boot fell out. Right after, the portal closed and I became aware of the damage done to my equipment. That aside, I originally assumed that the spell had failed, until I gave the boot a proper look. Just a passing glance already revealed that this article of clothing is different from what would normally be made in Equestria. The rubber sole had a more equal distribution of grip rather than being focused near the back. This, along with the way the strings on top were arranged implies that it was made for those with feet in mind as opposed to hooves. In addition, the material that made up the majority of the boot did not match any of the materials my friend Rarity offered as reference. It seems much tougher than most of Rarity's samples, yet malleable enough to not restrict movement. The closest thing I could compare it to is shedded dragon scales, but it lacks the fire resistance that they possess.
(Magic hum) (Sound of a drawer opening then closing)

Today, we are going to attempt to cast the spell again. First, it will be with the same amount of magic as the last time and then with a slightly higher amount. This will demonstrate if a difference in power can affect the type of objects summoned in addition to other possible differences.
(clopping of hooves) (Magic hum)

Are you ready, Spike?

Alright. On three. 1...2...3!

(Magic hum intensifies) (Loud whooshing sound) (Loud magical bang) (Echoing magical hum) (Soft thud) (Sudden silence)

....It's......another boot.

Yup...(Clawed footsteps) Looks like its the one that goes with the one we already have.

Are you sure? (Hoof steps)

Yeah. See the way it's curved? It's the exact opposite way to the one you got last time.

You're right! Let's move on to the second test and see if anything changes!

Right! (slightly fading clawed footsteps) Ready when you are!

Alright....casting spell.....now.
(Same sounds as earlier at a slightly higher volume)

......What is that?

I...don't know, Spike. It....looks like some kind of metal box with a door in the front.
(Clawed footsteps) (Cautious tapping)

Hey! Check this out! There are some buttons by the door!

You're right. Let's see........Popcorn? Tea? Pizza? Leftovers? Does this thing make food?

Careful Spike! We don't know what this is!

Right! Sorry.....

It's fine...let's just set this aside for further study and then we can decide what to do with it from there.
(Audio ends)

Audio Log 3

Five days have passed sense I last cast the Summoning Spell. In that time, I examined the odd device that, due to it making use of microwaves, I have dubbed the microbox. Due to it having little to do with the spell itself, I have decided to keep my studies on the device separate. Now that my studies on that particular topic have been completed, I am ready to return my focus wholly onto the topic at hoof. I was so eager....that I forgot to turn on my recording equipment when I cast the spell (Awkward chuckle). The end result was yet another microbox. From this, it would appear that the size and complexity of the objects summoned are comparable with the amount of magic used to cast the spell. I will see what yet another slight increase in power will result in.

Are you ready, Spike?

On three...1...2...3!

(Same combination of sounds from previous recordings at a higher volume)

( Loud thud and two startled gasps)

W....What is that thing?

I'm.....not sure Spike. It....looks like some kind of...clothed ape?

Is....Is it okay? It's...not moving all that much.

I can see it breathing...better get Fluttershy to make sure nothing's wrong. Spike, can you-

On it!
(series of rapidly fading clawed footsteps then the sound of a door opening and closing) (Silence for a fifteen seconds) (Slow cautious hoofsteps)

Um...are you okay? Can you hear me?

(silence for seven seconds) (Pained male groaning)

O-Oh! It's waking up! This....uh....

(More soft groans followed by the sound of shuffling)

Ugh....what the hell happened?

It can talk? It can talk!

(Confused grumble) (Silence for five seconds)

Why the fuck am I looking at a purple unicorn? Okay, whose the prick that slipped me something?

Ex...cuse me?

Holy shit, it talks! ( Sounds of hasty shuffling) (Loud bang) Gah! My fucking knee!

Are you okay? (Quick hoofsteps)

That...hurt. (Nervous tone) What is this place? Some kind of lab?
Well...yes. this is my lab. Oh! Right. I...uh...haven't properly introduced myself, yet. My name is-

Is....that an operating table? (Voice trembling.) With...cuffs?

Oh! Right. I...forgot that I still had that in here (Awkward chuckle) That was part of an experiment that didn't go anywhere. Anyway-

Experiment? (Increased panic in tone) You....(Panicked rapid gasps) You're gonna experiment on me?!

What?! N-


N-N-No! Wait! that's not-!

