• Published 13th May 2024
  • 160 Views, 1 Comments

Friendship Befits Firepower - MistOverMoon

Marble Pie has built a magical mech. It may be getting more use than she expected when an ancient mechanized evil awakens.

  • ...

Chapter One- Life is a Rock Farm

What could be better than this thrilling, lonely, symphony?

Each swing of her hammer resonated with her soul as it did on the steel. This was her world, and nopony besides her was allowed within.

Cog and wire, gem and gizmo. Contraption and contemplation. Steel and self. She was building a piece of her heart and soul made manifest.

In a bone-dry cavern filled with choking dust and rock, Marble Pie stood with a heavy hammer clutched in her teeth. Her entire body was sore from exertion, particularly her neck. Heat blasted her from the confines of an earthen blast furnace. Its flames reached out towards her, but she ignored them. There was a need for this, a need for something greater, and the tongue of flame's burn would not stop her.

With a light gray coat like sunbaked stone, and a dark gray mane with naught more than a single lighter gray stripe, Marble Pie looked much like the steel she was working on. Dull yet sturdy. Her muscles flexed as she smashed her hammer down once more, bending a red-hot piece of metal to her will.

Sparks showered towards her face only to meet the steadfast embrace of a black-glassed visor. Her long gray mane was tied back with a single, simple steel hairpin.

Humming with thought, Marble Pie pulled away from the flames. The scent of dust, and heated metal was strong in the air. Her body was hot and sweat pealed through her fur, but she didn't care. This steel plate would be needed for later. It would be needed for her creation. The mere thought of it filled her heart with a buzzing excitement so rarely felt elsewhere.

Marble Pie turned to look at her life's work.

It stood a way away from the forge. Made of steel and magic gem, it was a sight that could be found nowhere else in Equestria.

The thing stood on two steel legs, sturdy and flat footed. Valves and pistons were the artificial veins of its false legs. Sitting on top of the steel legs was a bulky box-like cockpit. Only angled near the front, it was designed to deflect frontal blows from anything that might harm it. Stoic and sturdy, the machine was much like the family line of the pony who built it.

The arms of the machine would be uncanny to ponies who had not worked on the machine. The right arm was a triple-barreled device attached to a bulky, stable arm. It had a certain air to it, of spent magic, and of malintent. Sharp and unforgiving lines made up the three barrels and their construction. When activated, the barrels would spin, dispensing nine-hundred blasts of magic per minute. The thought of such power filled Marble's heart with pride.

The left arm was something a little different. It was more flexible, having a little more maneuverability to it. Dual prongs at the end of it almost seemed to spark with a promise of reckoning. The two prongs gathered the charge in the air naturally. Even just standing near it would have one's coat rising with static. When activated, one could be sure that lighting would follow.

This was her mech. Her heart, and her steel.

Marble Pie smiled as she looked at the thing. It was hers, and it was beautiful. Constructed mostly of interlocking steel plates, gemstone magic wire, and cogs that spun within, it was her greatest achievement in life. And no pony would ever be allowed to see it.

The mere thought of those outsiders was enough to make her want to shrivel up inside. They stole her last machine, and so she made another one. This time one that would never even be seen. If they wanted to play that game, then she would. A member of the Pie family never forgets. Solid as the rock they farmed, Marble vowed to never let them see again.

With a sigh, Marble took a step further away from the blasting furnace. The steel plate within looked completed, it would be a useful replacement for later. Now she just needed a little frost-gem coolant to speed up the process. Then she could get to the real interesting part, tinkering with the suspension system of her mech.

"Hey sis, you in here working again?" A scratchy, demanding voice called out.

Marble Pie froze. Then she relaxed slowly, recognizing it as the voice of her sister. It was Limestone Pie.

"Mm-hmm!" Marble Pie hummed as she tossed her hammer onto a metal bench nearby.

"Good, we got work to do." Limestone Pie climbed down a wide earthen tunnel and into the cavern. Her body was sprinkled with dust, making it appear as if her stone-gray coat was a lighter shade. "There are new ponies here sis, we got to greet them."

Marble Pie stopped. She stood there a moment, her heart starting to thrum in her chest. Then, she slowly removed her visor and hair pin. Her hair fell down in front of her face, covering one of her purple eyes. With a frown, she turned around to look her sister in the eyes.

