• Published 29th Apr 2024
  • 2,846 Views, 481 Comments

Universal Language - David Silver

First Contact. It was all over the news, how could it not be? A station could be heard, if one tuned into the right AM station. It played on repeat. It came from outside this world. Was it in peace? What did it mean?

  • ...

15 - Heart to Heart

"Missus Apple." President Wilson brought his hands together on his desk, in his little oval office. "I'm glad you could fit us into your schedule." He put on a smile that would have been perfectly charming in another circumstance, but now felt out of place and all the more dangerous for it. "Your people have caused some alarm."

Applejack huffed a soft breath through her nose, only half translating. "Sir, we ain't here to harm nobody. You should know that by now. We just want to settle down with friends and family." She raised a hoof to her chin. "Ah was just pickin' up some groceries when ah was attacked. Is that how Americans say howdy?"

Wilson pressed his fingers together more tightly as he leaned back in his chair. "Miss Apple, please believe me when I say this is not how we wanted this to go." He turned to look out the window of his office, at the capital outside. "But you and yours are a cause of great concern to my people. It's hard for us to trust what we don't understand." He met her eyes. "And we don't understand you. I wanted to apologize, you did nothing to deserve that attack, however ineffective it turned out being."

The fact that she had been so completely unharmed was another reason that conversation had to happen. "When you came to us, you were wearing a protective suit. With how resilient you were, what was that suit actually protecting you from?" He cocked his head to the side with interest. "Is the air not safe for you, or something else?"

"Nothin' in this air will hurt us." Applejack placed her hooves on the desk, taking a breath of that air as if to prove the point. "But we didn't know that fer sure when ah got here. The suit does two thin's. Air, and radiation. This close to a sun, out in the void, there's a lot of it. Ain't healthy for no livin' thin' to be soakin' all that in." She set her jaw in determination as she looked the president of the country she lived in right in the eye, holding his gaze. "Mister President, sir, we want ta be yer friends."

The president took a moment to absorb that information, lifting his hands from where they were pressed together as he tilted his head to the side in thought. "We find ourselves in a difficult situation, Miss Apple. As I said before, we don't understand you. And it's a great deal more than just not knowing how you work. It's that you come here and seem so normal, in your eyes, and kind, by most any's, but you are alien. You are the first species other than our own to say hello back to us."

He met her gaze again with confidence. "That makes you very important. Likely the most important creature to ever exist." He laughed softly at the absurdity of that idea. "And we don't know what to do with you."

Applejack set a hoof down on the desk, facing the president. "Ah don't bite. Look." She glanced around. "May ah ask somethin'? This may sound silly, but is Canada a place yer friendly wit'?"

"We are." President Wilson met her eyes firmly, saying nothing more as he tried to parse out the point of the question, already knowing it was a rhetorical one.

But it wasn't, and Applejack nodded firmly. "Ah, that's good. They said they were, and just thought ah'd be sure they weren't fibbin' at us. We may be nice sorts, but we know what a lie is. Shoot, can't say ah never spun a yarn afore, but ah don't make it no habit. A bad one to get into." She snorted softly, keeping her ears straight as she went on. "Would it be so bad if we just made Canada our home?"

The president tensed at the idea. "You aren't enjoying your home? Your wife, um, partner?" He stalled there. "I am uncertain of your relationship with Miss Miller. She's an American."

Applejack looked baffled at the idea. "But she can move if she wants ta, can't she?" She moved a hoof to her chin in thought. "Ain't yer folks always welcome somewhere? Humans gotta have that too, right?" She squinted at the president in suspicion. "Ah don't like where this is goin'."

The president held up his hands. "I'm not trying to play any tricks on you. While Cindy could visit Canada without issue, moving there, permanently, requires significantly more effort. While we are friends, we are two different nations."

Applejack rubbed behind her head. "So? If somepony wanted to move out of—" Her next words were untranslated, just whistles. "—to —" More whistles, no translation available for it. "—there'd be no big deal, they'd just do it."

"Your world sounds very idealistic." The president chuckled softly as he considered it. "It would be nice if the world was so perfect. But it's not." He leaned in close. "While our nations are allies, our borders are only so open. It's not even up to us. Canada has the right to decide who can move into her or not. We'd insist on the same privilege, if someone wanted to move here. May I turn the conversation to a new topic?"

Applejack nodded lightly. "Sure?"

Wilson pointed upwards. "Your ship, your vessel. It hovers over us, and it's grown more active. Could you share what it might be doing? I'll admit, it's concerning a great deal of people." He looked Applejack in the eye. "And we'd like to know if it's going to be a problem, for the safety of our people."

Applejack held up her hooves with a small shrug. "They didn't tell me. Ah could ask, but that's all ah could even offer, really. Ah'm down here, not up there." She pointed at her back. "And ah ain't got wings to try to fix that, last ah checked."

"This brings me to another question, a sort of continuation of the first one, perhaps." He smiled in a manner that was meant to be charming, though Applejack wasn't certain what the charm was supposed to be about, and why he was using it in the first place. "The other ponies, they did have wings. Can they actually fly, assuming earth's air density and gravity?"

"It ain't 'xactly the wings what lettum fly." Applejack hummed gently. "How do ah 'xplain it? We got some energy, in here." She tapped at her own chest. "Each kinda pony uses it a different kinda way. Pegasi, the kind with wings, use it to fly 'round and kick a cloud if that cloud's in need of a good kick. Earth ponies, that's me, we're tough and strong. We get 'long with critters and trees too."

