• Published 27th Mar 2024
  • 1,981 Views, 15 Comments

Princess Pampering - RunicTreetops

One of the simplest pleasures in life is getting to pamper your lovely marefriend, Pipp. It's less simple when her mother walks in.

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Princess Pampering

You feel your biceps ache as you step into the entrance hall of the royal palace. About a dozen or so shopping bags hang from your arms, and they have been all afternoon. If you don’t get a chance to put them down sometime soon, your arms are going to give out.

“We’re home!”

“Hello, Pipp! And hello to you too, Anon!”

“H-hello, Queen Haven,” you grunt through clenched teeth.

“I see you two have been busy!”

“Oh, it was so fun though! I haven’t gotten to shop around casually here in ages, then Nonny offered to carry my bags and everything!”

“Well, that was very kind of you, Anon!”

“Y-yeah!” You force a smile through the pain. “Always… always happy to lend a hand!”

Pipp turns to look back at you with a smile, completely unburdened by the single shopping bag that she’s carrying herself. Those bright green eyes of hers practically sparkle with excitement, and all at once, the fatigue in your arms seems to fade.

Pipp is the second daughter of Queen Haven. She’s the princess of Zephyr Heights. She’s a famous social media influencer, and she’s an acclaimed singer and songwriter. Most importantly, however, is that she’s your marefriend.

You’ve been together for quite some time now, and things have been going well since your first anniversary. The general populace of Equestria has gotten used to your presence, so you’ve been able to get around with a bit more freedom than before. Your friends all approve of your relationship (Jazz has been particularly supportive on that front), and she even introduced you to her mother a few months back. Thankfully, Haven didn’t seem too phased by your whole “being a human” thing. She even remarked that the two of you are cute together.

All in all, it’s been nice. Right now, you’ve both taken a few days off work to visit Zephyr Heights together. Not for a holiday, and not for any sort of business, but to just enjoy a bit of time together. You both lead busy lives, so opportunities like this don’t come all that often. As a result, you jumped at the chance, and you’ve been thoroughly enjoying yourselves.

Even if you get stuck carrying most of her belongings.

“Alright, well, I think we’re gonna head to my room.”

“Ohoh? Together?”

Haven leans forward with a sly grin on her face, causing Pipp’s cheeks to quickly turn red.


“Don’t have too much fun in there! …Or do. Whichever gets me grandfoals faster.”


Haven lets out a hearty laugh.

“I’m just kidding, dear! Go get comfortable before poor Anon’s arms give out.”

Pipp turns back to you again, apparently only just now noticing the strain that you’re under.

“O-oh! Here, let me take some of those.” With a sheepish grin, Pipp removes three of the bags from your arms. “Come on, I’ll show you the way to my room.”

It doesn’t take too long to navigate the palace halls. While it is a very big building, there aren’t actually that many corridors or ways to get lost. After riding an extremely tall elevator, you make it to the royal chambers near the top of the palace. Pipp casually chats with you about what it was like to grow up in the palace, detailing how difficult it was to have to lie to her subjects about being able to fly. You respond and ask questions when appropriate, but you mostly let her do the talking. You’re far from quiet, but she’s definitely the more talkative of the two of you.

Eventually, you both come to a stop before a modestly sized door. It looks like it’s made of gold, but surely it isn’t… right? Pipp opens a small hatch next to the door of the same color, revealing some sort of flat, electronic-looking surface. She places her hoof flatly against the surface and a few seconds later, the door makes a clicking sound.

“Hoof-scanning locks. Pretty neat, huh?”

“That’s some high-tech security you’ve got there.”

“Well, mom has always been really protective of Zipp and I. And it’s not like our castle has a huge staff.”

“Still stays awfully clean, though.”

“She spends a lot more on janitors than she does guards. Anyway, come in!”

With an excited grin, she practically shoves you through the now-open door. For the first time, you get a good, long look at her bedroom.

