• Published 25th Mar 2024
  • 1,440 Views, 13 Comments

Ms. Mare: Convicted Crotch Sniffer - Kassaz

Rarity makes a new friend at Crotch Sniffers Anonymous, a meeting to which she was sentenced after non-consensually sniffing the crotch of Anonymous the human. It seems to be a growing problem.

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The Chat

“Our mothers built this nation, but do we get thanks? No!!!” Rarity shook her head as she let that last word escape her, spilling some of her drink. “Instead now we get saddled with even more responsibilities and laws. Did you know there’s a law against mares masturbating in public, but not stallions? Honestly.”

The two mares had been talking for hours by now, and Luna’s moon had replaced her sister’s sun.

“Well, has a stallion ever masturbated in public here? I think I would’ve heard about it, or seen a photograph, if that had happened.”

Rarity downed her last cup of coffee and sighed. “That’s besides the point, sister. It just ruffles my fur to get in trouble for giving into my baser urges, for just a few moments, or minutes. I’m not made of stone! Uhh, I’d never have a bad mane day if I were made of stone.” Ms. Mare hummed in agreement, as she’d been doing for hours by now, and Rarity fell back on her chaise lounge.

“Do you think he does it on purpose?” Rarity craned her head to get a good look at Ms. Mare.

Rarity hadn’t considered that before.

“That would make sense.” Rarity’s magic started playing with her lip. “After all, it always seems to happen at the most inopportune of circumstances. Maybe you’re onto something, Mare.” Ms. Mare hummed in agreement again.

“Do you think maybe he’s trying to send us a message? You know, playing hard to get?” Ms. Mare still had that relaxed look on her face.

“Hmm, I hadn’t considered that either, darling, but you’re making a lot of sense.” Rarity rolled over so she could stand when she felt like it. “Although are you implying what I think you’re implying, Mare?”

“Yeah. So, care to join me?” They were staring at each other now, Rarity blinking more often than Ms. Mare was.

Rarity hopped off her lounge and stretched. “Well, I’m not going to sleep anytime soon, so sure.” She started poring through her outfits resting on hangers around them, aiming for the kind of baggy clothing that covers a lot of a pony, and then getting an idea so devious she rubbed her hooves together and stuck out her tongue with a grin. She settled on a costume meant to resemble the worst of the worst of the previous generation. “It almost occurred to me to dress fashionably, as always, but what better disguise than something ghastly, don’t you agree, darling?” Rarity was wearing baggy neon pants and some manner of checkerboard design on her front half, with much of her mane bunched up in a baseball cap. “Now then, would you like anything, a balaclava perhaps?”

Ms. Mare said she wanted to keep her nose uncovered, and left it at that.