• Published 25th Mar 2024
  • 2,373 Views, 52 Comments

They're Not Bugs, They're Features - RunicTreetops

Having a family of changelings isn't always easy, but it IS worth it.

  • ...


Terga groans as she takes a seat at the kitchen table. She’s up bright and early, something that is unusual for her. It’s even more strange today specifically, seeing as it’s a Saturday and she has an opportunity to sleep in.

Across from her sits her father, who sips at a steaming cup of coffee while reading the morning paper. Chrysalis had an overnight stay at the Changeling Hive last night due to Thorax wanting to keep his advisors close during a diplomatic meeting with the griffons. As a result, she won’t be home until the evening.

The room is quiet, with the silence eventually being broken by the crinkling sound of the newspaper being lowered as Anon takes a look at his youngest child.

“Good morning, Terga.”

“Morning, Dad.” Her voice is a grumble, clearly still fatigued from having just woken up.

“You’re up early,” he quietly observes with an amused smile creeping across his face. “Got plans for the day?”

“Well, I wanted to talk to Mom, but I guess she’s not here.”

“She should be back later tonight. Is something going on?”

“N-no. Nothing you need to hear about, at least.”

Anon raises an eyebrow at that.

“Should I be concerned?”

“Nah. You wouldn’t be able to help me anyway.”

“You sure?”

After hesitating for a moment, Terga sighs.

“Yeah. You don’t know how to fight, so–”

“Fight?” Anon raises an eyebrow as he takes another sip of his coffee. “What’s this about?”

Terga clicks her tongue.

“You wouldn’t get it.”

“Look, Terga. I don’t like sticking my nose in your business when I don’t have to, but you can’t just say something like that to me and not elaborate. You’re not getting bullied or anything, are you?”

“Hah!” Terga lets out a hearty laugh before covering her mouth, realizing she might wake her siblings up if she’s too loud. “First of all, I don’t think there are a whole lot of bullies at a place called ‘The School of Friendship.’ Second of all, even if there were, they wouldn’t be able to do a thing to me.”

To accentuate her point, Terga flexes the muscles in one of her legs. It’s difficult to tell due to her being a chitin-covered changeling, but Anon gets the idea. He lets out a chuckle before responding once more.

“You take after your mother. But, that still doesn’t explain why you’re interested in fighting.”

“Ugh.” Terga looks away as her cheeks start to darken. When she speaks again, her voice is a mumble. “I lost a fight to Tarsus.”

“I’m sorry, what was that?”

“I lost a fight to Tarsus, damn it!”

“Language.” Anon stares at his daughter for a moment, who continues to look away. Her face has contorted into a pout, with her purple cheeks puffed and her brow furrowed. It’s downright adorable, but it’d be a terrible idea to say that out loud. “Anyway, you lost to Tarsus.”

“Yeah. And I shouldn’t have.” Terga takes a deep breath in an effort to compose herself, much like her father does in stressful situations. After a quiet moment, she looks back at him with serious eyes. “He doesn’t put any work in. Just because he was born bigger than me, he thinks he’s hot sh– stuff. I’ve been working out every day to surpass him, and it’s just… not enough.”

She puts her chin on the table with a defeated “tsk.”

“Hey, you’ve been doing great! You’ve already passed up two of your older siblings!”

“Gena is a runt, and Canthus… well, even if he was strong, I don’t think he has the heart to fight me with everything he’s got. He’s too nice. So, they don’t really count.”

“I can help you, you know. You’ve got the strength already, now all you need is the technique.”

“That’s a bunch of crock and you know it, Dad. You’ve seen how thick Tarsus’s skin is. He could just stand there and let me wail on him and I still wouldn’t be able to do anything. Nah, I just lack the brute strength to break through him.” She slouches in her chair as her eyes drift the floor. “It’d be great if the gym would stop turning me away for being ‘too young.’”

“...Heh.” Terga looks up at her father, who smiles wistfully at nothing in particular as he takes another sip of his coffee. “You’re a chip off the old block, that’s for sure.”

