• Published 2nd May 2024
  • 453 Views, 0 Comments

Sugar Belle’s Icing Escapade - SunniesStories

Fantasy turns into reality for Sugar Belle, thanks to her lover, and quite a bit of icing

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Sugar Belle's Icing Escapade

The door to the warehouse creaked open slowly. Light spilled in from outside as a figure slipped in. Sugar Belle carefully looked around.

"Where is it?" She said to herself. The lights didn't work anymore, so the further she went from the door, the darker it became. Sugar lit up her horn so she could see, casting shadows in and around the recently-abandoned equipment. After a few minutes of searching, a pit of worry forming in her stomach that what she was seeking had been removed, Sugar turned the corner, and her horn illuminated what she’d been looking for: a giant industrial-sized vat of icing. Her worry was washed away by a rush of excitement as she inspected the vat carefully. She found and floated the outflow hose over to herself, checking for any damage, and, finding none, placed the end in her mouth. It took her a few more moments to find the lever to start the flow, but when she did she was rewarded with a loud, mechanical *clunk*, and the whirring of the vat's pump. Sugar felt air rush down the hose, mouth watering as she waited. Then, the first drops of creamy icing filled her mouth, and she let out a "Mm!" as she gulped it down, the icing sliding smoothly down her throat. More and more icing came down the tube, starting to go faster now as the pump warmed up, and more and more Sugar drank. She was lost to the world until something cold pressed against her belly. She turned, looking the best she could, and saw her stomach push itself slowly against the ground. The fullness hit her then, and she moaned, stroking her bloated stomach with her hoof. She was fuller than she'd ever been, but she still wasn't full enough, she wasn’t big. She wanted more, she wanted to empty the vat! She felt her belly push out against her legs, and after a few more gulps she lay on it, like a personal waterbed. She squeezed her legs against it, feeling and hearing her belly slosh, and let out another loud moan. She didn't want the icing to ever stop, she only wanted more, to grow bigger and bigger, forever. Sugar felt a tingling spread throughout her body, and turned to see her flank, once slightly flat, grow larger and rounder, wobbling with every gulp she took. She began to sink into herself as she guzzled more and more icing from the hose, growing fatter and fatter with each drop.

'Bigger!' She thought. 'Bigger! Bigger!'


"Bigger!" Sugar Belle awoke with a start, her forelegs wrapped tightly around her barrel. It took her a second to realize that she was in her bed, not in a warehouse being pumped full of icing. She relaxed her forelegs, quite disappointed as she studied her belly. She poked it with her hoof, and it jiggled a little. She was getting a bit pudgy, but nowhere near how she dreamed of being. Sugar shivered slightly as she imagined how it would feel if it actually happened, swelling and growing out of control... She looked over at Kace, or ‘Cherries’ as his players called him, who was fast asleep beside her. He was worn out after a six-game hockey road trip with the team he co-owned. She wondered how he would react if she told him about her fantasy. She rolled the idea around in her mind, then rejected it. They'd been together for a little while, but not quite long enough for her to judge his reaction well enough. She sighed quietly, then carefully climbed out of bed and went outside. Whenever she had that sort of dream, she burned with desire for growth, any growth at all. The night air always calmed her down, and for a few minutes, she enjoyed the clear sky and the stars. Her mane rustled in the warm summer breeze, and she yawned. But before she could head back to bed, her stomach growled loudly.

"Guess I'll grab something." She murmured, and walked back inside, hunting through the kitchen for a suitable midnight snack. She settled on a slice of fairly large cake she'd made for a customer who hadn't come back to pick it up. She wolfed it down, and paused for a moment, biting her lip. “Oh, what the hay.” She whispered to herself, and cut another large slice, which disappeared just as quickly. She cut another slice, then another, and before she knew it, she’d eaten the whole thing, save for one small slice. "Oof, you really were hungry." She patted her belly, eyeing the lone survivor with interest.

