• Published 4th May 2024
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Flurry Heart's Story: The Ghost of Grogar - AleximusPrime

While Spike has a night out with his siblings, Flurry Heart and her friends have a sleepover in the now-renovated Harmony Clubhouse tree, but their bickering welcomes in a very powerful ghost that seeks to turn them all against one another.

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1. An Ancient Evil Returns


1980 Anno Harmony
(days before Princess Twilight Sparkle’s coronation)

Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow stared in horror as Twilight Sparkle and all her friends glowed with light. Twilight continued to deliver her passionate speech about friendship before they met their defeat.

“Now I truly understand! The Elements were just symbols! The real magic has always been right here! And the more who understand how powerful friendship is, the stronger we will all be! Together!”

Three separate rainbow beams emitted from the Pillars of Equestria, the students, and Twilight’s friends. They met Twilight in the center and filled her with power. She shot a beam in the sky that disintegrated the windigoes and cleared the dark clouds.

“This is bad. Isn’t it?” Cozy Glow said.

The beam arced downward and hit the trio of villains, absorbing all the magic they had taken from Grogar’s bell. It would have normally been returned back to those it was taken from, but this magic was different. It belonged to someone else. The only other magic left inside the bell was that of Discord, Celestia, and Luna’s, which was not being used at the moment. The bell appeared to turn off and fall to the ground. Unbeknownst to anyone, something terrible had just happened: something with the potential to doom Equestria.

The magic was returned to the bell and completed an enchantment that had been cast on it over a thousand years ago. There was something inside waiting to be freed, and now it could finally leave its prison. The bell landed on the ground. It bounced and rolled over, while making one last deafening ring. After it settled on the grass, black sludge slowly leaked out like blood. The sludge sat on the dirt for a moment and then began to move in a lifelike manner, creeping through the grass. A head formed at the end farthest from the bell and opened to reveal a mouth and two glowing yellow eyes. It looked back to see one of the ponies grab the bell while no one else was watching. Pinkie Pie did not see what had come out of it. No one could.

The sludge continued creeping through the grass and hid behind a small branch on the ground. It listened as Queen Chrysalis cursed the ponies that had just defeated them. It sat still for a moment and felt energy flowing through the air. Someone had just cast a powerful chaos magic spell. The apparition looked up to see tiny orbs of light floating around. It smiled and began to chomp away at the particles. It grew bigger and took on a more smoke-like form. On the other side of the branch, a huge cupcake fell down on top of the trio. Discord’s chaos magic from the bell was at work. That spell produced more magic leftovers. The particles descended once again and the apparition consumed them. It slithered away and began to laugh quietly in a deep, demonic voice.

It continued until it reached the forest nearby and rested next to a tree. It watched as the princesses used their magic to get rid of the cupcake, while Discord turned the trio into stone. Little did all of these beings know: they were feeding this demonic entity with each spell they cast. The apparition laughed again and ate more particles. It was slightly bigger and had now grown two curly horns out of its head. Its face was more defined and resembled a sheep with sharp fangs and sideways slit pupils. The rest of its body was still a cloud of smoke waving around as it moved through the air. It crept through the forest before it and became one with the darkness. It spread outward like smoke filling a room, still laughing and slithering like an eel through water.

The apparition continued through the forest and all around Canterlot Mountain. It encountered more particles to feed on and grew bigger and more powerful, though it chose to keep its size at a minimum and not attract any attention.

Finally came the night. The apparition climbed to the top of the mountain and settled down. He looked out at the horizon, taking in his surroundings and observing the land he once ruled.

“So this is modern Equestria. How lovely. Much has changed I see…but then again, not so much. Heheheh. Silly little ponies; they really thought they could keep me away all this time.”

The apparition then transported itself inside the Canterlot throne room, invisible and undetected by any other creature. It observed the stained glass windows depicting all the villains that had risen against Equestria and were defeated.

“I see Nightmare Moon has already been dealt with. And my old friend Accord…such a pity what has become of you, though I did not anticipate how useful you could actually be in this new form of yours. Of course I cannot face you like this. I must acquire more magic. It will take years. That is all right. I’ve waited over a millennium for my freedom.”

Finally it appeared in the Canterlot garden and stopped in front of the statue of the villainous trio that had just been imprisoned.

