• Published 18th Apr 2024
  • 334 Views, 22 Comments

Sun Redacted - daOtterGuy

Redacted. Here to protect you even when you don't know about it.

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Aide to the Sun


TO: Princess Celestia
FROM: Raven Inkwell
SUBJECT: DOM Initiative Presentation

Engineers at the Vain Galleria have notified me that the presentation of the new DOM Initiative will be ready by this week’s end. I have cleared your schedule accordingly and disguised it under the pretense of budget discussions with the Mayor of Baltimare.

Let me know as soon as you are able to if you will require anything else for the trip.

P.S. My assistant Jewel has asked me to request several servings of his favourite pearls so he can ‘super send’ all the memos by dragon fire.

P.P.S. Jewel has done excellent work this past month by taking on extra jobs as needed to ensure operations of Redacted run smoothly. I feel that a few of his favourite gems from you personally as a reward would go a long way to showing that he is doing exceptionally well.


TO: Grim Steward
FROM: Raven Inkwell
SUBJECT: Mires Forecast

Grim, for the sake of brevity, I would ask going forward that when transcribing the Forecast that you keep it short. I do not need a complete play-by-play of everything said, the tone in which it was spoken, and actions performed. I may be a bureaucrat, but even I consider the current reports to be excessive.

Additionally, Agent Harpsichord has brought to my attention suspicions of abuse toward the handlers of Future is Now and other employees. Now, there is no actionable offense as this is mere conjecture; however, based on past experience with Agent Harpsichord’s intuition, I will be closely monitoring the Mires for the foreseeable future.

Do not prove her suspicions correct, Grim.


TO: Mr. Greenhooves, Wallflower Blush
FROM: Raven Inkwell
SUBJECT: New Gardener for Cornucopia Pavilion

Mr. Greenhooves. Ms. Blush. It has come to my attention that you have not assisted in the training of the last four candidates for the Cornucopia Garden position and have actively incensed them.

I understand that comparatively, the new recruits have not been up to your caliber or those in the past. However, recent years have made it increasingly difficult to find ponies who both meet the basic magic requirements necessary and to have personalities suited to the job. You both aggravating them is not helping.

Our latest candidate is Carrot Top. She has decent magic proficiency and comes from Ponyville, which should meet any disposition standards required. I strongly advise you to help her come to understand the Orders so that she may properly integrate to her new position.

At the very least, we are running out of options. The gardens cannot remain unattended. Help her.


TO: Agent Smith
FROM: Raven Inkwell
SUBJECT: Pumpkin Party and Twilight Sparkle

I would like to take a moment to congratulate you on the containment of Pumpkin Party. I know that has been a long time goal of yours and I am glad that you have finally succeeded in avenging Agent Spartan. In regards to your impending retirement, all forms have been processed, however, I would like to ask you to follow up on one more mission in an official capacity before I finalize the paperwork.

The SUN Protocol has noted an unwillingness in Twilight Sparkle to submit to its BRIGHT SPOT function for unknown reasons.

Though, it is inconclusive, it is possible she has seen Sunspot.

If you are able, please check in on her and confirm her state of well-being. I have decided not to inform Celestia until we have a concrete idea of what happened.

P.S Though it may be out of line, I have here an application from one of your grandfoals to the training centre at the Evening Watch. I thought it would be prudent to make you aware of this before I process their application.

P.P.S. While we are on the subject of being out of line, should Twilight Sparkle now be in the know, I will ask that you answer any questions she may have for you. We can’t keep on like this anymore.


TO: Agent Deadly Hunt
FROM: Raven Inkwell
SUBJECT: Malformant Sighting in Pine Grove

I have received word that you are ready to go back into the field after your recovery from the wounds inflicted by Yield Thy Flesh. Agent Skies has cosigned on your release forms, meaning that you are officially cleared for missions.

If you are interested, we have reports of a Malformant in Pine Grove, just northwest of Manehattan. Recon has categorized the Malformant as Loathing and given it the name To Fill My Holes. They have noted that a Title Agent will be required for the job.

Should you be interested, please inform me when able to before deployment.

P.S. I have looked into the superior you noted for one of your ‘medications’. They did appear to put their subordinate’s name on the List as an abuse of authority. They will be handled accordingly.


TO: Agent Harpsichord
FROM: Raven Inkwell
SUBJECT: Possible Malformant Activity in Manehattan

You have been requested to track down a possible Malformant that is responsible for the ponynapping of a married couple, Gardenia State and Crumb Coat. Initial inquiry point toward a Malformant aligned with either Desire or Obsession. As this has been elevated to high risk, I have already assigned you to the case and enclosed a train ticket to take you to your destination.

P.S. I know you are desperate to find Moondancer, but we can’t let an unknown Malformant get out of hoof. I promise I will help you as much as possible once this is done, but for now I need you to take on this job.


TO: Agent Spearhead
FROM: Raven Inkwell
SUBJECT: New Recruits at the Evening Watch

I have begun processing forms for five new candidates for Agent training at the Evening Watch facility. One has an attached Trauma, one appears to have great potential, one is currently awaiting permission from a separate authority, and the other two seem capable enough for grunt-level work.

Enclosed are full summaries on each recruit. Please take some time to go over them before our afternoon brunch to give me your thoughts on them.


TO: Picturesque
FROM: Raven Inkwell
SUBJECT: Supplies for Vain Galleria

In the future, please do not use the emergency seal on non-emergency messages. Spearhead and I nearly died of a heart attack seeing the seal used for Nation Ending Threats sent to us in the middle of our meal.

Do not do it again. There will be consequences next time.

Now, in regards to your supply request, I will happily fill out the requisite forms and notify the proper channels to have them express delivered by late today or early tomorrow morning.

I will not include the rotten foodstuffs. You are trapping Malformants in art not ‘creating a message’. On that note, why in Equestria do you need 500 kilograms of chalk? Reply immediately with a valid reason in regards to this or I will leave it off the supply manifest.


TO: Coal Spark
FROM: Raven Inkwell
SUBJECT: Aid for Stalliongrad

Firstly, I must remind you that Royal Memos are for professional use only. Personal messages can be addressed through the Equestrian postal service.

Secondly, in regards to the Malformant Breach at the Mirror Palace facility, Agents Aces and Choir will be sent immediately to resolve this as well as to assist in reinforcing the barricades against the CASINO. Agent Deadly Hunt will also join you after the containment of the Malformant To Fill My Holes in Pine Grove.

Enclosed are Royal Vouchers for you to use at your discretion to procure all necessary supplies in stopping the breach.

P.S. I love you too. Please stay safe, Coal.


TO: Princess Celestia
FROM: Raven Inkwell
SUBJECT: Presentation of DOM Initiative

They’re ready for you.

P.S. Jewel loved the gemstones you sent him.