"Don't give me that look, you know it doesn't work on me." Limestone huffed. "We are the only ones on the farm today and Pa and Ma are counting on us to welcome them to the town."

"You can do it." Marble said in a soft voice. Her shoulders fell at the thought of meeting one of those outsiders, and she unconsciously shuffled her hooves closer to herself.

"I'm not suffering this alone." Limestone said. Her bold lime-green eyes locked onto her own. "You don't have to talk to them or anything, just show up and seem like you care. Celestia knows I don't care about any new ponies around here."

"I don't want to talk." Marble turned off the furnace, pushing the bellows to the side before turning her back to Limestone.

"Me neither, but we got to." Limestone's face scrunched up in a way that would make a foal cry. "Now get off your rump and let's get to work. You can do your engineering later."

Marble whined silently. She looked over to her mech, then back at Limestone. Maybe she could lock herself inside until those new ponies left.

"No hiding, sis." Limestone stepped in front of her mech, as if reading her mind. "Buck up, let's get this over with."

The two glared, lime green and amethyst purple clashing. Marble narrowed her eyes before sighing in defeat. "Okay."

"Good. You know I wouldn't take no for an answer." Limestone kicked some dirt, a constant frown etched on her face. "Come on, it won't be that bad. I'll take care of the talking; you take care of the existing."

Without another word, Limestone took the passage back out of the cavern. Large and foreboding, the cavern had only been explored by the Pie family. It was the perfect place to put all of her creations where nopony would ever find them. It was her sanctuary, and she felt just as safe in it as the family farmhouse.

Marble tried to ignore the squirming in her chest as she shut down the forge and organized her tools. It had been a long while since she had met a pony outside of her family, and even then, she didn't interact with them much. As always, she had kept her mouth shut when they visited.

She took one last look at her sanctuary. The hammers, the wrenches, the piles of magic gems. Her forge was still glowing, but it would be fine, there wasn't anything flammable near it. The metal benches and desks were stocked full of parts and gizmos.

Then, there was her mech. The sight of it brought a small smile to her face. It would always be waiting for her here. It gave her the courage she needed. She reluctantly trotted towards the cavern exit.

Marble passed ancient wind-blown, and water carved stone. Magic gems in lamps hewn of crystal were strung up on a line above, providing pure white light down the passage. Grooves in the stone from some ancient massive creature coated the floor of the cave. It had been long since dead, Marble had found the bones of it deeper in the caves beyond this one. She didn't go back there anymore; the unstable ground was a quick way to get buried alive.

It did not take long for her to feel the wind of the outside ruffling her fur. Sunlight was ahead, as well as the taste of dusty winds and the smell of dried wood. She stopped at its edge.

Marble tried to find a reason to try and get excited to meet these ponies. Maybe having a little bit of joy would help. Unfortunately, it only made her want to curl up into a ball even more. Ever since Pinkie Pie left the farm, she didn't even know the last time she smiled. Or anypony in her family really, there just wasn't much to smile about.

Well, it was better to just get this over with.

She stepped forward into the light.

"Finally, I thought you calcified in there." Limestone's short, straight, dirty white mane fluttered in a mouth-drying wind.

"Mm." Marble hummed, her head dropping as she stepped outside. She scanned the horizon, looking for the outsiders. She saw nothing. At that, she stood a little taller.

The land spread out before her.

It was a beautiful day in Western Equestria. To the untrained eye it looked terrible, with overcast gray swirling clouds, general gloom, and the only sign of the sun being a single ray piercing through the murk like a divine intervention. While not dark, the clouds soaked up much of the light trying to find its way to the ground. There was a general hue of gray over everything, as if the colors were muted.

The ground itself wasn't much of a looker either. Barren and rocky with little to no green, it was a sight that could bring tears to an earth pony's eyes. The withered and leafless dead trees which had tried to find their roots here had clearly failed miserably, though the occasional groves of green brush and trees still had somehow found the will to live. Their nearly leafless blackened branches reached towards the skies, as if praying for salvation.

It was home, and to Marble, that was all that mattered.

"Well, let's get going then." Limestone huffed. "They are supposed to arrive at the farmhouse soon. Then we will show em around the farm and whatnot. After that, send them back to Rockville and tell them to enjoy their stay here. Simple stuff."

Marble frowned. It didn't sound too simple to her. Well, at least Limestone seemed to have it handled.

