• Published 30th Apr 2024
  • 732 Views, 53 Comments

The Legend Of Spyro And Spike - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by the Dark Apes during the day Ember and Thorax met, he is taken to a completely different world by them, but manages to escape somehow. He meets a purple dragon named Spyro, and this begins a life changing journey for them both.

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11: A Dark Truth..

Spike could only feel pain after he passed out from the blood flowing through his body, he had been trying to endure the pain as long as he could when they were trying to save Terrador, he had been holding off hope that they could find a way to save him once they freed the guardians, and maybe the answer would lie with Cynder, but now.. he could feel so much of it flowing through him..

Spike groaned with pain as he finally started to open his eyes, his vision was blurry and his head was pounding, but he was trying to push through the pain the best he could still.
"Where.. am.. I?" Spike asked weakly as he tried to wake himself up, but the instant he regained focus, he was greeted with the sound of thunder, and a dark flash of lightning, this finally made Spike's eyes widen and he finally woke up fully. Spike gasped with shock as he finally remembered what happened, he passed out during the flight to escape Cynder, but from the looks of it.. he may have been captured by her..

"What.. is this place?" Spike asked worried as he tried getting his bearings, he was on a tower of sorts, that was surrounded by a dark fortress below, around a field of strange crystals, lightning flashed over the area, and the clouds were pitch black, it was the darkest place Spike had ever been too, even Nightmare Moon would be afraid of this place with how dreadful it feels.

Even within these first few seconds, Spike felt dread as he looked around the place, the fortress was made of dark iron and spiked surfaces all around the place, it was higher then any place Spike had been too here at this point, and his blood felt cold the more he looked around the place. But that's when Spike suddenly felt his body's pain, regaining consciousness must've had all the pain stored in him finally release, and it hurts.. really.. really bad.

"What.. is happening to me?" Spike asked weakly as he tried to move, but that's when he heard the sounds of metal and something prevented his arms from moving, that's when Spike finally turned to his arms, and saw his arms and legs were chained to the wall, but what made Spike look more worried is that most of his body had turned as black as Cynder's was by now, and looking at his wrists.. he could see sharp white horns had grown around it, and that made Spike breath heavily.
"What's going on? Spyro? Sparx?! Anyone there?!" Spike shouted as he hoped to have someone answer, but he heard a groan of pain which got his attention finally, he quickly looked ahead and his eyes widened in shock, he saw Ignitus was here too, but he was being held within a container or sorts, and his power was being drained into a crystal..

"Ignitus! Ignitus can you hear me?! Are you alright?!" Spike shouted hoping he would hear, thankfully Ignitus did hear him, and he looked up and saw Spike finally woke up after passing out from the pain.
"Spike! Your awake, thank the ancestors! I'm.. okay, but what about you? Are you okay?" Ignitus asked worried as well.
"I've.. been better, but where are we?! What is this place?!" Spike shouted looking around where they are.
"We're in Cynder's fortress! We were taken here after she captured us, I tried saving you and Spyro when you were being chased by her, but it resulted in us being captured, but Spyro is safe." Ignitus answered which relieved Spike a little bit.
"That's.. a relief to know.. but what's going on here? And.. where is Cynder?" Spike asked as he tried breaking free, but the metal was too strong, and his body felt too weak to use his powers right now.

But from above him, on the very ceiling, a familiar large black dragon was looking over him, and saw he had awoken, and was struggling to break free.
"Here..." Cynder answered which made Spike's eyes widen in fear, Spike quickly looked up and saw Cynder was looking at him from above, and with a sinister chuckle, she hopped off the ceiling and landed down in front of him, her body towered over his, she was imposing, threatening, and Spike felt fear from being in her presence.
"Y.. Your.. Your.. Cynder..." Spike said with fear as his body was shaking, Cynder chuckled at this sight and looked only at him.
"Yes, I am. And I must say, it sure was some trouble trying to capture you, but those pathetic apes were too weak to do it, so I just saved the time, and captured you when I had the chance." Cynder said mockingly while the lightning flashed over them.
"Why.. why do you want me?! What reason do you have to have taken me from my home?! Why are you doing all of this?!" Spike shouted trying to get the answers out of her.

"Oh my, the little dragon has a fire does he? A fire that burns strong and proud, it only makes me want to burn it out till nothing is left.." Cynder said in a malicious tone which made Spike's body shake even more.
"What do you want with me? Why did you take me to this world? Why was I kidnapped in the first place?!" Spike asked again as he didn't want her intimidation to make him back off from questions.
"Hmph, you have some boldness to ask me these questions, but I suppose it's only fair I answer them, but I'm sure you've figured out by now, the reason you were taken here, is because you were seen as the purple dragon of legend, while I had my doubts, my armies were convinced it was you, and I had sent them to bring you too me. And now that I've seen you close and in person, I see they may were mistaken ever so slightly.." Cynder said as she took a close look at Spike, even when his body's almost like hers by now, she knows what Spike looked like from the reports she got.

