• Member Since 14th Jun, 2023
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Anubis Grimgost


Damian is a 24 year old man still living at home with two loving parents and three younger siblings, good friends and a week old brand new motorbike.

Life is good and summer had just started.

But fate can be unpredictable and Damian’s destiny lies elsewhere.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 45 )

Excited to see where this goes:twilightsmile:

You've got me hooked as I can't wait to see how things will go for the former human, by the way was he transformed into a kirin as the description of his new body in chapter 2 has me thinking he was turned into a kirin.

Maybe, maybe something similar in appearance?

But I’m ever so glad that this story is being so positively received, it means a lot.


I'm very happy for you, you're very welcome! :twilightsmile:

Is this a crossover? Also, have you found a way to me to pay you yet?

No crossover and regrettable I have not found a way to continue with the story you wanted.

Damian woke up in complete darkness, he was confused and lost. He couldn’t remember his father or mother, not even his siblings or friends were in his memories.

Oh no, not this displaced cliche where you're forced to mostly forget your past life. :ajbemused:

Omg, just saw your cover art and I bloody love it

He remembers most things just not his family or friends.

I could even write a book on it, gasp* please?”

*gasp*? I like * *for actions :)

“Thy current from isn’t unpleasant to our eyes….”

form? Also, so flirty! :p

“Well Damian I have to agree with my sister here but if you’re clams are true about not being in this form since birth, then I’ll have to get you trained in reading body language and cultural norms here.”

Though I do like clams, generally only in chowder and you can't claim otherwise. :p

Celestia’s playfully smiles died upon hearing that. “you mean our subjects.”

playful smile?

Sigh* they aren’t ours, they’re thou’s. The day ponies fear or hate us.”

*sigh* Thy and Thine give me a headache, but I'm pretty sure either fits better.

I'm also curious about the wings vs the image as well as Luna's description during his dream.

Thank you for the comment and constructive feedback, I’ve fixed some of those things and thanks for bringing the “lack wings” it’s been changed to what I thought I put which is “lack flight worthy wings”

And I’m currently working on aligning the cover image and description at the moment.

Just changed the cover, would like opinions on it?

Ugh I hate it when the ponies force a non pony to use their terminology as it doesnt make any sense for them to.

How many chapters long do you see this story being?

Rainbow are you seriously stupid to attack some creature just because they look different!? :facehoof:
Hopefully she gotten her flank chewed out by the doctors along with Twilight and Luna.


They really need stop doing that crap.

Besides, everybody/everyone is a hundred times better.

Redcross gently laid him down and went to get a blanket to put over him but when she came back she found that he had rolled over and was now exposed.

Her cheeks went red as she felt her hindquarters heat up, she snapped herself out of it and threw the blanket over him. Covering his lower half but she couldn’t help but grow a little curious and decided to take a look.

But as she was about to take a peek of his family jewels, a creak from the window made her jump and take a few steps back.

Okay, this is getting annoying. By the point, they've acting like disgusting perverts. :facehoof:

Author, please stop this ridiculous!


And you realized that this makes no f-king sense either!?

Because One; Didn't the Princesses already told Twilight and her Friends about Damian and his destroyed Motorcycle?

So, Rainbow COULD at least KNOW who he is, and what he looks like?

This feels more like forced inconsistency and a plothole, just so the author makes this highly stupid cliche of Rainbow attacking the protagonist for no good reason!! :twilightangry2:

Seriously, what's with Authors/Writers using Rainbow Dash to attack human/non-pony protagonists to make some stupid drama and tension?

And Two; Didn't she see that Damian is literally in a hospital bed or wheelchair, along with a pony nurse supervising him?

So, I don't know how the hell she is thinking that he is any "threat", when he is clearly heavily injured, has a pony nurse with him, and is in a hospital bed/wheelchair like this!?

P.S. And since he is a Dragon. Spike himself will rightfully want to slap/punch Rainbow Dash for this Dragon racism bullcrap!!!!!

And Three; What the heck is the damn point for him to be in a coma for 5 months and a half for this!? Why?

