• Published 28th Apr 2024
  • 199 Views, 3 Comments

Friendship is Fragile - Cahpical

  • ...

Part 1: Running...

Heavy Breathing
"You two, this way!"
"We can lose them this way!"
"Quick, in the tunnel!"
'Running... It's all we've done for a while now...'
"Quickly, in the secret compartment"
'and that's not ever going to change...'

"Why don't you two listen?!? You could have been killed!" Yelled a Yellow stallion with a light blue mane and green eyes
The two other younger colts stood silently, on the verge of tears

"I keep trying to warn you both, Don't. Trust. Anyone!" Yelled the Yellow Stallion

"I just... I hate this... why must everyone try to kill us..." said one of the younger colts, this one was black with a lime green mane and green eyes with blue Sclera's

"You always tell us to not trust anyone... that everyone wants to kill us... I... I thought this would be different..." said the other Colt, this one had red fur with yellow spirals on his legs, a dark red mane, purple eyes with orange Sclera's, horns and wings

"...Listen, Drake, Hilm, trust me, if there were others who wouldn't try to kill us, we'd be there instead of on the run..." said the older Stallion

The two sat in silence...

"Dax... When will this stop... We've been running away from everyone... ever since Ma and Pa died..." said Drake, who was the red colt

Hilm, who was the black one, began to tear up at the mention of their parents

Dax also looked miserable at the mention

"Look... when they died, I promised to take care of you two... what older brother wouldn't... but I can't keep that promise if you two keep disobeying..." said Dax

"It feels like an eternity since then..." said Hilm

The three began to think back to their lives just a couple years prior...


Things we're fine, everyone always gave the family bad looks, to which the family never understood why

Dax was but a teenager... the constant bullying from his peers always got to him, some considered him a massive cry baby, his two brothers Hilm and Drake we're too young to notice any of the bad looks people gave them, but Dax... he noticed... the parents had also noticed but they persevered, they tried to teach their son to ignore those who wished his downfall, and to focus on those he viewed as friends...

Dax tried his absolute best to take this to heart, but absolutely no one would even attempt to be his friend and would shut down any of his attempts, making him resent everyone but his family more and more...

The parents had enough resources to have transactional friendships, who they always tried to respect the three young colts
That was... Until a year ago... suddenly everyone turned against them fully, they had enough with the family's existence and wanted it gone, so one day, they stormed the family's home, the parents, terrified for the safety of their children, tried to flee from the ever increasing mob

The family ran and ran until...

"Damn it..." said the father as the family was cut off by a very large river

The family heard the mobs angry voices, the parents had to do something

"Dax... listen to me son... Take Hilm and Drake, find safety, take care of them... Be strong" said the father

"Mama loves you all... please... be safe... find other's who will help you... I know they're out there..." said the Mother

"What are you doing?!?" Screamed Dax in terror

"Mom! Dad!" screamed the two little terrified colts

"Buying you some time! Run!" said the father as he prepared his earth pony legs

"Please... Don't lose hope you three, live good lives... I love you..." said the mother as she pushed the three into the river, which swept them away from their parents, the last they'd see of them was the mob closing in on them...

(Flashback End)

'I'm sorry Mother... I don't think you were right about that...' thought Dax

"Anyways... this place isn't safe anymore, we rest and leave first thing tomorrow" said Dax

"Moving again?..." groaned Drake

"I was just starting to get comfortable..." said Hilm

"Well if you two didn't go and almost get yourselves killed we'd have stayed longer" said Dax

The two looked down in sadness

"Hey, look, how about this, I make your favourite dinner?" said Dax with a small smile

This lightened spirits a bit

"Blooming Onions!" cheered the two colts

"I'll get them ready" Chuckled Dax

The night went off without a hitch, as the sun started to rise, the three had packed up their belongings

"We can't go north due to the angry mob, the east is plains, anyone could see us, the west is fully mountain, no way we're climbing that..." said Dax as he looked south, spotting a very creepy looking forest