"Then it's true? I.. wasn't the purple dragon stated in the prophecies? But if that's the case.. why did they assume I was? And how were they even able to locate me in a completely different world?" Spike asked as he knew it was a far cry that he was actually stated to be a legend.
"Not exactly little one, while you were hatched in this.. Equestria, you were still a unique purple dragon, my commanders detected something different about you, compared to the other dragons of Equestria. But I have to say, after closely looking at the dragons of your kind.. they are really pathetic, even that new friend of yours, Ember, she may be one of few civilized dragons in that world, while the rest are just brutes, that can easily lose a fight against a stronger foe because they don't have the wit we have. At least the guardians put up a fight, even if they did lose in the end.." Cynder mocked as she looked at Ignitus who growled hearing that, but even with that insult.. Spike can't deny that the dragons are kinda weak in terms of history, even with what he knows from Ember, it wasn't nearly as large as what this world has.
"There are reasons why I didn't want to stay with those guys.. but why did you have them capture me then? Why can I use powers if I'm not like Spyro?" Spike asked looking back up at her.

"You may think you aren't as important as that little dragon, but you couldn't be more wrong. We sensed something different, and unique about you compared to every dragon in that world. Every. Single. One. And after watching you through your journey, gaining powers like the guardians, and learning to fight and defeat so many of my soldiers, that showed me you ARE just as important as Spyro, and thats' what really took my interest with you." Cynder said really showing that she's been doing what she can to find him.
"Then.. why did you inject me with your blood? What did you want with me?" Spike asked as he felt Cynder's blood flowing through him even more, Cynder smirked as she could see he had grown white horns around some parts of his arms and wrists, and they were like the ones she had too.
"Let me ask you something first child, do you know who you parents were? I've been digging into your worlds history when I've had my free time, and we haven't found any reason why you were raised by.. ponies.." Cynder said clutching her claw as she said ponies..

"I.. I.. never knew them.. I was hatched and raised by Twilight Sparkle, and even if I never knew my parents, Twilight and her friends were the best family I could have, and you took that away from me!" Spike shouted giving her answer with some rage, but she didn't seem phased by that at all.
"Please, I only took you somewhere where you could finally start reaching your true potential, look back on what you've done for them, even with the few victory's you've had, they've always happened because you were assisted by one of them, even when those Changelings reformed, that pathetic unicorn Starlight got all the credit, while YOU were the one who befriended one in the first place, doesn't that infuriate you? Make your blood boil for not even been given an ounce of thanks or praise? Sometimes it felt like they completely ignored you, and just left you alone to simply be an assistant. They never let you try and do something that could help you make a name of yourself, and even when you did get the chance.. you were too weak to fully take it.." Cynder mocked as she had known about Spike's " Achievements" To her, they never were something he did on his own, and it made him look weak because of it.

"Even if I wasn't thanked once.. the fact it still helped at all was enough for me.. helping them at all means something, no matter what little I can do, at least it helps them win against evil people like you." Spike countered which did surprise her with his backtalk, but it showed her he had guts.
"Hmph, to me the foes you've faced are nothing more then an ant to crush. My dark powers far accede what they've done, and all I've seen of them is nothing but pathetic villains of the week. Once they fail once, it just becomes sad that they try again, and it just lessens the presence of them being a threat. To me, the villains you've defeated aren't threatening after you've beaten them, because it just makes it feel like a repeat of defeating them in either a less fulfilling way, or could make it more worse, depending on how the villain comes back. But that is just my opinion, after all, what they've done won't matter until my master returns, and once this world is gone, those pathetic ponies will be next.." Cynder said with a growl which made Spike look afraid hearing that.

"Why do you want to hurt them?! They never did anything to you! So why should you care about invading they're home too?!" Spike shouted as he didn't want his home to be destroyed one bit.
"Because it led to you catching my generals attention, and it led to you being taken here, and now lead to the guardians being freed one by one. They actively led to this chain of events, and they must pay for it." Cynder said with a growl which just worried him even more.
"I'll never let you hurt my family! They were the only ones who made me the way I am! I'm far better then I ever could've bene if I was raised without them!" Spike shouted as thunder was heard above them, and Spike tried breaking free of his chains still.
"You really never knew did you?" Cynder asked which confused him.
"Never knew what? Who my parents were? Why would I now when I have people who are a family to me?" Spike asked not understanding this, Cynder scoffed again and turned to him again.