Without another word the two walked towards the old farmhouse. When you were rock farmers, you didn't really need much in the way of living quarters. You just needed something to put a roof over your head. Even for a large family like the Pie family, a simple farmhouse was enough. And it showed, it really showed.

Constructed of sturdy old wood, the farmhouse had been in the family for generations. It was two stories tall, though the upper floor was just a few bedrooms. There wasn't much else to it other than a chimney poking out the top of the black-shingled roof.

Next to the farmhouse was a large oval boulder which was just as tall as the house. It was an imperial stone, Holder's boulder. The boulder was storied as the layers of rock it was composed of, having tales upon tales being told of its mysterious origin. And standing next to it was one of those... outsiders. On instinct, Marble Pie hung behind her sister, hiding her head and body as much as she could.

The outsider, a mare, was sitting on top of the boulder. The boulder that had been in their family for generations. The boulder that Marble had been told tales of when she was just a little filly. It was historical, awe inspiring, and a prized landmark.

It was taken from a dragon's lair beneath the farm by the first Pie to settle here, Holder. Ancient and sturdy, it was a boulder as old as anypony could remember.

And there was somepony sitting on it.

"Hey, YOU!" Limestone barked, her mouth nearly frothing in rage. "Get away from Holder's boulder!"

The pony, a deep purple coated mare, jumped in surprise. She slipped with a shout, sliding down the side of the boulder before smacking into the dusty earth.

Marble couldn't help but worry the tiniest bit when she didn't get back up. As they approached, a loud groan came from the pony.

"Why were you on Holder's boulder?" Limestone stomped forward. "And where's the other you're supposed to be with?"

"Sorry, sorry!" The mare rolled over in the dirt. "I didn't know!"

"Stop groveling." Limestone snapped. "Just don't touch Holder's boulder again."

"Okay." The mare jumped to her hooves, dusting off her coat. "I'm really sorry. My name is Crystal Courage, what's yours?"

Marble peeked out from behind her sister. She met the vibrant blue eyes of Crystal Courage. With a jolt running through her body, Marble pulled back behind her sister. Why did they have to look at each other at the same time?

"Welcome to the unwiped flank of Equestria, I hope you enjoy your stay. Now, let's get this over with." Limestone stepped to the side to Marble's horror. "This is my sis, Marble Pie. Don't worry about her not talking, she's shy. My name is Limestone Pie. Don't forget it."

"Mm..." Marble mumbled, looking to the side. She could feel the eyes of the outsider boring into her. Her muscles tensed, primed to act with ancient survival instincts. When she turned to run, Limestone caught her by the scruff and pulled her back.

Marble hung there, then resigned herself to her fate.

"Nice to meet you two!" Crystal smiled, beaming like the unshrouded sun. She was out of place in this dusty, gloomy land. Like a star in the night sky, her brightly colored coat, eyes, and demeanor, did not belong here. The only thing that might have fit in was her long white mane, but even that was too clean. "My brother couldn't make it, so I came alone!"

"Yeah, nice to meet you." Limestone sniffed, then slowly glanced over. Marble met her eyes, and they communicated a silent message only two sisters could.

"Why did a pony like her move here?"

"This is so exciting!" Crystal said. "So, what's first?"

"I guess I'll give you a tour around the rock farm." Limestone gestured towards the nearby rock field.

"Oh, where are we going to start?" Crystal beamed.

"Over near the rocks." Limestone's face might as well have been stone. "Where else?"

Crystal's smile wavered. "Near the rocks. Right."

Limestone started leading the way, trotting ahead. Quickly, Marble scrambled after her. But not before the outsider matched her stride with a smile.

"Hey, your Marble, right?" Crystal Courage towered over her. Now that Marble was close to her, she realized that she was nearly a head higher than her. Lean muscles packed her body. It was not the powerful, enduring muscle of the Pie family who worked moving rocks for a living, it was the windblown muscle of a runner.

"Mm-hmm." Marble nodded, turning her head away. She focused on her breathing, and wondered when this was all going to be over. With a little luck, Crystal wouldn't keep trying to-

"What's your special talent? Mine is mining." Crystal pounded the ground with a hoof. "If there are precious gems or metals, I will find them!"