"Dax... that place is scary... can we not go in there?" asked Drake

"That's just it, it's the perfect deterrent, besides, how bad could it be?" said Dax

Hilm wasn't a big fan of this plan either

"Oh come on you two, I know you're still colts and all but you can handle a bit of spookiness" said Dax as he began to walk into the forest, the two VERY close behind him

The group walked for what seemed like hours, the forest just seemed to go on and on and on, fortunately giving them lots of food in terms of Berries

"These trees are terrifying..." said Hilm as the three looked at them

"They look like they have faces..." said Drake

"Nonsense, it's just the natural formation of the tree is all" said Dax trying to ease them

They continued to walk for what seemed to be even longer...

"Okay, we're lost" said Dax in annoyance

Hilm and Drake looked up, seeing nothing but leaves, they couldn't tell whether it was day or night

Hilm looked at Drake who tried to use his wings, but due to never being taught how to, failed...

"If mom was still here she'd be able to teach me..." said Drake in sadness

Dax looked around and listened in


Rustling in the bushes

Dax looked at the bush that had been rustling and looked back at the two colts

"You two, stay put" said Dax as he went up to the bush

Dax prepared himself for what was in the bush

Dax quickly opened the bush to see a small bunny

"Phew, atleast it's nothing of worry" said Dax as he looked behind him to see his two brothers had disappeared

"I told you two to stay put dammit" said Dax as he looked around and saw them walking off towards a cave entrance

"Dax look! A place to stay for the night!" said Hilm

"You two will be the death of me someday I swear..." said Dax as he looked into the cave

"I can't tell... but I think there's something in there..." said Dax as he listened in


'Snoring?' thought Dax, before going pale

"Guys, we need to leave quietly" whispered Dax

"Why?" asked Drake

"Shhhhh, we don't wanna wake them up" said Dax

"Wake who up?" asked Hilm

"Bears..." said Dax

The two also went pale, before quietly scurrying off...

They continued walking for even longer, not getting anywhere

"Why did we enter this stupid damn forest!" yelled Dax

"You told us it would be the best option" said Hilm

"Regret is an addictive drug, don't follow in you're big brothers footsteps" said Dax trying to lighten the mood again

The air around them had been becoming colder and colder as they walked, they had to guess that it meant night had fallen
"Looks like, we'll need to set up here for now" said Dax

"But what about shelter?" asked Drake

"It's just for the night, we'll be fine" said Dax

Hilm actually agreed with Dax

"Can we atleast-" The group stopped talking as they heard voices in the background

"There it is! The ruin that holds the Elements of Harmony! We made it!" Exclaimed a voice close by

"You two, get down" Whispered Dax as he creeped around trying to see who was there

Dax saw what seemed to be a collapsed bridge with a Light Blue Pegasus with a Rainbow mane flying over the gorge, along with 5 other mares waiting for her to fix the bridge

One was Orange with a Yellow mane and a wild western style hat

Another was White Unicorn with a Purple mane

The Third was a Pink Mare with an even Pinker mane

The forth was a Light Yellow Pegasus with a Light Pink Mane

and the last was a Purple Unicorn with Dark Purple hair and Pink Highlights

"Shit, there are 6 of them, I wouldn't be able to take on 6 at the same time, plus that Blue one seems fast, we wouldn't be able to outrun, It's best if we just keep out distance" whispered Dax to himself

"Indeed you should" said a dark regal voice from behind him

Dax Immediately went to kick the person with his hind legs, but before it made contact with anything they became engulfed in magic

Dax used this time to have a look at who this person was, it was a tall and very dark Mare with both a horn and wings, an Alicorn as he recalls, his mother had told him the legends, he never thought them true

As Dax looked at her more, he noticed his two brothers being lifted and gagged by her magic

"Let go of them!" shouted Dax in anger

"Now now Dax, don't worry, I won't do anything to you or you're little brothers, as long as you do something for me" said the Dark Mare

"How do-" he was interrupted

"I know a lot about every pony that lives in my realm" said the Dark Mare

"You lead a very interesting life young Dax, It would be a shame if it all came to a close so soon" said the Dark Mare

Dax couldn't fight, this magic was too powerful even for him, what was this monster?!?