"Child, why do you think your egg was abandoned in those woods? Did you really think there wasn't a reason you were left alone there? Without a parent to raise you?" Cynder asked which made him think about it, even with what he knew, no pony ever found out why he was found alone..
"We never found out why.. but we had some hope we could find out why.. hold on a minute.. did you have some involvement in this?! Did you kill my parents?!" Spike shouted suddenly as he thought she actually knew who they were, but Cynder didn't look upset being asked that at all.
"No, I never killed any dragon that looked like you, I was too busy focused on the guardians, the war, and making my rule known throughout the world to hunt down more, and it wasn't like there was many left. But you are close little one." Cynder said with a smirk which turned his anger to worry.
"Then.. were you involved with me being abandoned? Why? Why was I alone? And how were you able to know about this?" Spike asked as she should not have known about Equestria at that point.

Cynder sighed being asked that, and began to explain something truly game changing for him.
"Child, why do you think I had my blood injected with you? This wasn't just to give you strength, corrupt you into a dark dragon like me. It was for something, much more important.." Cynder said as she showed how similar they're claws were by now, and Spike's fears were rising up.
"I thought it was to corrupt me into an evil dragon like you.. right? To cause destruction.. and harm others..?" Spike asked as he felt his spine was far sharper even more now.
"It wasn't just for that child, it was so the aura that was sensed could finally grow, and the potential inside you, could finally be unlocked. My blood didn't just alter your appearance, it was what unlocked your powers in the first place, but because of that pony's spell that hatched you, you had it sealed deep inside you, and only my blood awakened it." Cynder explained which did explain a bit on how he can use powers now.
"But.. how? How is it your blood that was able to awaken my powers.. why are you.. asking me all of this?" Spike asked as Cynder went over to one of the nearby pillars for something.

"Child, what was your egg color like? What do you know about it once you were hatched?" Cynder asked as she pressed on a strange switch of sorts which opened a small wall.
"It was.. purple.. with darker purple spots, but you should know by now, right?" Spike asked as Cynder was grabbing a small piece of paper, she looked at it for a moment, and Spike could see some level of sadness in her expression.
"I should, and I do. After all, it was the first thing that I saw.. that ever gave me a sense of joy.." Cynder said before turning back to him, and Spike's eyes widened hearing that.
"W.. what do you mean by that?" Spike asked as she held the paper in front of her, and it looked like a photo of sorts.
"See, for yourself child.." Cynder said as she held her claw out, Spike used his free space to take the photo while still being confused, and he took a close look at it..

But once Spike did.. Spike dropped the photo in pure shock of what he saw.. the photo drops to the ground and shows the front of it.. and as the lightning flashed over them again.. it revealed Cynder.. was holding a egg of her own.. that was exactly like his..
"No.. this can't.. be possible! This.. can't be true!!" Spike screamed with fear and shock as he saw this, but Cynder picked the photo up again and smirked seeing it.
"You've seen it for yourself Spike, all this time, there was a reason you were alone, but it wasn't in a way anyone would think.. the reason no one was able to find out who your parents are.. why they couldn't find a trace of them..." Cynder said as she began to drop the bombshell that would change his life.
"No.. please don't say it!! Please!!" Spike begged which only made her chuckle in response.
"Don't deny it.. Spike.. I'm.. your... mother.." Cynder revealed which made Spike look horrified hearing that he's her.. son.
"No.. no.. NOOOOO!!!!!" Spike screamed which echoed through the entire fortress as lightning flashed over the entire area..

Spike breathed heavily and tried processing this the best he could.. he was just told something that he wished he never knew now, that Cynder... is his.. mom..
"I trust you see the reason why I wanted you here now, and alive at that. I didn't want my generals to find this out. It's a secret I've kept to myself for years. And now that I've finally told you it.. it makes me all the more glad.. to see my son in front of me.." Cynder said as she trailed her claw up his chin while he was in tears.
"There's no way! I can't be your son! I didn't look anything like you when I hatched! How could I be your son when I look nothing like you?!" Spike shouted as this was something he never would've expected.
"Let me go back to the beginning son.." Cynder mocked as she prepared to tell Spike how this exactly came to be.