(Loud series of crashes)

(Audio abruptly cuts)

Audio Log 4

O-Okay. So...sweet Celestia, where do I even start? Okay! Okay....Just...let's just state what I know. Okay. Yesterday, I preformed a Summoning Spell at a higher power level. Considering how the previous attempts went, I was expecting a more complex device to come through the portal. Instead, a strange creature was summoned. From what I was able to observe, the creature resembled an ape, though it held an upright posture and significantly less fur. The fact that it was wearing clothes and was capable of speech indicates that it came from a civilized society. It also appears that the creature's language is similar, if not identical to common Equish, but that is not something that can be accurately confirmed at this time. Currently, the creature's location is unknown, b-b-but steps are being taken to capture and contain it. H-Hopefully, we can meet again under circumstances that won't require violent means to do so. I...(shaky breath)...I need to fix this. It looked so scared....I....I need to help it.

(Audio ends)

Audio Log 5

Seven days have passed since the creature was summoned. In that time, some of my friends have said that they have had speratic sightings of something matching its description. All of the sightings were at night and, with the exception of Pinkie, the sightings were partial at best. It is only thanks to Pinkie's attempts to corner it that I am sure that the creature is still in the area. So far, the creature has shown no signs of outward hostility, but I fear that may not stay the case. Pinkie said that the creature looked scared every time she found it. I'm....afraid that it might feel cornered. Maybe...if we could get it to sit down and talk to one of us, that we could work something out. Maybe...it could be a friend?
(Audio ends)

Audio Log 6

There was an attack today.
(twenty second pause with deep breaths faintly heard)

The victim was my friend Fluttershy. According to her....she convinced the creature to come into her home to talk to her. Aside from being nervous, it...no...he said that he was a type of creature called a "human". He also said that he came from a world called "Earth". Before she could learn more from him, she noticed how uncomfortable he was getting and went to get him some tea to settle his nerves. When she came back, he hurt one of her pets and she confronted him. For a moment, her unique stare was able to stun him, but he snapped out of it before she could chastise him for his actions. He then punched her and made his escape.
(Silence for ten more seconds)

She said he was scared, so I don't think he acted with intent to harm in mind. Not...Initially, at least. The fact that he was willing to meet with Fluttershy in the first place does suggest that there may still be a chance to clear things up with him. I just need to find him. If I can do that, then....maybe I can help him.
(Audio ends)

Audio Log 7
(Abrupt activation) (Brief static)


I know! I know! I-I-I jus-


He hit Fluttershy! What did you think I was going to do?!


B-But Twilight-


( Magic hum followed by startled yelp and a door slamming)
(Long bout of silence, then loud frustrated scream followed by glass breaking)
(Audio abruptly cuts-out)

Audio Log 8

The Apples said they found him in their orchard last night. He...apparently managed to recover after Rainbow Dash...A-Anyway, they think he injured himself trying to get some of their apples. When they tried to get to him to help, he ran off into the Everfree Forest. A search party was gathered up not long after, but nopony found anything. I'm going to go back into the forest later to see if I can find anything. Sweet Celestia, please let him be okay.
(Audio ends)

Audio Log 9

There was another sighting! Twelve days after the incident at Sweet Apple Acres, my friend Rarity came across him going through her trash! She scared him off with a bat, but I'm so glad to know he's alive. It's not too late.....I can still fix this! I....I can fix this....
(Audio ends)

Audio Log 10

I need to find him. I need to fix this. I need-
(Door slam)

(Audio abruptly ends)

Audio Log 11

He's been living in the sewer. At least, that's what my tracking spell was able to indicate. Since the spell wasn't initially designed to track creatures like humans, it could only give me a general idea of where he was. It isn't a perfect solution to the problem, but it will have to do. Hopefully, it will be enough to find him. I...(sniffle)....I need to make this right.
(Audio ends)

Audio Log 12

I led a group of guards towards a shelter in the sewers. It was pretty far in, so it took almost two weeks for the spell to pick it up. It looked like he managed to find a way to get the bare necessities to be able to function down there. I'm...really amazed by what he was able to build in such an awful place. He wasn't there when we found it, but I haven't given up yet. I'm going to find him and...and make this right.
(Audio ends)

Audio Log 13
(Uncontrollable crying for thirty second)

I....(sniffle) I can hear his screams. It won't stop....please.....please be okay.....I'm (sniffle) I'm so sorry......I'm sorry.....
(Audio abruptly ends)

Audio Log 14

I.....I don't know what happened.... We....finally managed to find him at Zecora's. We were bringing him back to town and he just....collapsed. He...He wasn't breathing.
(sniffling and open weeping for ten seconds)

We...We got him to the hospital as fast as we could. Th-The doctors think he was poisoned, b-but they don't know what kind of poison was used. Th-They managed to get him stable, but they don't know what they can do. I...I can't believe this is happening. I was going to help him find a place to stay, maybe give him a job at the library until he could find something better. I was going to try to find a way to get him back home. I....I was going to fix this.
(Knock on door)


Zecora's here. She said that she really needs to give you something.
(Audio abruptly ends)

Audio Log 15

It's all my fault.....
(constant weeping for four hours)
(Audio abruptly ends)

Comments ( 35 )
Jorbun #1 · May 6th · · ·

Glad to see a continuation of this. I enjoy stories where good people/ponies screw up irrevocably and have to earn forgiveness. Usually the Mane 6 or Celestia. I often see it in stories similar to this, where a human appears in Equestria and suffers due to poor communication and/or racism. It tends to devolve into a revenge story though.