"Midnight snack, sugarplum?" A voice called out from across the room. Sugar froze in the light of the fridge, realizing a moment too late she had cake all over her face. Kace walked over as she was trying to rub it off with a towel hanging on the oven, his purple-streaked chestnut mane messy without his usual ballcap. "Looks like you got some on you there." He smiled. "Just makes you even sweeter." Sugar blushed a deep red.

"Sorry if I woke you. I tried to be quiet."

"Nah. Woke up on my own." Kace kissed her lightly on the cheek, then licked the icing off his lips. “You are a whiz at baking, you know that?” He glanced at the last piece of cake, and picked it up carefully in his hoof. “Can’t let this little guy go to waste, can we?”

“I think I’ve had enough, Kace.” Sugar stifled a burp behind her hoof. Kace’s smile grew a bit wider, and he brought the slice to her lips.

“Are you sure?” His voice was soft and low, and something other than cake filled Sugar’s belly as she looked into his eyes, seeing something sparkling in the green. Without a moment’s more hesitation, she gobbled up the last slice, licking Kace’s hoof clean. He laughed as her tongue tickled him, then kissed her cheek again. "Well, as long as we're up, I got a little something for you. C'mon." She followed him back into the bedroom. “I was saving this for your birthday, but I don’t think I can wait any longer.” Sugar sat on the edge of the bed as he rummaged deep in his side of the messy closet. Her mouth dropped open when he pulled out a bag of icing the size of a pony. He plopped it on the dresser next to the bed, and let a tube dangle down from it. Sugar wanted to race over and jam the tube into her mouth, but she managed to restrain herself, trying to keep her composure.

"Ka... Kace? Wh... why'd you get me this?" She tried to act nonchalant. It wasn't working.

"Well, somepony talks in her sleep." Kace pulled another bag free and laid it on the first, the weight causing icing to drip from the tube. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "And that somepony is going to get bigger tonight, if she so wishes. A lot bigger." Sugar almost collapsed with joy. He knew! And he wanted to help! Kace moved to stand next to the dresser and patted the bed beside him. "Now lay here. This isn't going to drink itself." Sugar needed no more prompting, and flung herself over. She popped the tube into her mouth, and started sucking. Sweet, delicious icing ran over her tongue, and she moaned with pleasure. Kace slowly increased the flow, and Sugar had to gulp faster and faster to keep up. Finally, the bag was empty. Sugar let out a belch, and, with some difficulty rolled onto her back, the bed creaking under the weight.

"Oh Celestia... I'm so... full!" She groaned, stroking as much of her bloated stomach as she could, now almost twice the size it originally was, blocking most of her view of the room. Kace placed his hoof on her belly and started rubbing it slowly, and Sugar purred at his touch.

"Well, that's a shame, because I got a great buy-one-get-one-free deal!" Kace pulled the tube out of the empty bag and put it on the full one.

"URRRRRP! I, I don’t think I can drink anymore, Kacey."

"Then drink this." Kace rummaged in his hockey bag and passed her a vial of blue liquid.

"Wh- UURAP! -at is it?"

"It's a potion that makes your metabolism be the exact same as a parasprite."

"Why do- BUUUUURP! -you have it? " He was still rubbing her belly, his hoof tracing the new curve of her stuffed gut, not meeting her gaze.

"Ah, well, you know.” A blush crept up his face. “Just in case a situation like this ever… arose.” Sugar giggled, her chest feeling warm and gooey.

"Oh, Kacey, you should've told me earlier you wanted me big too."

"I never could think of a way to bring it up. Until now, at least." Kace chuckled. "I probably should’ve said something the first time I heard you mumble ‘feed me more’ in your sleep. Better late than never, I guess." Sugar just smiled, and held up the vial.