She raised a hoof at him in thought. "Alicorns, well, they got some different bits. They're, hm." She considered what Twilight was capable of. "They're experts. Everythin' and everypony does their bit, and alicorns can do most alla them together. Oh, plum forgot to mention the unicorns." She pointed up at where she had no horn. "They can take that energy and throw it out there, to do thin's in the world around 'em."

Wilson perked an eyebrow at that. "Interesting." He turned to a man at his side, whispering softly into his ear before returning his attention to Applejack. "Can all of you use these abilities?"

Applejack kicked her hooves at the ground as she sat there, going deep into thought about the answer to that question. "Yes an' no. As ah said, we all got our kind. Ah can't do no pegasi magic or unicorn magic. Ah ain't either ah those! Now, you got a field in need of some love, ah can get the plants perkin' up with a little work." She touched a hoof to her own chin, brows furrowed in concentration. "Couple my kin are able to do the other kinda stuff. Rainbow can fly, and Fluttershy too."

She swatted at the air as she tried to explain. "But, back home, there were lots of us, of all kinda different varities. Shoot, plenty of us ain't even ponies, but we all have that energy. Magic's the closest words ya got fer it." She glanced around, sniffing at the air and listening to the voices of the people outside the building as they spoke to one another, gushing over what was happening, if only to each other.

"Do you think they'd be willing to come down and discuss some things?" President Wilson spread his hands. "That ship was just to get you here, wasn't it? Perhaps it's time to land." He smiled a little too wide. "Wouldn't that be a great way to show the world we're willing to welcome them, and make peace with them?"

Applejack frowned a little deeper. "It's about more than jus' showin' folks how it's done." She flopped backwards in her seat. "Asides! Ah still gotta check in with 'em afore ah could go makin' any promises on their behalf. Ah may be their captain, but ah ain't there, so my rank don't mean much right now."

The president stared Applejack down as he tried to sort through that information. "Captain? I didn't realize you were military. We would welcome your friends down regardless of their occupations." He stood up, offering his hand. "In fact, it's vital that we do."

Applejack rose to her hooves and shook the offered hand, pressing her hoof into his hand for him to do the actual holding. "We're not here to hurt nobody." She huffed softly as she withdrew her hoof. "Can't promise none'll get hurt if ya keep pickin' fights."

"I am fully aware that is a danger." He sat back down in his chair. "Thank you for your time, Miss Apple."

"Applejack'll do quite fine." Applejack turned for the door. "Right nice meetin' ya today, President, sir." She let herself out, to the gathered cameras of people who were eager to see her leaving the white house.

The president watched her go with great interest, fingers twitching in thought. "Pardon me." He looked up at the camera set up for him to speak into. "I would like a moment to myself." Not that his request was assured to mean anything. Regardless, he reached for the phone. There were plenty of calls to make.

"The European Union has passed a measure, allocating funds to convince the aliens that Europe is where they should call home." An image of Europe on a map floated to the upper right. "And they aren't alone. China has been confirmed to have established contact, and experts doubt they'll skip the chance to try to influence the aliens before they make their decision. It seems the whole world wants to have the ponies playing in their yard."

A new figure came into view, a male, one hand turning. "It's not hard to imagine why. Wielding technology centuries ahead of our own, whatever country secures them is likely to see a technological revolution the likes of which we haven't seen since the industrial revolution and the invention of the microchip, possibly combined. Ponies have proven, so far, to be friendly and tolerant."

The image changed again, showing several news clips from when Applejack had been out with her family, or visiting different parts of the country, flicking from one image to the next in rapid succession. "While their appearances have startled some people, they've demonstrated they are no danger to us."

The image swapped again, this time showing a long shot of their ship over earth, orbiting silently, shining against the darkness of space. "Meanwhile, their vessel is showing more signs of life. An international coalition is being established to await their arrival and whatever they may have to say."

A new clip, an artist's rendering of what a pony might look like if they were a human. It looked very close to Applejack, aside from the simple fact that she was blue and on two legs with proper hands. "Still, despite the images shared by their friends in the Americas, most of the world has yet to actually see a pony for themselves, but it's likely only a matter of time."

"If you have your own drawings of Applejack, or the other aliens, send it to the email shown below and it may appear on a later broadcast." She smiled at the camera. "Now, thank you for coming on the show."

"Thank you for having me on." The window folded shut on the man, his bit over.

"Others see the coming aliens as a more spiritual sign, a positive one." A new window appeared, showing people gathered in a circle, a picture of Applejack in the center. "Some believe that the aliens will take them to a better place." Another picture showed people holding hands in a similar way, all wearing clothes in white or silver. "For others, it's about spreading good, not only within their own countries, but in all the world."

The images continued, shifting from one to another, displaying the varying human gatherings as they did their best to somehow please the ponies far above them. One image made the news anchor frown gently. "And there are those who believe this is the end of times." She pointed at the image, which was one of a long line of men in black robes and pointy hats. "Reports of occultic practices have been on the rise, though no proof has arisen of their various rituals having any success with moving the ponies to action."

Author's Note:

People are having very different opinions on what may happen. What is Twilight planning, anyway?

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