“Who knew these three fools would be the ones to find the bell. Even Gusty’s spell was not enough to protect it. Their cooperation freed the bell, and now they have freed me. Now that this new princess Twilight Sparkle is around, perhaps I should allow her time before I have a little fun. The changeling, the centaur and the child will be released another day. Their return and subsequent defeat will only empower me. I see these ponies have been busy. Good. They’ve left behind plenty of morsels. The magic flows through the air even now. I can feel it making me stronger. There will be limitations to what I can do, but I am not alone. Now I must find my herald, Bray. I sense he may be in danger.”

The Ghost of Grogar

1989 Anno Harmony
(The Present)

The citizens of Ponyville walked through town that fine morning. It had been several days since Queen Chrysalis’s takeover of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich’s wedding and her ensuing defeat. Pinkie and Cheese were now on their honeymoon, and everypony else was still dealing with the aftermath. There was still much work to be done, repairing the town, but the entire populace pitched in to help out. Princess Twilight Sparkle even instructed a regimen of national guards to keep an eye on the town to make sure there were no changelings left over. Even Discord stuck around to help out. Things were already going back to normal and the threat of the evil changeling queen and her army had been relinquished.

The tree Tirek planted where Golden Oaks Library once stood was now finally completed for the children. Twilight Sparkle had set aside funds to hire a team of contractor ponies to renovate it. They had finished chiseling out windows, doors, stairs and other improvements on the inside to make it as livable as the library once was. They even put toys, games and other novelties in the living room and a bedroom in the second floor towards the top for sleepovers. There was a small kitchen in the ground floor with snacks and a working refrigerator. On the outside were decks to walk out on, swings and a large slide. As promised, the tree was converted into a clubhouse for Flurry Heart and her friends to use for get-togethers and pastime.

After some deliberation, Spike had been convinced to let them spend an all-nighter in it. Flurry stood there with all her friends, waiting. Joining them were Spike and all his four siblings. Spike had already finished touring the inside of the clubhouse before everyone else arrived. He was emotional after being reminded of the old library he and Twilight once lived in, but he fought back his tears and did his best to check everything inside and make sure it was safe for the kids. The contractors left the clubhouse and took some tools with them.

“Well Princess, we hope we did it justice,” said a foreman stallion as he removed his hard hat in respect.

“We got all the books, games, toys and furniture we could think of to spice up the place,” said a worker next to him. “Let us know if there’s anything you’d like added. We’d be happy to help.”

“Thank you so much, sirs,” Flurry said, bowing respectfully.

“You guys did fantastic,” Spike told the workers. “It really brings back memories of Golden Oaks Library. I’m getting misty-eyed just looking at it. I’ll have to bring Twilight by some time, but for now, the kids have really been itching to give this place a try.”

“You bet we have! This place looks so cool!” Storm Streak squealed joyfully.

“We really appreciate it, guys. We’ll let you know if we need anything else,” Pound Cake told them.

The worker ponies all waved to them, as the kids waved back and said goodbye. Flurry and her friends then turned to Spike and all his siblings.

“Now, Flurry, are you sure you guys will be okay in here by yourselves tonight?” Spike asked, as he knelt down to Flurry’s level.

“Yes, Spike. You don’t have to worry about a thing. We already celebrated your and Buttercream’s birthday yesterday with everyone. Now it’s time for you go celebrate with your siblings.”

“Yeah, we got this, Spike!” Pumpkin Cake chimed in.

“They’ll be okay, Spike,” Buttercream told her brother. “There are still some national guardponies sticking around Ponyville, but I’m pretty sure that spell that Flurry’s parents did took care of all the other changelings. Nothing’s getting to these kids.”

“You sure you don’t want me to send over Starlight or Sunburst?” Spike asked Flurry again. “I could at least have somepony come by every hour or so to check just to make sure you’re-”

“Spike, come on. Everything’s gonna be all right,” Barb said, patting her little brother on the head.

“Yeah, these kids are built of tough stuff,” Scorch added.

“I know, it’s just…I’m a little nervous about leaving her like this, especially after last weekend.”

“Did you have Princess Twilight’s permission to do it?” asked Singe.

“Yeah, she said it’s fine, and there’s a lot more protection around town to make sure no changelings return; I just want to be sure she’ll be alright.”

“We’ll be fine, Spike,” Apple Chip said, putting his arm around his sister.

“Yeah. We’ve got this,” Annie Smith added.