Marble glanced over at the flank of Crystal before snapping her head back to stare in front of her. Hopefully she didn't see her look over. Marble had seen a cutie mark of a single rosy gem standing bold against the purple coat. Bordering it was a trim of silver and gold. Marble looked back at her own cutie mark, three dark gray marbles with a darker stripe running through the middle of each one. Bland and boring compared to the vibrant one Crystal had. Once again, she was reminded that Crystal really didn't seem like she belonged here. She was an outsider.

And why did she have to stand so close?

"Not much of a talker? Thats alright, I can talk for both of us." Crystal said.

Marble was really hoping that she would get bored.

"Here we are." Limestone stopped in the middle of the rock field.

Ahead a little way was an old wooden windmill. It was tall and constructed of old sad timbers. Much like the land it resided on, it had clearly seen better days but continued its work, nonetheless. As it spun, it turned a chipped stone grinder on a slightly off balanced track, it was used to grind rocks of course. The whole thing was an open design with no walls or cover from the elements. Its blades spun on and on, in a pointless carousel. They weren't grinding any rocks right now.

"Oh! It's..." Crystal stared at it for a moment. "Spinning?"

"You don't have to pretend to be excited. All we have here is rocks. If you're looking for gems, well, those are deep underground." Limestone knocked a hoof against the hard earth. "Why did you move here anyways? This isn't a place for mining gems."

Marble couldn't help but be a little curious as well. Judging from Crystal's coat and mane, she seemed well taken care of. While strong looking, she didn't have that layer of grime and dust a pony who worked with rocks would have.

"Oh, I just... like the scenery!" Crystal Courage laughed.

Marble narrowed her eyes.

"I guess if you like rocks." Limestone said. "Though I have never met a pony who liked rocks as much as a Pie."

"I love rocks!" Crystal's hooves shifted nervously in the dirt. "Say, what else is on the farm?"

For a moment the two sisters just stared. Marble decided right then and there that it wasn't her problem. Whatever reason Crystal had for coming here, it wouldn't matter once the tour was over.

"Well, follow close and keep your eyes peeled and ready for a sight to amaze." Limestone gestured over her shoulder. "Next stop, more rocks."

And so, they trotted off again.

The rest of the day passed in relative excitement. Unlike the dull, meandering nature of everyday life on the rock farm, Crystal's bubbly attitude lightened up the mood a little. It also made Marble feel like she wanted to shrivel up inside every time Crystal asked her another question she never answered. By the time they walked all the fields looking at the different kinds of rocks, all Marble wanted to do was sleep and forget about Crystal. The setting sun was a boon to her heart and mood. Just a little further and she would be free of the outsider.

After this she could sleep, and in the morning, she could go back to working on her mech. It was just a little longer.

With the sun setting, the trio began making the long walk back to the farmhouse.

"And those were the iron-heavy rocks. They grow three hoof-lengths every season." Limestone grumbled. She had no sign of being tired, even after working and walking all day. Marble could still tell that she was tired though. The subtle lagging step of her hooves and drooping eyes were all too clear to her.

"Fascinating!" Crystal hummed. She didn't look exhausted either. On the contrary, she appeared like she had only grown more energetic. There was a pep in her step that could only be found in one of the Pie family, Pinkie Pie.

At the thought of her sister, Marble turned her head. When would she see her again? Ever since she left, the farm had seemed just a little grayer. She was used to it, but she couldn't help but wonder why Pinkie left them here alone and never seemed to visit.

Marble's hooves dragged in the dirt. Just a little further, and she could go to bed.

"Marble, are you tired?" Crystal's worried eyes met her own for a split second.

"Mm..." Marble shook her head. As if she would let an outsider know she was tired.

"Want me to carry you?"

The question nearly made Marble freeze in her tracks. She thought for a moment, shocked, before a blush painted her cheeks a rosy red. Hiding behind her mane, she scampered behind Limestone like a rabbit, her heart fluttering with rage. A seething huff left her body. How dare she suggest such a thing?

"Did I say something wrong?" Crystal asked.

"Don't give my sis a heart attack, would you? I told you she's shy." Limestone growled. "We Pies prefer to keep our hooves on the ground."

Marble nodded, her blood still racing with embarrassment.

"Well, I'm sorry. I-"

Crystal was interrupted by a noise.

A sound, a haunting sound, echoed over the barren landscape. It wasn't one Marble had heard before, which was strange because she had lived on this farm her whole life.

It started out low, then grew. It was a drawn-out howl. A soul-chilling sound that rose the hair on Marble's back. They all froze and listened to it as it continued. It had a certain tinge to it, as if it didn't come from natural lungs. As if it was fake. When it finally came to an end, the three stood in silence.