"As I said Dax, I have an offer for you, you see, I'm the future ruler of this land, and those Ponies over there? Are the only ones standing in my way, you help me deal with them, I don't kill your little brothers, and who knows, I may even help protect them" said the Dark Mare

"Oh please, as if you'd do such a thing, no one has done such a thing" said Dax

"Yes, I noticed, everyone seems to hate you and you're entire family, even if they don't know of your existence they seem to hate you, not me though, you're story has been intriguing me during my 1000 year banishment to the moon" said the Dark Mare

"Banishment to the moon? Wait..." Said Dax as he thought back to a tale his mother used to tell him and his brothers

"You're the Mare in the Moon" said Dax

"I see my reputation proceeds me, good, You can henceforth call me "Nightmare Moon" said Nightmare Moon
Dax looked both horrified and angry

"Now, back to business, you have two choices, help me end those who seek to defeat me and live, or watch as I drain the life from your beloved brothers before I end you" said Nightmare Moon

Dax couldn't fight, he tried with all his might but the magic wouldn't budge, he knew if he refused to help his brothers we're goners

"Fine, what do I do?" asked Dax as he gave in

"I want you to sabotage those 6 ponies over there, once they're gone, I'll let you go" said Nightmare moon as she turned into a dark sparkly cloud, taking his brothers with her

"And remember, I'm watching"

Dax growled in anger, and began to kick a tree

"Dammit! Fine" said Dax as he began to walk over to where the 5 ponies were

Dax looked at the bridge that had since been rebuilt, the Blue Pegasus flying back to her friends

The group of Ponies Cheered as the Pegasus came back to their side

"Good Job Rainbow!" said the group

'Here goes nothing' thought Dax as he breathed in and out

"Hey, Who's that guy?" asked the Blue one

"More importantly, who are you? I've been trying to reach these ruins for years" said Dax trying to earn their trust
The 6 of them eyeballed him, the pink one twitching her eye

'Dammit, I know that twitch, that's a sign they're ready to attack!' thought Dax as he thought of going into attack mode

"Oooooh, Eye Twitch that means something great is gonna happen!" said the Pink one

Dax was dumbfounded...

"Pinkie Pie, what are you talking about?" asked the Purple one

"I have these little quirk things that happen and I've learnt that some of them mean something happens! The Eye Twitch means that good fortune has arrived!" said the Pink one who's name is apparently 'Pinkie Pie'

"Wouldn't consider myself 'Good Fortune' Said Dax

"Well, either way, since you're with us and have been wanting to explore these here ruins, perhaps you'd like to come with us?" said the Orange one

"Applejack, we can't get anyone else involved" said the Purple one

"Twilight, we need all the help we can get" said the Orange one who's name was Applejack

"He looks tough, I'd say bring him" said the Blue one

"Only if he wants" said the Purple one who's name is twilight giving in

"I'll come" said Dax

"Brilliant, follow us" said Twilight as the 7 began to walk across the bridge

'That was close' thought Dax

As the group crossed, Dax thought of an idea for sabotage

Dax purposely broke the wooden panel underneath his back hooves to stage like he was gonna fall

"What the- Help!" Exclaimed Kax trying to seem convincing

"Oh no! Rainbow Dash, Fly Under!" Said Applejack as she grabbed Dax's arms, prompting Dax to flail about causing the planks under her to collapse

"Applejack!" Screamed the yellow one in fear as both she and the blue one who's name was Rainbow Dash began to fly downwards

"Don't let go!" said Applejack as Dax began to fake his hand slipping

"Dammit, my hoof is slipping!" yelled Dax

Suddenly his hand was enveloped in a light blue magic

"Good thinking Rarity!" Said Twilight as she also used her magic to strengthen their grip, allowing the other two to lift both Dax and Applejack back up

"Great heavens... I'm so sorry... I didn't think the bridge was so... Rickety" said Dax trying to play it off

"Thank you for holding on... I would have died if it weren't for you" said Applejack

Dax mentally scoffed, he had to try something else...