"Bottoms up!" She gulped down the liquid. Her stomach rumbled loudly, and the almost nauseating fullness gave way to a roaring hunger. She looked down in surprise, then her instincts took over. "Feed me!" Sugar practically shouted, clamping her mouth over the tube, and Kace opened the valve wide. Icing flowed into her mouth, so fast some trickled out the sides, but she gulped with a ferocity she'd never known. Her belly swelled bigger with each gulp, an expanding ball of icing that just kept growing upwards and outwards. Her hooves pressed and squeezed her swelling middle, and Kace kept rubbing as best as he could. Sugar was in heaven. Too soon, the bag was empty. She burped. "Oh my gosh… BURRRRRAP! Why am I still feeling so hungry?"

"That's the potion. It changes your metabolism so you instantly digest food, and it allows your stomach to stretch a lot more." Kace carefully climbed up onto the bed, forelegs wrapping around her expansive middle, and laid a gentle kiss on her swollen belly that made her almost swoon. "The parasprites need instant energy to keep moving. Ponies... well, ponies don't use nearly as much as parasprites. And if they, say, drink a couple of gallons of icing, then all that gets converted into something other than energy." Sugar's eyes grew wide.

"They get... fat?"

"They get very, very fat." She felt Kace hug her tighter, but then she looked down and gasped. He wasn't squeezing her, she was pushing into him!

The growth started off slow, just in her belly, but she soon felt a rising warmth fill the entirety of her body. She let out a soft moan as she felt her flanks swell, lifting her up into the air as Kace rubbed and squeezed and nibbled and kissed as much of her as he could. She felt her cheeks grow chubbier, a second, then a third chin appearing. Her forelegs grew fatter, and she kneaded her chest as she kept swelling. Her belly was gargantuan, wobbling and gurgling as it swelled towards the ceiling, her whole body swelling across the bed, which sagged and creaked with each passing second. Her legs were becoming almost immobile, swathed in thick, warm fat, and soon all she could do was wobble them a little back and forth. Her flanks hit the edges of the bed, and kept going, pressing up against the dressers on both sides of the bed. She felt Kace climb on top of her, and she let out a loud moan at the pressure his weight put on her. The bed, having reached its weight limit some time ago, let out a final crrrrack! before it shattered under her massive rump. Sugar hit the ground with a thud that shook the house, her entire body wobbling and sloshing uncontrollably, her eyes rolling back in her head as she let out a shriek of pure pleasure. Her flanks pressed up against the wall, and the weight of her massive belly pulled her upright. She kept growing, wider and wider, bigger and bigger, feeling all the furniture breaking under her immense girth. Kace slid down the slope of her belly to her face, sinking in as he caught his balance. Sugar’s belly let out one final glorp before she finally, disappointingly, stopped growing.

Sugar’s amazed eyes looked around the bedroom, or what little she could see of it. Her body filled most of her view with thick, soft pink. The bed was long gone, crushed beneath her massive flanks. Sugar panted a little as Kace laid near her head, surrounded with rolls. He kissed her, hard, their tongues intertwining as he rested a hoof on the back of her head, pulling her in tighter as best he could. They finally came up for air, a long string of drool connecting their lips. Sugar cooed, and her belly let out a furious growl.

"Hey Kashey?" Her voice was deeper, her cheeks making her slur some of her words.

"Yes, honey?"

"I'm... shtill hungry." Kace smiled, and made his way somewhere off to her left. He returned a moment later, now wearing a saddlebag, one that Sugar recognized as the one she used to carry goods to her shop... or the one she used to use.

"We can't have that, can we?" Kace pulled out a cupcake and held it in front of her face. Obediently, she opened her mouth, and he put the cupcake in. She barely chewed before she gulped it down. Kace nuzzled the rolls that had formed on her neck, and rummaged for another cupcake. Sugar giggled.

"Thank you sho much." She sighed happily. "Thish is a dream come true. I love you, Kashey." He kissed her again, hard and hungry, then kissed up her bloated cheeks. His warm breath tickled her ear as he whispered to her.

"I love you too, sugarplum, but we've still got a long way to go. You think you’re big now? You ain’t seen nothing yet." Kace squeezed the fat below him, then dangled a donut in front of her. Sugar shivered in delight, causing a cascade of jiggles that set him bouncing like he was white-water rafting, and greedily opened her mouth again.

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