• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 1,194 Views, 56 Comments

Are changelings... Ants???? - ImClinicallyDepressed

Okay here's the rundown, me dead, me changeling queen cool powers, need make hive, annoy Celestia. You got it? Of course you do I'm talking to myself. ***DISCLAIMER! CRUDE HUMOR IN THE BEGINNING CHAPTERS!***

  • ...


Author's Note:

Holy fucking shit im wasTed DUde (I'm joking)


Anyways, Every chapter once a week (just ignore the chapters getting posted in 2-3 days I got high when making them)

the uh... Thing always uh yeah.

-Sun Tzu: Art of Random shit

“Finally dude!” I said while admiring my masterpiece. “I actually made a fully functioning T.V! Wow!” As if on que the T.V suddenly emitted three sparks.

“Ok maybe not fully functioning,”

My name’s Rimu, I’m a 14 year old highschool student. Life’s been pretty lack luster for the most part. Family died which sucks, all my relatives either died or isn’t in the country, and I’m pretty sure I’m banned from every orphanage in a 10 mile radius. That didn’t stop me though! The government gave me a house and a sweet bike! (Probably because my grandpa was a top general in the army but who cares.)

Im in my 2nd year in HS and I’m feeling pretty good! My grades are okay, my social is non-existent and my bank account is lower than all of my relatives combined. But on the bright side I made a working T.V that’s connected to news channels.

I grabbed a chair from the kitchen and sat down Infront of my magnum opus, I sat there contemplating what I should watch for the day. Recently I’ve been skimping out on school work because It’s easy as shit, so I’ve just started to watch this nifty show called MLP:FIM. It’s a nice children’s show and it’s helped me sleep at night just imagining the characters in scenarios and scenarios.

I usually watch it on my phone but I may or may not have broken it when I saw the generation 5 MLP. I was actually heart broken that the show ended in 2019 (technically). I wanted to see more adventures and um... Rainbow dash and AJ. Look they’re some of my favorites okay? My all time favorite though? It’s of course the one, the only,


Okay I may be lame for that one but fuck you okay? She’s a cool character. Wait what was I talking about again? Oh right the broken phone.

The new generation of MLP never really interested me as much as G4, it looked cool yes, but it kinda didn’t feel right. The moment I broke my phone I cried like a little bitch since it had my files of the characters in MLP, and probably because that was my only phone. I tried to buy a new one but my bank account said “nope” and slapped me in the face.

“I should really get a job huh,” I thought, staring at the black screen of the T.V infront of me. I made the T.V with scraps of old T.V’s and wires I stole from an orphanage, it was a long and hard journey but it’s gonna pay off. I can watch MLP on this bad boy and drown my problems out.

I looked around for the remote for a moment, finding it on the floor with no back cover and bite marks littering it.

“Oh right I used to eat remotes.” I picked it up, plopped some batteries in and turned on my creation.

“I didn’t want to believe it but the evidence is overwhelming!” Twilight said with vigor.

“You made me look ridiculous!” Rarity said bitc- I mean- Rarity cried out.

“You made m-” Fluttershy tried to speak but was cut off with a sudden alert on the T.V.


“I hate pranksters, always ruining my day dreaming.” I tried to turn off the T.V and back on again so the message will hopefully disappear, but I was greeted with a not so fun reality when I heard the sirens blair outside.

“SHIT! IT’S REAL?” I shouted. Most of my neighbors started fleeing and looking for the nearby bunker, I however started to gather my DVD collection of MLP:FIM. I was a simple man, and a realistic man. If by some miracle I would survive the nuclear explosion and the inevitable war, it would be worse than just dying on the spot since even if my country won, what would I gain?

Nothing, that’s what.

I gathered my MLP collection and stared at it. I’ve only started to watch the show about a 3 months ago and I’ve never seen the ending yet, unfortunate. I looked on with pity at the people crying outside. I saw families hugging each other and police calming a crowd down. I cried a little to be honest with you, the realization that I would never finish the show, never see the beautiful ponies, and never even watch the finale. It wasn’t fair, but that’s just life, right?

The T.V at this point was playing the national anthem of my country,

“BAYANG MA-” yeah yeah you know the drill. The anthem reminded me that I actually used to make music for the show, tried to atleast. It was kinda my passion to make music and listen to it, yes it sounded terrible but hey I knew how to play a guitar atleast. I turned off the T.V and stared at my reflection.