"Years ago I came into this world, as I was a creation of my master's dark and poisonous magic, I was created as his greatest weapon, any strong willed foe or anyone who opposed the Dark Master, would suffer by my claws. I drove this world into darkness with the power he granted me, and I was a force to be reckoned with, the strongest dragon that was known at that point, and my dark powers showed it.." Cynder said with malice as she formed some shadows in her claws to prove her point while Spike was still trying to process this.
"But.. even when I felt pride for all I've done.. none of anything I did.. made me feel.. truly.. happy.." Cynder said as her voice became softer and she put out the shadows which confused him.
"While I was the strongest and most respected by my master's army's, I felt so alone in the darkness, I never had anyone that could be by my side.. and maybe show me some happiness, being a dark dragon like me, and the war that I've fought in for years, it didn't give me any time to really find something to make me feel.. whole.." Cynder explained while looking at the fortress around them.

"That's when my idea to have you came into my mind. Even if it went against my master's wishes, I wanted something, anything that could show me a form of joy, and with some special spells I had, I was able to form you with my dark magic, you are of my own, flesh, blood and power. You were the first thing I had in my claws, that made my soul feel something other then hatred.." Cynder said looking at him who was in complete shock of hearing this dark backstory of his.
"You were the first thing I ever had that gave me some form of joy, something that maybe.. could break me free of this horrendous curse.." Cynder said as she looked at her corrupted form.
"But it wasn't even a day after I had you, until my master was able to find out, his connection to me is like a puppet, to it's strings. And once my strings were attached again, he saw what I did when free, and was furious. He told me that if I didn't want to suffer in the darkest pits of Convexity, and proved I'm still loyal to him. I needed to.. crush you and make sure there was nothing left.. it was to prove I was still loyal to him, since he's the one who made me what I am.." Cynder said as her voice had regret from the sounds of it.
"But.. this means you didn't.. but.. how?" Spike asked while in complete disbelief of what's happening.

"Even thought I was told to destroy you.. I couldn't find it in my heart to destroy my child. So I found a spell that would send you to another world, a world where you could hopefully avoid ever being involved with this war. I used my magic to suppress your dark powers to the point you'd never awaken them without me, change your form enough to the point where my master couldn't track you. And that world I sent you, was Equestria. The reason you were alone in that forest you were found in, was because I wanted to ensure my child would live his own life. Even if it meant never meeting me." Cynder explained which surprised Spike even more to know she was doing this.. to save his life..
"Alas.. my generals were able to track you down finally, and with your appearance and strange aura around you, they believed you were the purple dragon of legend, so I had no choice but to order them to bring you to me. And I knew that if my master met you, he would either destroy you, or destroy me and have you replace me. And that's when I discovered an alternative.." Cynder said as she looked at Spike's almost turned body.

"What kind of idea?" Spike asked shaking a little while Cynder inspected him.
"You see.. son. The reason you looked the way you did previously, was from both a mix of my own magic, to make sure you don't have my aura and dark powers, but it was also a result of that pony's magic, when she used it to hatch you. And the only way that could save your life when my master meets you.. hopefully.. is that if you became a dark dragon like me, one that is loyal and powerful. My master could spare your life, and have you fight alongside me. That's why I had you injected with my blood, to not only awaken your dark powers and your elemental powers, but also to change you back to how you originally should've looked like, just. Like. Me. All of this wasn't to make you suffer a horrible fate, I did all of this.. so I could save your life, and maybe you could be spared.. I know you've suffered a lot because of my blood corrupting your body, but it's for your own sake.. I don't.. want to lose the only thing that made me feel.. happy.." Cynder said sadly while rubbing his head.

Spike was in complete shock as he learned his dark backstory, he was the son of a dark dragon who's been causing so much trouble across this world.. and to learn she had him.. and sent him to Equestria in order to keep him safe.. it.. it hit him in so many ways..
"So.. I'm.. really your.. your son? All my life.. I was.. a creation from your dark magic?" Spike asked horrified to know all of this.
"Yes, you are. You may have inherited my dark powers, but I was the one who had you, you've always been my son, and you always will be.." Cynder said while the thunder boomed over them again as Spike breathed heavily.
"No.. this can't be real.. this.. can't.." Spike said with tears as he never thought this is where he really came from..
"It is real, and I know you need to process it. Once I get that last crystal, this world will know the power of my master, and you and I will be at his side.." Cynder said with a grin before she took off to another nearby pillar to let Spike have the time to process it.

Spike looked at his body with horror, he had just learned a truth he should've never known now, all this time, he was from this world, he was sent to Equestria in order to live a life without her.. and.. Cynder was doing all of this, corrupting his body with her blood.. trying to capture him.. this corruption wasn't to end his life it was.. to save his life..
Spike was trying to process everything he just learned from his now revealed mother, Spike tried to deny it, and he tried to pretend he didn't hear any of it.. but.. this is so life changing for him.. he can't ignore it..