I just really hope that either Rainbow Dash is in prison for this crime for a long time, because this is technically attempted murder.

Or that Damian will never forgive her for a long ass time, and would want to press charges against her in court in a realistic scenario.

Or have Luna give her terrible nightmares between these 5 months and a half for hurting Damian.

Otherwise, if you forced Damian to do the over cliche "I forgive" bullcrap to Rainbow immediately, after what she did?

I'm sorry, but I will leave this fic, and go somewhere else. You understand? :applejackunsure:

Plus why assign Twilight to rebuild technology she doesn’t understand

The x-ray machine began to make a knocking sound and Damian clamped his eyes closed and prayed that it didn’t explode.

Sounds more like a MRI then a x-ray as they buzz like a hair trimmers before a soft clunk sound.

I beg of you, please punish rainbow crash in a believable way for attempted murder.... too many stories have I seen where they just get a slap on the fetlock or the mc is basically super passive about EVERYTHING....

I agree with you here RGRE do this a lot and not many do it well, the ladies be sluts and molesters they be here

Twilight needs a reality check and needs a HARD lesson in moderation and realistic expectations if she's gonna be acting this way about someone else's things

Yeah, please at least put in a paragraph about Rainbow being in prison for those 5 months.

It’s why I always hated RGRE as not only is it sexist but the cartoon never represents it same with herds really

It tends to be super sexist, this I agree with but I don't hate RGRE... I'm just saying not many do it well, an example of RGRE done will would be 'A Roegadyn in Equestria' now that's an RGRE done well. The show is used as a basis for RGRE because for like... every 10ish female oriented character there's 1... maybe male oriented character...

Just thought of something. What if his bike becomes like Agnes' in Training Wheels?

Good chapter, the story is interesting👍

good chapter

These ponies need to stop forcing someone to forgive something that is life-threatening!!! :ajbemused: :facehoof:

He ISN'T a pony that just quickly forgives heinous crimes like attempted murder.

Heck, Daimon should give out some examples of very bad people, and ask them IF THEY should "forgive" heartless monsters like that!?

And as for the bike. I don't know HOW Twilight can even help make a "new" bike?

The vehicle is still leagues ahead of technology than the medieval times/fantasy setting that is Equestria. Sure, they got stream trains, got air balloons/zeppelins, wooden boats/ships, etc...

But, no automobiles/cars/bikes, biplanes, metal boats/steel ships, etc....

Not to mention the ponies over dependent of magic.

So they don't know how to make gasoline/oil for the motorcycle anyways.

And I doubt Damian is a expert engineer to make a new bike out of thin air?

Why didn’t you answer my question?

The thing is Twilight can't make him a new bike because pony civilization is completely stagnant.


I literally just say that. But in different wording.

The author would need a Deus Ex Machina to bring in a new bike out of thin air.

Otherwise, that story's picture is meaningless with his bike already been destroyed from the very beginning.

I wonder what kind of side effects of making a bike using the technology of another world.

I was meaning like towards the end of the mini movie but mixed with Gogo's suit.

Sorry i must have missed it, what was it?

You’ll be surprised with how easy it is to make a motorcycle in your shed, the only thing that he wouldn’t know how to make is the engine but I’m sure there could be a work around. After all, humans are well known for their ability to adapt.

Not to mention most people can describe a combustion engine in some vague fashion.

I’m not saying that a new bike is just going to appear out of thin air but it’s not out of the question to make another over time.

Good chapter 👍

Rant incoming: I noticed that the nurse had a problem with privacy last chapter. I understand ponies are nudist by culture however once he said I am uncomfortable not wearing clothing because in my culture it is considered taboo, the nurse should have respected that. The problem is nobody in this seems to understand boundaries or has any respect for them. I am glad rainbow got a punishment but at the same time, Celestia seems just as bad at breaking boundaries. Since last chapter, our main character decided to forgo his culture and give in to peer pressure.

I understand where you’re coming from but let’s be honest, peer pressure is a powerful thing.

I myself am guilty of this, we all are to some degree.

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