The group began their ascent into the ruins, going up the stairs

Dax found another opportunity, he'd pretend to slip down the stairs and knock some of them down with him

'It's now or never' thought Dax as he purposefully slipped and began to tumble down the stairs, hitting the White one who's name was Rarity and the Yellow one

"Dammit! We're gonna fall!" Yelled Dax once again trying to be convincing

"Rarity use you're magic on Fluttershy!" yelled Twilight as Twilight used her magic on Rarity, Leaving Rainbow Dash to quickly come and save Dax

'Dammit! Why won't these work!' Mentally screamed Dax

"My gosh... I'm so sorry... These stairs must be badly kept..." said Dax

"No wonder... It's a ruin..." said Twilight becoming suspicious

"I'm so sorry, once again" said Dax

"It's fine" said Twilight as the group began to continue their ascent...

The group entered the ruins, into a room revealing 5 rocks, each with a symbol on them

"Wow... Come on Twilight, Isn't this what you've been waiting for?" asked Applejack as Twilight walked forward

"The Elements of Harmony! We found them!" Exclaimed Twilight

Each of the 6 ponies grabbed one except for twilight, who couldn't find the 6th

"1, 2, 3, 4, Wait, there's only 5!" said Pinkie Pie

"Where's the 6th?" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash

Dax had an idea, it would blow his cover, but it would sabotage them enough so that Nightmare Moon can finish her plan, whatever it was, he didn't care, we just wanted his brothers back safe

'This is my only chance' Thought Dax

"Well, you see girls..." said Dax

"I've hidden the last one from you all" said Dax

"But you said you've never been inside?" said Rainbow narrowing her eyes

"You see, I know you 6 are trying to defeat Nightmare Moon, I can't allow that to happen" said Dax as he pinned down both Rarity and Fluttershy with his body weight

"Oh, you are SO getting it" said Rainbow and Applejack as they approached Dax angrily

"Get any closer, I apply more pressure, you do not wanna see what happens when they cave in to it" warned Dax

The two growled

"I should have known, I suspected it when you fell over the stairs, let me guess, you tried to sabotage us with those too?" asked Twilight angrily

"You would be correct, now, you all leave this ruin, and I'll let go of these two, I'm not telling you the location of the 6th element" said Dax in a bluff

"You can't have hidden it, it only appears when the 5 are brought together and a spark makes the 6th appear" said Twilight

Dax growled

"Another attempt at sabotage" said Pinkie

The 4 surrounded Dax, he applied more pressure

"Why are you even helping her!?! She's going to bring endless night!" warned Twilight

"Trust me, you'd do the same thing in my boots" said Dax

All of a sudden a dark sparkly cloud arisen from the ground, manifesting into 3 figures, Nightmare Moon, Drake and Hilm

"She has children as hostages?!?" said Applejack

"Dax! Help us!" yelled the two colts

"Dax?" Asked Pinkie as they all looked at Dax

"As I said, You'd all do the same in my boots" said Dax

"Good job Dax, I must say, you make a splendid entertainer" said Nightmare Moon

"You remember the deal right, I sabotage them, you let my little brothers go" said Dax

"You will wait until the job is complete" said Nightmare Moon in a royal tone

Dax growled

Nightmare Moon began to cackle

"You lot think you can defeat me! What foolishness" laughed Nightmare Moon as she lifted her front hooves in the air stomping them into the ground, shattering the elements into pieces

"Now you'll never see your Princess, or sun ever again, the night, will last, FOREVER!!!"