But as Spike tried processing the dark truth of who he really is, an elevator in the middle of the tower was rising up, and to Spike's shock and relief, he saw Spyro had arrived to save him and Ignitus.
"Spyro! Sparx! Your here!" Spike shouted with relief which got they're attention, and they saw he was chained to the wall.
"Spike! Are you okay?! What happened?! What did she do to you?!" Spyro asked really worried while breaking the chain with his Earth powers. Spike fell on his knees and tried to get up, the blood had almost fully turned him at this point, and his body just hurt all over, but with this new news he's learned, he can't just let his mother continue to be used as a pawn.
"I.. learned so much.. She told me.. something I never thought I'd learn.. and.. I both wish I never learned it.. but also did know sooner.." Spike said with fear as his body was shaking from all he's learned.
"Why? What did she tell you?" Sparx asked crossing his arms again, while Spike did want to tell them about what happened, they have very little time, and they need to stop the crystal, now.

"I'll.. tell all of this later.. we need to save Ignitus.. now!" Spike said seriously as he regained enough strength to move properly, while Spyro wanted to know what he was told, he's right on what they need to do. They turned around and saw Ignitus was having his powers drained still, and he was looking really weak.
"Ignitus!" Spyro shouted with worry while they all started to march to him.
"Spyro, Spike! Destroy the crystal.. quickly!" Ignitus begged as the crystal was glowing a bright red.
"Guys, I don't like this, I feel like she's baiting us.." Sparx said a bit worried while looking around for her, but Spike knew where she was, and looked up at another tower.
"She is.." Spike said seriously while pointing above them, they all looked above and saw Cynder was watching them from below, she spread her wings open and flew directly down to them and made a loud impact when she hit the ground.

"You have such determination little one, to come all this way to die." Cynder mocked as she towered over them both.
"S s s so.. b b b big!" Sparx said with fear as she was extremely large. Spike growled with rage and tried to get ready to fight.
"You've done to much to this world Cynder, even with what I've learned now, I won't let you harm it, or my home!" Spike shouted as he charged up his fire powers.
"Then it's time you learn how complicated life can really be!" Cynder said with rage before she hit them with her tail to the wall, Spike groaned with pain and tried getting up, he could feel the blood has almost taken over, but he wasn't gonna go down without a fight.
"No matter what pain I take.. I won't go down without a fight!" Spike said with rage as he and Spyro both got up from the attack.
"We both won't go down without one!" Spyro shouted as they stood against her.
"Hmph, bring it!" Cynder roared while she got ready to attack them both.

Spike charged up his fire and shot multiple fire blasts at her, she used her wings to block them despite they're increased strength, Spike's body was feeling stronger thanks to Cynder's dark powers, even if they were risk vs reward right now, Spike's strength has increased a ton by now, and the more he pushed through his pain, he felt stronger with each attack he used. Spyro used his Earth powers and shot multiple blasts at her, this sent some strange tornados in the air, and Spyro used them to deliver some air combos, he must've gotten his Earth training done from Terrador.

Spike joined in on this and used his own Earth powers to attack, Spike charged up his fist and raised it in the air, he then smashed it on the ground which sent sharp rocks to pierce out of the ground, but Cynder quickly rolled out of the way, and slashed them down with her tail. Cynder roared at them both and shot some dark fire blasts at them, Spike got in front of them and shot his own fire blast back at them to block it, Spike could feel his blood boil the more he fought, and with all these powers in his hands, he felt something was forming inside of them both.

They both tried to fight her off the best they could, but Cynder was as relentless as she was said to be, and with one strong strike, she knocked them to the pillar again to put them down.
"How disappointing, I expected something more from you. Especially from you Spike. But I shouldn't expect much from a child, now.. where was I?" Cynder asked before she turned back to Ignitus.
"Cynder, no!" Spike screamed before she lunged to the crystal and ripped it out, it was fully charged now, and she had what she needed to open the portal, Ignitus fell to the ground and soon took off through the glass ceiling and to the dark sky above.
"Does she ever use doors?" Sparx asked as they saw her leave, Spike took heavy breaths and tried getting back up, they both turned to Ignitus, and tried helping him back up.
"Ignitus, are you okay?" Spike asked really worried for him.
"I'm.. okay... what about you?" Ignitus asked as Spike's body was almost turned completely by now.
"I've.. been better..." Spike said looking at himself, he still didn't know how to process this news, it was something that he never thought he'd learn.