It’s exactly what you expected. First and foremost, it’s a whole lotta pink. A big, extremely fuzzy bed sits along the center of the back wall. Grand, crystal-clear glass doors open out onto a balcony overlooking Zephyr Heights. A side door leads into a massive walk-in closet. There’s an entire wall dedicated to music, with a massive stereo, a keyboard, tons of recording equipment, and other tools and instruments Pipp might want to use while practicing. In the corner, there’s an expensive-looking PC setup with basically everything having her cutie mark on it.

If there was ever a room that screamed “Pipp Petals,” it’d be this one.

“Sooooooo~? What do you think?”

Pipp nervously glances to the side, apparently somewhat anxious to hear your response.

“A room fit for a princess.” You give her a teasing grin. “For my princess.”

She immediately gives you a weak punch to your sternum.


Pipp trots to the far side of the room before setting down the bags she’s carrying, prompting you to do the same. As you unload them one at a time, she begins gently flying a few feet off the ground and organizing some of the things she bought.

“Thanks for going with me, Nonny. I had a lot of fun today!”

“I can tell. You barely even used your phone.”

You look up at her just in time to see her take a selfie with you and the bags in the background.

“O-oh. Uhh… hehe.”

You chuckle before reaching out and booping her nose, causing her to recoil with an embarrassed smile.

“N-Nonny, you can’t just do that out of the blue!”

“Why not?”

“I-it’s… it’s so lewd!”


Going completely red, Pipp covers her face with her forehooves in embarrassment.

“Just… never mind! I’m gonna put all this stuff away!”

Suddenly avoiding eye contact, Pipp rushes into the closet with several shopping bags in her hooves. You hear shuffling behind the door after she slams it shut, leaving you alone in her room with the remaining bags. Every few moments, she’ll open the door, grab another bag, and then shut it again. You just shrug and pick up the only bag belonging to you before taking a seat at the foot of her bed.

A few minutes later, the door opens once more. Given the ample time she had to compose herself after your unexpected boop, she seems to have calmed down tremendously. She lets out a contented sigh as she flies across the room and takes a seat next to you. Her eyes close before you feel her short, pudgy form begin to lean on you. With a chuckle, you wrap an arm around her in a half-hug. For a few moments, you both just sit back and quietly enjoy the comfortable moment.

While the day was fun, it was also hectic. Zephyr Heights is a busy place, and Pipp gets stopped by fans a lot. You wouldn’t call yourself asocial or anything, but you’re definitely not the social butterfly Pipp is. Granted, you expected this sort of thing to happen when you started dating a princess/influencer/pop star, but it’s exhausting all the same.

And glancing down at her, you think she’s feeling tired, too.

“...Hey, Pipp?”

“Hmm?” Her voice is light and gentle, sounding almost half-asleep.

“Could you indulge me for a bit?”

“How so, Nonny?” She never opens her eyes, nor does the comfortable smile on her face fade.

“Think you could lay on your stomach for me?”

“...N-Nonny, are we about to–”

“No, no.” You sheepishly rub the back of your head as one of her eyes opens to look at you. “Well, not yet, anyway.”

“...Alright.” Her comfortable smile slowly turns into an amused one as she takes her weight off of you and lays down on the bed properly. She faces away from you, unfurling her wings as she gets comfortable. “Like this?”

“Exactly. Now, just stay still for a little bit.”

“What do you plan to– oh!” Her thought is cut off as she feels the soft bristles of a brush begin to run down her back. “N-Nonny?”

“I saw a really nice-looking brush while you were checking out those Subreme-brand saddlebags. Figured I could try it out on you.”

“Nonny, you know I own dozens of brushes already, right?”

“Sure, but this one is mine.”

“You don’t have fur, love.”

“I know, I bought it so I can use it on you.”

“I… I don’t get it.”

“The only time you’re ever gonna get to use this brush is when I’m the one handling it,” you chuckle as you continue to work at the fur on her back. It doesn’t particularly need brushing in the first place. Pipp takes excellent care of her appearance, and her coat is no exception. Her fur is cut to perfection. It’s glossy, it’s smooth as silk, and it’s just the perfect shade of pink. “If you’ll let me, of course.”