“I seriously doubt Mom was like me when she was younger.”

“No, she certainly wasn’t. But I was.”

Terga snorts.

“You?! How in Equestria could you relate? No offense, but you’re not much of a fighter either, Dad.”

“First of all, that’s not entirely true. Second of all, I don’t mean the fighting thing.” Anon sets his now-empty mug on the table before leaning forward and resting his head in his hands, smiling gently as he begins his story. “When I was a kid, I really wanted to be good at basketball.”

“What’s basketball?”

“A sport for creatures with hands.” Anon smiles as he flexes his fingers for emphasis. “Anyway, I joined a local team when I was in elementary school, even younger than you. Heh, I had so much fun back then.”

“Let me guess. You weren’t good at it?”

“Nope, not even remotely. I remember my coach keeping me on the bench until our team was either so far ahead or so far behind that the game had basically already been decided nearly every time I played. It was… humiliating. And it definitely wasn’t very fun.”

“Is this supposed to make me feel better?”

“Cool your jets, we’re getting there.” Anon raises his hands innocently as his playful grin only grows. “Anyway, I knew something needed to change, and I knew it wasn’t going to be everyone else. So, I started practicing.”

“Did the gym tell you you were too young?”

“Yes, actually!”

“...” Terga sits upright, her head tilting as she suddenly finds herself much more invested. “W-wait, you actually tried the same thing I did?”

“Sure did. And without being able to work on my muscles, I worked on my form. Saved up enough money for my own ball, started frequenting the local basketball court in the park, and just… practiced. Day after day after day. I’d go to school, practice with the team, then head to the park and practice some more. On the days I had off, I’d be there from sunrise to sunset, just shooting basket after basket. Soon enough, I’d gotten pretty darn good at it.”

“And then what?”

“Then I was better than most of my teammates.”


“Most. Some were just, well, better. Faster, more dexterous, better at shooting, you name it. Heh, then middle school came along and we all went through puberty. Next thing I knew, even the teammates that basically never practiced were a head or two taller than me. I couldn’t make a shot to save my life.”

“So, what? I’m just supposed to give up?”

“...I realized I needed to change my approach.” Anon continues without answering Terga’s question. “Brute force wasn’t going to cut it. I couldn’t just be good at shooting. I needed technique. I needed to be able to make up for the advantages everyone else had over me. So, that was exactly what I did.”

“I think I’m lost.”

“I stopped focusing on trying to outperform everyone else.” Anon lowers his voice as he keeps his eyes trained on his daughter’s. “I was never going to be taller than them, and I probably wasn’t going to be stronger, either. If I wanted to beat them, I had to outmaneuver them. Outsmart them.” He taps the side of his head with one finger. “And that’s exactly what I did.”

“I…” Once more, Terga sighs. “I don’t get it.”

“Well, why don’t I show you what I mean when your mother gets home?”


“Trust me.” He gives her a playful wink as he stands from the kitchen table. “Anyway, what do you want for breakfast?”

Terga and Anon stand across from each other in the backyard. The sun is beginning to set, and Terga has been antsy to see what her father has planned all day. While she wears nothing (as usual), he is dressed in a baggy tank top and comfortable-looking basketball shorts.

Around them is the rest of their family. Chrysalis leans against the house with a blank look on her face, though the twinkle in her eye gives away her amusement at the sight unfolding before her. Tarsus yawns as he tries to contain his boredom. Canthus and Gena sit next to each other, eagerly anticipating whatever mysterious event is about to take place. Finally, Seta stands off to the side, her stifled grin indicating that she already has a pretty good idea of what’s about to happen.

“So?” Terga feels herself growing tense despite not knowing what’s happening. “What’s this big idea of yours?”

“Fight me, Terga.”


Terga’s eyes practically bulge out of her head. Gena and Canthus gasp while Tarsus finally starts paying attention.

“Come at me with everything you have.”