"Wait a minute... we don't need some rocks to defeat you" said Twilight

"Oh? You wanna try brute strength?" snickered Nightmare Moon

"No, what I mean is, we've already got the elements with us! We're all the elements, Applejack's Honesty, Fluttershy's Kindness, Pinkie's Laughter, Rarity's Generosity, Rainbow's Loyalty" Said Twilight as the 6 began to glow, the orbs cracking the five orbs into their respective elements, whilst also forming the 6th

"What is the meaning of this!" yelled Nightmare Moon

"You see Nightmare Moon, when those elements are ignited by the... uhh, the spark! that resides within us all, it creates the sixth element, the element of, Magic!" Said Twilight as the Glowing began to get brighter before suddenly turning off
"W-what the?!?" Said Twilight as the glowing stopped

Nightmare Moon started to laugh

"You fools! You seriously thought you could defeat me! You're even more gullible then Dax!" Said Nightmare Moon

"What does that mean!" Scoffed Dax

"I mean, you're not getting back your brothers, I don't like leaving loose ends" said Nightmare Moon

"Don't you dare hurt them!" Said Dax as he began to run at Nightmare Moon, who instantly engulfed him in her magic

"Oh please, you wouldn't be able to touch me" said Nightmare Moon

Dax looked at his two little brothers squirming, trying to escape

"Don't... you... DARE!" Said Dax as he began to break free from nightmare Moons magic, glowing a bright black

"What! How are you resisting my magic!" Said Nightmare Moon as she strengthened her hold on him, resulting in him eventually breaking through that

"This is Impossible! No one is powerful enough to resist my magic! No one!" Said Nightmare Moon as an element seemed to manifest around him, just like the elements did for the other 6

"You're not telling me... there's a 7th!?!" Shouted Nightmare Moon as the 7 began to glow, this time, they fired off what seemed to be a rainbow at Nightmare Moon

"Wow..." Said Hilm and Drake as they began to shield their eyes against the onslaught of light heading there way...
"Ow... My head..." Said Rainbow Dash

"Everypony okay?" Asked Applejack

"Oh Thank Goodness!" Said Rarity

"Why Rarity, it's so lovely" said Fluttershy

"I Know, I'll never part with it again!" said Rarity

The 5 began to celebrate their victory

"Wait, where's Dax and the two little colts?" asked Twilight

"Hilm! Drake!" Yelled Dax as he ran and hugged his two brothers who were crying

"Big brother Dax!" Said the two of them

"It's okay you two... It's okay... I'm here..." said Dax as he shed a few tears

The three continued to hug when all of a sudden Light started to form in the room, and suddenly another large Alicorn had appeared, Kax immediately shielded the two and got into fighting stance

"Princess Celestia!" Questioned Twilight

"Twilight, my faithful student, I knew you could do it" said Celestia

"But... you said it was just a tale?" asked Twilight

"I said you needed to make friends, and look what you've gone and done, you've proven yourself to be exactly what I thought you were, and it seems that we were all wrong about the elements, there's not 6, there's 7" said Celestia as she saw Dax and his brothers at the end of the room

"Oh don't think you're retreating that easily buddy!" said Rainbow Dash Angrily as she prepared to attack

"Rainbow Dash, Cease" said Celestia

Rainbow Dash didn't dare to object

"If I remember correctly, your name is Dax yes?" asked Celestia

Dax immediately got into fighting stance, something the 6 ponies were shocked to see, someone getting ready to fight with the princess? that would be considered a national offence!

"It's okay Dax, we're not here to hurt you" said Celestia

"Oh please, I have heard that same line time and time again, I will never trust anyone other then myself and them" said Dax protecting them

"But to believe that there was a 7th element all along, the element of... Family..." said Celestia

"None of the books ever stated a 7th element... I wonder why..." said Twilight

"Either way, we still have someone to deal with..." said Celestia as everyone looked over to what appeared to be a small Alicorn with light purple fur and a sparkly night blue mane lying in the ground

"Princess Luna, it has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this, it is time to put our differences behind us, we were meant to rule together, little sister" said Celestia

"Little Sister!?!" said Twilight Shocked

"Will you accept my friendship?" asked Celestia


"I'm so sorry sister!, I'm so so so sorry... I missed you so much big sister" said Luna, who appeared to have been the true uncorrupted form of what was once Nightmare Moon