I can’t even remember the last time I washed my face. I sighed and sat down lazily on the chair.

“God dammit, I just finished my T.V too,” There was no point in trying to fight death, “I wished I could’ve finished collage at least, it was my... Just forget it.”

I looked up to the ceiling if my home. White wooden boards with no other features, just the way I liked it. Deciding that being conscious when the nuke set off was a bad idea, I laid on the floor and closed my eyes with my DVD collection of MLP strewn across around me in a symbol.

It wasn’t a demonic symbol, if I was gonna die I would be fateful to god atleast. It was a made up alphabet I made, the letter I made was the letter “R” for Rimu. The letter looked like an arrow just without the head and body attached, I know creative.

I closed my eyes and just imagined shit as I died, “God if you’re watching me, don’t look at my search history.”

And everything went to black.

Life is never fair, but you can make it fair with a little kindness, remember that Rimu.


H3Y! W#&K U$!


1U#CY Y@O!


I am designated as 31415926535! Or you can me 0!

Am I... Dead?

Not quite! You are dead but not in this world! Quite the opposite actually! You’ve just been “born”!

Wake me back up in 10 minutes.

I rolled around in a hard rocky floor trying to sleep, I then heard another buzz at my side,

Oh no you don’t! Well you can but I don’t want to! Come on, get up!

A black screen suddenly lit up in my face, I tried swatting it away but it only made a buzzing sound, disappeared for a second and went straight back.


I slowly opened my eyes fully, I was in a dark cave of some sorts, stalactites and stalagmites all around me slowly dripping a dark green substance, said substance is flowing down to the floor besides me.

Do you want to read the terms and conditions of the system™?

Yes or no?


Great! Switching to semi-personality mode to conserve energy! Ahem.

Welcome to the system™! This system’s goal is to spice up your reincarnation! This version of the system is version #09073148553142RMU! This version has been given to you because your past life has either been:

Accidentally ruined!
Ruined by another reincarnated (aka a jumper!)
Wasn’t fair!
Or more!

I groggily looked at the dark box that was spewing absolute nonsense at me, trying to discern if what I’m seeing is reality or a figment of my scarily strong imagination .

This version of the system is what you call: MMORPG! This version will not guide you, but it will have cool powers that you see in your books! Please be warned that the system does not have a personality and you will not be able to form a bond with said system, if the system you currently have has a personality, it will cause you to lose your mind as a personality option is too taxing on any mind, even gods! Please contact @#&$-#& if the system does have a personality! I’m just kidding! If it does have a personality you’re brain would be cooked right about now! If it doesn’t, good! Now that’s the introduction to the system, terms of conditions are!

“Oh come on no don’t -”



AS YOU’VE INSTALLED SYSTEM™ OR SYSTEM.OIS YOU HAVE ALREADY AGREED TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, THE SYSTEM MAY KILL THE USER ON INSTALLATION, IF THIS POSSIBLITY HAPPENS WE ARE NOT LIABLE TO BE SUED! IF THE ORIGINAL UNIVERSE IS CHANGED WE ARE Nblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah rimu? Blah blah blah blah blah rimuareyoualive? Blah blah blah blah ohdearcelestiapleasetellmeyouralive blah blah pleasedontleaveme blah blah

After a few hours of constant blabbering 0 finally shut up about terms of conditions and displayed,

Please, and thank you for listening! Please enjoy system.ios and have a nice day!

“Oh thank god it’s finished,” I said with a loud sigh after.

Evaluating current state of user...
Evaluation: User is not fit for personality mode or semi-personality mode. Evaluating if user is compatible with assistant mode.
Evaluation: user is not qualified for assistant mode, but is qualified for game menu mode. Switching to game menu mode for user.

100% completion.

Another black screen replaced the previous one, this time I recognize some words and understand them fully, unlike the mumbojumbo that I barely kept up with a few moments ago. This screen was showing,

Name: Rimu
Age: 5 hours (14)
Gender: Female (male)
Level: 0
Skills: None
Love meter: 0%

I squinted to get a better look at the black screen, I jumped as a sudden loud sound rang to the side of me accompanied by another black screen.

Achievement unlocked! Squinting!

I blinked a couple of times after I fully calmed down after the jumpscare. After some thinking I came up with the answer to my predicament,

“Oh I’m dreaming! Well I guess I gotta wake up, I’m gonna be late to school, silly me!” I then punched my face full force, “FUCK! THAT WASN’T A SLAP!” I then rubbed the spot that I punched.