“Well…all right,” Spike said, anxiously. “Just remember to lock all the windows and doors at night. Also, turn off all the lights when you go to bed. And no scary movies or late snacks. And be in bed by at least ten o’clock. Oh, and don’t leave the oven on for more than…er, wait…that’s right; there’s no oven. They installed a microwave instead.”

Flurry rolled her eyes and giggled, as she pushed Spike over the ground toward his siblings.

“Spike, we’ve got this, okay?” she told him. “Now go have some fun with your family, eat lots of cake, open presents and play some Ogres and Oubliettes.”

“Ooooh! We’re gonna play O&O?! I love that game!” Buttercream said, hopping up and down next to Spike.

“What’s Ogres and Oblia…oblio…uh…what’s that supposed to be?” asked Scorch.

“It’s a game Nightwatch and his friends showed me how to play back when I was little! And as luck would have it, Spike does campaigns with Discord and Big Macintosh every so often! We can show you guys how to play! Lily and Aster are huge fans too!”

“So your Eastern Drake friends Lily and Aster are going to make it after all?” asked Spike.

“Yup! They said they could come! You’re gonna love them, Spike! Lily’s such a sweet girl and she’s really smart. Oh and Aster’s a real character. He’s so funny!”

“And is Princess Billow going to make it too?” asked Barb.

“Oh! That’s right! Billow also knows how to play O&O!”

“Billow’s coming? Er…I mean, that’s nice of her to show up,” Scorch said, bashfully.

“That’s right, bro!” Singe teased. “Princess Thunder-Thighs' gonna be there for you to ogle at!”

“All right, that’ll do, Singe,” Barb laughed, rubbing Singe’s head.

As they all chatted, Spike looked back to see the kids still waving to him as he waved back. He still didn’t feel right leaving them alone this night, but Twilight trusted him with it, so he did his best to stop worrying and enjoy his time off. He finally turned away and continued down the street with his family.

“He does look a bit worried. I hope he doesn’t have a panic attack or anything,” said Flurry.

“I don’t blame him with the recent invasion, but we’ll be fine,” said Pound.

“Yeah, we’re gonna have fun tonight and no one’s gonna stop us!” said Stormy.

“That’s right! We’re all friends after all and nothing can go wrong as long as we stick together!” Pumpkin added, exuberantly.

Flurry then noticed Melody Heartsong and Cozy Glow approaching them.

“Hey kids!” said Melody.

“Oh, hey, Melody! Hey Cozy Glow!” Flurry called back.

“Hey. We heard the clubhouse was finished. Is it true you’re all going to spend the night in there?” Cozy asked.

“Sure are! Would you like to join us?”

“Well…I mean if it isn’t too much trouble or anything…”

“You can come in, Cozy. We’d be happy to have you,” Chip said.

“Thanks. Is Spike or someone going to be there?”

“Actually Spike’s taking the night off. He and Buttercream are celebrating their birthday with the rest of his siblings and some of her old friends,” Flurry explained.

“Oh…uh, Mom, should I try another night then?” Cozy asked Melody.

“Well, I wasn’t aware they’d be alone tonight,” Melody responded, cautiously.

“She’ll be alright with us,” Pound said.

“Yeah. Mom and Dad let me and Pound stay home alone sometimes. One time they actually got stranded in Phillydelphia after their delivery cart broke down and we actually ran the business without them for an entire workday! Craziest thing ever, right?!” Pumpkin babbled.

Cozy looked up to her mother. Melody thought for a second and then smiled.

“I guess it’s fine with me. Just take care of my little Half Note for me,” she said.

“Thanks Mom,” Cozy said, hugging her tenderly.

“We’ll look out for her, Melody,” Flurry said, as Cozy walked over to them.

“Take care, everyone!” Melody called as they all walked towards the entrance.

“Guys look!” Stormy said, opening the door. “It’s so cool in here! Come check it out!”

“We’re coming, Storm. We’re coming,” Pound giggled as everyone else followed after him.

The door shut and the sound of the children talking behind the glass windows could be heard. Unbeknownst to any of them, a dark shadowy entity was watching them from under a bush at the base of the tree. It was the same apparition that escaped from the bell almost nine years ago. Now he had his sights on the kids. He laughed quietly as he watched them through the windows.

“Such charming children. That little princess does seem rather special. She’s accomplished so much this summer in her friendship quests. Perhaps she and her friends all have the potential I’ve been looking for. I think I’ll keep a close eye on them tonight…”