"I've missed you too sister" said as the two embraced

"Okay, this is all fine and dandy, but if you don't mind, We'd like to leave before you all turn on us" said Dax as he tried to push the two little ones out the door

"Wait a minute!" Yelled Applejack in anger

"Cease, Let them decide" said Celestia

"Thank you, now if you'll excuse us..." said Dax as he once more tried to push the two colts out the door, but they wouldn't budge

"Come On Drake, Hilm, you know what happens sooner or later" said Dax

The two immediately went to hug Celestia

"Thank you so much, all of you!" said Hilm

"We can't thank you enough, you saved our lives!" Said Drake

"Well, it seems they've made their mind up" Giggled Luna

"Hilm, Drake, a word" Sternly said Dax

The two went over to their big brother

"What do you two think you're doing? you know damn well what happens" Whispered Dax Angrily

"Big Brother, I know what usually happens, but these guys... they're different... I know they are" said Hilm
"Why should we be afraid of our heroes?" said Drake

"Because what do you think will happen if... no not if, WHEN, they turn on us, we wont be able to outrun them, hide from them or fight them, we'd be goners" said Dax

The two pondered before walking back over to Celestia

"You have to believe us brother" Drake

"Please" said Hilm

Dax looked at them before giving in

"Fine, but I'm letting you all know right now, NONE of you are laying even a finger on them, they may trust you but I. DO. NOT, when you turn on us, I'll be waiting" Said Dax

"We'll be having a talk about that soon, since your so Tartarus Bent on believing we'll hurt them" said Twilight

"Before we even think of going forwards, you" said Kax pointing at Luna

"You will stay the furthest away from them, I may not trust any of you, but you are the one I trust the least, especially after that stunt" growled Dax

"I guess I do deserve that, after all, alternate me did threaten their lives" said Luna regretfully

"Umm... Twilight... How did you know that we we're the bearers of the elements?" asked Fluttershy

"Well I wasn't sure until right after Dax took down Rarity and Fluttershy, but seeing us all surround him assured me that we were meant to stay together, much like the elements" said Twilight

"We're still waiting on an apology" said Rarity angrily

"It was mean, it also hurt" said Fluttershy in a mixture of anger and shyness

"I will not apologize for trying to protect my brothers" said Dax annoyed

"Okay, everyone's questions will be answered, however we must first return to Ponyville, it's guaranteed that people are in a frenzy right now" giggled Celestia

"Great, more walking" said Rarity annoyed

"Nope, we'll be back there in an instant said Celestia as she began to glow brightly, causing the others to shield their eyes and Dax to shield his brothers...


It was as that Princess Celestia said, she had teleported them to quite a large village...

'Oh no!' internally screamed Kax as this was not a good place to be in, he looked in all directions, other ponies all looking in their general direction

'Shit, Shit, SHIT!' Thought Dax as he would almost begin to grab Hilm and Drake and book it

Instead what he heard was cheering, loud happy cheering, it would appear that all the villagers were excited about their Princess being back

"Dear residents of Ponyville, do not fret, for I am safe, and I come bearing the return of my long lost Sister, my other half, Princess Luna!" said Celestia which caused the entire village to erupt in cheers

"And not only that, but I also bring the 7 heroes who defeated the dreaded Nightmare Moon, they carry within them the light of the 7 Elements of Harmony, Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Family and Magic!" said Celestia as the crowd Looked at every other member of this so called "Elements"

And then finally their eyes landed on us... the cheering stopped, but they didn't advance, they stood still and gazed quietly before going back to cheering for their reunited Princesses

That Purple mare, Twilight seemed to have noticed the sudden quietness when they saw us

Before long the Princess ordered the Members to take a long well deserved rest...