Common pitfalls of stories like this are the forgiveness happens too quickly and easily (often without any attempt at restitution at all), or it gets relegated to a background element in favour of other plot developments, or the aggrieved party stonewalls any attempts to earn forgiveness (which is their prerogative from a Watsonian perspective, but not how I usually want to see such a plotline resolved.)

This situation has more nuance than I usually see because James is partly to blame for his situation. If an attempt at an apology is made, I can easily see him taking the explanation as an attempt to shift blame onto him, rather than dispelling his fears.

Stet709 #2 · May 6th · · ·

Poor Twi. She realized she messed up and tried to remedy the situation, but both James and some ponies weren't making things easy.

Oh it was all just misunderstandings!!!!

I’ve been waiting for this!

Edit: I think Audio 13 needs to have the color corrected?

Edit 2 The Post Readining: I like how this followed the original concept of the first story, told via audio logs instead of journal entries. I can’t wait to see where you go from here, maybe letters between Twilight & Celestia following his recovery?

Pete100 #5 · May 6th · · ·

So this whole thing was just a big misunderstanding. Now I feel bad for making assumptions.

we need a part 3 i have to know what happens next:pinkiecrazy:

popping100 #7 · May 6th · · 1 ·

how is he partly to blame for his situation

Jorbun #8 · May 6th · · 4 ·

He jumped to conclusions and ran away in the first place, and later set himself on fire and poisoned himself to evade capture.

popping100 #9 · May 6th · · 1 ·

yeah but he was just summoned to an alien world and came across a new species with magic and finds himself in a lab with an operating table with cuffs. What other assumption was he supposed to come to.

Also the ponies only solidified the assumption; fluttershy has mind control eyes, rainbow dash just attacked him, applejack forms a search party to find him, pinkie is some kind of eldritch horror, rarity apparently is so protective of her trash she attacks any who come near and spike literally breathed fire on him. Oh also apparently there's this pony who can move the fucking moon and can mess around in your head.

Just what is he supposed to think.

Jorbun #10 · May 6th · · 2 ·

Just because he had understandable reasons for his actions doesn't mean those actions weren't pointlessly self destructive.

The ponies bear most of the blame for his suffering, but none of them force fed him the poison.

popping100 #11 · May 6th · · 2 ·

They were pointlessly self destructive which is the whole point, it's called tragedy. A series of events out of the control of the characters which causes them great pain.

About the poison while I personally disagree with his decision I do understand it. From his point of view ponies are violent and are seeking to capture him for experimentation. He is also aware ponies have access to mind altering magic. For all he knows he is never going to see his family or world again, is going to spend the rest of his life being experimented on and realised there was nothing he could do to prevent it. He had been starved, living in filth and injured; There was no way out for him, no path that has a happy ending.

Dawg #12 · May 6th · · ·

Very nice story

Glad to see this continued.

nit: only typo I noticed: speratic -> sporadic https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sporadic

Yeah, adds up for ponies and people say that humanity would speciesist. When it comes to ponies, we should take notes

A lot of rash decisions and unfortunate accidents.

Well written, word-smith.

Surprised to see a sequel to this; hope to see one made form this fic.

I highly recommend you delete that shit ASAP, leaving it be makes you a target for other much worse ones. Report the account as well, I did.

Great stuff... This is a good sequel and I'm leery about any more chapters/stories in this. Maybe an epilogue but I think it'd be VERY difficult to realistically portray such confrontations and emotions when he wakes up. Although... maybe he can be in a coma and another human is summoned in a panic to somehow help him. Purple smart pulls a human related to him to try and wake him up. I always enjoy people getting mad in others place rather then the target themselves. Also, This doesn't tell of Luna and her involvement and reaction in this matter.

Then... the first of my two questions was answered, the reason why the MC was so desperate not to be found... And it was a combination of paranoia from the MC and stupidity from Twilight...