"Spike.. Ignitus.. there was something in her eyes.. something.. familiar.." Spyro said with concern as they saw her fly off.
"There should be Spyro. You, Cynder and Spike share more then you know, especially you Spike, it's time I told you the truth.. all of it.." Ignitus said as they let him explain what happened after Ignitus sent Spyro's egg away.
"When I returned to the temple, it was in chaos, the guardians were defeated, and all the eggs were smashed.. all except one. You see.. the Dark Master was torn, while he needed to destroy the eggs to prevent the birth of the purple dragon, he also needed a dragon." Ignitus explained which made them both looked shocked.
"So you mean.. Cynder was stolen from the temple when she was an egg?!" Spike asked with complete shock hearing this.
"Why would he do that? Why does he need a dragon?" Spyro asked really shocked at this as well.

"Because, only one born in the Year of The Dragon, could open the portal to the Dark Master's prison." Ignitus explained while looking really regretful.
"So she was stolen from her home.. because of.. him.." Spike said as he felt his anger building up knowing what's happened to her.
"But if she is like me, why is she so.. so.." Spyro asked trying to find a proper word.
"Imposing?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Y.. Yeah.. imposing.." Sparx said as he was gonna say something a bit worse then that.
"Because, after the night of the raid, she was.. poisoned by the Dark Master's powers.. turned into what she is now.. and since that day.. I've felt huge regret for not being able to save her.." Ignitus said sadly while they were all sad to know this, especially Spike because of what he's learned..

"Why? What does this Dark Master want?" Spyro asked really worried with what they've learned.
"He wants to be freed from the portal of Convexity. To wreak havoc across the realms, and if Cynder gets there.. he may succeed.." Ignitus said with fear at the thought of it all.
"That.. explains so much.. it all.. makes.. sense.." Spike said with shock while he felt his body hurt from her blood still.
"Spike.. what did she tell you? What did.. you learn from her?" Spyro asked turning back to him, Spike sighed being asked that, and prepared to drop the bombshell on them.
"Guys.. the reason Cynder wanted me.. the reason I was taken to this world.. and corrupted by her blood.. it's because.. I'm.. her.. son.." Spike revealed which made them all look extremely shocked.
"Whoa what?! Your.. her son?!" Spyro asked horrified to hear this.
"How is that possible?! You didn't look like her at all when we met you!" Sparx pointed out while Ignitus sighed hearing that.
"I.. had a feeling this was the case.. I sensed something between you and Cynder that connected you both.. and now.. the truth is revealed.." Ignitus said sadly while they were in complete shock.

"But.. how did she find out where you were?" Spyro asked looking at him while Spike looked really sad.
"It's a long story, but I can't explain everything.. we have to stop Cynder before she opens that portal!" Spike said seriously which they all agreed too, but before they could do anything else, a huge portal opened up in the distance, and they felt a powerful dark energy coming from it.
"I'm afraid.. we are too late..." Ignitus said with fear as the portals light shined over the entire fortress.
"No, I'm not gonna give up! I'm gonna stop Cynder, and stop the Dark Master!" Spyro said seriously as he was ready to go.
"Whoa hold up Spyro, you heard the Dragon, he said it's too late, we'll get him next time.." Sparx said nervously trying to leave.
"No, Cynder is my mother! I can't let her be used for the Dark Master's own gain! If she's my family, I'm gonna save her! No matter what!" Spike said with rage while spreading out his wings.
"Okay you two, your right. You both have to try, if the Dark Master escapes, a shadow will fall over all the land, and who knows what will happen next.." Ignitus said with fear as thunder boomed over them all.
"We won't fail, come on Spyro, let's go!" Spike shouted before they all flew to the portal of Convexity, to try and stop a disaster from destroying everything...
"May the ancestors look after you.. may they look after us all.." Ignitus prayed as they flew directly into the portal.

Spike could feel so much power flowing past them as they traveled through the portal, this was to a completely different world that wasn't like Equestria, or this one, Spike could feel the dark presence as they flew into Convexity, and Spike's dark blood only felt stronger and stronger. Soon enough, Spike and Spyro emerged into the dark world that is Convexity, it was the weirdest place Spike has ever been too in his life, and something tells him he'll never see another place like this. They soon landed on a platform that was near the center of the place, and saw there was a alter with 3 crystals, and they saw Cynder coming to it with the last one.
"We're here, we need to hurry, we have to stop her!" Spike said seriously while he felt so much dark energy around him, but Spyro did look concerned as they started moving to the alter quickly
"Spike, are you sure you want to do this? Cynder.. is your mother.. and if you fought against her, what if you get extremely hurt?" Spyro asked really worried for him.
"I've suffered enough pain because of Cynder's blood, and that was all because of the Dark Master, I'm not gonna let him hurt my mother any more, or let my family in Equestria fall to his claws! I'm gonna stop her, no matter what. You with me Spyro?" Spike asked hoping he was ready for the final fight.
"I am, let's do this!" Spyro said with anger as they glided down to the center of the platform just as Cynder arrived.