"Dax, Hilm, Drake" said Celestia

"What is it" said Dax

"I'm surprised you haven't left for home yet, I saw how you were practically begging to get out of the open" said Celestia
"If I may explain Sister" said Luna

"You see, they... don't have a home, my alternate self had kept tracks on them, they rely on foraging foods to survive, or even sometimes Dax himself would go out in the night and steal leftover foods" said Luna

"You would suggest the two of them starve?" asked Dax with a scowl

"Heavens no, I personally think you did the right thing, as petty as thieving is, you did it not out of greed or gluttony, but out of necessity and love" said Luna

"Doing it at night is genuinely a good idea" said Celestia casually

"Actually he did it at night whilst we were asleep to make sure that if he ever got caught, we would be safe" said Hilm
"The night time cloak was just an added bonus" said Drake

Celestia was dumbfounded, she needed to find out more about this stallion, there was much more then meets the eye...

"Yes, everything he has done has been out of desperation to protect his two little brothers" said Luna

"Well, we cant just leave them to fend for themselves..." said Celestia

"And we certainly can't take him to the palace, it wouldn't, I'll fill you in on those details in private" said Luna

"Then I guess the best option is to take him to Twilight and ask her to take them in" said Celestia

"No" said Dax sternly

"But where else would you go?" asked Celestia

"Somewhere other then here" said Dax

"But Dax, we don't want to live like that anymore..." said Drake

"Yeah, we could have friends here!" said Hilm

"You two saw how they all went silent when they saw us, they're already planning on taking us out when they have the chance" said Dax to the two

"Take you out? Why they would never, why they could never" said Celestia

"Actually sis... that's part of things I need to talk to you in private for" said Luna

Celestia lost her smile, what could cause he subjects to... 'Take Down' someone?

"Look, we'll go to Twilight, if even for a day or two until we sort things out okay Dax?" asked Celestia

Dax really didn't like this

"Come on Big Brother" said Hilm

"We can trust them" said Drake

Dax looked at his two little brothers, both with pleading but unwavering faces

"Ughhhh, fine, but we're leaving the first sign of danger" said Dax

"Yay!!!" said the two

"Remember, that's even if she accepts us, after what I did, I doubt she'd do so" said Dax

"You leave that part to me Dax, she is my student after all, I could spin this to her in a way for her to accept" said Celestia

Dax remained silent as his brothers cheered happily...

(At the Library...)

Knock Knock Knock

"Coming!" said a voice from inside

The door locks began to make noise as the door opened to reveal what appeared to be... a baby dragon?

"Ahh Spike, it's been a while" said Celestia

"Princess Celestia!" said Spike happily as he ran up and hugged the large Alicorn

"Could you grab Twilight for me?" asked Celestia

"Actually she's not here right now, she's out getting food, she'll be back in a few minutes I believe, come in!" said Spike as he offered entrance

The group walked in, Dax followed

"Oh sorry, I didn't ask, what's your name?" asked Spike as he looked up at the Bright Yellow Stallion

"Dax" said Dax shortly

"Cool name!" said Spike genuinely

"What are your two's names?" asked Spike

"My name is Hilm!" said Hilm excitedly

"My names Drake!" said Drake equally as Excited

"Now that's a really cool name!" said Spike as the name Drake referred to another species of Dragon

"Yeah, apparently I got it from my horns" said Drake

As the three younglings got together, the door opened once again, revealing a purple mare with purple hair and a pink highlight

"Spike! Can you help me put away the-" Twilight stopped talking as she noticed the 5 ponies currently sitting in her living room

"Celestia, Luna!" said Twilight as she then turned to Dax, who in turn only glanced in her direction

"Hello again Twilight, I have come to ask a favour, one that I believe will teach you the power of friendship more then any other" said Celestia

Twilight was confused but she decided that she was going to do whatever Celestia required of her

"We would ask that you take in Dax and his two little brothers Hilm and Dax for a bit, until we sort something out at the castle" said Celestia

"Take in him? Does he not have have anywhere else to be?" asked Twilight as she glared at Dax, it was evident she didn't like him, not after he endangered them all back in that ruin