Of course, this error has left the poor purple stain scarred for life, a lesson from the saying "the road to hell is full of good intentions", a necessary when it comes to governing... But too soon for her

Now my second question... And I have the feeling that it will not be answered, and is that there will be a real sequel to the fic? Because although I enjoy reading this fic and its predecessor, I want to see the consequences of the actions performed, it is always better as the author describes the reactions to the consequences, almost always are completely different

>Yet another microbox
His boots go missing, his microwave goes missing so he buys another one that disappears too, all before getting sent to horseland. No wonder he's strung out.

An excellent sequel! Will there be more?

I am curious, since you brought Starswirl into the mix are you going to have Twilight learn that he & Celestia stole the majority of pony development & culture from humans?

I'm personally keen on another sequel myself, preferably a longer one (even just 30K words or so), with the human's recovery, apologies, and attempts to return him (which I would expect to not be successful, further compounding Twilight's mistake; I could see it ending with her having to live with the fact that sometimes the 'magic of friendship' fails, sometimes you can screw up so badly even if unintentionally, that you render the situation unfixable and the other party won't forgive you). I mean, even if things went exceptionally well, he would still have been stuck in an alien world for over two and a half months, and even if she was able to get him home his life would be a shambles and he wouldn't be able to offer his family, friends, and investigators a true explanation for his disappearance without being institutionalized.

This is pre-ascension. She's a unicorn still living in the treebrary, so she's not even the Princess of Friendship yet, let alone the primary ruler of the land.

that would also be interesting, the two of you (your idea and the idea that the human is dead) are quite interesting and are a completely different journey of guilt, how this would be addressed would be very interesting and I really would like to read how it would happen, although the inclusion of a second human (and the chaos that would bring that) would be very entertaining and would complicate much things, it would be quite fun

I'd like to call the events implausible, but Twilight becoming obsessed with correcting a previous mistake and making things worse is SO her :twilightsheepish:

The 'summon another human to help the first' would have to come with the pretty important caveat that Twilight is certain she can send at least the 2nd human back (leaving behind a magical marker or something). I don't think she'd make the mistake of summoning a second human, even out of desperation, unless she was certain of that. More to the point, I'm not sure how she'd manage to select a human with medical knowledge since she seems to have negligible control over what the spell brings back, but I suppose you could argue she changes it to seek out 'creatures like the human we already brought over'.

It might be an interesting direction to explore, it's just I don't think she'd compound her screw-up, even in desperation, by repeating the same mistake of ripping someone from their home and plopping them in a new world. Possibly some sort of 'do you consent' condition on top of 'requisite knowledge' feature?

if I’m not bad, the spell Twilight uses was incomplete, so returning an object to its original plane should be possible, but at the same time impossible (the "magic" factor is the one that decides if it is possible, because the summoned human could have magic or not... although the ponies can equal the humans in regards to Stubbornness)

although I would like the spell to maintain the "gacha" factor because using the spell is a full roll of dice (even if it did launch an American... I don’t agree with that, it would be more interesting if someone appeared who spoke a completely different language like Spanish) and can give you someone random, with super useful skills or that are a total garbage (whereas these skills are not dependent on current technology, which is superior to that of ponies)

.......the fuck? Okay, if people like you don't cut this out, I'm gonna start making some reports. I'm all for a good joke and all, but this could get a bit annoying real quick :facehoof:

They don't care. Facebook is infested with these fake magic scams. Not surprised they've started appearing on this site honestly.

My audio reading of 'Human's Guide to Equestria' is one of the most popular readings I've ever done. So I think I better do it's sequel!

Wow, I just went ahead an recorded reading this for the audio version.
This is going to be a challenging audiobook. It's like it was written with the expectation of becoming one with sound effects actually described and such. Ironically I had just committed to not using sound effects in audiobooks any more and cancelled my Artlist.io subscription. I might have to find free sounds or make sound effects myself. This will be a lot more work then I expected and won't be finished by tomorrow like I intended, might need a week to get this one done.

I've been getting bored of HIE but im glad i read this, I've always preferred when the mc is confused/scared of ponys then isolates them self from them. it makes more sense and its a more compelling story then coexisting and accepting the fact they will never return home at the start the story.

Creo que el problema es que estás en una postura rígida. Fimfiction es una página exclusiva para el fandom de habla inglesa mientras que Fanfiction también cuenta con el fandom latinoamericano. Eso puede darte un poco de variedad.

Twilight really messed up bigtime. I love seeing tragedies from multiple perspectives and really don't know which one is more heartwrenching. That the dude had his microwave stolen TWICE before getting kidnapped is just the icing on his horrible cake. The audio-log writing was a clever way of transferring her thought process to the reader <3

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