Cynder held the crystal in her claws and placed it in with the rest.
"My master returns.." Cynder said with malice as the crystal began to power up the portal just as Spyro and Spike landed down.
"We're too late!" Spyro said with fear which got her attention, and she turned to see them both.
"You two really don't know when to quit do you?" Cynder asked with anger while turning to face him.
"Cynder, please stop this! You know you don't want this! If your really my mother, you can't give into what he wants! If he's freed, he'll get rid of you! He's using you Cynder, please stop this!" Spike begged really wanting her to not fall for his tricks.
"The world will fall by his claws my son. So will your home, but you and I won't! I'll give you one chance, join your mother, and we shall watch this world burn together!" Cynder said with rage while holding out her claw, even if she was Spike's mother, her corruption is forcing her to do this, and Spike wasn't gonna let her suffer any more.

"No they won't, We're gonna stop this Cynder, we're gonna save you! Your coming home with us! And we are NOT gonna give up!" Spike shouted as he prepared his powers which disappointed her.
"Hmph, then this is where it really ends, son!" Cynder said with rage while she spread out her wings.
"Bring it!" Spyro declared while getting in his stance.
"We're not gonna let anything happen, mom!" Spike screamed while making a scary growl.
"Then let's see what you've got.." Cynder growled before she lunged at them both while making a loud roar.

Spike and Spyro quickly rolled out of her attack, Cynder roared at them both and shot multiple fireblast at them, Spike quickly flipped over each attack, he summoned his Ice spear and twirled it around with fast speeds. Cynder used her wind powers to stir up a harsh wind attack that tried blowing Spike off the platform, but Spike used his spear to keep him on the ground as the wind flew past him, Cynder then used her shadow powers and shot multiple blasts to the ground, this sent some spiked waves of shadow around the arena and Spike and Spyro jumped above them to not get hit.

Spyro used his Earth powers to shoot more Earth blasts at the ground, Cynder quickly flipped in the air to avoid them, she then roared at them again and shot multiple blasts at the ground which exploded into more fireballs. Spike summoned his fire sword one more time and slashed through each one to block them, he slid under one of the blasts and leaped into the air directly at her, Spike made a battle cry and delivered a strong slash at her that sent her back a good distance, Spike landed back on the ground next to Spyro and they continued to fight her. Cynder's rage was building up even more, and she was having enough with all of this. Cynder's body was flaring up with her dark powers, and she felt all she's stored up swelling through her.
"This world will fall!!" Cynder screamed before she shot a powerful blast at them both, Spike used his lightning to spin out of the way and avoid being hit with it while Spyro flipped out of the way too, this blast was strong enough to destroy some of the platforms that were surrounding them, and it showed them they needed to be careful.
"Come on Spike! We're so close!" Spyro shouted as they felt they're powers surge in them, Spike breathed heavily again and his eyes were turning purple with each lightning blast he shot at her.
"You are not gonna get away with this!!" Spike screamed as he and Spyro shot multiple blasts at her.

Cynder flew out of the way for most of the blasts, and was using her tail to block each one as they're powers were building up still.
"I think it's time we end this!!" Cynder screamed as the ground began to shake all around them, Spyro and Spike felt they're powers merge into one somehow, and they felt a power so huge, it could combat her own dark powers..
"I agree with that.." Spyro said as they're eyes glowed bright purple, and they began to float in the air.
"Now.. it is time to unleash the true dragon within you both.." Ignitus's words echoed as they began to form a huge purple spear above both they're bodies.
"What is this?!" Cynder shouted as the entire world around them shook from the power they had.
"It's time to free you.. mom.." Spike said seriously as they finally unleashed they're powers, and they sent powerful blasts of Aether directly at her.
"No!!" Cynder screamed as she was repeatedly attacked with the power. Cynder roared with pain as she power hit her repeatedly, the ghost like beings flew in and out of her and held nothing back, but this was the power of light, and Cynder could feel all the dark poison she's had in her, finally leave her. For Spike, using this power finally got rid of Cynder's dark blood, he didn't feel it spreading in him anymore, which did save him from complete corruption.
But soon, after so many powerful strikes from Aether, Cynder's body fell on the ground, completely defeated. Cynder groaned with pain and they watched as she somehow shrunk down to a size that made her look so much like Spyro.
"She is just like me.." Spyro said with shock as the place shook violently.
"She's.. really my mom.." Spike said with shock as he saw how similar they looked now. But they didn't have time to process Cynder's change, and they felt the portal begin to collapse, and everything around them was being dragged in it, even Cynder!