“D-Dad, I can’t do that. Tarsus is one thing, but I don’t want to hurt you!”

“Hey!” Tarsus shouts from the sidelines.

“Bold of you to assume you can hurt me.”

“I really don’t mean this as an insult, but you’re… soft! Squishy!”

“True, I’m not your mother. But that’s also not the point here.”

“What is the point? For me to beat the snot out of you? Is this some misguided attempt at giving me my confidence back?”

“If it were, you’d be able to land a hit.”

“...Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” Anon beckons towards himself as a cocky grin spreads across his face. Not only is Terga gullible, she’s easily goaded. While he appreciates her hesitation to hurt him, this is the quickest way to get things moving. “You couldn’t put a scratch on me if you tried.”

“...Are you sure about this?” There’s a growl to her voice, and Anon knows she’s taken the bait. “Because once I get started, no take backs.”

“Positive.” Anon bends his knees, taking a stance his children have never seen. “Come at me.”

Terga stops hesitating. The second her father confirmed that he intended to fight, she was ready to leap into action. Literally. From a standing position, she throws herself at him as fast as her body will take her. As it turns out, this is extremely fast, giving Anon less than a second to react before her hoof meets his stomach. One way or another, she’s landing that hit.

Or so she thought.

Terga blinks as she skids along the grass. There’s silence for a moment as a breeze picks up. In front of her, there’s nothing but empty yard. Slowly, she turns her head. Sure enough, her dad stands behind her, his arms folded across his chest.

Without a word, Terga spins in place. Her eyes focus, the vivid green color within them practically glowing. If it were darker outside, they would look like they’re leaving a trail of light behind them.

With speed that would impress a Wonderbolt, Terga drives a hoof directly into Anon’s chest. This time, she focuses carefully on his entire body, watching for any movement whatsoever. The fact that he does end up moving is not surprising. What is surprising is the manner in which he does so. Just as her hoof is less than an inch away from his chest, he turns at an angle. Said hoof then glides along the angle that is being pulled away at the same speed she’s throwing her punch, carrying her weight in the exact direction that he decided. At this point, she’s already committed to the attack. She can’t stop herself.

Her body continues forward. She tries to pull back in an attempt to recover more quickly, but it’s too late. She feels two arms grab her from behind, with the elbows holding onto her front legs. She is pulled towards Anon’s chest, her back pressed flat against his stomach while her front legs are held still by those elbows. She instinctively begins kicking her hind legs, but she can’t put much power into those kicks when restrained like this. She tries in vain to flap her wings, but they’re already squished against his chest.

In a matter of seconds, she has been completely and utterly defeated.

There’s a moment of silence as everyone tries to process what just occurred. A knowing smile spreads across Chrysalis’s face while Terga’s siblings are a mixture of shocked and confused. Slowly, Anon releases his grip on his daughter.

“We’re done here.” Terga lands safely on the ground, gently flapping her wings as she does so. She takes a moment to catch her breath before turning back around to look at her father. “You okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“...” There’s an awkward silence for a few seconds. Anon feels a weight begin to settle in his chest, but the feeling is cut short when Terga begins to laugh. “Only my pride.”

“Do you get what I was going for?”

“...Yeah. Yeah, I think so. It’s about technique, right?”

“Work smarter, not harder.”

“I still want to get stronger, though.”

“And that’s fine! So long as you keep in mind that brute force isn’t going to solve all of your problems.”

“So,” Chrysalis flatly remarks as she approaches the pair. “That’s what this was all about.”

“Mom! W-would you be willing to train me?”

“I’ve already been training you.”

“W-well, yeah, but I want to do more! I want to get stronger!” She turns to Anon with a warm smile. “In more ways than one, I guess.”

“...Very well.” Chrysalis stands tall, the flippant smile she’d been wearing falling away in favor of a flat, serious expression. “But I won’t go easy on you, you know.”

“Yes!” She pumps a hoof into the air and leaps towards the sky, getting a few seconds of hovering in before falling back to the ground.