“I… oh~!” She is cut off once again as you start brushing right between those fluffy wings of hers. “I appreciate it, I guess. I just don’t know what compelled you to do this in the first place.”

“I enjoy getting to pamper you. It’s a perk of having such a cute marefriend.”

“You’re so darn corny,” she mumbles, her voice muffled by the bed sheets as she fully relaxes at the feeling of the brush. “But… you really know how to use that thing.”

In all honesty, you didn’t expect her to enjoy it this much. You sort of just made an assumption because she’s, ya know, a pony. Good thing it turned out as well as it did, eh?

Eventually, you finish off her back. Once you do so, you move to her legs, carefully lifting them one at a time and working your way around them. She assists you in this endeavor, slowly melting at your touch. She looks to be in a state of complete relaxation, and that feeling doesn’t fade even as you move on to her tail. You have to be gentle with it considering how meticulously she takes care of it, but by the time you’re done, it’s looking perfectly smooth.

Having finished your work, you set the brush down. Aside from her gentle breathing, Pipp doesn’t move a muscle. Even from here, you can see an expression of absolute bliss spread across her face.

“How are you feeling?”

“Incredible,” she moans. “This was such a good idea.”

“I’m not done just yet.”

“Hm?” With a grin, you sidle up onto the bed, placing one leg on either side of her as you kneel above her. “What now?”

“Just relax.”

“I-oh~!” Her body arches downwards as you begin to gently massage her upper back. While she’s no stranger to massages, you’re the only one who can do so with hands. “L-lower.”

You do as she asks, slowly working your hands down her back. Her muscles are tight in a few places, but it doesn't take much effort to fix that. She gets especially into it when you reach the space between her wings, taking extra care to really work around their bases. By the time you’ve finished, she’s been in pure bliss for the better part of ten minutes.


“Alright, time to turn you over.”

“Hm? Woah!”

Without waiting for her input, you gently grab both sides of your small, pudgy marefriend and flip her onto her back. She immediately looks into your loving eyes as you bend down to give her a sweet, gentle smooch. To your surprise, she grabs you before you can escape, holding the kiss for a few seconds longer before you manage to pull away.

“I love you, Nonny.”

“I love you too, Pipp.” You give her an amused grin. “But I’m still not done yet.”

You immediately continue your massage, this time aiming for the upper part of her chest. There’s a fair amount of fluff there, so it takes some time for you to really find a sweet spot. Still, once you do, her head flops backward in relief.

“I didn’t even realize you could massage my underside.”

“Never underestimate the power of hands.”

You take a few minutes to finish off her chest. You can’t move down much without reaching her cute belly, which wouldn’t really be a good massage target. If you went any lower than that, this would turn into a very different type of massage. Instead, you settle for placing your hands on either side of her and giving that belly of hers a gentle kiss of its own.

“Wh-what are you doing down there?”

“Just appreciating my favorite mare’s assets.”

“Could you please word that differently?”

You laugh at the comment, prompting her to do the same. Deciding that this little pampering session of yours is complete, you decide to finally get off of her. However, just before you can do so, the door to the bedroom opens. You feel both yourself and Pipp freeze in place as a pair of eyes bores into the back of your head.

“...Oh. Erm. Well. I, uh, suppose I should have expected this.”

You slowly turn your head to see Pipp’s mother, Queen Haven, staring at the two of you with red cheeks. Considering that Pipp is lying on her back in an obvious state of bliss while you’re knelt over the top of her, you can only imagine what this must look like. You feel yourself breaking into a cold sweat as she nervously clears her throat.

“Well, I suppose you’re both adults capable of making your own decisions. Just, er… use protection, please. I joke about having grandfoals, but I’d prefer if you two were married before–”


“Yes, good idea!”

Without another word, Haven quickly shuffles back out through the door before practically slamming it shut behind her.



“So… your mom definitely thinks we’re–”

“Yeah, well, maybe she’ll think twice before coming into my room without knocking next time.”