"Guys, we gotta get out of here, now!" Sparx shouted as the force was getting even stronger.
"We can't just leave her behind! We got to save her!" Spyro shouted while Spike tried to get closer to her.
"What? Save the beast that's been trying to kill us?!" Sparx asked really shocked to hear that.
"It wasn't her fault! She was being used by the Dark Master!" Spyro countered as the force was getting even stronger.
"She's my mother Sparx! No matter what she's done, it was because she was being used! And I won't let her be used again!" Spike shouted as he grabbed her tail just before she was sucked in the poral, Spyro helped out and flew to him to grab her body, and Spike spread out his wings and they finally began to leave.
"Now we can go!" Spyro shouted while they finally began to leave.
"Right behind you buddy's!" Sparx said as they quickly began to make they're escape, but as they began to leave.. Spike could hear a malicious voice in his head.
"Spyro... Spike..." The voice said with malice which made him and Spyro look back at the portal, almost like they both heard the same thing..

Spike and Spyro held onto Cynder's body as they flew through the portal back home, they could feel their strength leaving them after using so much power, but they used the last strength they had to push through it, soon enough, the portal opened up near the Temple, and Spike and Spyro went flying out with Cynder and Sparx, and they landed roughly on the ground.
"Mommy.. fluff my pillow.." Sparx said weakly before he passed out from exhaustion as Spike held his mother close..

Soon enough, they were all found by Ignitus and the other guardians, and were taken back to the Temple to rest, Spike felt extremely weak after using so much power, but as long as they won, it didn't matter what happens.
"Feeling better you two?" Ignitus asked looking at them both.
"Hardly.. that battle drained every last bit of our strength.. I can hardly lift my head.." Spyro said weakly while trying to move.
"That power we used finally stopped Cynder's blood from fully taking over, even if I'm a dark dragon like her now, at least it gives me more to relate to with her.." Spike said looking at Cynder who looked really regretful for what's happened to him.
"Yes, it will take time for your powers to return. But for you Spike, you becoming a dark dragon like Cynder has opened up more paths for you to grow stronger, since you are.. her son, it means you will learn to use her powers at one point too. And when that happens, do what you can to protect her.." Ignitus asked while Spike looked at his new dark body.
"I'll do what I can.. especially for my mother.." Spike said as he clutched his claws before Ignitus turned to Cynder.

"Cynder, ever since you were stolen that night.. I've dreamt of this day.." Ignitus said regretfully as they all felt awful for her.
"It wasn't just you Ignitus.. we all failed.." Volteer said sadly while t he others shook they're heads in agreement.
"Be that as it may.. we're together again.. finally.. thanks to Spike and Spyro.. well done young dragons.." Ignitus said gratefully while the two smiled a bit.
"But.. we still don't know what happened to the Dark Master.." Spyro said as he was still worried with what they heard back there.
"There will be time to talk about the Dark Master later, now, we must be grateful for your success." Ignitus said as this was more important right now.
"Yeah, let's just be glad we stopped the portal and saved.. my mother from suffering any more.." Spike said while he gave Cynder a hug, she looked really regretful for what's happened, but felt a small touch of joy feeling him.
"I'm just.. really glad that I finally have you back.. after so long.." Cynder said regretfully while holding him close.
"Don't worry mom.. it's all gonna be okay.." Spike said with tears as they all took in this moment together.

And that night, Spike and Spyro went out to the balcony to see the the stars, and they both felt something wrong as Cynder came out to see it too while looking at the photo she showed Spike and felt regret still.
"See anything Spyro, and.. son?" Cynder asked feeling hesitant to call him her son while putting it away for now.
"No, but we've got a bad feeling.." Spyro said with worry as they looked at the sky together.
"Yeah, me too..." Cynder said worried as well as they felt a dark presence coming.
"Whatever happens.. let's try and face it.. together.." Spike prayed as they hoped whatever comes next, they'll stop it.. and one day.. Spike could reunite with his friends again..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! So this chapter revealed a lot I'm sure, with Cynder being Spike's mother, and Spike becoming a lot more like her from the her blood, even when the Aether was able to stop them both, I decided to make Cynder Spike's mother because it would make for a lot of interesting conflicts during the next two games, and Spike may struggle with using his dark powers, now knowing who he really is, so I think the next game will have Spike learn to use Cynder's powers, and the 3rd one will have him control them all. Sorry for those who may not like this decision, but I think it will make the story more interesting as it goes on, and I'll make sure to explain it the best I can. Hope you liked this and look forward to more!