“Wait...” I rubbed the spot again, I noticed my “hand” was curled up like a fist, it was hard but felt buttery smooth for some reason.

I then realized I my vision that was suspiciously good at the dark. I quickly tried to stand up but after a few seconds I ended up plopping right back to the ground with a groan. My “feet” felt hard when I was standing. Then it dawned on me.

“Wait fema- nononononono,” I quickly shoved my “hand” down under and felt a light tingle, “no. No. No. This has to be a j-” my train of thought suddenly stopped as the tingle felt too... Good. I quickly pulled my “hand” and stopped touching the area.

“Shit, I’m a girl now” I said emotionless. A sudden thought came through my mi- wait bad! Stop it Rimu! Don’t play with yourself in a cave! As I tried to derail my teenager thoughts I comprehended my situation.

I’m a girl, in a cave, alone, and horny hurt. Shit did something happen to me? Did someone fucking drug me?! I quickly sat up and did breathing exercises, I looked at my “hands”. They we’re... hooves.

I sat there, looking at my new limbs, I quickly checked my forehead and felt a stick, a horn. Am I... A unicorn? WAIT! I checked my back and low and behold, wings. I sat there, slightly giddy. “Im a alicorn! There’s isnt any other species with a horn AND wings! Im an alicorn! Well except for o-”

“No. Don’t... Do... This... To... Me...” I said slowly and checked my ar- legs again. They. Had.


I was a changeling, and by the looks of it, a queen changeling. “WAIT!” I checked my mane, of course I had one but the thing I wanted to check was...

The mane was colored blue with a speck of green on the edges. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief when I realized I wasn’t Chrysalis. “So another changeling queen? Were there other’s except for Chrysalis?” I pondered. If there were more other than Chrysalis I wouldn’t know because I didn’t watch S5 beyond. Maybe there more, but maybe Chrysalis killed all of them? Wait... What year am I in?! Please don’t tell me im in the smack dab middle of S3!

I quickly looked around the cave, I felt a light breeze to my left. The exit. I quickly ra- gall- ran to the exit.

The exit was only a couple of meters away from my resting spot. I quickly made my way outside and looked up to the sky, it was night, perfect. I looked straight towards the moon and I saw... The mare on the moon... This was before S1! And by the looks of it, before the sonic rainboom! YES! I WAS SAFE!

I laid down on the green grass below me, I hadn’t noticed but I was actually flying when I looked at the moon. A sense of relief washed over me.

I was in MLP, that was for sure. Right now I was before the rainboom in the timeline, so no changeling purge just yet. I felt AWESOME! Who wouldn’t be? Being reincarnated into the objectively best universe to be in?

I smiled as I looked at the sky. My mind drifted and went into that direction again.

“Fine! Maybe just once... or twice” I laid on the grass and once again put my hoof down under, not panicking this time. “hgn~” I moaned as my hoof touched and slowly massaged my-

Achievement unlocked! Stress relief!

”Hah... Hmmm~!”

Princess Celestia was having a nice cup of tea with her student, Sunset Shimmer. They were both talking about the usual, how their day was going, any special events, promising students in the Canterlot school for gifted unicorns, the usual.

While both of them were talking a sudden wave of energy washed over them. Both Celestia and Sunset jumped the instant they felt it.

It wasn’t magic they felt, it more like a birth of a new alicorn. ‘ That’s strange’ Sunset thought.

While Sunset pondered why she felt the wave, Celestia suddenly stood up and looked around the garden.

“Uh, princess?” Sunset asked, worried.

“You felt that too my student?” Celestia quickly questioned.

“Yes, I felt it too. I was just po-” Sunset was about to continue until Celestia interrupted her.

“A changeling queen was just born,”

“What? A changeling queen?” Sunset replied, “I thought you said the changeling queens went extinct!”

“That’s what I thought, my student.”

“So another one was born after, what. 500 years?!” Sunset was starting to look nervous.

“Yes, and it seems like the energy is being hidden as we speak,” Celestia then trotted to away from their table in the garden, “and it isn’t getting hidden by the queen.”

Celestia tried to think, the last time a queen was born was when Chrysalis was born. Back then Celestia felt a wave of energy too, but it was much, MUCH stronger than this wave. ’Was it just a failed spell?’

Celestia kept and kept pondering, until she hit a metal pole. She then swiftly blacked out.