"Believe it or not, no, no they don't" said Luna

Twilight almost felt guilty for asking that, whilst she didn't like Dax one bit, she did atleast want the two little ones to be safe, they didn't deserve that

"I do believe that it'll greatly help you learn the values of friendship, and as I said, It'll only be a couple days until we figure something out" said Celestia

Twilight once again glared in Dax's direction

Twilight sighed

"There's a spare room just below mine, you can have that" said Twilight

The two little ones were ecstatic, same with Spike

Dax didn't like this one bit but decided to just get it all over with, it was only a couple days after all

"You two, with me" said Dax as he held the two brothers hands as he guided them to the description of the room

"Twilight, I understand your position on this matter" said Celestia

"I don't trust him, what do you see in him? even if he's another member of the Elements, doesn't mean he's a friend, he's made no effort and has infact worked against us" said Twilight

"Well I guess this is a good of a time as any" said Luna

The three looked at Luna quizzically

"Whilst I was Nightmare Moon, I had been watching them for a while, they've gone through a lot" said Luna

"Such as?" asked Celestia curious

"Everywhere they go, they get attacked" said Luna

"Attacked? By what?" asked Twilight

"Everyone, no matter how long they've been there or how much they've done, the people always begin attacking them for some reason" said Luna

"But why? There's gotta be a reason?" asked Celestia

"His cold annoying behaviour most likely" said Twilight

"No, I don't know what causes it, even if they just arrive and haven't talked, they'll sometimes attack automatically, you guys sensed it when we first teleported here right?" asked Luna

'So I was right about something feeling off there' thought Twilight

"Where are their parents, even Dax is barely an adult" said Celestia

Luna hesitated to answer that question as she knew that those kind of questions were not hers to answer, but alas she had to

"They're gone... whilst those three were young, the villagers of another place attacked and killed their parents... It's why Dax is so untrusting, everyone he has ever met has tried to kill him and his brothers" said Luna

Twilight's eyes expanded, she was actually starting to feel sorry for the the stallion, it's now obvious he's just trying to protect his brothers, how she couldn't look past her dislike of him and see that was beyond her

"I see... how long have they been on the run for?" asked Celestia

"...8 years now..." said Luna

Twilight was mortified, did Luna just say 8 years? Have they really been on the run for 8 years? if so then that means... Dax was only 10 when it happened...

"So, Twilight, we hope you understand why we ask this favour from you, even if it's just a couple days, just give them some time to rest, they deserve it" said Luna

"I will" said Twilight determined

"Thank you Twilight" said Celestia

"My question is..." said Twilight

"Hmm?" asked the two Princess

"Why aren't we attacking them?" asked Twilight

"I assume it has something to do with us in particular, we're Alicorns so it's nigh impossible for us to be inflicted with anything, for you and your friends, it's probably due to the elements protecting you, and for Spike here, it's probably because your still just a baby" said Luna

"I'll do my best Princesses, you do what you need to do" said Twilight

"Thank you" said Celestia as the two Alicorns got up and went to the front door

"Once again, this should hopefully help you in your friendship quest" said Celestia

"Hopefully" said Twilight

The two Alicorns smiled as they teleported away, probably to tell the Canterlot residents that Celestia is okay

'It's okay Twilight, you can do this...' thought Twilight as she closed the door and proceeded to move to the spare room...

(End of Chapter 1)

Author's Note:

Hello! Welcome to the start of a new fanfiction! I've been hoping to get this out months ago, but I had to focus on other things, so hopefully this can satiate for now, I hope you all enjoy, although it may take me a while to update as I'm currently writing another fanfic alongside this one (Pokemon related if your into that), plus life might halt my progress, but I'll eventually get to writing both at a comfortable pace soon enough

This is Cahp! Signing off to hopefully plan more of this story out, aswell as get some sleep because it is 6:30 at the time of this sentence, hope you all love the fanfic and hope to continue on this great story!

(p.s If you see any mistakes, either grammatically or spelling wise, feel free to point it out so I can change it)