“Everyone hear that?” Terga freezes as her mother addresses her siblings. “If anyone wants extra training, you can join your sister and I in the mornings. 6:00 sharp.”


“Hell yeah!” Tarsus steps forward, an excited grin on his face. “I’ve always wanted soldier training! Just like the old hive!”

“It won’t be quite like that, but don’t expect it to be easy.”

“Um, Mom?” Terga pokes at her mother’s leg with an uncharacteristically sheepish disposition. “I was, uh, kinda hoping it’d be just the two of us.”

“That wouldn’t be very fair, would it?”

“B-but I wanted to beat Tarsus!”

“Then use what you’ve learned today. I’m not your only parent.”

Chrysalis turns and begins to head back inside, leaving Terga to ponder her words. She looks up at Anon, who smiles back at her.

“He’s right there, Terga.”

“W-wait, can I?”

“If he’s up for it. We’re outside, after all.”

“...Hey, Tarsus!”

“What do you want, dweeb?”

“I demand a rematch of yesterday!”

“Pfft. Sure! I’ll take you on anytime!”

“How about right now, then?!”

“Bring it on!”

Without another word, Terga flings herself at her older brother. He’s seen this attack before, and with a cocky grin, he puffs up his chest. She can’t break through his thick skin and they both know it. Once again, he’s going to come out on top.

He barely has time to yelp before Terga switches her attack mid-approach, opting to instead willingly fall onto the grass. With her weight carrying her forward, she slides beneath the hefty Tarsus. Using that momentum, she kicks with all of her might. The next thing he knows, he’s been flipped onto his back. He can’t even struggle before Terga pins him down. Try though he might, he can’t get that stocky body of his out from beneath her.

“I’d say Terga is the winner here,” Seta remarks with a sly grin as she walks past the pair. “Better luck next time, Tarsus!”

“Y-you got lucky!”

“Get used to saying that, loser.”

After sticking her tongue out as a playful, cocky gesture, Terga hops off of Tarsus, gives her father a thankful smile, and follows her sister inside. A few seconds later, Canthus and Gena follow as well.

“Ugh. What the hell?!” Tarsus’s voice is practically a whine as he struggles to stand up. It isn’t until Anon offers him a hand that he’s able to get back on his hooves. “Thanks, I guess.”

“You sound bitter.”

“...Terga isn’t supposed to beat me.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m her older brother, not to mention bigger than her! This shouldn’t happen!”

“Tarsus, you’ve seen how hard she works. She’s been training for this. I don’t mean to sound rude, but the same isn’t true for you.”

“But she still wasn’t strong enough to beat me. And that was just yesterday!” He rubs his temple and lets out a frustrated groan. “I can’t let her catch up to me.”

“You want to try sparring with me, too? I sure as heck didn’t teach her that power slide move she used on you, but it sure looked to be inspired by our bout.”

“Nah. I doubt I could pull that off, anyway.”

“Maybe. But that’s the whole point of training.” Anon pokes him on the forehead, causing him to blink in confusion. “Use your strengths to your advantage.”

“...Why are you helping me, anyway?”


“You were just helping Terga figure out how to beat me. Why switch sides now?”

“I’m not on her side. I’m on all of your sides. It really doesn’t matter to me who beats who, I just want to see you all reach your goals.”

“And if our goals don’t line up with each other?”

“Whether they line up or not, it’s up to you to follow through with them. I’m just here to push you in the right direction.” Anon gives his son a warm smile as he takes a few steps back. “So. Wanna take a stab at your old man?”

Tarsus stares blankly at Anon. From his perspective, everything with Terga happened so fast. One moment, she was getting served by their father, who isn’t even supposed to be all that strong. The next, she has him of all changelings pinned to the ground in a matter of seconds.

Maybe his dad is on to something.

With a smile and a nod, Tarsus lowers himself and takes a fighting stance.

“Good. Let’s get started, then!”

Author's Note:

Is it Terga Time?

I think it's Terga Time.