You look down at Pipp. The blissful mood that she was in has completely disappeared. She scrunches up her nose in a huff as she looks to the side. After a moment, you smile to yourself and reach out to her with an outstretched finger. She looks back at you just in time to see you boop her snoot again. Just like before, her face quickly goes red, but right as she is about to open her mouth to say something, you interrupt her by pressing your lips against hers.

Unlike last time, you make no effort to be gentle. This kiss is long and passionate. Without breaking it, you wrap both of your arms around her small form and pull her up against you, holding her tight against your chest as she moans softly into your mouth. She wraps her legs around you to keep herself in place, and you even feel her freshly groomed tail wrap around your leg.

You’re not sure how long the two of you hold the kiss. What you do know is that once you finally part, you’re both gasping for air.



“Wanna stay in here tonight?”

“I-I mean, if you’re okay with that.”

“Scratch that.” She grabs both of your cheeks with her soft hooves, staring at you with those passionate, loving, emerald-green eyes of hers. “You are sleeping with me tonight.”

It takes you a moment to respond as you process her words. Once your brain finally starts functioning again, you let out a single chuckle.

“As you wish, Princess.”

“And keep that brush handy,” she adds as she crawls up to the pillows on the far side of the bed. Getting comfortable on one, she looks back at you with an expression that makes your heart skip a beat. “You’ve set a dangerous precedent today. I’m expecting another pampering session in the morning.”

With a smile still on your face, you grab the brush and shuffle up to Pipp’s side, carefully setting said brush down on the nightstand next to her phone before getting comfortable yourself. It doesn’t take long before Pipp has crawled into your arms. You hold her close, relishing the warmth that her comparatively small body provides as she nuzzles in against your neck. In this moment, you realize that you’re going to have to get used to this.

Not that you’re complaining.

“Mom, why did you come to my room in the first place?”

“Oh, right! I was going to tell you that I think you accidentally started streaming last night when you meant to post a selfie.”

“W-wait, what?”

Pipp quickly looks down at her phone and confirms that she has, indeed, been live for nearly twelve hours.

“H-hey, Pipp?” You glance at your marefriend with wide eyes. “Didn’t you leave your phone on the nightstand?”

“...Oh no.”

Author's Note:

It's been a long time since I've given Pipp some love!

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Comments ( 15 )

“Don’t have too much fun in there! …Or do. Whichever gets me grandfoals faster.”

This. This was good 🤣

Great fic man. Thank you for making my Wednesday better 🙌🏽

Absolutely fabulous 👌
Love your works

Booping the snoot is lewd now? How lewed is it? Like groping lewed or handholding lewed?

You’ve been together for quite some time now, and things have been going well since your first anniversary. The general populace of Equestria has gotten used to your presence, so you’ve been able to get around with a bit more freedom than before. Your friends all approve of your relationship (Jazz has been particularly supportive on that front), and she even introduced you to her mother a few months back. Thankfully, Haven didn’t seem too phased by your whole “being a human” thing. She even remarked that the two of you are cute together.

Sensing something

SPOILER ALERT for the Ending: very familiar story from another.

Oh I need to know the fallout of that live stream because good lord is it going to be epic!

Now I gotta know the fallout and what everypony's reaction would be to the live stream. :rainbowlaugh:

This makes up for the lack of TYT today

Love this

Sweet Luna on a cheese wheel! XD Her mom walking in was priceless! ROFL

"...and that's how I got banned off of Facebuck. ANYWAYS..."

Dan #12 · March 30th · · ·

Oh, like Haven and Alphie aren't booping and petting and playing arcade games every private moment they can get.

They also rope Zoom and Thunder in to play Cyclops and Dazzler, because nopony ever wants to pick Cyclops and Dazzler.


Maybe Pipp gets revenge by leaking the pics Haven and Alphie took of the Queen Sindel cosplay Haven is working on for the next con.

Oh no,

That's going to get pip banned from the streaming site XD

... Why is it that the book cover face is so funny

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