• Published 23rd Apr 2024
  • 172 Views, 3 Comments

Lyra's Heartstrings - Ms Rarity

After a bad break up with Bon Bon Lyra decides to win her back

  • ...

I just wanna be part of your symphony!

A week of tireless preparation ensued and Lyra had managed to stay sober whilst practicing hard to create the perfect song for her Bon Bon with the help of her friends. However, she still couldn't find the right words to tell her betrothed how she really felt about her within the song.

She was humming the tune of her song as she arrived at the theatre before cutting off with a gasp. "What in Faust happened?" Gasping upon seeing a heavy lock and chain wrapped around the theatre door. Medley limped forward. "Sorry Lyra, we were setting up the equipment and the lighting rig fell and its made a hole in the stage, turns out some trainee didn't tie it off properly"
Lyra shook her head in disbelief. "My goodness are you all okay?" She asked, frantically looking them over for any injuries.
"Not to worry Lyra, just a couple of bumps and bruises but we can still play." Vinyl Scratch eased her with a smile.
Lyra shook her head. "That wasn't my point, I just don't want to see my friends getting badly hurt because of me." They all gathered around for a group hug.
"Well, what shall we do now?" Beauty Brass asked.
Medley grinned. "I know just the place and I know just the ponies to ask to help us."
They gathered their instruments and headed off.

A short while later came across the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse. Lyra and the others looked at Medley a little puzzled. "What are we doing here, shouldn't we be looking for a new stage. Medley smiled. "Why of course and I've just found us one." She smiled.
Lyra looked at the others. "Did she hit her head in the accident? Because this is a treehouse and we're all never going to fit in there."
Just then Medley called out. "Hello? Girls! Is anypony there? We need your help!"
Within seconds the young trio leapt into action landing at the mare's hooves holding action poses, taking the musical troupe by surprise.

"Girls, we would like your help if that's alright?" Melody smiled softly.
Scooterloo raised her eyebrow. "What do you want us to do lady?" The orange Pegasus dryly asked. Beauty Brass cleared her throat. "Well you see girls, our friend Lyra here is wanting to make a song for her special somepony but this morning there was an accident at the theatre and we have no stage to perform on...so we are wondering how you'd feel helping us make a new stage..."
The fillies gasped. "Oh no! I hope no pony was hurt!" Sweetie Belle cried out.
Medley stepped in. "Thankfully there wasn't any serious injuries, however we are on a tight schedule to get this music piece finished."
Lyra stepped towards them. "Please girls, it would mean so much to me if you could help." She almost begged.
"Well sure we can! Why wouldn't we help? We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" The three fillies cried out together smiling wide as the trio leapt into another action pose.
"Err do they do that every time you call them that?" Vinyl Scratch whispered into Octavia's ear. The shocked cellist could only shrug as she stared on.
Medley smiled wide. "Oh that's wonderful news! Come on then we'll show you where we'll be setting up!"

A few hours later

The fillies were hammering nails into the beams of the makeshift stage whilst the musical troupe practiced over and over again as Lyra tried putting her heartfelt words in to it.
Her throat had soon become dry and she stepped to oneside to grab a drink. "Girls, don't forget to stay hydrated!" She called out to the fillies. Sweetie Belle came over and joined her taking a sippy cup from the cooler.
"So what are you making this song for Lyra?" She asked full of foalhood innocence as she took a drink. "Well, you see Sweetie Belle, Bon Bon and I we had a bit of a falling out and she left and now all I want to do is get her back."
Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow at the green mare. "Me and the girls fall out all the time over silly arguments, just tell her you're sorry, even if it wasn't your fault and then everything will be okay again."
Lyra smiled softly at the filly's innocence. "Well, I want to do something special to help assure her how much she means to me, Sweetie Belle. It's not that simple...you'll find that out as you get older." She said patting the unicorn on the head with her hoof before rejoining the others.
Sweetie Belle sipped her juice watching the mares play their instruments and tapping their hooves to the beat and soon began humming and tapping along to the beat herself.
Scooterloo looked to Sweetie Belle as the music filled the air once again. "Do you think all this will be worth it in the end?" Sweetie Belle passed her friends a juice box each. "Well if it's not, it will make a heck of a story to tell." She said as her horn glowed, picking up a hammer and nail as she got back to work.

The next day they all met up for rehearsals as the cutie mark crusaders picked up where they left off. Medley and Beauty Brass smiled at eachother watching Sweetie Belle shaking her butt to their rhythm as they played.
As the music stopped abruptly, Sweetie Belle carried before singing out with an angelic voice which struck them all.

🎶Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah

And now your song is on repeat and I'm dancing on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone, I feel incomplete
So, if you want the truth...🎶

Sweetie Belle stopped suddenly realising that the music had stopped and all eyes were on her before hearing applause and cheering making her blush. Lyra was already making her way over to her. "Hey Sweetie Belle, that sounded amazing! Can I speak to you for a moment? Let's grab a juice I bet you need it after that." She smiled warmly.
They sat under a tree in the cool shade drinking their juice. "That was lovely singing Sweetie Belle, where did you find those lyrics?"
Sweetie Belle blushed. "Well, I sometimes just come out with them...did I do something wrong?" Lyra smiled ruffling the filly's mane. "Quite the opposite, Sweety. You've helped me find the words for the part I've been struggling with. So who do you get your musical talent from?" Sweetie Belle looked up at Lyra. "None. My parents aren't musical and my sister is a fashion designer." Lyra smiled softly. "Well Sweetie Belle, you have a special gift and I think it would be a shame to waste it. Do you think your friends would mind if I steal you for a duet?" Sweetie Belle's eyes widened. "Wow, really? I don't think they'd mind at all!"