Marble's ears flattened. Something deep in her gut was telling her to run.

"Is that normal?" Crystal asked.

"No." Limestone glanced behind her. "Tours over. Pick up the pace."

The three quickened their pace, trotting faster over the fields on the rock farm. As the sun dipped further and further, the feeling in Marble's gut grew. The wind was cold and ominous, and the shadows started to reach towards her as they grew. No longer did the sun warm her coat as the night tightened its icy grip on the world.

"Are there monsters around here?" Crystal had a smile on her face. "Dragons maybe? Or Timberwolves?"

Limestone didn't slow down one bit. "Cragadiles, Diamond Dogs, Quarray eels, nothing that howls and nothing I can't handle."

Marble felt Limestone side up against her. Limestone didn't look at her, but the steadfast, ever-sneering expression on her face said everything. Something was wrong.

"Stay close to me." Limestone said. "No going to your machine tonight either. Ma and Pa and gone right now, so your safety is my responsibility."

Marble nodded hesitantly, a warm feeling glowing in her chest. Sometimes it was easy to forget what was underneath that rocky exterior of Limestone's.

"It's getting really dark." Crystal Courage said, almost giddy. "Do you think whatever that thing is will attack us?"

"Sounds like you want that to happen. Got something to confess?" Limestone snapped.

"I didn't mean it that way. I just- doesn't this remind you of those old fairy tales?" Crystal said. "A howl in the night, a noble trio, and mystery to be solved!"

Marble took another step further away from her. Fairy tales?

"Just walk." Limestone said. "You have further to go than us anyway."

They were nearing the farmhouse now. It was a place that promised safety, and Marble couldn't wait to slam the door shut behind her.

"About that, I was wondering if I could stay the night?" Crystal said. "It's really dark, and to be honest, I don't want to be outside after hearing a howl like that."

"No. Go home." Limestone snapped.

"I promise I'll be quiet. You won't even know I'm there!" Crystal said.

"Nope. Forget it."

Crystal's shoulders slumped. She watched the darkening horizon, eyes darting back and forth.

Marble couldn't help but feel the strings of guilt pull tight in her chest. That pony was an outsider, she shouldn't feel like this. She was a thief, a bully most likely as well. Yet, when she saw the upbeat Crystal's hooves begin to drag, she couldn't help but be reminded of her sister, Pinkie Pie. Why did she care? Pinkie Pie was practically as outsider now as well, leaving her family like that. The Pie family was always supposed to return home eventually.

When she couldn't take the guilt anymore, she nudged Limestone.

"What?" Limestone asked.

Marble glanced towards Crystal, then towards the farmhouse.

"No sis, that's the family farmhouse. She's got a house. It'll be fine."

Marble narrowed her eyes, then glanced towards the farmhouse again.

"Ugh. Fine." Limestone said. "Crystal, you can stay the night. But don't touch anything in the house!"

Crystal perked up immediately, blue eyes sparkling with joy. "You can count on me! Thank you!"

Marble sighed, wondering why she did that. Even if Crystal was an outsider, she didn't want her to get hurt. Nopony deserved to get hurt, especially one that reminded her of Pinkie Pie. As her thoughts wandered, she couldn't help but think back to that howl she heard.

It might have just been her cog-addled brain, but Marble couldn't have sworn the howl sounded almost... mechanical. Artificial. Not quite natural.

"Thank you, Marble." Crystal's voice whispered into her ear. "I saw that."

"Mm-!" Marble jumped, blood racing at the sudden voice. She scurried away, hiding behind her long mane.

"Stop scaring my sis!" Limestone growled. "Or I'm kicking your flank out."

"Sorry!" Crystal smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry Marble. I won't do it again."

After shaking out her coat, Marble nodded, her heart still racing at the fright. She couldn't wait to just be done with this and get back to working on her mech. Things were so much simpler when it was just you, steel, gems, and an assortment of magic spells that spun the barrels of a nine-hundred rounds per minute magic blaster. The thought of that cheered her up a little. There was just something about shooting the blaster that made her feel alive.

"I think that we could be great friends!" Crystal beamed. "A fellowship, if you would."

Marble shuddered. Anything but that.

A distant howl sent another shiver down her spine.

Ok, maybe not anything.